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Sex With the Ex

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He cheats on fiancée with the Ex-wife he's still married too.
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***All characters are over 18 and are fictional. Any resemblance to any real-life persons or situations is purely coincidental.

Author's Note: Divorce laws mention in the story may not reflect actual laws in any state in the USA, but is exaggerated for the purpose of this story.



Michael was more than just nervous; he was scared as hell. He had been pacing back and forth in the hallway outside of his ex-wife's apartment for nearly 20 minutes. He needed to speak to her about something important, something that would piss her off greatly.

He desperately wanted to smoke a cigarette. It used to help him calm his nerves before he quit over a year ago. He thought about just leaving the hallway and going to buy a pack of cigarettes, but he knew if he did that, he would then make more excuses to not come back here. He wanted to be a man about it and face her with what he needed to talk to her about. But at the same time, he recognized that walking around a hallway for 20 minutes didn't make him look good.

His ex-wife, Kim, wasn't an angry person. She was always a calm person, and at times, very sweet. She does get a little angry at times, but no more than most people would. The only time he ever saw her truly mad was when he admitted to her that not only was he carrying on an affair with his secretary, but he had gotten her pregnant too. She yelled things at him that he never thought he'd heard a woman say, but he knew he deserved it all for what he did. They filed for divorce not long after that.

Kim was upset with herself for believing that Michael would stay faithful to her when he had done this before. He had cheated on her years earlier when they were just dating; she let it go because at the time they weren't too serious about each other. And she knew about how he cheated on the woman he dated before her, so there were signs from the beginning. But she was in love and thought that he loved her enough to be only with her.

When it was time to discuss going through the divorce, Kim agreed to make it quick and amicable. Mostly because she was so pissed off at him that she wanted to be done with the marriage and move on with her life. Michael felt very lucky that she wanted to end it easily like this; most women would've taken him to the cleaners.

Kim didn't want any alimony from Michael. She made good money anyway, so she didn't need that extra financial help. They kept all of their own personal items and agreed to split their finances in half, including the sale of their house and even splitting the furniture.

That was almost 18 months ago. He has barely heard from her ever since. Now he needed to talk to her about something of great urgency.

Finally, he said a few things to himself to help motivate him and rang her doorbell. As soon as he did that, he thought about running away but forced himself to stay.

Kim answered the door, so it was too late for Michael to run off.

"Michael, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I needed to talk to you about something," he said. "Can I come in?"

"Sure. I'll make us some coffee."

The fact that she wasn't pissed off at seeing him today seemed like a good sign to Michael. At the beginning of their divorce process, she was furious at him over every little detail. Now, she seemed alright and was friendly with him.

His ex-wife was standing in the doorway wearing a bandana on her head, blue overalls, and a pink t-shirt, both covered with paint splotches. She was 32-years-old, a year younger than Michael, with long auburn hair. She also had a great body on her under those clothes, with breasts bigger than his current fiancée.

He had seen her in this look many times before when she was making one of her paintings. She was an accountant as her primary occupation, but she also did some art work on the side. He remembered how good she was; many of her pieces went to galleries and some sold for good money.

Michael was lucky that Kim had just made a pot of coffee not long before he showed up, so it was easy for her to make. She remembered that he took light cream with only one sugar, and that's what she made him. Michael actually took three sugars now, but he wasn't going to say anything about it. If he was going to talk to her about what he needed to talk about, then he wanted her on his good side as much as possible.

They were in the kitchen, sitting at their old kitchen table, which Kim got to keep when they were splitting their assets.

"I miss this kitchen table," said Michael.

"Yeah, it works well with any kitchen, I couldn't part with it," said Kim. "Remember what we did when we first got it?"

Michael chuckled. "Yeah, I remember."

Kim was referring to how they had sex on that table before they had their first dinner on it. He was surprised that she would bring up something like that; he took it as another positive sign that things were well between them. If she was willing to bring up good memories like that instead of the bad ones, then she was definitely moving on from their failed marriage.

