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Seduced by a Demon

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Not everything is as it seems on Halloween.
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As we got out of the car, I looked at Sally and said, "I can't believe I let you talk me into this!"

She laughed. "Relax! It's Halloween! We'll have fun. I promise I will never leave you alone." She gave me a sly grin. "Unless you ask me to!"

"I'm a married woman, remember?" I laughed. "You're really getting into your role, aren't you?"

Sally was dressed in a red thong leotard, fishnet stockings and CFM heels. She wore a hair band with short, red horns. She chuckled, "Well, if you party with the devil..."

A man opened the door as we walked up. He was ... big. Tall, broad shoulders, muscular arms and a slim waist. I was trying to figure out his costume. He was in a black dressing gown, with a blood-red ascot. He wasn't wearing a mask; instead, he seemed to be wearing some very subtle makeup. His eyebrows did not arch, but went up at the sides. His skin was unnaturally white and his lips were dark red. The overall effect was exotic and supernatural, but sexy.

He gave Sally a hug. "Sally, you little devil! You look great! I see you brought a friend."

He turned to me and smiled. "Well, well, what have we here?" he said.

"My name's Elaine," I said. "I'm a witch." I was dressed in a short low-cut black top and a long diaphanous skirt, and wore a short, pointed hat. The skirt had an elastic waist, so I could wear it a bit low on my hips, exposing a lot of my midriff. It was a lot sexier than I felt comfortable with, but it was the only costume I had. I wore it last year, but then I was with my husband. He was away on a business trip and wouldn't be back for another week.

"And a very saucy one at that! I'm very pleased to meet you, Elaine," he said in a deep, sexy voice. "My name is Nick. I'm a demon. Please come in."

He took Sally's hand and led us to a large living room. There was a bucket with a bottle of white wine and three glasses. I realized that Sally hadn't actually said there would be more guests. I was going to have a talk with her! "Care for some wine?" Nick asked. We nodded, he poured and handed us our glasses.

"A toast," he said, raising his glass. "To friends, old and new."

It was an excellent wine - I don't think I've ever had anything better. A waltz began to play, and he extended his hand to Sally. She smiled, and they danced across the room. He was an excellent dancer, and Sally's smile told me how much she was enjoying it.

When the dance ended, he extended his hand to me as another waltz started. In his arms, I felt I was gliding on air as we flowed across the room. I gazed into his eyes and realized he must be wearing contacts as part of his costume, as his irises were jet black, so you couldn't see the pupils. I couldn't help staring at them, the effect was so unusual. The waltz ended and a slow dance started. As he pulled me closer, I could no longer see his eyes, but I could feel them looking at me. I realized I was getting a little hot.

I snuggled into him, feeling his gentle warmth and the soft silk of his robe. The music filled my head - a song I had never heard but with an intoxicating melody. I found myself getting excited, as I felt his hard muscles under my hand. I drew closer, until my nipples were barely brushing his chest. His hands were on the bare skin of my back, and then drifted up under my top. It felt so good!

As our dance became more intense, Sally came to me and whispered, "Are you alright? Shall I leave you two alone?"

"God, yes," I heard myself say. "I've never been more alright."

The music seemed to grow louder as he pulled me even closer to him. His hands were on my ass as he pulled me into the hard bulge under his robe. Then he slipped his hands under the waistband of my skirt and eased it down over my hips. He moved back enough to let it fall to the floor, and I whimpered from the loss of contact. I pushed myself into him, feeling his hardness again, and I sighed in contentment.

Nick stepped back and undid the buttons on my top with practiced ease, never taking his eyes from mine. I was trapped in his gaze, and quivered as my top fell off, leaving me in only my panties and shoes. Then his lips were on mine as I felt myself being picked up. I didn't care where he was taking me - his lips were all I knew, until I found myself on his bed.

He untied the sash around his waist and the gown slipped off. He was naked and hard, and I watched in frozen fascination as he climbed onto the bed. Then he was on me, kissing me and rubbing my breasts and my pussy. He moved between my legs, and I squealed as he yanked off my panties. Then his mouth was on me, rough and demanding, and I gasped in pleasure. Just as I felt myself about to come, he pulled back and suddenly my pussy was filled with his cock, and I came explosively.

