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Sharing my Wife: Ginger & Eric

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Sharing an evening with Ginger and Eric.
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Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 10/21/2016
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Continuation from: Sharing my Wife: A Special Night with Shaun.

Thank you very much to Shygirlwhore for editing the story. She's been an incredible help!


Shortly after lunch, Michelle called. She said that Shaun has a rodeo conference of some kind in Bozeman, Montana Tuesday through Thursday and asked if she could go with him. She said she'd already let her office know that she needs those days off and wanted to let me know where she'd be. I'd already told her she could spend a few days with Shaun so I didn't think it'd be reasonable to tell her no. She wasn't really asking anyway, just telling me what she was doing. She said she'd be home sometime Friday.

That meant I had three more nights to sleep alone and horny. Of course knowing what Michelle and Shaun would be doing most of the nights would alleviate my horniness - NOT! That night it was miserable sleeping alone. I was horny and I wanted to make love with my wife! She'd left me tortured the night before and my orgasm watching her with Shaun hadn't done much to alleviate my suffering.

Tuesday evening, right after I'd fixed myself a nice dinner of hot dogs and potato chips I got a surprise phone call from Jacqui. I was thrilled to hear from her. We hadn't talked for so long. The last time we'd talked was September.

For anyone who hasn't read my stories from the beginning, Jacqui was my first extra-marital love affair. She was a gorgeous, twenty-six-year old assistant manager for Victoria's Secret when I'd gone shopping for clothes for Michelle's first date with Mike. She's about the same size as Michelle and we had a little fun with her trying on clothes to see how they'd fit on Michelle. It turned into quite a lot of fun, especially the nighties, and me sucking another nipple besides Michelle's...ever!

After Michelle got back from her first sexy weekend with Mike, she'd drug me to the store and coerced me into asking Jacqui out on a date. Jacqui and I slept together the night of our first date and had a subsequent affair, falling hard for each other. She was the first girl I'd even kissed, other than Michelle. After seeing each other about a year and a half and falling madly in love, Jacqui was transferred to Great Falls, Montana, nearly six-hundred miles away, and we haven't seen each other since then. She and Michelle had become hard friends as well, enjoying teasing and sharing their man.

The biggest reason I hadn't gone to see her in Montana was that I knew our affair couldn't ever go anywhere and she deserved to find someone permanent in her life. The last time we'd talked, she had just started seeing a guy and I didn't want to interfere.

Jacqui sounded excited and so was I to get to talk to her. Just hearing her beautiful voice definitely brightened my evening. We talked about little things a few minutes before she asked me, "Is Michelle there?"

"No, she's gone with Shaun for a couple days." Jacqui knew all about her affairs and actually helped Michelle orchestrate her affair with Shaun.

She sounded pretty disappointed, let down at that. "Oh, I need to tell you something but I want to tell you both at the same time."

"You do know you can have a three-way call on your phone, don't you?" I told her to put me on hold and call Michelle, then hit the call button again to get me back on the line. I hoped it'd work.

I waited and in just a little bit heard Michelle's voice, "Hello."

Michelle and Jacqui talked for a few minutes. She was as excited to hear from Jacqui as I was. In a little bit, Jacqui said, "I have something to tell you."

I had no clue what it might be, maybe getting transferred back to Kennewick? I'd love that!

"I'm getting married!" The next several seconds I heard shrieking from Michelle. I had to hold the phone away from my ear so my ear wouldn't be damaged. I heard what sounded like jumping up and down, when, where, who and lots that was complete unintelligible. I suppose women might have understood it but I didn't. I was thrilled for Jacqui too. She's a wonderful woman and deserves a happy family. When we were going together, I'd let her know that she really didn't have a future with me so if she met someone else I'd be happy for her. I didn't exactly lie, just didn't tell her everything. I didn't mention that I'd also be heartbroken to lose her.

When she moved to Montana we both knew our affair would likely be over due to the fact it's almost six hundred miles away. Until that phone call though, I kept up hope that maybe she'd be transferred back or something happen so that we could be a couple again. I wanted to sound happy for her...and I guess I was, but inside my heart was breaking.

They hadn't set a date for the wedding yet but she wanted Michelle to be one of her bridesmaids. I told Jacqui how happy I was for her, and that there'd be no way we would miss her wedding.