"How's Lucy and the kids?" Kim asked.

Michael was again surprised by Kim. He didn't think she would care enough to ask how Lucy was, since she was the secretary he had an affair with and got pregnant with. Michael was now living with Lucy and raising their kids together. She used to refer to Lucy as 'that skank' during the divorce, but now she was using her actual name, which seemed like another good sign for Michael.

"They're doing good, thanks for asking," said Michael. "I should let you know that she's pregnant again, about two months now. And we are planning on getting married very soon."

"Congratulations," Kim said, smiling. "I'm very happy for you."

This was going a lot better than Michael had expected. He felt stupid for believing that this would go badly.

"You seem good. Very relaxed."

"You mean as compared to the nightmare I was when we were getting divorced?" she asked.

"Nightmare is going a bit too far. I cheated on you, and you were rightfully angry about it."

"Well, after it was all done and over with, I decided that there was no point in staying angry all the time. I needed to move on with my life and start being the positive person I used to be."

"I'm glad to hear that," said Michael.

"So, what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" she asked.

"Something has come about our divorce. Instead of calling you about it, I thought it was best to come here and talk to you personally."

"Is it about that tax issue we were having a couple of years ago?" she inquired. "I've been wondering if we got all that sorted out back then."

"No, that got resolved and our joint taxes were all good," he assured her.

"Then what's the problem?"

Michael drank some of his coffee and set it down on the table.

"We're still married," he blurted out.

Kim was in the middle of drinking her coffee when he said that. She was startled by that statement and nearly did a spit-take, as if she were a sitcom.

"What was that?" she asked.

"We're still married," he repeated. "I don't know exactly what happened, but I thought I sent in the paperwork, but it turns out it was in my file cabinet this whole time, so we're still legally married."

Kim just stared at him for the longest time without saying a word. This made Michael far more nervous than he was before.

"You said you were going to take care of everything," Kim finally said.

"Yes, I did."

"We agreed to have a very easy divorce. Split our assets and move on with our lives. No alimony or any issues that could drag it on any longer than it should be."

"Yes, I remember that."

"And you, being this amazing lawyer," she said, using her fingers to make air quotes when using the word amazing. "You said you could easily file the paperwork for us, and I didn't have to worry about a single thing."

"Yes, I know, and I'm sorry."

There was another long silence between them. Then, all of a sudden, Kim threw her coffee into his face. The coffee was still very hot and it stung him for a moment.

"You son of a bitch!" She yelled at him. "You bastard! You piece of shit!"

Kim went on with a few more insults. Michael let her get it out of her system so they could discuss what they needed to do next. But it took a while for Kim to settle down from yelling at him.

"I deserve all that, but we need to discuss what to do next."

Kim calmed down and assessed the situation. She felt it was not going to do any good to get mad at him. She was angry at him for a long time after their divorce and didn't like what she had become, so she worked hard to move on with her life and get back to normal.

Kim took a deep breath and cited a mantra in her head to help her relax.

"Sorry for that outburst. I think I got all of that out of my system now," said Kim. "We'll just file the papers again and I can deal with us staying married for a few more months until it all goes through. It's no big deal."

"There's more," said Michael.

"Dammit!" she yelled before calming herself down again. "So, what's the problem?"

"Lucy and I want to get married very soon. By that, I mean in about six weeks," said Michael. "Everything is already planned out and we can't put it off any longer."

"So, what you're saying is that you want to get divorced faster. How do we do that in this state?"

"There is one other way, and that's if we get an annulment."

Kim knew what that meant. An annulment would invalidate their marriage; basically, it would say that it never existed.

"We were already going for an easy divorce. So, this should be no different," said Michael. "Honestly, it was probably something we should've done the first time around."

"But you probably would've forgotten to file that paperwork as well," Kim shot back at him.

"I deserve that."

Kim didn't like the idea of saying their marriage was non-existent. That was a big part of her life, and now he's asking her to sign a legal document to say it never happened. But if she really wanted to move on with her life, this was something she had to do, even if she had misgivings about it.

