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Seduced Pt. 04

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Donna starts confessing.
5.7k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/20/2018
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Donna's toes felt so good, but she was right. I needed to slow down. It was shaping up to be like our discussions when we she was in the woman superior position. Only this time she was on her back and I was the one theoretically in charge my climax.

The conversation would last only as long as I could.

Donna began, "After our dinner where he told me about impregnating another woman I was torn. I wondered if he just employing a different approach to hit on me. What they did seemed so irresponsible. A biracial child who looked nothing like the dad. How awkward was that? And wanting to show me his dick seemed cliche. I did wonder if he was sexually harassing me. Is that why my predecessor left? Did he plant his seed in her womb?"

"Marvin sensed my conflict because he pulled back. He was more businesslike, still friendly, but there was more formality to our interactions. He made sure I left on time. After two weeks of that I realized how much I missed our dinners and our chats. He was a really neat man. I had fantasized about making out with him before I knew he had impregnated another woman. I decided I shouldn't be so close minded. He was still the same great boss. I thought of us as a team. I also had to admit I was jealous of the other woman."

"I decided I would make the first move. The Tuesday of the third week I asked him if he needed me to stay. He paused before answering. He told me there wasn't much work for me to do, but I was welcome to stay. I asked him if we could have dinner. He smiled and said of course we could, that he'd like that very much. Quitting time came, the building emptied out. I found some work to keep me busy. I did think about you a lot. I knew I was playing with fire, but convinced myself it was strictly platonic. I felt incredibly guilty because I was falling hard for him."

Once the building emptied out Marvin came by. He had a book for me. It was a paperback. A little over 100 pages. I looked at the title, "Real Women Dont Do Housework." He said it was a reading assignment and we would discuss over dinner.

I spent the next two hours reading it, but the whole time I'm wondering why. We had a marriage of equals. We didn't fight often. Since I worked longer hours than you I thought it only right you do all the housework. I envisioned you quitting your job and being a stay at home dad while I continued to pursue my career. You weren't a spendaholic, but you did make some bad choices buying things we didn't need. Learning how to bend you to my will appealed to me. I just didn't know if I could do all the teasing. It seemed like a lot of work and struck me as manipulative."

"I brought the book into Marvin's office when he told me dinner had arrived. I tried to return it, but he told me to keep it. I asked him why he gave it to me. He said while he had never met you he had watched our interactions over the phone. He concluded this book would emancipate me, put me in charge of our marriage. I was still very confused by it all. He told me to give it a try. I told him I would. He asked me to give him periodic reports on your status. He laughed and said my monthly bonus would be tied to what he jokingly called my homework assignment."

"It was incredibly weird, but I reminded myself I shouldn't be surprised. Hadn't Marvin knocked up a married woman? Some parts of the book I found very arousing even as I told myself I didn't know if I could do them. Getting a bigger bonus at the end of the month motivated me to try it. Marvin didn't say I had to be successful, but knowing his outlook on life I knew he expected me to succeed. Looking back, it turned out to be much easier than I ever imagined. You eagerly embraced submitting to my authority."

"Once a week over dinner Marvin asked me for a progress report. He focused less on the sexual denial, domination, and manipulation and more on the results. He wanted to know if I had taken complete control of the finances, had you agreed to quit your job and be a stay at home dad, and if you had agreed to be responsible for all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, yardwork. He and I actually worked on the list together, sitting side by side and we would go over the list the following week to see how you did. It was really arousing to have him so close as we plotted, but it was also frustrating as he didn't make a pass at me. Not even a kiss."

"At the end of the fourth week I got paid. True to his word he had generously compensated me. My bonus was double what it had been the previous month. I was thinking you and I would celebrate. I even called to tell you to be ready to go out because I wanted to go clubbing, something we rarely did anymore."

I interrupted, "I do remember that night. I was thinking about what to wear when you called and told me we would have to go out on Saturday night because Marvin needed you to put in some overtime. He had a big project due Monday."

