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Seduced into Surrender

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Brilliant graduate student seduces colleague into submission.
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Whenever I had heard of "female domination," my assumption had been that the men involved had a predilection for submission, and the women were merely helping to act out male fantasy, albeit for considerable pleasure to themselves. But now, I found myself in a situation of sexual surrender without once having thought about it as a desirable state of affairs.

You could look at it in one of two ways (or even both together, I suppose). Either my submissive side had simply been brought out by a set of coincidences, or I had been maneuvered and manipulated by an expert in human psychology and sexuality. As I had never once harbored any kind of submissive fantasy, I strongly suspect it was the latter, and while I was drawn into it knowingly, even perhaps willingly (as I made conscious decisions at each step), the entire process was calculatedly controlled by someone else.

Nikki was my catalyst/manipulator. We were graduate students at the same university, and I met her at a dinner party given by some friends. I was unattached at the time and when I saw her for the first time, sitting on a couch, long legs crossed under a mid-length skirt slit to the thigh, casually talking, sipping a glass of wine, I had an immediate physical reaction, a sharp jolt of arousal in my lower stomach and groin.

In her mid-to-late twenties, she was stunningly beautiful, permed/streaked long black hair cascading around a slim face, lips thin but sensuous, large piercing green eyes, a simple white blouse with the top three buttons undone hinting at breasts that were firm but not too large (the kind that when unencumbered by a bra jiggle playfully). My psychic and physical reaction was a sort of pure primal lust that I had never felt before.

She raised her eyes to catch mine as I came into the room, and over the next couple of minutes we kept exchanging glances. I was oblivious to everyone else and as the host introduced us, I felt sure that she would feel the trembling in my hand. When she stood, I saw that she was quite tall, five-nine or so and moved with a feline gracefulness. She could easily have been a fashion model.

As luck would have it, we were seated opposite one another at the dinner table, although I barely contributed to the conversation, so enraptured was I with her sheer physical presence. She was also very intelligent and humorous, not in a showy way, carrying the conversation easily and casually.

As we sat in the living room afterwards, she struck up a conversation, chatting about nothing in particular, although I discovered she was a doctoral student in social psychology, specializing in sexuality. I asked her what her dissertation topic was, and smiling, she replied that she was playing with a few ideas but had not settled on anything. She still had a few more experiments to carry out. Words continued to elude me, but she was very relaxed and at ease, and when she asked whether I would drive her home, I quickly agreed, not believing my good fortune. I discovered later that good fortune had very little to do with it.

As we drove, she continued to carry the conversation amidst giving directions to her house. Before getting out of the car, she reached over, pulled my face to hers, and kissed me full on the mouth. Playfully brushing the front of my pants (and my evolving erection) she told me to call her the next day. It wasn't phrased as a request - more like an instruction. I stared at her undulating bottom, encased in the tight skirt, as she walked to the front door from the street. Knowing I was watching her, she gave a small wave goodbye as she entered the house.

As soon as I got home, I dashed to my bed, stripped off my clothes, and masturbated furiously. I came within 30 seconds in one of the most powerful ejaculations I could remember. Not able to get her out of my mind (or my dreams), I jerked off twice more during the night. I had never had a reaction like this to a woman.

I called the next morning as early as I could without sounding too eager. We made plans for dinner the following day.

I picked her up, and ignoring my suggestion, we drove to a restaurant of her choice. She was as stunning as at the party, her blue dress left her shoulders bare and her cleavage teasingly revealed. It clung to her hips like a second skin and came mid-way down her thighs. Black stockings and two-inch heels complemented the classy outfit. Dinner was a trance as her perfume and her looks played havoc with my rationality.

