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Sharing Roni Ch. 04

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Loving Wife fulfills her Husband's fantasy.
13.8k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/02/2018
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Chapter four

This is a Hotwife/Wife sharing story. If this type of activity is offensive to you, please do not continue. For those of you that are not offended...I hope you enjoy it.

This is the fourth part of this story. If you have not read the first three chapters, you may be confused about the beginning of this chapter.


I walked back into our apartment and into our bedroom. Roni was sitting with her back against the headboard, covered with a sheet. Her eyes were wide and she was biting her lower lip. When she saw me she smiled and said, "Sorry."

I said, "You chickened out, huh."

"Yeah... I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry, sweetheart, that was amazing!"

"God... that was such a rush; I have never been so turned-on in my life! Did you see the way they were watching every move I made? ....and the looks on their faces when my panties fell to the table? Oh my god! I was so excited just watching their reaction; I don't think they really thought I would do it!"

"Baby, you really put on a show. I have never been so proud of you. I was so nervous, but when you were finally nude, and I saw the way they were looking at you, I came in my shorts."

"No, you didn't!"
"Yeah, you had me that excited, I couldn't control myself."

"It turned you on that much?"

"Watching you strip, slowly exposing every part of your body as they watched was the most erotic thing I have ever seen in my whole life. God, you were incredible!"

"They made me feel so sexy!"

"Baby, you were sexy!'

"I can't believe I actually did it."

"Me either, I was so afraid you would stop before you got nude; I'm so glad you didn't."

"You can thank the Tequila for that. I could have never done that sober."

"So, why did you stop?"

"I just got scared. Stripping is one thing, but having sex with them is completely different."

"I was so ready to watch you play with their cocks."

"I'm so sorry, I just couldn't. I really wanted to though."

"It's okay Sweetheart...... that was still amazing, I loved every minute of it."

"So you're not mad?"

"No way. We both agreed we could call it off at any time. I thought what you did was sexy as hell!"

I walked over to the bed and got undressed. When I pulled the covers back to get in I stopped and stared at Roni's beautiful body. I said, "Damn, you are gorgeous!"

"Thank you. I'm sorry I stopped, I wanted so bad to go through with it for you; .....So what happens now?'

I said, "Well we can try again, if you want. What do you think?" I got in bed and lay down next to Roni. I kept the covers pulled down so I could admire the beautiful body that she had just shown to Josh and Mike. I reached over and started rubbing her breasts with the back of my fingers. "So how does it feel to know that Josh and Mike now know what these look like in person?"

"I think it's pretty thrilling; it will be even more fun to tease them now."

I slid my hand down to her smooth vagina and gently rubbed her. "And how about letting them see this; do you think you'll be embarrassed knowing that they have seen your pussy?"

"Actually, that was what turned me on the most. I could see in their eyes how badly they wanted me to slide my panties down so they could see all of me. It was so exciting!"

"You know when you turned around and bent over we could see everything. Your pussy was slightly spread. It was awesome!"

"Well, that was the idea."

"You wanted them to see that much?"

"Well, yes, didn't you?"

"Yes, but I thought you were unaware of just how much you were showing. I am still surprised that you actually stripped for them. Knowing that you wanted them to see all of your pussy is incredible!"

I moved up and inserted myself into her. "Did you enjoy showing your pussy off?'

"Yes. It made me so wet!"

"You know, Mike had an incredible view, it was only two feet from his face."

"Did you like it?"

"Absolutely, seeing you bent over, with Mike staring right at your pretty little slit was amazing!"

"Do you want me to show them again?"

"I would love for you to."

"I have to confess, I loved having you guys watch me."

I began fucking her a little harder. "You like showing off, don't you?"

"Yes, I loved it."

"So, you want to do it again."


My cock was ready to explode. "Maybe we can invite them over next weekend."

"I think that may be too soon. I don't want them to get tired of seeing me nude."

"Baby, I don't think that would ever happen."

"I think we should wait a while."

"Are you going to let them touch you the next time?"


I could feel myself about to cum. "I can't wait to watch them with you. I want them to feel how firm your body is. Would you like that?"

"I think so. I do know that I loved having them see me, maybe next time we can take it a little further."

