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Sex on the Beach: Family Vacation

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Jake & Sasha embark on their yearly family beach trip.
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NOTE: All characters are 18 years of age or older.

My dad turned the key and shut off the engine. We were finally at the beach! My parents got out of the car, popped the trunk, and began taking all of our suitcases and whatnot inside. My older sister, Sasha, and her boyfriend, Austin, got out of the car next. They began helping my parents carry all our stuff into our beach house. I opened my car door and stepped out and began helping to unload as well. My parents' names are Marie and Don, by the way, but I never call them by anything other than "mom" and "dad".

My family actually owns a beach house, but it was currently having the roof repaired so we were renting this one. I'm not sure who the "real" owner of our house is -- maybe my grandparents, but my whole family used it as they pleased. We just coordinated amongst each other to make sure two parts of the family didn't unintentionally try to use it at the same time. (We often all went together every summer, but sometimes different subsets of the family took mini-trips by themselves, especially my grandparents.)

In any case, this was the first family beach trip I've been on in which we didn't stay at our house. I was hoping this house was good. There was already one downside in that I would have to share a bedroom with Sasha and her boyfriend. It's not that the three of us don't get along; Sasha and I are close, despite her being a couple years older than me -- I had just finished my senior year of high school, whereas she had graduated a couple years back -- and Austin is plenty cool. I just like having privacy, you know? But whatever, I was mostly just happy to be at the beach.

I was unpacking some of my belongings in my room -- clothes, my laptop, some beach-specific items -- when Sasha came into the room and shut the door behind her. It was just the two of us in the room right now.

Before we get any further, I should tell you that Sasha is not overly reserved about sex; certainly she doesn't deny that she and Austin have a very active sex life. It's gotten to the point where, if my parents are both at work and it's just Sasha and I at the house, she'll usually take the opportunity to have Austin over so they can hook up.

There's no misunderstanding about what they're doing, and it really isn't awkward, like at all. Austin will usually come say "what's up" to me either before or after the two of them have sex. Most of the time, the two of them just go upstairs and have sex in Sasha's room.

The amount that I can hear depends on where I am in the house. If I'm downstairs, at most I might hear some knocking from Sasha's bed, unless Austin gives her a huge orgasm, in which case it almost doesn't matter where in the house I am. As long as it's not the basement, I can hear her moaning, and even then I can sometimes hear it faintly. Sasha has apologized in the past for being loud, but she says that it feels way better if you can moan freely, and I told her that it really doesn't bother me. I'm happy for them, that they have a good sex life and all.

That all being said, if I'm in my room -- which is adjacent to Sasha's room -- when the two of them hook up, then I can hear everything. Neither of them bother trying to be quiet since my parents aren't home when they're hooking up, so I can hear both of them moaning and grunting. I can obviously hear the bed. If they're talking dirty to each other, then I can definitely hear that (the number of times I've heard my sister say something about Austin's "big cock" is way higher than it should be). Obviously I can tell either one of them is having an orgasm, and I suppose Austin deserves some credit here because Sasha always comes two or three times, if not more.

There was this one time where the two of them fucked for, like, two hours, and Sasha must've had about a million orgasms. When they were done, she walked into the hall, probably to go pee, and she quickly peeked her head into my room (my door wasn't even closed). This is how our conversation went:

"I take it you heard all of that?" she laughed.

I just turned and gave her a grin. "It sounded like Austin was on fire today, eh?"

Sasha giggled. "You could say that."

"Do you know how many...?"

"Both of us lost count," Sasha grinned. "I lost count around eight or nine, but he says he counted at least twelve. Seems like too many to me, but I'm not sure."

"Holy shit," I said.

"Right?" Sasha laughed. At that point, she un-peeked her head and shut my door (though it wasn't shut when she peeked her head the first time...).

So yeah. She's definitely pretty shameless. Anyway, back to the present. Sasha had just come into the room and shut the door behind herself.

"Hey," she said in a hushed tone. "Can I talk to you about something real quick?"

"Sure," I said. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine," she said, giving me a quick smile. "I just want to talk about some... logistics with you."

I laughed. "As in, we need to work out a way for you and Austin to be able to have sex even though we're sharing a room."

Sasha blushed, but not as intensely as you might expect a sister to do when discussing sex with her younger brother!

"Yeah," Sasha laughed. "Austin and I don't normally get to share a room like this. It's especially convenient given that mom and dad are on the complete opposite side of the house."

