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Sex, Violence, and Spaceships Ch. 03

Story Info
Alden has a memorable encounter with Lexa on a mission.
3.6k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 01/18/2024
Created 10/26/2023
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PROLOGUE: The Caligula is a notoriously depraved sex club in a distant spiral arm of galaxy V76942. It is owned and operated by the Flesh and Blood sex cartel. Recent violence with rival cartels has caused a spike in murders and abductions. Alden is on a mission to infiltrate the Caligula sex club and rescue a kidnapped girl. His plan is to sneak in through a dangerous cave system that leads to the back entrance of the club. He's almost reached his destination when he has a memorable encounter with someone on the way...


Alden was trudging through the rock caverns leading to the back entrance of the Caligula. It was dark, and any light shining through was dim and pale. The caverns were the quickest and most secretive way to sneak into the Caligula, but they were patrolled by horrific alien monsters. Most avoided these caverns from fear of getting ambushed by one of these giant man-eaters.

He tried to step quietly with his pack of supplies and ammunition slung over his shoulder. His blaster pistol was holstered and set to 'Gib'. He would need as much firepower as he could muster in case he encountered one of these cave-dwelling horrors. He came to an open area. Sticky spider webbing was everywhere, hanging from the rock ceiling and strung from wall to wall, forming thick screens. Anyone unlucky enough to run into one would be stuck for sure and wouldn't stand a chance when "She" came back to check her traps.

Alden poked at a glob of the webbing with a stick. "Goliath Widow." He said to himself quietly. The "She" in question here was a 2-ton flesh eating spider, with an appetite to match its massive size. He scanned the opening. There were bones and scattered corpses everywhere. Flesh-stripped skeletons with some of their clothing and jewelry still on. It looked like she had caught a lot of prey in this little trap. He would need to move out of this spot quickly before the Widow came back.

As he was hurrying for the exit, he heard the muffled sounds of someone struggling. He looked around but didn't see anyone. The muted groans got louder. It sounded human. He looked again and this time he noticed a thick cocoon of webbing laid out on the rock floor, about the length of a person. He stepped cautiously towards it. It was the source of the muffled cries.

"What the.." He leaned in closer to get a better look. Long brunette hair streamed out of one end of the cocoon, and at the other end was a pair of feet shod in leather sandals sticking out. He blinked his eyes a few times and did a double take. It was a woman!

"There's no way in hell.." Alden muttered quietly. He hovered over the writhing figure encased in the webbing. She was alive in there and trying to get out. He looked around cautiously and drew his knife from the sheath. He sliced delicately up the center of the cocoon, careful not to cut her. When he got it open, nothing could have prepared him for what he saw inside.

It wasn't just any woman; it was a galactically famous porn star named Lexa Mercedes. He had seen all her movies. She was the undisputed queen of porn in this quadrant of the galaxy. Like every male from light years in any direction, Alden had watched and fantasized about her since he was a teenager. She was tall and had sun-kissed olive skin. The two perfect cantaloupes she had for tits were the stuff of legend. She was in glittery performance attire - which was just decorative nude -- and shining blood red lips and nails you could see your reflection in. She must have been working at the Caligula and somehow ended up here.

She shot upright gasping for air and peeling the webbing off her skin. Alden gently helped her to her feet. She coughed and gasped some more, then once she could speak, she shouted at him "Get it off me!"

'A thanks would be nice.' Alden thought to himself. He helped her wipe the sticky webbing off her body and gather herself anyways. Once she was mostly clean, she stomped off without a word out of the chamber and Alden followed her. She walked towards a placid pool of water and perched onto a rock alongside it. She spoke to him again. "Give me a cigarette."

Conveniently enough, he had some cigarettes in his supplies. He fished one out of his bag and gave it to her. He told her it probably wasn't a good idea, but Lexa wasn't used to being told no, or anything she didn't want to hear for that matter. She lit up and puffed on it quietly, legs crossed.

"You're Lexa Mercedes." Alden said, like a star-struck teenager.

She smirked unsurprised. Most people in galaxy V76942 knew who she was. Lexa had been one of the most popular women in porn for years. The sex-obsessed aliens in this horny little galaxy revered her as some sort of sex goddess. She had done everything imaginable to reach the apex of the sex entertainment circuit, and then even more once she got there. In short, this chick fucked.

"What happened? How did you get here?" Alden asked her.