Donna smiled, "It was a lie. By now you've figured out I've told a lot of lies this past year. Marvin must have heard me on the phone because he came up to me afterwards and asked If I had seen my pay statement. I told him I had. He asked what did i think of it. I wanted to hug him right there but didn't. I thanked him and told him he was too generous. He said I was a valued employee and deserved every penny. He then said loud enough for others to hear, 'I am flying out tomorrow and my presentation isn't ready and I don't have all the reports I asked for. I will need you to stay after work today.' I looked at him. He just stared back. Of course I told him yes. I called you and broke the news apologizing for having to postpone our plans to Saturday night."

"I went back to what I was working on, but I wasn't very focused on what I was doing. You see, everything Marvin had said was a lie. He had all the reports because I had given them to him and his presentation wasn't just complete, but he had given several dry runs. He liked to set up his slides to change at times intervals. He would time his presentation, never looking back at the slides, so when he was done with one slide he made the transition to the other as it popped up. It was very impressive and I never got tired of listening to his voice or watching him as he walked around the room. I imagined he looked even more impressive on a stage in an auditorium filled with hundreds of major shareholders."

"The reason I was staring is it was decision time for me. I could have diplomatically reminded him he had everything and he was prepared, but I would stay if he needed me to. He would have interpreted it to mean I was making a choice between my husband and him, and you, little Stevie, had won out. I don't think it would have ultimately changed anything, just delayed the inevitable."

"Anyway, I stayed and was glad I did. I was getting hungry when he told me to grab my purse. I thought he is telling me to go home. He said we are going out. We left the building, went to the garage. He opened the door for me. I got in his car. My heart was pounding. I was aroused and excited. It was like we were going on a date. We arrived at the restaurant having said nothing the entire ride. I had already made up my mind that if he made a pass at me I would accept it, but I wasn't going to be the one to initiate it."

"He ordered us a bottle of wine. We looked at the menu. Everything was expensive. Knowing he didn't even think about the prices inflated my opinion of him even more. I thought this handsome, powerful, man wants to spend time with little old me, a wife from the suburbs. We started talking mainly about work. He apologized for his deceit, but said it was important we talk. He was flying out the next day. He took my left hand in his and as he talked he toyed with my wedding and engagement rings. It was the first time he actually touched me in such an intimate way. I am very sure from the look our waiter gave us they knew we weren't married. He had no wedding ring on and we were of different ages."

"He wanted to know how I felt a month into taking control of my marriage. I told him it was wonderful. He asked me to describe it in one word. I told him emancipating. He smiled, 'Donna, you have just scratched the surface you have no idea how much power you have. The rules only apply to him, not to you. The marriage contract is for you to amend as you desire. I'll be gone next week, but I have some more books I want you to read. You'll find them even more empowering."

"We took our time, finished the bottle of wine, and even had dessert. We talked about a lot of things. I wondered if we were going to a motel or his house afterwards. How would I explain it you if we did? How would I maintain control of the situation, make you not grudgingly accept it, but lovingly embrace it? He didn't make a pass. We just drove back to the office. He dropped me off at my car. I was a bit embarrassed because I had obviously misread him. He had the books in the back seat. He handed them to me. I thanked him. He waited until he was sure my car started, then drove off. We waved goodbye to each other. It was so weird. I was angry and horny. More reading I thought. Why doesn't he just kiss me?"

Donna asked, "Do you remember that weekend?"

I told her, "I do. You were horny, but in a horrible mood. You found fault with everything I did. It makes sense now. You were upset with him but took it out on me."

Donna said, "Guilty. I was very upset with him. Even worse he embarrassed me by just dropping me off so unceremoniously. I couldn't take it out on him. He was my boss. I didn't purposely decide to take it out on you. It just worked out that way."

She smiled, "And you loved it. That was the first time I paddled your ass and squeezed your balls. I couldn't get enough of your tongue. I rode your face so many times that weekend wishing it was him giving me the big O. I was so frustrated. And mad. You didn't cum that weekend or the following week, yet you followed me around like a dog eager to please its master. Dinner every night since Marvin was gone. Massages, foot rubs, lots and lots of cunnilingus. The house spotless, my clothes ironed and put away. Running my bath for me. I felt so pampered, but in spite of your devotion I couldn't stop from pining for Marvin. I missed him so much that week. I knew my feelings for him weren't just a momentary crush, but deeper."