After we all hung up, I almost couldn't help but cry a little bit. After all, Jacqui had been my girl for a year and we never broke up, just drifted apart after she moved. I still loved her. I know I'd told her all along that I wanted her to find someone she could marry, but now that it's happened, it was a lot different than I'd imagined...much harder. At the same time I was sincerely happy for her. Complicated, hunh?

I struggled through the next couple days, going back to our empty house after work. Whenever Michelle was with Shaun I enjoyed lying in bed and imagining what they were doing. Thursday I was watching Megyn Kelly, but my mind was elsewhere. I was wondering if, right at that particular minute, Michelle and Shaun were having dinner in a romantic restaurant, maybe dancing, or something even more a sixty-nine position in their hotel room giving each other a massive orgasm?

That's where my gutter-infested mind was when Ginger called. "I've been thinking about what you said the other day." Her voice sounded pretty nervous.


"Do you really think Michelle would go to bed with Eric?"

My heartrate had increased significantly with that one sentence. "Yeah, I'm sure she would, but not without your consent."

"And she could seduce him to do it with her?"

I paused a little thinking and grinning, "My wife is a master seducer when she wants. I think she could seduce you into bed."

Ginger laughed, "I don't think we're going there!"

I couldn't help but tease just a little, "But it would sure be fun to watch her try, wouldn't it?" It actually hadn't ever crossed my mind before, but now that it had...

"Robert, I'm serious. Would she?"

She's scared, I thought. It was time to quit the joking. "Ginger, I know she can. But she won't and she wouldn't without your consent. If you say that you don't want her to, then don't worry about it."

I heard a long pause on the other end. "But, that's the thing, what if I said I wanted her to?"

I was surprised. "Are you seriously thinking about it?"

"Yes, I am. I trust him and I trust Michelle. I've already experienced how much he'd enjoy it and it doesn't seem fair for me to say no."

I felt like I needed to reassure her 'fairness' wasn't really an issue. "Ginger, this is completely separate from you and me. I can tell you that it's really hard the first time it happens. Eric was brave and really strong to let you go with me. I can tell you from my own experience that I don't think he's expecting to sleep with someone else. When Michelle took a lover the first time, that was the farthest thing from my mind. I already had my reward and it didn't have anything to do with sleeping with someone else. Michelle wanted me to sleep with Jacqui for the same reason I wanted her to sleep with Mike. She didn't do it out of fairness."

Ginger spoke very softly, "I think I do. I want him to sleep with Michelle."

I was starting to get excited but I still didn't want to sway her that way. "You need to be sure. Don't think it'll be easy for you. I can tell you that you'll likely about die from jealousy. I know I almost did the first time...and I still do." But I wanted to give the other side of the argument too. "For me though, there's nothing that's been more exciting than watching Michelle have lovers. I'm constantly scared for her and so jealous that I want to scream, but I love every second of it. So does Michelle with me. , but it's something you have to decide for yourself. Don't let me push you."

"You're scared? Of what, Michelle leaving?"

"She's having an affair with a single man that's everything any woman could ask for. They're in Montana now, going to sleep together tonight for the fifth night in a row. Yeah, I trust her but at the same time it's in the back of my mind that Shaun has so much more to offer her than I do. The only thing I have is that I know she loves me more than she ever will anyone else. Before you let Eric sleep with anyone else, you be a hundred percent certain that he loves you enough that nobody can ever come between you."

"The more you talk, the more I think I want to let him sleep with Michelle. It's a gift he gave me that I can return to him and he won't ever forget. I do know how much we love each other. He wouldn't have let me if he didn't."

"Ginger, think about it some more and call me tomorrow. Michelle won't be home until tomorrow night and you don't need to decide right away. I know she wants to sleep with Eric and to be honest, I want her to. Remember too, that you can change your mind right up to the last minute." I know she could, but after some point, it'd be a lot easier said than done. If Eric had called after the Cotillion and changed his mind, I don't know if we could have stopped or not. The emotions get too strong.

"I'll call you." That was the end of our conversation. After I'd hung up, I kept looking at the phone wondering if that had just been a dream or had been real. It had certainly seemed real! I finally turned toward the TV and switched it to an episode of "The Office" on Netflix. It's so hilariously funny that it could take your mind off of anything.

