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Sensitivity Training 01

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His tiny wife wants him to have sex with a beautiful Amazon.
8.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/06/2014
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Many thanks to NorthernDancer for first editing and improving this story and Treasure Townes for additional editing.

Tremendous gratitude to accomplished Literotica author and editor shygirlwhore, whose editing and suggestions lifted it to a higher level.

"Look at her, Horace!"

Horace looked up from his book to see what his wife was excited about. He wasn't upset about the interruption.

A figure out of a computer game was walking to a lounge chair on the other side of the pool. She wasn't just large. She was large in all the right places.

He tried to guess how tall the woman was -- way over his five feet ten for sure. Her sunscreen made her skin gleam and emphasized every curve. Every movement of her perfectly round butt was emphasized by the tight bottom of her two-piece swimsuit. The bottom didn't show much skin, but the top was pure bikini, barely containing her ample breasts

When the woman had settled into the chair, Mara said, "I wonder if she's here by herself. Do you think a woman like that has trouble attracting men?"

"She can sure attract their attention," Horace said, looking around. "Everyone is staring at her. She has a beautiful face and hot body. I think her size would intimidate most guys."

"How about you?"


"She probably dates football or basketball players," Mara said. "If she's with an average guy, he might feel the way I do."

"It's different when the man is big and the woman is small."

"That's what you always say, Horace. It may be different, but it's still a problem when the man isn't sensitive. How many times have we had this conversation? You still don't understand that when you're small, you are vulnerable, both physically and emotionally. If a large person isn't aware, it makes you helpless and powerless."

"You know I'm trying, Mara," he said, turning back to his book.

"Not hard enough," she muttered to herself.


When he was getting out of the pool after swimming his laps, he saw that Mara had walked over to the Amazon and was sitting next to her. Less than five feet, she looked like a child next to the large woman. They were in deep conversation. He decided not to interrupt and went back to his chair, dried himself and returned to his book.

On the way back to the room, he asked Mara what the two of them had been talking about.

"Diana is a sales executive with an insurance company," she said. "She's not here on vacation like we are, but her conference meetings aren't until tonight, so she decided to enjoy the facilities during the day. Tomorrow's meetings are in the morning, and she'll have the rest of the day off."

"Is that all she told you?" said Horace. "You were talking to her for more than two hours."

"I wasn't sure how she would react, but I brought up the subject of her size. She was quite open. You're right. Most men are gun shy when they meet her. In order to have a social life, she has to be the instigator.

"She said that once they find out she doesn't care about the size difference, men break down into two categories. A few of them work on ignoring the differences as much as they can and try to have a normal relationship with her. Those are rare, she says, but they are the ones she's most attracted to.

"So far, she hasn't found the right guy, but she knows that when she does, unless the guy's a giant, she will have to always be aware of the differences in size, both when they're out in public and when they're making love.

"She said that she's learned from experience how sensitive smaller men can be. Something that might mean nothing to her could affect his psyche and ruin the relationship. Her attitude is a lot different from yours, Horace.

"She doesn't mind going out with the second type, the men that want to be dominated by a strong woman. Some of them are perfectly normal, except when they're alone. You wouldn't believe some of the things she told me. Most of them pretend that she humiliates them against their will, but even when they fight her, they always come back and beg for more.

"She said she enjoys these men, too, but would rather be with someone in the first category.

"Very interesting," Horace said. "I wonder how she's built inside. Would a man get lost in there?"

"You're disgusting, Horace," Mara said, "but as a matter of fact, that came up, and she said, she's small and tight down there relative to her size, and men are always pleasantly surprised."


The next afternoon, Horace heard a murmur around the pool and he looked up to see Diana arriving in a similar suit, tight but modest on the bottom, barely there on top. He thought she looked over at him for a second, but it must have been Mara she was looking at, although Mara was absorbed in her tablet and didn't see her.

A little while later, Horace jumped into the pool and began his daily aerobic workout. On his first lap, he saw Mara's chair was empty. He turned his head in time to see her sit down next to Diana and show her something on her tablet.