She paused for a moment, then answered him "So..."

Alden was taken aback. She didn't seem like the bubbly sweetheart he had always fantasized her to be. She was cold and calculating, almost villainous.

"This incompetent slob Vorlan was escorting me and this chick Brexxa to go work at another club.."

'Vorlan Krux?' Alden thought to himself. Alden had heard of him. He was a mule for various sex cartels. He shuttled girls around from club to club. This other woman must have been Brexxa Verx, an up-and-coming (pun intended) new starlet who was climbing the porn ranks and gaining popularity. Alden had even seen a few of her movies.

"He says if we go the back way we can get to his "ride" quicker, so he takes us into these disgusting caves, and the stupid fucking slug gets lost."

Alden listened closely. Finding a demi-goddess porn vixen in a monster-infested cave was extremely unlikely, but apparently not impossible.

"So that bitch Brexxa and I are screaming at him, telling him he's going the wrong way."

That bitch? Ouch. Alden immediately noticed the hostile tone in her voice. A little bad blood? Rivalry? Jealousy? It wouldn't surprise him. Brexxa's career was on the rise, and women got insanely competitive and brutal with each other in this twisted industry.

"He finally loses his temper and screams at us to "Shut. The fuck. Up." Lexa took a hit off her cigarette and scowled. She still sounded mad about it. 'What a vindictive little creature', Alden thought. He kept listening intently. He could see where this story was going.

A smile curved on her lips "But I guess he screamed too loud. Because a Goliath Widow came down from the ceiling and cut that cretin in half at the waist with its pincers."

Alden's eyes widened. She was telling this story a little too well, and she seemed to be getting a kick out of it.

"That idiot's blood and organs went everywhere. Absolutely beautiful."

Alden wasn't sure what to make of this. Was Lexa a porn star or a serial killer?

"..and that stupid bitch Brexxa is screaming her head off, making all this obnoxious noise. She wasn't screaming for long, though."

Alden asked anxiously "Oh no. It got her?"

"Sure." Lexa replied coldly. "Once I kicked her into its mouth."

Alden's jaw dropped to the floor. Lexa was apparently BOTH a porn star AND a serial killer.

Lexa puffed her cigarette and smiled devilishly "The sounds she made when that thing got her.. Where are all those Cummy awards now? Oops, nothing for your 70 billion OnlyFriends followers to lap up now! All gone in just a few seconds..."

Alden got queasy. That sounded personal. And what a tragedy! He was subscribed to Brexxa's OnlyFriends.

'Oh. My. God.' He thought to himself. He never expected the unicorn of his teenage sex fantasies to be.. An axe murderer with tits. Then, he remembered something about the Caligula and it all started to add up.

You see, like the Grand Ecstasy, the Caligula was a sex club. However, the similarities end there. While the Grand Ecstasy is the hottest, fanciest sex resort that everyone wants to be at, the Caligula is where you don't dare to go unless you're some maniacal member of a sex cartel, or galactic criminal syndicate.

Girls who opt to work at the Caligula tend to be a little.. Depraved. Because seeing people die isn't just a repercussion of being in the criminal environment, it's programmed into the entertainment. The Caligula is known for executing performers and guests who step out of line -- both male and female -- in the most horrific and theatrical ways. And the Caligula's denizens don't just put up with it, they get off on it. Until it's their turn in the spotlight, of course.

As Alden was processing the fact that Lexa was a bona fide criminal psychopath, he realized she was still finishing her story.

"..and then that nasty fucking thing jumped on ME. But I guess it wasn't hungry anymore after eating Brexxa's FAT ASS-"

Ouch. Again. Personal.

"..and it wrapped me in that disgusting cocoon. 'Saving me for later', I suppose." And she kept puffing her cigarette.

Alden stood there frozen in shock. What. A. Story. He didn't know what to be more disturbed about; the gory details, or the fact that Lexa was an unrepentant killer. This really called his fantasies from the last few years into question. He didn't know what to say to her, so he said something obligatory.

"I'm.. glad you're okay?"

Lexa smirked indifferently. He looked at her leg. There was a thin dribble of blood running down it. It looked like she had caught the very tip of a razor-sharp pincer in her scuffle with the Widow. He drew a clean cloth out of his pack. Terrible though she was, she was still a woman. He felt compelled to help her. And that body of hers was a galactic treasure. Would be a shame to see it marked up. He wet the rag in the clear water and placed it on her wound gently to clean it.