"Yeah," I said. "Makes sense."

"So to put it bluntly," Sasha continued. "Austin and I want to have lots of sex during the trip."

"How often? And when?" I asked.

"Well," Sasha said, thinking for a moment. "I think we'll want to fuck almost every night."

"That's fair."

"And probably first thing in the morning too..."

"Doesn't that mean I have to get up whenever you guys do so I can give y'all privacy?" I asked. I was happy to accommodate their schedules, but that seemed like a bit much given they were already planning on fucking everynight right before bed.

"Yeah, I'm not sure," Sasha said, trying to think of a fair solution.

"Honestly," I said with a sigh. "When y'all have sex in your room, when I'm in my room, I can basically hear every little thing."

Sasha blushed and laughed. "What's your point?"

"Why don't y'all just fuck while I'm in here? I can just make an effort not to look over at your bed when y'all are having sex."

"Really?" Sasha said, a bit taken aback. But clearly not entirely opposed to my proposition. "Are you sure?"

"It seems like the easiest solution," I shrugged.

"Okay, if you're sure," Sasha said. "If you change your mind at any point, please just let me know and we can figure something else out."

"Sounds good to me. Do you think Austin will be okay with that though?"

"I'm not really sure," Sasha shrugged. "Maybe if he thought you were asleep, then he'd be okay with it?"

"Jesus," I said, rolling my eyes. "I can pretend to be asleep if y'all are quick about it."

"Okay, thanks Jake," Sasha grinned. "I owe you one!"

She gave me another smile, dropped off the bag she had been carrying, and left the room again.

Everything was pretty normal for the rest of the day. After unpacking, we went down to the beach for a few hours before coming back for dinner. The beach house is right on the beach so it's no big deal walking back and forth. After quickly eating some burgers, my parents and I went back down to the beach. Austin and Sasha said they would come down after cleaning the dishes.

Almost immediately after my parents and I left, I got a text from Sasha.

Hey, Austin and I are gonna have sex now (not tonight). Can you please CALL me if mom or dad is coming back? Just keep calling if I don't pick up.

I quickly typed out a response, Sure thing, but I think you guys should be good for a while here.

Austin and Sasha made quick work. They finished cleaning the dishes before heading to their room to fuck, and they were done having sex within twenty minutes. So, I don't think my parents were suspicious; if anything, I bet they expected the two of them to take longer. I certainly expected them to take longer.

In any case, I was sitting on the beach reading when I saw Austin and Sasha walking over. I must've had a somewhat surprised look on my face because Sasha grinned and gave me a subtle wink before sitting down in her chair and diving into her book. A little while later, my phone buzzed. I checked and saw it was a text from her,

We just had a quickie. We didn't want to make mom or dad suspicious.

I doubt they would care one way or another tbh, I replied.

Yeah, but that's kind of awkward. I'm not drunk enough to not-care if mom and dad know I just had sex.

Fair enough. I chuckled quietly to myself. I suppose I would've preferred to avoid altering my parents that my boyfriend and I just banged if I could help it.

But don't worry, the sex was still really good, even if it was quick! :)

I almost laughed out loud, but I caught myself. Oh gosh, thanks for clearing that up! I was worried that the sex wouldn't be very good. Obviously, I was being (playfully) sarcastic here.

I figured you'd want to know :p she said, teasing me.

Sasha and I didn't mention anything else to one another about our agreement before bed. The next morning was a different story though. I woke up around 8:00am to the sounds of my sister moaning softly in-between the sounds of two bodies slapping together. I'm a little ashamed to admit that I immediately felt myself start to get hard.

I was laying on my back. If you recall, their bed was to my right while the bathroom was to my left. I very slowly turned my head and opened one eye just enough to get an idea of what was going on. Of course, once I caught a glimpse of what was happening on the other bed, I opened my other eye (very slightly) to get a better view.

Sasha was on her elbows and knees in front of Austin, who was behind her, pounding away. Sasha's head was stuffed into the bed and her back was arched, giving Austin what I'm sure was an incredible view of her ass. I couldn't really see Sasha's tits at all; they were mostly covered by the disheveled sheets. But I could see the arch of her back and the side of her ass. Austin had his hands on Sasha's hips. Occasionally he'd grab and squeeze one of Sasha's ass cheeks. After watching for about thirty seconds, I also noticed that Sasha had a hand between her legs, meaning she was definitely playing with herself.