When he got out of the pool, Mara was back in her chair and doing something with her tablet again. She didn't say anything about Diana, and he decided not to ask.

When they were walking back to their room to change for dinner, she walked ahead of him, faster than usual. Her small steps had a special bounce. She seemed to be nervous but also excited. Watching her reminded him that she might not be Diana, but she was definitely hot, and when she was enthusiastic about something, it made her even more alluring.

"Hurry up, Horace," she said. "I have something exciting to tell you when we get to our room."

When he closed the door behind him and looked at her, she seemed as though she were about to burst.

"I'm giving you a hall pass tonight!" she gleefully exclaimed.

"A what?"

"A pass. You remember that movie we saw. You get a vacation from our marriage for one night and can sleep with another woman. And guess who you get to sleep with?"

"What are you talking about, Mara? I'm not interested in taking a vacation from our marriage. Is this about you wanting to sleep with someone else?"

"No, stupid. I'm not doing anything. It's only for you. You get to make love to Diana. Can you imagine how envious your buddies would be. Of course, they'll never know. You have to swear that you won't tell them."

"But I don't want to make love to Diana. What did I say to make you think that? I admit her body excited me, but there's a big jump from that to cheating on you."

"You're not cheating, Horace. Don't you understand? That's what the hall pass is all about. I know what you're doing. You're not going behind my back."

"But why, Mara? Why would you want me to do this? I don't understand."

"All right, Horace," she said.

She wasn't smiling anymore.

"I'll tell you the truth. I'm not doing this for you. It's for me. I talked to Diana today about our problem caused by the differences in our sizes and attitudes. She feels that her experience with smaller men could help us.

"I emailed a list of the things that I'm most upset about to her, and she told me she thought she might be able to work on them with you if I gave her to you for one night. She didn't make any promises, but I'm willing to take the chance for the sake of our marriage. Are you?"

"I'm supposed to sleep with this giant, and it will help our marriage? You're not making sense."

"There's a lot more to it than just sleeping with her," said Mara. "She told me everything she and you will do, and I agreed to it. I trust her, and I just hope she can make things better for us -- I mean for me. Because you are happy with things just like they are."

"That's not fair, Mara," he said. "You know I'm trying."

"If you really meant that, you'd do this for me," she said as she burst into tears. She ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

When she came out, they were both silent as she changed. She didn't look at him as she opened the door of their room, but he caught her arm and pulled her back.

"I'll do it," he said quietly.

Her expression changed immediately into a smile, and she looked at him lovingly.

"Thank you, Horace," she said.

As they walked to the restaurant, she was animated again and giggling quietly. At dinner, she said that Diana told her he shouldn't eat too much. After he was finished with Diana and came back to her, they could order room service if he was hungry.

They got back to their room just before seven. Fifteen minutes later, she gave him Diane's room number, led him to the door, kissed him deeply and sent him on his way. He looked back before turning the corner and saw her watching him from the doorway. She seemed to be bouncing on her feet once again and finding it hard to contain her excitement.


"Hello, Horace," Diana said when she opened the door. "Please come in and sit down, over here by the table. Sorry about all the bright lights and the cameras on tripods. I don't know if Mara told you that I'll be shooting a video of us for her. Corporate communications is here recording our conference. They loaned me the lighting and cameras for tonight.

"You're the luckiest man in the world, Horace. Mara is the perfect wife. She loves you tremendously and is also kind and caring and smart. On top of that, she's got the hottest little body at this resort. If I were a man, I'd be envious."

"I don't deserve her," he said.

"Yes, you do. She told me all about you. You're nearly the perfect husband. She only has a few things that she'd really like to change.

"I know and I'm trying. She thinks sleeping with you will help, but I don't think that's a good idea."

"Having sex is only one of the things Mara's letting me do with you tonight. I have her permission for everything. When Mara and I were talking, we noticed similarities between most of the men I date and her. The difference is that I'm always conscious of how small they are, so I'm careful with their feelings and their bodies. You haven't developed that capacity.