She invited me back to her house afterwards - she shared it with three other women - and we were promptly up to her bedroom on the second floor. We quickly started making out and her lips on mine, mixed with an intoxicating but subtle perfume, produced an instant erection. Her hand caressed me through my pants, and I worried I might come just from that. But she knew exactly what she was doing and never let me get to a dangerous state. Every time I attempted to touch her breasts, or moved my hand up under her skirt, I was firmly rebuffed. This heavy petting session through our clothes (at least her on me) went on for half an hour or so before she told me that she had an early morning class and that we needed to call it a night. As she bade me good night at the front door with a deep kiss, her hand gave my cock one last teasing caress. I drove home with an erection, and as soon as I was in my bedroom, again had a very powerful ejaculation. I woke with a hard cock and brought myself to another mind-blowing climax. Just the thought of her seemed to be enough to send my arousal into overdrive.

Over the next two weeks, we repeated this scene four times - dinner, petting (by her on me), frustration, dismissal. Each time was more frustrating than the time before. Each orgasm by my own hand was just as shattering.

On the fourth date, I suggested that we take things further, but she said we weren't ready for that yet, that it required a level of trust and understanding we had not reached.

When I asked her how we could achieve that level, her eyes twinkled, her lips broke into a small smile, and she said that if I were really serious, she would tell me over dinner tomorrow. Looking back on it, I know now it was the look of a hunter who has just felt the prey take the bait in the trap.

We went to the restaurant that Nikki, as usual, had chosen, and as we lingered over dessert and coffee, I pressed her for how we could get to that next level of intimacy in our relationship.

Looking me squarely in the eyes with her own divine green eyes, Nikki said, "Well, that's really up to you." She carried on, explaining,

"In the past, I've found that when I get intimate with men too quickly, without really knowing them, I get hurt. A lot of men are just interested in their own pleasure and don't really care very much about the women they're with, emotionally or physically, especially in the hook-up culture that's so glorified in the media. Sex gets tied up with narcissism and male power."

I thought for a moment I was listening to a seminar paper. Nikki had obviously thought this out.

She continued, "To stop that happening again, I've decided that I will not get seriously involved, or make love with anyone, until I have assurances that the person really respects me. Do you understand?"

I nodded and tried to assure her that I was not the kind of person she described.

"You might not be, but I must be sure. For you to prove that we can have a relationship that is free from the normal male/female patriarchal hang-ups, I've devised a procedure, a series of tests, that will tell me whether I can trust you implicitly. If you can convince me of that, I'll consider a more intense relationship. Do you want to try?"

Again, I nodded, though I was quite puzzled, not knowing what kind of tests she was referring to. She reached into her bag and laid out seven numbered envelopes on the table in front of us.

"These envelopes contain instructions for you to carry out. If you can complete them all, that would be a good sign for me when I think about our future. If for some reason, you can't do what the instructions demand, then I'll know that you are not serious, and we will never speak again. It will be over, forever."

My stomach was getting very tight. I didn't know exactly what Nikki was driving at (although she was using very formal and precise language), and yet she seemed to be talking about never seeing me again if I didn't follow some instructions. My mind was spinning with confusion and fear.

"Do you want to try or shall we finish right now."

I answered that I wanted to try but I didn't know exactly what she meant. She just smiled, saying I would find out very quickly, and handed me the first envelope, placing the others back in her bag.

"One more thing - there is to be no discussion about the instructions. Do not ask me to explain or to change then. The written instructions are very clear. You can either follow them or not. The choice is yours."

With nervous hands I opened the first envelope, unfolded the single sheet of paper inside, and read the typewritten instructions.


Cocking her head in a quizzical way, she was looking for my answer. I nodded, but not really sure what I was agreeing to.

My mind was in a state of total confusion as I paid the bill and stumbled in a daze out to the car. Nikki didn't say another word, and it was clear that there would be no further conversation until this instruction had been carried out. As I drove, I almost decided to call her bluff, but then glanced to the side of me catching a glimpse of her incredible cleavage in the low-cut dress and her legs encased in black nylons. What did I have to lose? Only her! I couldn't take the risk.