I managed to get through the rest of the night, actually sleeping part of the time. Michelle was home when I got there after work. She said they'd driven part way the day before, spending the night in Spokane.

That night, Michelle was enjoying telling me about what she and Shaun had done the last few nights with me on my back and her pussy wrapped around my cock. She's very good at simply straddling me and writhing around while she tells me what she'd done, driving me totally mad! It had been so long and her body against mine was winning the battle of conversation vs orgasm. I managed to hold off long enough to turn the tables on her a little bit toward imaging she was on top of Eric with his cock instead her instead of me. When her pussy started to contract around me with her orgasm, I couldn't hold off any longer and bucked my hips a little further inside her and had my own massive orgasm.

I never mentioned to her that I'd talked to Ginger. I wanted her to think about Eric was a fantasy only that she'd never be able to consummate her desire with. I was hoping that Ginger wasn't going to say anything to Eric either, let his mind wander into the unknown "what-if" with my sexy wife.

That Saturday I'd talked Michelle into inviting Ginger and Eric over for dinner. I bought a small prime rib and put it to cook in our pellet grill with lots of seasoning about five hours before dinner, then buttered some potatoes for baking later. After my share of dinner was ready, I told Michelle I needed to do a little shopping and that I'd be back in a couple hours. She told me that was fine, that she was planning to bake a carrot cake for dessert. We LOVE carrot cake!

I didn't exactly tell her what I was going shopping for, it was a bit of a surprise. I drove to the mall and found the store I wanted...Victoria's Secret. Before I went in, I called Ginger and told her that I was buying something new and sexy for Michelle for dinner. She said she'd find some old rags to wear. Yeah, right I thought, I've seen her in some of her 'old rags'!

This was the first time I'd been to Victoria's Secret since Jacqui left. Unfortunately, I didn't recognize any of the sales girls. Tina, Jacqui's best friend in the store, had been promoted to Jacqui's old position of Assistant Manager. I was hoping she'd be there, but it was her day off. I couldn't help but remember the first time I was there, shopping for clothes for Michelle to wear in Seattle with Mike. What an incredible difference two years can make in your life!

When I thought about that visit and the pretty sales girl who helped me, Jacqui, it nearly made me cry. She'd become my first lover besides Michelle and we'd fallen deeply in love. Now she was in Montana and getting married. It was another love-hate situation...I was happy for her but miserable at what I'd lost.

This shopping trip wasn't going to be nearly as much fun without Jacqui, but I was determined to enjoy myself nonetheless. That first time, I was a bundle of nerves and scared to death. This time, I was so much more mentally prepared to deal with it. When the pretty, petite sales girl approached me, her name was Jamie, I told her what I was looking for. I explained that we were having a party at our house and I wanted to find something sexy for my wife.

I explained Michelle's figure to her, and together we looked at lingerie, skirts, blouses, dresses etc. We spent probably forty-five minutes or so looking through the store, with Jamie holding different things up in front of her to give me some idea what they might look like. I thought about asking her if she'd try some on, but she was so different than Michelle it wouldn't work, except that I'd get to see a little more of Jamie. I knew she wouldn't though from Jacqui explaining their rules to me. After all our looking, I did find what I was looking for and purchased them. Actually, we found what I wanted fairly quickly, but I was enjoying Jamie too much to cut off my shopping too prematurely. When she sacked them, I asked her to please put them in a generic bag rather than a Victoria's Secret bag. I didn't want Michelle to know where I'd been until the time came for her to get dressed.

When I got home, Michelle had taken the cake out of the oven and was working on the frosting for when the cake cooled. Mmm, it smelled good! The prime rib was smelling good and my wife was going to be sexy as hell, even if she didn't know it yet. This was going to be a very good evening!

I tossed my little package on the bed and jumped in the shower. When I'd finished shaving and was getting dressed, Michelle finally came in our room to start getting ready. When she started getting undressed to shower I asked her, "Love, what are you planning to wear?"

"I don't know yet, probably just a pair of slacks and a nice blouse."

"Well, when I was shopping, I sort of bought you a little something I thought would look good for tonight."

She looked at me with that suspicious smile, "And what would that be?"

"Just some things I ran across in the store. They're in the sack." I pointed out the bag on the bed.