"Tonight I'm going to share some of my experience with men to help bring out your empathy for Mara. I won't lecture you. She's done enough of that, and it didn't get her anywhere.

"Did she tell you about the two kinds of men I date?"


"Some of them don't seem to care that I make them look puny when I'm with them. They try to treat me as if I were the same as other women they date. But I know different. They all have fragile egos, so I have to be careful not to hurt them mentally as well as physically. It's worth the effort, because I've had some wonderful times with them.

"The others are easier. I can do whatever I want, because they are submissive and love to be mentally and physically abused. The only problem is that I have a limit to how much I'll hurt them, and usually it's much less than they want.

"When Mara and I talked about the men I date, she came up with a stroke of genius. As soon as she told me her idea, I realized it might be exactly what you needed to solve your sensitivity problem. We'll find out tonight."

"At first, we were going to leave out the sexual contact, but the more we talked about it, the clearer it became to both of us that it would make our session more effective and memorable."

"I still don't understand," he said.

"Let me explain it this way. The next two hours are going to be a demonstration. I've got cameras that will be recording it from different angles in high definition. I'll take the videos home with me, edit them and send a copy of the finished version to Mara so she can review it as often as she needs. The video may also inspire other ideas to make your marriage happier.

"My seminar won't be easy. It will be a grueling two hours. You are going to suffer, emotionally and physically. No, I'm not going to torture you with burning wax, brand you with a hot iron or break any bones -- although there may be discomfort that lasts a week or two.

"When you learn lessons the hard way, they tend to stick. You'll walk out of my room tonight a different man. You may be an angry and unhappy, but I believe your future with Mara will be much brighter. That's why I'm doing this."

"I thought I was here to sleep with you," he said quietly, getting up.

"Yes, and you will," she said, "but you won't enjoy it. You won't enjoy anything that we're going to do. The only good thing about it is it may save your marriage.

"Mara didn't say anything about divorcing you. She loves you too much. But when I listened to her, I heard the pain and bitterness in her voice and realized the things she was telling me were important to her.

"Your marriage has been wounded. If untreated, the patient's wounds can fester, until one day you wake up and find it's too late to save the patient, which is your marriage."

Horace took a step toward the door, but faster than he could blink, Diane stood in his way, and her face was so close to his that he felt her breath. The heat radiating from her body seemed to envelop him when she spoke.

"I think I'm big enough to stop you. My muscles are a woman's, not a man's, but because of my size, I probably work out with heavier weights than you do. Mara told me you don't practice martial arts like I do.

"We talked about me overpowering you, but I decided that wouldn't be a good start, so I'll let you leave. Before you do, I want you to picture another woman, a small, beautiful woman who adores you. I want you to think about a man who can't seem to stop hurting her.

"Maybe she doesn't mean that much to you and you don't care if you eventually drive her away. If that's the case, go ahead and leave. As soon as you close the door, I'll turn all these lights off and disassemble the equipment. If you walk five steps and turn back, it will be too late. My door will be locked.

"You'll go back to Mara. I guarantee she'll be deeply disappointed. It took a lot for her to agree to let you come here. The idea of you being intimate with another woman is hard for her to deal with."

Not that hard, he thought, as he remembered how excited she was.

"She overcame her aversion and trusted me when I told her these two hours might make things better for the two of you. I told her there were no guarantees, but I'm optimistic.

"It's decision time for you, Horace. Are you man enough to take what I'm going to dish out -- even if you're sure Mara and I are wrong and it won't help? Will you take a chance that some good may come of it? Or are you going to show her how seriously you take her complaints by continuing to -- how do you put it? -- try to do better. If you're staying, sit down right now. If not, I'm going to throw you out of here."

He sat down.

"I wasn't sure that you'd do that, Horace," she said. "but Mara was. She told me that among the things she admired in you were your courage and determination to finish what you start. You proved her right. Now it's time for us both to stand up and take off our clothes."