Once we got to her room, she sat on the edge of the bed, crossing her legs. I noticed her take another envelope from her purse and place it beside her. I looked into her eyes and saw impatience mixed with sternness. Taking a deep breath, I started to strip and within a minute I was standing before her, hands at my side, stark naked! I was twenty-eight at the time, and in pretty decent shape. I worked out regularly and while not muscled, was quite toned. My cock was of average size, perhaps six inches when erect. My previous partners had been quite satisfied.

Again, her eyes seemed to order me. I reached down with my right hand and started to fondle and stroke myself. I already had a semi-erection and it didn't take much to turn it into a full one. I spread my legs and worked my cock up and down as her gaze pierced me. It was the first stirrings of humiliation, a feeling I would come to dread and relish. Soon I was at a 45-degree angle, pointing to the ceiling,

"Hands by your side. Turn in profile so I can check out the angle of your erection."

I did as ordered, and imagined what Nikki was seeing.

"Turn around, spread your legs and grab your ankles!"

As I followed the instructions, I felt my buttocks part and my balls hanging down. I knew that I was displaying everything to her!

I felt her gaze burrowing into me. As I mentioned, I was in pretty good shape and not ashamed of my body at all, but the asymmetrical nature of the interaction -me naked, aroused and utterly exposed, her clothed and in charge - drew out the embarrassment.

Telling me to stand and turn around, I saw Nikki reach under her skirt, unhook her right stocking from the garter belt, slowly roll it off and lay it on the bed. Then she took the envelope lying at her side, placed it between her now bare toes, and extended her foot to me.

My cock twitched as I took the envelope.


Nikki saw the look of shock on my face. This wasn't just gentle flirting anymore, but a demand very much out of the ordinary! But she just smiled and looked at me expectantly. I now realize that her strategy was carefully planned. Like a fish, I had been hooked and was being reeled in, as each demand pushed the edge just a little more, each one building on the last.

Not knowing how to respond differently, I knelt as demanded and reached for my penis again. Telling me to wait, she stood, went to the door, and pulled it open before retaking her seat.

"One of our house rules if we have men over," she explained.

I sputtered a protest but was sternly told to get on with it, or to get out! Her room was on the second floor of the house and there were three other bedrooms on the same level. Moreover, Nikki's was the first off the stairs, and anyone going to one of the other rooms could easily look in if they wanted. There didn't seem to be anyone else in the house, but...

The bed was positioned so that anyone looking into the room, with her sat at the end, would be viewing the scene from the side, in profile. Resigned to the situation, I knew what was required. Nikki leant back on her hands, legs crossed, right foot dangling in front, with what can only be described as a smirk on her lips.

Her foot waved hypnotically before me as I stroked my cock. Within a few minutes I was ready to come, and I shuffled forward. She extended her right foot, her toes touching my balls, then slid up the underside of my cock.

At the touch, I exploded, directing my sperm as best I could over her foot and ankle. Nikki waved her cum-drenched foot in my face. I had come so far (as it were), that there didn't seem any point in refusing to go the last step.

As I took her foot in my hand, panic set it! The front door opening, then closing, and footsteps on the stairs! I looked into her eyes with alarm, but her only response was to push her toes into my mouth.

"Keep your eyes on mine!"

I realized at that moment that I was totally enraptured and captured. So what if one of her housemates was watching? I still had her. I went to work licking my bitter tasting sperm off her toes, while staring into her challenging eyes. Nikki just gave a girly giggle of delight as the footsteps passed the open door. Did they glance over and see me totally naked licking my own cum off Nikki's foot?

When I had finished to Nikki's satisfaction she pushed my face away with her foot, leant over to the side and drew another envelope from her bag. Telling me to stand up she handed it to me. I fumbled with it and pulled out another instruction. Surely the threshold I had already crossed couldn't be extended further. What else could I do to show my obedience and surrender, which I now realized was what was really desired. I soon found out.


She was still leaning back on the bed, her head cocked slightly to the side, in a quizzical look, her eyes telling me to proceed. How much further could I be pulled into this? My throat could barely say the words.

"Nikki, may I kiss your bottom?"