"Anyway, I read the books he gave me. Some were pretty tame their theme a wife led marriage, but one tied it all together, how cuckolding is a natural and desired progression in a wife led marriage. It talked about how the experience would bring a husband and his wife closer together, how the husband's devotion and submission would be stronger. The author even went so far as to advocate the wife take a lover, integrate her lover into her marriage, make him the Alpha male of their triad, and even have his baby."

"What she wrote resonated with me Steve. I loved you, but I had to agree with her. A devoted submissive husband is something to cherish, but is he really suitable for making babies with? Will our children inherit his tendencies? Don't I want my children to be more like me, strong and dominant? I needed someone like Marvin to make babies with. The author addressed interracial relationships and pregnancies. Her experience showed marriages didn't break up in a wife led marriage even if there was no doubt the husband was not the father of her children."

"Do you want to take a break Stevie? Your little penis must be sore. It's up to you. Put some more lotion on my feet."

As much as I wanted to climax I didn't want to take a break. She was opening up to me, telling me everything. We were communicating at such a deep level.

"No, Donna, I want you to continue." I squirted more lotion on her feet and minimized my thrusting. My penis looked so swollen, the head purple and the shaft a deep red. I knew It would be sore tomorrow.

"So you went from just wanting to have an affair where I was in the dark to having me in an active role?"

Donna said, "It's more complicated than that, but basically yes. I wasn't out of love with you, but I was very infatuated with Marvin. I wanted to have my cake and eat it too."

"Is this what you envisioned?"

"Better than I ever imagined. There have been almost no speed bumps. I think for us this works. What do you think?"

"I was blown away when you took over our marriage. It was like a prayer I had never made had been answered. I wondered what prompted it. I actually thought you had seen it on a talk show or read it in a magazine. I even thought based on how you described your parents' marriage it was your mom's idea. It just felt so right to transfer all the power to you. I would be so excited completing all my tasks. I wanted to hear you praise me for a job well done. When we started having heart to heart talks where you straddled my thighs and masturbated me I felt myself falling deeper and deeper into submission. I had fantasized about sharing you with another man, but the fantasy evolved. In my fantasies sharing you was something I decided. Now you having sex with another man was your call, not mine. I didn't have or want a vote. I wanted to have my face rubbed in it, to have my penis denied access to your vagina. I wanted you to cuckold me. How did you know I would be so receptive?"

Donna answered, "All Marvin. He put it all together. He figured me out. Seeing how successful I was at taking control of our marriage he figured you out. The Monday after he got back from his trip I was so excited. In his office that morning I opened my arms and told him welcome back. I approached him. He opened his arms and for the first time we hugged. I whispered to him loving the feel of his arms embracing me, 'I missed you.' He told me, 'I missed you too. I've been thinking about us all week. Did you read the books I gave you."

"Being the same height we fit together so well. My breasts flattened against his chest. Our crotches made contact. He wasn't hard. I wondered if he could feel my heat. I ran my hands up and down his back, glad he had his jacket off. He was so muscular, his shoulders broad. I wondered what he looked like naked. We separated. He looked at me and said, 'Your face is a bit flush. Everything okay?' He looked like he was smirking. I told him I was fine. I then asked, 'Marvin, should I tell my husband you'll need me to stay late?' He answered, 'Yes, why don't you call him now. I know it's early, but trust me he'll appreciate the advance notice. Use my phone.' He watched me call you. I was staring at him getting wetter by the moment as I broke the news to you. You didn't fuss. In fact you sounded excited. You did ask me if you should have dinner ready for me. I purposely didn't put my hand over the mouthpiece as I wanted you to hear Marvin and I discuss dinner. I asked Marvin, 'Steve wants to know if he should have dinner ready or will I be eating with you?'"

"Marvin was the one who now looked a bit excited. He told me to tell you he and I would be dining together at work. Of course I knew you could hear him, but I told you, 'Thanks for the offer, but Marvin and I will be having a working dinner.' I think I even told you as I looked at Marvin to not wait up as I might be very late. It was less of a message to you, but one for Marvin. The ball was in his court. It was a busy day. I was so excited when the office emptied out. Marvin and I were alone. He called me into his office. He did have some more work for me to do and said we would dine at eight."