Michelle kind of hesitantly walked back across the room to the bed and peeked inside the bag. She pulled out the white dress and held it up in front of her where the light shined right through it. "It's a little transparent, isn't it?"

"Maybe a tiny bit, but not nearly as much when it doesn't have the light right behind it." Actually I'd made sure it was sheer enough to be able to just see the red panties and bra through it when there wasn't any back light at all.

She took out the bra and panties and held them up to look at, "Honey, I can't wear this with Ginger and Eric. It'll show through the dress." My wife who has been a stripper and has lovers actually started to blush. I thought it was so damn cute!

"Maybe a little," I told her, "But you'll look so nice." Actually, I meant sexy. "And I bought them just for tonight.

The dress was a semi-sheer white, coming down to her mid-thigh and the panties and bra were red, lacy, satin semi-bikini style. I'm not sure what it's actually called, but I thought they were sexy as hell! Just the kind of thing I wanted her to wear to seduce Eric, even if she didn't know she was going to seduce him. Actually, what I was hoping was that they wouldn't be able to stay away from each other and they'd both fall in my trap.

"I guess I'll see how it looks, but no promises." That was all I could ask. I was pretty sure that when Michelle saw how it looked on her she wouldn't be able to resist.

I finished getting ready, slapped on a little after-shave that I'd just bought. I hardly ever wear any, but not only did I want Michelle and Eric to be seduced together, I wanted to impress the gorgeous, sexy Ginger as well. I still had a major thing for her!

I wandered into the kitchen and out on the deck to check the temperature of the prime rib, it was up to 125 degrees, just right for dinner in another hour or so. I figured it was time, so put the potatoes on the grill and sat down in the living room waiting for my wife and hoping she'd wear what I'd bought.

Forty minutes later, she opened our bedroom door and walked down the hall. Oh God, she was beautiful and ravishing! The dress and underwear were just as I'd imagined on her. It wasn't sheer enough to see any skin through but the red, lacy lingerie was clearly visible. She'd also put on a pair of smooth, smoky stockings and her red heels. It seemed that every time she dressed up she was more beautiful than the time before. Every time I thanked my lucky stars that we ran into each other at that basketball game so long ago.

She slipped into the kitchen and put on an apron so she didn't splatter anything on her dress while she was frosting the cake. It was hard for me to imagine that such a sexy creature could also be so domestic and not think a thing of it. I couldn't take my eyes off of her as she worked. Her behind with those red panties were literally sexual art!

She was finished and we sat at our table, me with a glass of ice tea and Michelle a diet coke when Ginger and Eric arrived. We both went to the door and gave them a little hug when we invited them in. Ginger was wearing a pair of tight slacks and a purple, satin blouse with fluffs on the line of buttons. When I hugged her, I couldn't resist innocently running my hand across her back, detecting that she obviously wasn't wearing a bra.

She had a nice looking salad and Eric had a couple bottles of red wine. Neither Michelle or I were particularly fond of wine but we'd drink it to be sociable. As little alcohol as we drank, it didn't take very much, even wine, to make us both a little tipsy. I noticed that Eric's eyes were clearly focused on my wife, exactly where I'd hoped they'd be for much of the evening.

We sat them down at the table on one side, with our chairs on the opposite side. I intended to sit opposite from Ginger and Michelle opposite from Eric. Michelle and I put the food on the table, I pulled our wine glasses out of the china hutch, and we sat down to eat.

Ginger told us about her new job as a travel consultant and our conversation was easy throughout the meal. The wine actually tasted good but I could tell that both Michelle and I were probably drinking a little too much. We never talked about the elephant in the room...the sexy women at the table, or the love affair that Ginger and I had begun and consummated in December.

There were a lot of lustful looks from one side of the table to the other though. Partway through dinner I had put my hands on Michelle's thigh pushing her dress up a little above her lacy stockings. I hoped when she got up the top of her stockings would show. I was very polite and didn't run my fingers over her panties between her legs. Oh no, I wouldn't have done that! They were a little damp just like I suspected they'd be. I definitely didn't press my fingers just a little under her panties between her pussy lips. It's so amusing watching your wife trying to act naturally at the dinner table with a finger nonchalantly rubbing inside her.


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