I couldn't hold off any more and came in her, I kept going until Roni had an orgasm as well. Afterward as we lay together, I asked her, "So, what was your favorite part of tonight?"

She said, "All of it; it was just so thrilling. To have you guys staring at me the way you were, made me feel so wanted. I could see the desire in their eyes."

"Baby, we all wanted you! I think we should see what their plans are tomorrow. I would love to see how you guys act around each other after tonight"

"I think I'd be okay with that."

"Cool. I'll call them in the morning and see what they have planned."


When I woke the next morning I was slightly hungover, but still excited about the events of the night before. I picked up my phone and called Josh.

He answered on the third ring.

"Hey Josh, it's Steve."

"Good morning, dude. Please tell me that everything is still cool between us."

"Yeah, everything is fine."

"How's Roni?"

"I'm not sure; she's not up yet, but I'm sure she'll be okay. She was pretty drunk last night, so she'll probably be hungover."

"I hope everything is still cool between us. Man, I can't thank you enough for last night. I still can't believe that she stripped for us!"

"Yeah, it was great, wasn't it!"

"Hell yeah. I jacked off three times when I got home!"

"Glad you had a good time. I have wanted her to do something like that for a long time. I'm glad I finally found the opportunity to make it happen. So, what are you guys' plans for the day?"

"We're just hanging out. Hannah and Ashley are coming over; we may go to the pool."

"I'm not really up for the pool, how about later?" He said that he would talk with everyone else and find out the plans were for later. I asked him to keep me informed.

When Roni woke up I asked how she felt about the events of the previous evening.

She said, "Honestly, I don't feel bad. I found it really exciting. I mean, they have already seen my nude pictures, the only difference is that I know that they've seen me naked now. I don't have to pretend I don't know anymore. It should make my flirting much more fun!"

I told her again how much I had enjoyed her stripping for us.

"Well I really enjoyed letting Mike and Josh watch me get nude. I think you were right; I may be an exhibitionist."


I still had my sandwich from the night before, so I shared it with Roni. We then went back to bed and took a short nap. When we woke up it was 2:00, I asked Roni if she felt like going to the pool and she was up for it. We both took a shower and got ready. When we got to the pool, we found Mike, Josh, and the girls in the water. We put our stuff down and joined them. Roni acted as if everything was normal. You would never have guessed that these two guys had watched her dance nude the night before.

We spent the day at the pool, then went to Josh and Mike's for drinks and games. Everything seemed to be fine with everyone involved the night before. I saw several looks pass between Mike and Roni, and the same with Josh. I know they were saying "I have seen you naked." and Roni's reply was "Yeah, so what."


When we got back to our apartment, Roni told me she felt very comfortable around Josh and Mike. She said she thought it might be weird, but actually it was pretty exciting to think about them having seen her completely nude the night before and yet still be able to act as if nothing had happened. She also told me she would strip for them again, but she said she would like to speak with them first. I told her I thought that would be awesome.

Me and Roni spent Sunday alone. Sunday evening I called Josh and asked if the girls were still there. He said they had already left. I asked if he and Mike could come to our apartment, and he agreed. They showed up about twenty minutes later. When they came in, I told them that Roni would like to talk to them.

Roni was already in her pajamas. She looked so sweet and innocent and yet sexy as hell at the same time. I asked them to sit on the sofa. Roni was already sitting in a side chair.

After a few seconds, Roni started talking. "Hey guys, I just wanted you to know that I am fine with what happened the other night. Steve was afraid that I might be embarrassed, but I want you to know that I'm fine."

Mike said, "Well, thank god. I thought you might be mad at us."

"No, not at all, I was pretty drunk. I enjoyed it. You guys made me feel very sexy. Thank you."

Mike and Josh both had big smiles on their faces.

Josh said, "Well you're welcome. Anytime you want to feel sexy, just call us."

Mike looked at Roni and said, "We are the ones that should be thanking you. I thought you were amazing!"

Roni said, "Thanks, who knows, maybe one day we can do it again."

Josh said, "All you have to do is call, I'll be here!"

Mike said, "Count me in."

Roni then told them that she valued their friendship and hoped that she could trust them not to tell anyone about her stripping for them. She told them that it would not be good if rumors were going around about her stripping for residents of the complex. They both swore not to say anything. I then suggested that as a goodwill gesture, she should let them see her nude again. Roni looked at me a little surprised. I said, "Well baby, they are willing to keep quiet. That deserves a reward."