He gently licked my nipples and ground into me while I recovered. As I started to respond, he began picking up his pace. He growled as he pounded furiously into me. I was helpless, his to do with as he pleased. So powerful! I cried out as I came, but he kept pounding, driving me higher, dominating me completely. He sped up even more, short quick strokes, then he let out a feral roar like a lion, and I felt him spurt into me. I came too, and wrapped my legs around him, holding him tightly as I whimpered.

"You're mine," he growled.

I managed a soft moan.

"Say it, Elaine," he breathed, his urgency plunging into my very soul. "Say it. You're mine."

"I'm yours, Nick. God help me, I'm yours," I gasped weakly, and collapsed in a stupor.

I woke up to a wonderful feeling of a warm body pressed against my back. I smiled, but then slowly my brain began to unravel the events of last night. I was in bed with another man! I pulled away and faced him as he woke up. "Nick," I yelped. "What am I doing here?"

He smiled. "Don't you remember?"

"Well, yes. But I'm married!"

"That may be, but you're mine now. You said it. Remember?"

"But I had no intention of cheating! How did you do this?"

"I did tell you I was a demon. That's what we do."

"I thought it was a costume!"

He chuckled. "That was very clever of Sally. That was the best transfer I've ever had!"

"Sally did this on purpose?"

"It was the only way she could leave me. She had been mine for six months now, and, while she loved it, she felt it was time to move on. She needs to find a human mate."

"Well, it didn't work. I'm not yours!"

He laughed. "Sure you are."

He touched me, and I felt myself go weak. He looked into my eyes and kissed me, and I realized he was right. I was powerless to resist. My pussy gushed, and he rolled me on my back and entered me. Unlike last night, our lovemaking was gentle and loving. After we came, I lay there stroking his chest as he lay beside me. I looked at his cock, and leaned over and kissed it. I smiled and took him in my mouth and gently suckled it. Soon he was hard, and I straddled him and rode him until I came again. I collapsed on top of him and he gently stroked my back.

"You see, my dear, you can't resist me. Whenever I want you, you will feel a pull. It will become stronger and stronger until you come to me. The longer you delay, the more orgasms you will need before you can leave."

He stood and picked me up. He lowered me onto his cock and I wrapped my arms and legs around him. He pushed me against the wall as he pounded me, roaring his lust as I screamed in ecstasy. We came together in a furious rush, and we collapsed onto his bed.

He petted me as he said, "We will spend the whole day together, and I will show you all the ways of love; things you have never done. Tonight, you will go home, until the next time I need you. Sally will cover for you, if necessary. You will have experiences that most people never dream of."

Nick drove me home late that night, and I barely managed to make it to my bed before I fell asleep, exhausted. I was awakened the next morning by an insistent ringing of my doorbell. I found Sally there. She was gushing. "So, tell me about it. Isn't he incredible?"

"Damn you, Sally! How could you do this to me?"

"Oh, don't be that way. Admit it - that was the most wonderful day of your life!"

"Well, yes. But now I'm bound to a fucking demon!"

"Literally! Which means you will have many more experiences like that. Don't worry. Yes, you're at his beck and call, but there's some flexibility. You don't have to go instantly. You'll have time to arrange something, and I'll cover for you. You can go to him any time of the day or night, and he will always be there. I guarantee you will never leave unsatisfied."

"So why didn't you stay with him?"

"I met this guy at work, and I want to see if something will develop. I want to have a long-term relationship, marriage, kids, the whole thing. It would be hard to grow a relationship with a human while I'm getting supernatural sex on a regular basis."

"But what's it going to be like when I try to make love to Andy?"

"I'm sure it will be alright. You love him. I think that's what will matter."

"But how do I get rid of Nick?"

"You have to do what I did. You have to bring him a replacement. She has to be young and beautiful, and Nick will take care of the rest. But meanwhile, enjoy what you have. Once you leave, you will never be able to go back."

"I guess that makes sense. I mean, I already crossed the line. And Andy will still be gone for a while..."