They were definitely trying their best to be quiet, but they weren't doing a very good job. I wasn't too hurt about it though; I was planning on waking up around now anyway. And I think they must have been fucking for a little while at this point, because only about a minute after I woke up, Austin whispered that he was about to cum, and then a few seconds later, he tensed up and I watched as he pumped his load into my sister's pussy.

Once his orgasm finished, Austin gave a heavy sigh and carefully pulled out of my sister.

"Do you want me to grab a tissue or anything?" he whispered softly.

"No," Sasha said. "I think I'm gonna touch myself some more before I shower."

"That's so hot," Austin grinned. "Do you want me to stay and help?"

"No baby," Sasha said softly. "You already got me off once. Go ahead, I'll catch up in a few minutes."

"Okay babe," Austin said. He quietly stepped down off the bed and tip-toed to the bathroom, making a concerted effort to open and shut the door quietly.

Just as I opened my eyes to get a better view of Sasha's ass, she was repositioning herself to be on her back. She had her legs spread wide open; her knees were bent and her feet were up in the air. She had both of her hands between her thighs. I couldn't see very well because of the sheets and blankets, but I have to imagine she had a couple fingers from one hand in her vagina while the other hand worked her clit. She must have been fingering herself with Austin's cum in her pussy!

I heard the shower turn on, meaning I was fairly confident that Austin wouldn't be coming back out anytime soon, so I slowly turned onto my side so I could get a better look. I'm not gonna lie, watching Sasha masturbate with her pussy full of cum was so fucking hot. And so fucking surreal. I couldn't believe my sister was laying five feet away from me, completely naked, masturbating with a fresh load inside her. No, in fact, it was even more intense than that -- she was actively using her boyfriend's cum as lube to masturbate. Good lord!

Sasha moaned softly and rocked her hips as she expertly worked herself to another orgasm. I could kind of see her tits at this point, but they were mostly blocked by her arm. Nevertheless, I was completely hard, and precum was oozing from the head of my cock. I was still a little nervous to make it known that I was awake and watching her though. This was despite the fact that, realistically, she had to be okay with me potentially seeing her like this, or else she wouldn't be masturbating right next to me.

At this point, both my eyes were open. I had been watching her for almost a minute when Sasha glanced over at me.

"Oh, you're awake!" she said softly, smiling at me. "Why didn't you say something?"

"Honestly," I grinned, a little embarrassed, "I'm not really sure what the protocol is, so I didn't want to interrupt."

"Fair enough," she giggled. "Well, to be clear, you are obviously allowed to watch, at least when it's just me. Were you awake at all when Austin and I were having sex?"

"Just for, like, the last minute," I said. I rolled over onto my side so that I was facing her, but I still had the bed sheet covering my body.

"Did you get to see any of it?" she asked. She was still masturbating, which was driving me wild, though she had slowed down considerably. I think she was only rubbing her clit right now.

"Barely," I said in a hushed tone. We were basically whispering. "I didn't want Austin to see me looking."

"Right," Sasha said. "I don't think he would care per se, but I don't know if he'd want you actively watching. Like if you woke up mid-sex and, like, made it known that you were awake, he wouldn't be embarassed really, but I think he'd stop fucking me."

"I see," I said. That's what I'd expect Austin to do.

"So, if you want to watch us have sex, try to be discrete about it," she giggled. "I certainly don't mind you watching."

"Oh, uh, gotcha," I said. I still could not believe I was having this conversation with my sister, while she was touching herself no less. She was really okay with me watching her and Austin have sex? In fact, it seemed like she wanted me to watch them have sex.

"You really don't mind if I watch?" I asked.

"No," Sasha said, smiling at me. I couldn't really see her face too well, but she was lifting her head up to look at me, so I could see it a bit.

"And you wouldn't be creeped out if I actively wanted to watch?"

"No," Sasha said. "Why would I be creeped out? Watching two attractive people having sex sounds like a good time to me."

I chuckled. "Ah yes, two attractive people."

Sasha giggled again. "Did you like what you saw, in any case?" she asked.

No point in being shy about it. If Sasha was comfortable with -- or even interested in -- me watching her and Austin have sex, then I was going to embrace it! "Oh, you could say that," I grinned.