Roni said, "Seriously?"

"Well yeah sweetie, I'm just saying it would be nice."

Mike said, "I'm not going to say anything either way, but I would like to see you naked again."

Roni laughed and said, "You guys are too much."

I said, "Well...?"

She said, "So you want me to just stand up and take my clothes off?"

"Well, yeah, that's the idea."

Roni looked at me for a second then said, "Okay, if you think that will help." She surprised me when she stood and in one motion pulled her shirt over her head; she wasn't wearing a bra, so her perky tits instantly popped into view. She then pulled her pajama pants and panties down at the same time. There she was, once again, my beautiful wife, completely nude in front of these guys. She just stood there and let them take in her body. She turned around so they could see her backside. She rotated back to face them and said, "Now what?"

"Maybe they could feel how firm your tits are."

"Really, Steve?"

"Well, baby, they have already seen you nude. I thought you could give them something new." Roni looked at me for a moment and then moved over in front of them and stood there. I said, "It's okay guys, give them a feel, I know that you want to." They both looked up at Roni and she said "It's okay...go ahead." They each reached up and grabbed a breast. Her nipples became instantly erect. Roni let them feel for a few seconds and backed away. "Okay guys, so do we have a deal?"

Josh said, "Absolutely."

Roni looked at me and said, "I'm going to bed now." She looked back at Josh and Mike and said, "Thanks guys, just remember, not a word to anyone." She collected her clothes off the floor and headed for the bedroom.

Mike looked at me and said, "Well, that was unexpected."

I said, "Yeah, I can't believe she did it either!"

Josh said, "Well thanks again. I'm really enjoying hanging out at your place."

We all laughed, and I told them I was going to bed also. They got up and left.


Roni was laying nude on top of the bed. As soon as she saw me she said, "Well, that was different!"

I got undressed quickly and climbed on top of her. When I was inside her and slowly making love to her she said, "If you keep this up, you are going to temp me into fulfilling your fantasy."

"Did you enjoy getting nude in front of them again?"

"Yes, it was just so unexpected. I didn't know you were planning that."

"I didn't either. It seemed like the right thing to do. Did you enjoy having them touch your breasts?"

"That sent chills down my spine."

"It felt good, didn't it?"

"Yes, I was worried that you were going to tell them to rub my pussy."

"Would you have let them?"


Roni was getting very turned on, and I could tell she was fantasizing about the two of them. "Do you want me to call them back?" She said nothing, just started pushing herself hard against me. "If you want me to, I can have them come back up." She started moaning and told me to fuck her harder. As I did, she had an orgasm. She wrapped her legs around me and held me deep inside her. I came shortly after her.

After laying quietly for a moment, she said, "You are determined to get me to have sex with them, aren't you?'

"I'm trying baby. Maybe one day..."

She said, "If you keep pushing, it will happen. I just hope you are ready for it!"

"I don't think you'd have the nerve."

"Keep pushing and you'll find out."


The next week was uneventful, except for the sex--it was amazing! We had sex every night. We were both still very excited about the previous weekend. We had a few role-playing nights, both were the Josh and Mike threesome fantasy. Roni told me numerous times how much she enjoyed stripping for them. I told her if she wanted, we could do it again this weekend. She told me that it was too soon. She assured me that it would happen again, but not until she was ready.


We spent the next few weeks hanging out at the pool, and on occasion at Mike's and Josh's. Hannah and Ashley were there most of the time. Summer was quickly ending and autumn was closing in. Josh and Ashley had a falling out, so she stopped coming around. Mike and Hannah were still together, and she and Roni became pretty good friends.

One Saturday night we were at Mike and Josh's apartment hanging out with Mike and Hannah. Josh was visiting his parents out of state, so it was just the four of us. We threw some darts and then started playing penny poker. Hannah didn't know how to play, so we had to teach her. When she ran out of money Mike suggested that we start playing strip poker. Both of the girls declined to play, but eventually we talked them into it.