"All right, let's do it," Kim said solemnly.

Michael felt relieved and took a big deep breath. Despite the coffee thrown at him and the names she called him during her minor outburst, it all went well for him.

"I'll get started on the paperwork and come back to see you tomorrow to sign it."

"Whatever," she replied.

They stood up and walked back to the door. Michael apologized for everything again, and she just accepted it like she was accepting everything else.

At the door, they said their goodbyes and even gave each other a hug. That's when Michael made his biggest mistake, when during that hug he slipped his hand down her back and grabbed her ass.

Kim looked up at him with a disturbed look. "Did you just grab my ass?"

"Um, yes, I think I did," he said.

She took a few steps back from Michael.

"That's crossing the line," she said.

"I'm so sorry. I honestly don't know what came over me."

"Let's just get this annulment thing done and over with so we can both move on," she said as she gave him an angry look.


They said their goodbyes, and Kim slammed the door behind him as he walked away.


Michael got the paperwork for the annulment ready and made arrangements to have it processed fast so he could have plenty of time to be ready for his wedding to Lucy. He wasn't going to let anything get in the way of marrying her, especially by his own mistakes.

As he got the paperwork ready, he kept thinking about how he had grabbed his ex-wife's ass. Although he did like how her ass felt, he shook it off as a momentary lapse of judgement; some residual feelings between them that may have played a part in that, but it shouldn't mean anything. He was with Lucy now, the mother of his children. She was the one he was in love with, the one he left his ex-wife for. Even if she hadn't gotten pregnant, he was eventually going to leave Kim for her; the pregnancy only moved things along a little faster.

He was also thinking a lot about that annulment. He pretended to Kim that it was no big deal to him, but deep down he was upset by the idea of it. Sure, it would solve a few problems that are occurring, mostly due to his own mistakes. But he didn't like the idea of making his marriage to Kim invalid. Despite everything, that was a big part of his life.

But he knew it had to be done. He had no other choice. Lucy was already pissed off at him when he confessed to her that he was still legally married to Kim. She was willing to forgive him for everything as long as he got it resolved.

Lucy was already in a bad position with her family because she got pregnant by a married man and broke up his marriage. Then they didn't get married right away when Michael did get divorced (at least when they thought he was), which caused another problem for her. That was his fault also; he convinced her he wasn't ready to get married so soon after getting divorced. Instead, they just moved in together.

It wasn't until after his twins were born that he realized he was taking too long to marry Lucy. He did love her and wanted to do what's right by her. They were now finally about to get married, and his screw up would cause her more problems with her family. They still didn't know that she was pregnant before marriage again; they were just happy that she was finally getting married now. He didn't want to upset her, especially now that she was pregnant again. The last thing he wanted was to do anything to stress Lucy out, which might cause harm to the fetus.

All he had to do was get Kim to sign the annulment papers. It would be faster than getting a divorce in this state, and with his connections, he could have it passed much sooner. After that, everything would go smoothly for him.


He got to Kim's apartment later that evening. She let him in, and they sat on the living room couch to discuss everything. Kim was wearing jeans again, this time with a black t-shirt that hugged the curves of her breasts. Michael couldn't help admiring her body just now, but immediately turned his focus back to the task at hand.

"Here are the papers," he said as he put the annulment papers down on the coffee table. "I signed my part of it. You just have to sign yours."

Kim gave the annulment papers a quick look through. She found them to be no different than her original divorce papers, except these papers would say she was never married. She had a pen in her hand, ready to sign, but suddenly found herself very hesitant about it.

"Is something wrong?" Michael asked.

"No," she said, but still hesitated to sign.

"You sign right here," he said, pointing at the signature line.

"I KNOW WHERE TO SIGN! I'M NOT STUPID!" She yelled at him.

She got off the couch and walked away into the kitchen. Michael was stunned by this behavior and followed her. Kim got a beer from the fridge and began drinking it very fast.