Alden deliberated in his own head. It seemed she was his problem now, so what was he going to do with her? He could take her out of the caverns and get her a transport back to civilization, but it would mean backtracking quite a bit. He hadn't planned for a delay like that, but if it got her out of this insanely dangerous place, he figured he could adjust for the delay. She seemed pretty horrible now that he was getting to know her, but she was still a damsel in distress.

She stopped puffing her cigarette and placed her hand on top of his. Her whole posture suddenly changed. Her gaze softened and her touch became sensual. She put her cigarette out on the rock floor, twisting it in her fingers to extinguish it. Then, she leaned in towards him intimately.

'Oh.' He thought to himself. The shift in energy was palpable and his pulse quickened. Lexa may have been a heartless bitch and all-around terrible person, but fuck she was hot. He'd spent endless hours in front of a screen watching her videos, and he had many fond memories. He had flung countless pearl ropes into the air watching her eat cock, or taking a thick slab of dick up her ass, or getting gangbanged; every beautiful hole of hers plugged with raw cock and smashed to a pulp. Or the coup de gras; getting those famous, juicy tits fucked by a 10-inch skin log, then having them glued together by an endless gush of the lucky guy's hot, slimy load.

So long story short, crude personality aside, Lexa was a sex goddess. And if she wanted to fuck, Alden wasn't about to tell her no.

Lexa pushed him onto his back and hovered over him. It looked like she finally intended to reward her handsome hero for getting her out of that cocoon. She ripped the sparse covering off her tits and let them dangle bare in his face. He looked up at her with wide eyes, like a horny teenager looking at his biggest sex fantasy. After all, she was, and she knew it.

She stuck her tongue down his throat. As their tongues twirled, hot saliva swirling, she worked the steel buckle to his heavy utility belt in her fingers and unsnapped it. She peeled his pants down past his hips and revealed his long, thick, pulsing hard cock. She lit up with a smile. For a guy who wasn't in the industry, he was carrying an impressive slab of dick around with him.

She clutched her tits so tightly they bulged between her fingers. "Do you want to work these with your cock? Do you want to tit-fuck these big heavies until you cum, baby?"

"Y-yes, baby." His voice shook as he replied.

Oh my God. She called him baby. She let HIM call HER baby. His brain -- among other things -- was about to explode.

She slid him in between those tight, gorgeous skin globes of hers and took him to another dimension. Pleasure ran through his whole body as she rocked his cock with her priceless jewels. He felt like she could crush his dick if she squeezed them together any tighter. This was all his teenage fantasies come true.

Once she'd rubbed his dick so hot and raw it was about to burst, she curled up alongside him and clutched his cock in her fingers. She put her mouth right up to his ear and whispered the most erotic, filthy things he had ever heard.

"You want to feel this hot mouth? You want me to wrap my lips around your big horny dick and suck your guts out through it? Stick your cumming cock in my mouth and shoot all your love slime down my throat!"

Holy fuck. She was really good at talking shit.

She went in on him and made his soul leave his body. He had never had such a scalding hot blowjob in his entire life. It looked like his fantasies about her were all they were cracked up to be, and more. She worked his club like a wild animal, stopping only to gasp for breath and flick the tip of his dick playfully with her tongue. Then devoured it again, making him throw his head back in pleasure.

'Don't lose your load.. Don't lose your load...' Alden thought to himself. He was already so close to his limit he could barely hold back. He clutched the rock they were perched on with white knuckles, struggling not to bust his nut when they'd just started getting hot and heavy.

She wiped a dangling string of spit from her lip with a devilish smile. Then she unsnapped her tiny spaghetti strap g-string and flung it to the side. She straddled and crouched over him. Alden's eyes got as big as dinner plates.

It was time. She was about to squat on his cock and he was going to fuck her.

He held it upright and she slowly lowered her horny snatch down onto him. Her wet pussy was hot to the touch as it swallowed his cock up and every sensitive inch disappeared into her.

Alden moaned passionately "Ohhhh... Ohhh fuck."

He was so into her. In fact, he was too into her. As was about to become evident.

Alden tensed up and clenched his teeth.

"Oh. Fuck. No. No! No no no no!!"

He lifted her off him just in time for a hot gush of cum to splatter her ass and the small of her back. He gripped his cock tightly as it came out of control. His body writhed and his muscles tensed. When he was finally finished, he looked up at her in a daze.