"That's the spirit. Now I have a confession to make. When my waltz ended, I felt our connection break, and I knew I was free. Suddenly, I felt a pang of sadness, a sense of great loss. I didn't leave the room right away. I saw how you were pressing up against him, and I knew you were under his spell. I watched the end of your dance. I saw him sliding your skirt off and removing your top. Your skin was flushed, your nipples were hard and your eyes were locked on him. You were squirming against him as he picked you up and took you to the bedroom. It was so hot! I will treasure that memory - the last time I saw Nick.

"But for now, tell what happened the next day. Give me the details. Dish, girl!"

I visited Nick twice more before Andy got home. Each time was only a couple of hours, but Sally was right - I always left floating on a cloud. I was nervous when Andy came home, but sex with my husband was still great. It was just as good and fulfilling as I had had before. If anything, I felt even closer to him, as I enjoyed the natural feeling of normal lovemaking.

The next few months fell into a pattern. Once or twice a week, I would feel his pull. I might be able to leave work a little early and get home a little late. Nick would always open the door naked as I approached it. I would run to the bedroom, stripping as I went. He would come to me and I would jump into his arms. He would ravish me, and we would engage in a furious fucking. When we recovered, we proceeded to other things. Maybe it would be an hour of lovemaking. Or he would lick me to several orgasms until I was begging him to fuck me. I gave him long, slow blowjobs, making love to his penis until he came in my mouth and I swallowed it eagerly. I learned how to love anal. We must have done all the positions in the Kama Sutra.

One time, the pull came on a Sunday morning just as Andy and I left on a day trip, so I couldn't go see Nick right away. It grew stronger during the day, and was pretty intense by the time we got back home. Actually, making love to Andy while feeling Nick's pull was very intense, and I pretty much wore the poor man out. I told Andy I had to go in early the next morning, but I called in sick and went to Nick's. We fucked for the whole day.

I admitted to Sally that she was right. Despite the nagging fear of discovery, these months had been intensely satisfying. But lately, Andy had been talking about having children. Obviously, I didn't want to go off the pill while I was fucking Nick. Would I be giving birth to a demon? Clearly, it was time to find a replacement.

Cher was a beautiful blond woman who had just started to work with us. She was eighteen, just out of high school. I befriended her, and learned that she was very shy around men and had never had a boyfriend. I talked it over with Nick. He was over two hundred years old, but had never had a virgin, and would be very happy to have one as a partner. He explained that he wasn't into long seductions, and virgins needed extra coaxing. He was willing to try, but I wouldn't be released until he knew he was succeeding.

I came up with a plan. I found out that Cher had never learned how to dance. I told her that dancing would be a great way to overcome her shyness with men. I mentioned that I was taking dancing lessons with a great teacher, and that he offered a free introductory lesson. We could go together, and she could try it out and see if she liked it. I promised her I would be with her the whole time.

I had talked it over with Nick. He and I would dance a waltz and a slow dance. Then he would do the same with Cher. He would make his move during the slow dance. If he succeeded, she would ask me to go and I would be free. He suggested that I come over the day before for a final time together. That way we could end our relationship with a bang, and there would be less chance that we would get carried away during our slow dance.

The next day, Andy told me he had to go out of town, and would not be home Thursday and Friday nights. Perfect! I arranged with Cher to take her to the "dance lesson" Friday night.

Thursday night, I walked through Nick's door, but I didn't rush. This would hopefully be our last time, and I didn't want to hurry. I gave him a slow, lingering kiss. I slipped off my sundress and, naked, I knelt down before him and took his hard cock in my mouth. I gave him a slow, loving blowjob. Then he took me in his arms and I melted into his embrace. We had spent our first night together having sex; we spent the last night making love.

Cher was nervous as we walked up to Nick's door. I held her hand as she met Nick. Per our plan, Nick was the perfect gentleman. He bowed over our hands and let us in to his living room. We sat down and chatted for a bit while she relaxed. He then told her he would demonstrate a couple of dances with me, and then lead her into them.

He put on a CD and took me in his arms. The waltz started, and I floated across the room while Cher watched. When the slow number started, we danced closer, but with no real body contact. Now it was Cher's turn.