"Can I get a beer?" Michael asked.

"You try to grab one of my beers and I'll smash it over your head," she replied.

Michael was expecting her to calm down like she did yesterday when he was pissing her off, but he saw that she was really angry with him this time.

"Is something wrong?"

"There's a lot wrong," she yelled at him. "First you cheat on me, with your secretary, a total cliché by the way, and get her pregnant. Then after we agree to an easy divorce and I am finally moving on with my life, you show up, saying we're still married, and asking me for an annulment so you can marry that skank."

Michael noticed how Kim went back to calling Lucy a skank. He knew things were not going well for him.

"Then, right before you leave, you grab my ass," she continued. "Not just a little feel of my ass, but a good grasp of it."

"Yes, I remember that. I am very sorry; I don't know what came over me," he replied, nervously.

"And now you come here, acting like none of this is a big deal."

"I know this is a big deal. But we need to--"

"I know about you and Jennifer," she interrupted. "I know also you slept with her while we were married. She confessed everything to me after we got divorced."

Michael was silent. Jennifer was one of Kim's closest friends who he seduced when she herself was having troubles with her marriage. He thought about denying it all, but he felt there was no point in doing so.

"You never told me you knew about that."

"I wanted to move on with my life, so I decided I should let that one go," she replied. "But now I need to know, besides Jennifer and that skank secretary, how many other women did you cheat on me with."

Michael took a deep sigh before making his admission. "There were two other women besides them."

Kim took another swig of her beer.

"And today, while I was talking to one of my friends about all of this, she told me how she saw you enter a hotel a couple months ago with another woman. So, are you cheating on Lucy with other women as well?"

"Yes, I am," Michael admitted as he bowed his head in shame. "I might as well admit that I cheated on her with a few women."

"You bastard," said Kim. "I'm not signing your papers."

"What?" he asked.

"You heard me, I'm not signing anything. Now get out of my home."

"But why? Why drag this on any longer?"

"Because I know in the long run, this will hurt you like you've hurt me, and don't act like you don't deserve it."

"Kim, please don't do this," he pleaded. "Ok, I'm a cheating bastard, and you do deserve some revenge. But don't this won't solve anything, you'll also be hurting as well."

"Not as much as it will hurt you," she replied. "How do you think this will affect your relationship with Lucy?"

"You're not going to tell her about all of that stuff, are you?"

"No, I won't do that," said Kim. "That might make things too messy. I'll just sign regular divorce papers, which will take a few months to go through. After that, by state law, there's a waiting period of three months before you can get married again. So, my revenge is to just do what we were doing before, getting a regular divorce, only this time you can't get remarried for at least six months. I'm getting my revenge against you and that skank you left me for at the same time."

Michael was stunned. Kim had everything figured out on how to screw him over. He wasn't even sure how much Lucy will forgive him after everything.

"Please, Kim, I'll do anything you want. I'll give you anything you want, just name it. But please don't do this."

"Anything?" she asked with a devilish look on her face.

Michael did not like how she looked just now. The only time he had seen a look like that was in the courtroom when the opposing attorney had something big to use in a case. He figured she was going to ask him for something huge to get the annulment and she just might get it.

"I'm hoping it will be within reason, but yes, I'll do anything," he replied, nervously.

Kim finished up her beer and set the bottle down on the kitchen counter.

"I want you to fuck me," she said.

"What?" he asked with a quizzical look.

"I just want one thing from you, and that is for you to fuck me."

Michael was stunned. He was expecting her to ask for money or some favors to be done for her, but having sex with her was not at the top of his list of guesses.

"You're serious?" he asked.

"As a heart attack."

"I can't do that, I can't cheat on Lucy," he shook his when he realized what he had just said. "I mean, I guess I can because I already have. But I can't do that with you."

"You're saying, you can't cheat on your girlfriend with your own wife?" she asked.

There was a weird form of logic to what she just said that Michael couldn't refute.


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