"I walked back to my desk disappointed and angry. I really thought as I walked through the door he would take me into his arms and we would make mad, passionate love on his desk. I was so ready I had even taken my panties off in antipation of sex with him. It didn't happen. I was also hungry. And I had done a lot of work already that day. I was ready for a break, but I reminded myself Marvin was a workaholic. I knew what I was getting into when I applied for the job"

"Eight o'clock came around and Marvin told me dinner had been delivered. In the past, he had always set out our meals, but he didn't this time. He asked me to prepare our plates. He then made a phone call. I could feel him watching me, but for some reason I avoided eye contact with him. There wasn't much for me to do as the meals were delivered on plates. Within a few minutes I had the table set. He motioned for me to sit down. The food smelled so good, but I wasn't about to eat until he gave the okay. He mouthed for me to eat, but to cover his food to keep it warm. I was famished and within ten minutes I was done."

"He was still on the phone. He had a pad of paper and a pen. He rolled his eyes. He was talking to someone very important. He got up from behind his desk and joined me at the table in his office. He motioned for me to move my chair to his side of the table. He then put his hand over the mouthpiece and said, 'My hands are occupied. Would you feed me? His request was so weird, but I did it, cutting his steak into bite sized pieces, feeding him his pasta, salad, holding the roll I had just buttered up to his mouth as he took a bite. You'd think it would have been a turn off, but it was just the opposite. I felt his lips touch my fingers. I wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin. I patiently waited as he chewed then swallowed his food. Mainly I just took him in. He was so handsome and he smelled so good. He finished his phone call. His meal was two thirds complete."

"He asked me if he should take over or did I want to keep feeding him. I told him I wanted to continue to feed him. I was feeling with him like you feel when you're with me. I continued to feed him only this his hands were free. I wondered why he didn't reach out and grab my breasts because they were dying to be played with. He looked quite smug sitting there, like a king as his handmaid tended to him."

"I even held his glass of tea as he sipped from it, making sure not to spill any. When his plate was empty he thanked me. Calm and collected as ever he asked if I had completed my reading assignments. I told him I had. He asked what I thought about the books. I told him some things I found too extreme. He interrupted me, 'But the part about cuckolding you found arousing.' I smiled and asked how he knew. He said strong women are drawn to strong males. I teased him asking, 'And you see yourself as a strong male?' He laughed, 'You tell me.' I had always imagined he being the one to tell me he was attracted to me, but I instead found myself doing the confessing, 'Marvin, I see you as a very strong male. Handsome. In charge. Rich. You snap your fingers and people jump. Sharp dresser. And I love your voice.' He asked, 'And that turns you on?' I answered, 'Very much. I think about you, about us, all the time.' I thought he'd respond to my confession by taking me right then and there, but he didn't."

I interrupted Donna, "You had to be incredibly frustrated."

Donna looked at me and said dead serious, "You have no idea. Not having what I wanted just made me want him more. And because I was so frustrated I was super horny all the time which was good for you, but also super annoyed. I took it out on your poor bottom and balls. Marvin brought out the super bitch in me, a side of me I found you worshipped. You metamorphosed into a complete submissive. I had you totally wrapped around my finger. The sex between us was so good even as you had fewer orgasms. I found your newly acquired control issues amusing, more ammunition for me to use against you. It became easier and easier to tell you no to intercourse or to not give you a blowjob, something I used to like doing to you. You preferred me jacking you off. You just felt so guilty about your penis."

"That night after I bared my soul to Marvin, he said he had a dildo he wanted me to purchase. He was the one who picked out the rabbit, not as big as him, but almost twice as long as you. He told me to order it and when it came in he wanted to hear me on the phone with you. It was pretty hot talking to you that day as Marvin listened in. The rabbit arrived and it was a game changer. You fell all the way down the rabbit hole. Marvin asked me how I liked it. I told him it was better than I imagined, that it was the first time I really got physical pleasure from intercourse. I always felt emotionally close to you when we did it, but this was a totally new experience."


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