He watched her while he undressed, and by the time he was naked, he was hard. She looked good in her bathing suit, but she looked fantastic in nothing. He saw why she wore an old-fashioned bottom to go with her skimpy top. Her bush was bigger than Mara's, and it formed a thick carpet from just below her navel to between her legs.

She saw him staring at her and looked at his erection.

"I see why Mara needs the extra lubrication," she said. "You're on the large side. There's nothing wrong with that. You just need to remember and make adjustments.

"Now, let's get down to business. I have four things here on my tablet. Mara sent them to me, and we'll go through them one by one. When we're finished, you'll go back to her. Let me just turn on the master switch for the synchronized cameras. There.

"Here's the first thing on Mara's list: 'Gentleness. He forgets how small I am and how large he is. The way he picks me up and throws me around makes me feel like a rag doll. When he gets going, he gets carried away and pounds me like he's flattening a steak.

"When our bodies collide in passion, I get bruises on my thighs, and when we're doing the doggie position, his thighs are hitting me so hard that my butt is sometimes sore for days. It takes a lot of the pleasure out of what we're doing.'"

Diana walked toward him and said, "Do you have anything to say about that, Horace?"

As she spoke, she suddenly squatted down and grabbed one of his ankles with her big right hand. His upper body fell forward and was caught by her left arm. In a moment, she was holding him across her arms. She lifted him in the air and then threw him onto the king size bed in the middle of the room.

He was taken by surprise and landed hard and bounced a couple of times before coming to rest in a tangle of arms and legs. The wind was knocked out of him and he gasped for breath.

"Maybe you should be more careful when you're moving little Mara around instead of doing something like this."

Diana grasped both his ankles and pulled them high into the air. He quickly became untangled and was hanging straight down. She was so tall that only the top of his shoulders and his head rested on the bed. She moved her hands down one at a time and grasped him tightly between his knees and his calves and pulled him off the bed.

He thought his head was going to hit the floor, but as she pulled him back, she began turning, and he was lifted into the air. He was now flying straight out from her body as she began spinning around. She went around faster and faster and then let him go. He remembered that she had promised not to break any bones and was thinking to himself that her promise was about to become a lie.

He crashed, but it wasn't into the wall. He landed on the pillows she had piled up at the headboard. They didn't prevent him from getting bruised, but he was still in one piece. This time he tried to get up and escape. He didn't care if he had to run through the resort naked. This was more than he had bargained for.

Before he could move, she was on him quickly and lifted him up in the air again. She moved her arms in such a way this time that his body flipped in the air one and a half times, like a diver, before crashing down on the bed. He was gasping for air again and now felt pain in every bone in his body.

"I think that's enough of that, Horace," she said pleasantly. "Here's a balloon for you as a reward for being so cooperative."

As he lay there, he saw her take a large balloon from a bouquet in the corner and fiddle with the string around it. She brought it over to him holding its neck with her thumb and finger and then stuck the neck into his mouth and let go. His mouth and lungs were filled with helium.

"That was Part One of the first item on the list, Horace," she said. "The second part is about when you're out of control and are bruising her butt in the doggie position. I think I can get across the pain of that the old-fashioned way. Oh, you have something to say?"

"Stop right now," he said. "I'm going to yell for help if you don't let me go."

He stopped talking because he was confused. His voice wasn't his normal booming voice. It was tiny and high pitched and sounded like a cartoon duck.

"It was the helium in the balloon," said Diana. "That's what you're going to sound like on the video. I'm going to feed you balloon air as often as necessary to make you sound effeminate and wimpy. Now let's continue."

She grabbed him and easily pulled him over her lap.

"Okay, mister," she said. "you've been a bad boy, and now you're going to get a paddling."

She held him down with one hand while she waved something massive in front of his face. It was a heavy rectangular wooden paddle with holes in it.

"There will be at least fifty, but to make sure you remember them, you'll count out each one in as loud and breathy a voice as you can and pretend that you're really excited about getting them. I want you to sound like Marilyn Monroe would if she were a duck. Concentrate, because every time you lose track or forget to count out loud, I'll add one more.

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