He hadn't made it through one full stroke in her, but it was the greatest experience he had ever had in his entire life. He smiled innocently at her. She scowled back at him.

"What the fuck was that??" She wasn't too pleased with his early finish.

"S-sorry baby. You know, I just.."

"Don't call me baby you fucking dipshit. You can't fuck me any longer than that?"

Alden cringed nervously and scrambled to apologize. Sheesh, you'd think she'd go easier on him since he had just saved her life. She was bickering at him viciously and berating him. She was getting loud. He begged her to calm down, but she only went after him harder.

She rolled off him and kept lashing out at him as he laid vulnerably on his back.

"You fucking loser. I'm not going anywhere with you."

He appealed to her "Don't say that. Let me get you out of here..."

Their awkward little lovers' quarrel wouldn't go on much longer. Because in all this excitement, they had completely forgotten about the dinosaur-sized spider that was still stalking the cave looking for them. The walls of the cave rumbled, and the growl of the massive spider echoed through it. The Widow was back, and it was close.

Lexa's face filled with dread and her eyes darted around nervously. Alden tried to calm her down, "Just stay calm and don't move. It knows we're here. Stay close." Lexa wasn't very good at taking good advice. But on the other hand, letting her pounce on his cock probably wasn't the smartest move if Alden was trying to keep them out of trouble, so he wasn't exactly blameless here. He was fumbling with his pants to get them back up, but they weren't cooperating.

She continued inching away from Alden. He called her back to him, but she shushed him rudely and kept backing away. He looked down at her hand. She had taken his pack of supplies and ammunition.

What the hell!? She wasn't just abandoning him; she was taking his stuff too. He wouldn't last long in here without those supplies.

Finally overcome with panic, Lexa bolted for the exit to the cavern as fast as she could sprint with his vital pack of supplies in hand. Alden shouted out to her, telling her to stop, but she ignored him and continued her dash for the exit. He saw she was running straight into the Widow's ambush path. He shouted out again, trying to warn her "Not that way! It's waiting for you!"

Lexa stopped in her tracks just before she reached the edge of the Widow's ambush spot.

'Oh thank God, she listened.' Alden thought to himself as he breathed a sigh of relief.

But it wasn't what he thought. Lexa turned slowly to face him and spoke to him in an odd tone.

"It won't care about me.."

Alden's face turned white as she raised his blaster pistol and aimed in on him. She had taken it out of his holster when she stole his equipment bag.

"..because it will already have you. BABY."

Alden braced himself for the kill shot and raised his arm up futilely. It looked like this was it..

Just then, the Widow descended on Lexa from the cave ceiling. She turned around in horror to see it hovering over, thick slime dripping from its fangs. Lexa unleashed a blood-curdling scream just before the Widow wrapped its pincers around her, snatched her right off her feet, and pulled her into the darkness.

Alden finally had his pants up. He jumped to his feet and scrambled up the rock slope to where the Widow had grabbed her. When he got to the top, he looked around frantically, but it had already taken her. She was gone.

"Oh, fuck.." he said to himself as he scanned the rock floor. It looked like the Widow hadn't saved her for later this time. A flowing trail of blood splattered the rock floor, marking the path where it carried her away.

Alden turned green. What a way to go. He stood in grief for a moment. What a waste. If she had just listened to him and not betrayed him, he could have saved her. Of course, she did appear to be a gigantic bitch and horrendous human being, and she had murdered a girl.. Also, she had robbed him, and was going to leave him for dead.. Well, actually.. she was going to murder him and use his body as bait for the Widow.

Sure, sure, there was all that..

But at the same time, she was hot. She was really hot.

His eyes traversed the floor sadly as he reflected on her. Then he saw something out of the corner of his eye and breathed a huge sigh of relief. It was his pack of supplies and blaster pistol. In her last moment, she had dropped them to the floor. He picked them up, slung the pack over his shoulder and holstered his pistol.

What a clusterfuck of a day. He had saved the porn star girl of his dreams from certain death and -- briefly - lived out his sexual fantasies with her, just to lose her in a heartbreaking betrayal.

He plodded his way down the rock path away from the Widow's cavern, his mind still spinning from what had just unfolded. Lexa was a gigantic piece of shit, but he would never forget her. He glanced over his shoulder one last time and said quietly:


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