"Not if that is the most convincing request you can make," she replied.

I realized that it was not just my actions she was judging, but my attitude. She wanted me to beg for it!

"Nikki, I would really like it if you would please let me smother your delectable ass with soft kisses."

She laughed, "All right, if you insist, but I prefer hard penetrating kisses there. Don't disappoint me."

Getting to her feet she stood in front of me, turned and told me to unzip her, slowly. I had noticed before that her dress had only one long zip at the back that went from the neck to the hem. My hands went for the zipper and I tried to move them slowly, although given that this was the first time I was being allowed to undress her, I wanted to see her body as soon as I could. After the first five inches white bra straps were revealed. As the zipper got to the top of her ass, white lace panties came into view. As I finished unzipping and separated the two parts of her dress, she told me to kneel, which put my eyes directly at the level of her incredible pantied bottom. Shrugging the dress off, she stood majestically now in just a bra, panties, garter belt and just one stocking.

Bending at the waist, she teasingly wiggled out of her panties. I was left staring at her gorgeous naked backside. My breath almost went out of me as she straightened up. She was beyond belief. Her ass was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, soft and shapely. Her cheeks were full but without a hint of fat. They jiggled almost imperceptibly.

The fact that she still had her garter belt and one stocking still on made the sight even more enchanting and bewildering. My cock was responding again, although it had been less than five minutes since I had come. I leant forward, grabbed her by the hips and started to kiss her all over her bottom.

After a minute of this she told me impatiently to get on with it.

"Hard and penetrating." Those had been her words.

I started licking up and down her crack (which she had thoughtfully perfumed in anticipation of my compliance) and then spreading her wondrous globes, I pushed my tongue up inside her anus. She groaned and reached around with her hands and pulled my face harder into her ass. Then, amidst her sounds of pleasure, footsteps on the stairs!

"Keep your face where it is," Nikki instructed, having heard the same thing.

I obeyed as the sound came closer and was suddenly outside the door. I felt rather than heard someone's presence in the hallway, but I couldn't look, my face smothered in the most delicious way I could imagine. I heard a muffled giggle, and I had no doubt that one of her housemates was watching this strange tableau.

After a few minutes Nikki stepped away from me and quickly put on a silk dressing gown from the side. Taking her seat back on the bed, she just watched me standing in front of her, naked and hard again.

"Do you still want to continue with the tests?"

I eagerly nodded yes, and was handed another envelope, marked #4. This one was different and had a seal on the back, where the flap was stuck down.

"Don't open this until I phone you," she commanded.

I was told to gather my clothes and get dressed in the hallway. Standing, Nikki grabbed me by my cock and led me to the door.

"And no masturbation without my permission either. If you disobey, I will know, and everything stops. Understood?"

I nodded, scrambled into my clothes in the hallway and hurriedly left with my erection clear beneath the loose-fitting pants.

When I got to my apartment, I placed the envelope on the side table next to my bed. The admonition to refrain from jerking-off disrupted my normal post-date ritual. As I tried to sleep that night, I wondered what other acts I could be induced into performing. The envelope contained my worst fears, as well as my deepest and most unthinkable desire, because that was what Nikki was now drawing upon. I was being pulled slowly and inextricably into an imaginative fantasy world that I didn't even knew existed, but from which it now seemed impossible to escape. Was there a threshold I would not cross? Would Nikki know what that was, or would she push me too far? There were still four envelopes unopened.

I hardly slept as my hand kept drifting to my cock, but without fulfillment. When I did wake, the only thought in my head was how long I would have to wait for her call.

Nikki phoned me every day for the next four, but only to tell me not to open the envelope. In fact, I was to text her a time-stamped image of the envelope with the seal intact. I was also warned again about masturbating without her permission.

For those four days my sexual tension built, and my waking hours revolved around the envelope. More than once I was tempted to open it, but I resisted, knowing that if I did, I risked never seeing her again. I was in a state of constant arousal for that time, and though I constantly touched myself, I did not come.

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