Roni hit a lucky streak and was still fully clothed, Mike and I had lost our shoes and shirt. Hannah had lost both and her shorts as well. Looking across at her in her bra was quite a treat; I had seen her in a bathing suit and knew she had a nice body. But, seeing her in her lacy bra was so much sexier. I was looking forward to seeing her naked breasts. Roni finally lost a couple of hands and was now down to her bra and shorts. Mike, Hannah, and myself were in our underwear. Hannah lost the next hand and was very reluctant to remove her bra. Mike told her she didn't have to; she could remove her panties instead. It didn't take her long to decide to remove her bra.

It latched in the front and all eyes were on her as she reached down to unhook it. She popped it loose but held it in front so it wouldn't fall open. After much coaxing, she let it drop. I was surprised at just how lovely they were; nicely rounded full C's. Her nipples were perfectly centered, with small areolas that were slightly darker than Roni's. We all gave her a round of applause as she unveiled them. I had a hard time taking my eyes off of them as we continued to play. Watching the way they gently swayed as she moved was very distracting.

We played on. Roni lost her shorts, and then Mike lost his Boxer briefs. As he began to slide them down Roni's eyes were glued on his mid-section. As he removed them I could see that he was semi hard and his cock looked huge. When it came into view Roni blurted out "Damn!" She quickly apologized to Hannah, she explained that she was just amazed at the size. Hannah told her not to be sorry, she understood, that was the way she felt the first time she saw it.

Instead of sitting back down, Mike said he needed to use the restroom, and turned to leave the room. As he left Roni turned to Hannah and said, "My god girl, how in the world...," and then started laughing. Hannah joined in. It left me feeling a little inadequate.

When Mike returned he didn't sit back down, he came into the dining area and asked if anyone needed a beer. I told him that I did and he headed into the kitchen. When he returned he didn't sit down and simply hand me my beer, he walked over and handed it to me. Roni was sitting closest to the kitchen so he reached in front of her to hand it to me, which meant his cock was only about a foot from her face. Hannah said "Damn Mike why don't you just slap her in the face with it!"

Unfazed Mike replied "I'm just trying to be a good host." I'm not sure if he meant by getting me a beer or allowing Roni to get an up close and personal view of his semi-erect penis. He seemed to be taking his time making his way back to his side of the table. I knew he was showing off for Roni and it worked. I could see Roni trying to catch a glimpse of his large member until he was seated.

Roni lost her bra on the next hand. She didn't hesitate, she just reached back, un-hooked it, and let it fall off. I could see Hannah sizing her up and said, "Very lovely breasts my dear." Roni thanked her, and we dealt the next hand. Roni lost that hand as well.

She said, "Well, crap."

She then asked Mike to close his eyes while she removed her panties. He refused. He told her that she had seen him nude, so it was only fair for him to see her.

Roni acted as if it was really embarrassing for her, but I knew she loved it. She stood up slowly, slid them off, and then quickly sat down. Mike told her that he couldn't see anything because the table blocked his view. He looked at me and said "I think she should have to walk around the table so everyone can see her." Without a word Roni stood and moved to the end of the table where Mike was sitting, and stood in front of him. I saw Mike's eyes go immediately to her pussy. She said "how's this, can you see me now?" Mike looked for a few seconds then said "would you mind turning around?"

Roni turned so Mike could see her perfect little ass. My cock grew rock hard watching Mike check out my wife's sweet little body, I was so turned on seeing her showoff for him. After a few seconds Mike said "okay, you can sit back down now." Roni returned to her seat.

I started clapping and said "Nice show!" Mike clapped as well; Hannah sat quietly staring at Mike. Roni played shy and said, "Thanks. That was really embarrassing."

Hannah lost the next hand. She was mortified at the thought of removing her panties. Mike told her that she had to. He reminded her that Roni didn't complain when she lost. He told her to be a good sport and gracious loser. She finally agreed. But instead of standing to remove them she did it while still sitting in her chair. We all booed her. She sat with her face in her hands until Mike convinced her to stand so everyone could see her. She very reluctantly stood.

As she stood, I saw her pretty, full pussy. Unlike Roni, she had kept a small patch of pubic hair just above her lovely slit. When she was fully standing, we all gave her a healthy round of cheers. Mike told her she needed to go stand at the end of the table like Roni did...she refused. She kept her face covered with her hands as she quickly sat back down.

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