She nervously took the position and the music started. I'm sure Nick was guiding her with his powers, because she did very well. Her look was ecstatic as she glided across the floor. When the slow dance started, Nick pulled her closer, and she didn't resist. She was gazing into his eyes, and I could see she was falling under his spell. He pulled her closer still, until she was pressed against him. When she started to grind herself against his cock, I went to her and asked, "Are you alright? Do you want me to leave you alone?"

She seemed to be in a trance as she gasped, "Yes, please."

Suddenly I felt a lightness, as the bond I had with Nick broke. At that instant, Cher seemed to glow with a white light, and she grew a foot taller. Nick jumped back in alarm, but Cher held his arm and laughed. "Nick, you've been a naughty boy! I think it's time I sent you where you belong."

My jaw dropped. "Cher, what are you?"

She laughed. "Didn't my name give you a clue? I'm a cherub."

"Aren't cherubs little babies with wings?"

"Those silly artists! Cherubim are angels. We are warriors, not cute babies fit only to decorate a canvas. One of our jobs is to control demons. We've been watching him for a long time, but we couldn't do anything as long as he had a human bound to him. The moment he released you we could act."

"Is he so bad? He gave me a lot of pleasure."

"Nick has demonic powers. What he did was essentially rape, although you shouldn't have let Sally take you to a Halloween party, dressed as you were, without your husband. The sex he gave you was beyond what you could get from a human.

"Over the last two centuries, he has destroyed many lives. After he releases them, many women found sex with their husbands to be unsatisfying. They had affairs, seeking what their husbands could not give them; what no human lover can. Without Nick protecting them, they were caught and lost everything they valued.

"Some women were able to return to their normal lives, of course. I hope you can be one of them, but I sense your feelings for him are very intense, especially after last night's session. That last-minute business trip your husband took so that could happen was Nick's doing. No, he isn't harmless."

Nick spoke up. "Elaine, you can save me! Just say, 'Nick, I'm yours.' We'll be bound to each other, and you'll never miss what I can give you. I'll keep you for the rest of your natural life!"

Cher smirked and said, "If you do, you know he will still get tired of you, eventually. It's in their nature to seek new victims. You will be further under his spell, and probably lose your husband and your dream of having a family. Well, you can still have a family, but your children will be demons. You will enjoy great sex, but even that will pale after a few years. You can make your own choice - as long as I'm touching him, Nick has no special power over your mind. Ah, here are the angels that will take him away."

Two clouds of light shimmered and resolved themselves into large human figures. They seemed to be made of fire. My mind was in a whirl as I looked at Nick's panic-stricken eyes. I mulled over what Cher had said. I thought of my husband, and the life we had been living before Nick, the plans we had made and the struggles we had. Then I remembered the intense pleasure Nick had given me over the last few months. I was still tingling from the glorious love-making from the night before. I looked into my heart and suddenly I knew what I wanted - what I needed. What I couldn't live without.

I gave a yell, then looked at Nick as his eyes pleaded with me. "Nick," I shouted...


It's been twenty years and I've never regretted the decision I made that day. Yes, I gave up a lot, and sometimes I dream of what might have been. But I know I gained even more. I look back on my life and smile. Cher was wrong, sex never paled; in fact, it has grown stronger and more fulfilling than ever. It helps that my partner is such an expert in the arts of love; the big ones he has taught me, and the lesser ones he has learned from me. As I watch my handsome son receive his high school diploma, I squeeze my daughter's hand, knowing she will be there next year. Then they will be off to college, and I will be alone with the man I will be bound to for the rest of my days - my one true love.

I will always bless that day when I stood up straight, looked a demon in the eye, and said, "Nick, go to Hell!"

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Corpse_riderCorpse_rideralmost 2 years ago

An enjoyable read, with a satisfying ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You misspelled "epilogUE".

PervertedKnightPervertedKnightalmost 2 years ago

5 stars from me. You write exceedingly well!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Not just a great story but a phenomenal ending that was crafted perfectly to be able to go either way. Very impressive piece of writing.

demanderdemanderalmost 2 years ago

Great story. Cher arrived just in the nick of time. D

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