She gave me an inquisitive look, so to clarify what I meant, I quickly pulled the sheet back over my body, revealing my front to her while keeping my back covered. Sasha broke eye contact and glanced down at my crotch to see my cock pressing against my boxer briefs, trying desperately to escape. It was clear that I was fully erect and dripping with precum, given the wet spot right by my cock head.

Sasha nodded with a look of approval on her face. "Well, it looks like you have a good reason not to be bashful about that thing," she laughed. "Wow."

"Wuddya mean?" I asked.

Sasha laughed. "You look pretty big."

"Oh," I said, glancing down at my erection. "Thanks."

"Do you want to show it to me?" she asked. I thought it was interesting that she phrased it that way; she could've asked to see it, but instead she put the responsibility on me.

"Uh, I mean," I hesitated. "Do you want to see it?"

"Sure," Sasha said. "If only because I'm curious." I wondered if curiosity was the only thing fueling her apparent interest in seeing my cock, but I wasn't going to press the issue. After all, I'd just received the green light to show my sister my hard cock. Eyes on the prize.

I reached down and hooked my thumb into the waistband of my underwear. I lifted myself up slightly and pulled my boxers down, springing my hard cock free from its cotton prison. The head glistened with precum.

"Wow," Sasha said slowly, her eyes fixated on my erection. "Goddamn Jake. You've got a nice cock."

I didn't really know what to say so I just said "thank you". I mean, what would you say if your sister told you that you had a nice cock?

My brain attempted to process everything a bit longer and managed to come up with, "nice how?"

Sasha laughed again. "I don't know," she said. "It looks nice. Your balls too, for that matter." She paused for a moment before adding, "and it's big. Your cock, that is. Not your balls." She giggled.

"You're ridiculous," I laughed. "But thank you."

"You're not a virgin, right?"

"No, no, I'm not a virgin." I'd had sex with two people at this point in my life, both of whom were exes. I was in a bit of a dry spell at the moment, to say the least.

Sasha resumed masturbating more intensely now. She started moaning softly, arching her back, bucking her hips a bit. My eyes greedily soaked up the scene.

"Y'know," Sasha whispered after a moment. "You might wanna take care of that, unless you want Austin to see you with a raging boner."

"Raging?" I laughed.

"Am I wrong?" Sasha looked at me and grinned. "You look like you're hard as a rock right now."

"No, you are not wrong," I chuckled. I took my cock in my hand and began to stroke it slowly, using the precum as lube. Sasha rolled onto her side and faced me, giving me a perfect view of her tits. My eyes damn-near bulged out of my head.

I drank in the sight of my sister's breasts. They were about a handful each, and she had small pink nipples that were clearly very hard. Sasha's right hand was clearly working her clit, and her eyes were fixated on my cock.

"Holy fuck," I whispered. I began to pump my cock harder.

"What? Does your sister have nice tits?" she cooed.

"Yes," I breathed. "They're gorgeous."

"You're too sweet," she said, biting her lip.

I certainly didn't last too much longer. About thirty seconds later, I rolled onto my back and unloaded onto my stomach and chest. Sasha wasn't far behind me, perhaps fueled by watching her little brother climax five feet away from her. I turned and watched as Sasha's body clenched. Her toes curled and her eyes rolled back into her head as her second orgasm of the day rocked through her body. She whimpered softly as she came, savoring every wave of pleasure that came washing over her.

Once her orgasm finished, she immediately hopped up and grabbed a tissue. She came over to me and delicately wiped the cum off my stomach and my chest. She was covering her breasts with her arm.

"There, nice and clean," she smiled. "Did that feel good?"

"Yes," I said. "That was insane."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," she said. "I did too, obviously." With that, she hurried into the bathroom. I watched her butt as she hurried into the bathroom. She had quite the booty.

"Took you long enough," Austin said to her as she entered the bathroom. "Did you finish again?"

"Yep!" Sasha said cheerfully.

"Is Jake awake yet?"

"Well, he probably is now," Sasha said, feigning mild irritation, as she shut the door.

I didn't really care to be in the room when they were finished showering, so I went ahead and got up. I threw on some clothes and went to make myself coffee and cereal. Sasha and Austin came out of the room about twenty minutes later. They sat with me at the kitchen table and the three of us ate breakfast together. There was no awkwardness or anything, so I don't think Austin knew what had happened just before the shower. I also assume he didn't care whether or not I heard him and Sasha having sex as he wasn't acting awkward or uncomfortable at all, despite Sasha pointing out that I had woken up right after they finished banging.

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