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Sharks Bait

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Using bait to catch your shark.
4.8k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/18/2023
Created 03/03/2023
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All comments and feedback are gratefully received as I'm hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind.

This story depicts interracial group sex, it is a follow up to a request by one of my readers. I already have their feedback and hope you similarly enjoy it, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions in the hope they are more to your tastes.


Paige had played the conversation over in her head time and again since she had received a call from the financier of her fledgling company and her lesbian lover, Shark Tank star Lori Greiner. 'I need a big, big, big favour from you babes. I want you to fly to JFK tomorrow and meet up with Daymond Jim; he'll meet you at the airport. I've pulled a couple of deals from under him and owe him big time plus I need him to part finance a new prospect for me but I need a sweetener and think you are the perfect person to sway him.' The forty minute flight was nothing to Paige, it was the final comment 'I'm not sure how he will best be persuaded but I really need this and implore you to do whatever it takes to get this over the line for me.' What on earth did she mean by that?

Lori had sent Paige's contact details to Daymond and he had duly contacted her to confirm he would collect her at the airport for a meeting at a nearby hotel that he normally used for such fly in meetings. True to his word Paige walked out to the reception area to find Daymond stood there with a big smile and an equally big sign with her name on; as if she could have mistaken his broad smile and goatee beard. Her surprise was that he had done so himself instead of leaving the job to an underling. "I'm so pleased to meet you at last" was Daymond's initial greeting as he shook Paige's hand. "Lori doesn't shut up about your joint venture and how she steeled a march on us other Shark's by getting to you before you needed pitch at us. I'd certainly like to hear more about your company and how I can get my wife some of your lines."

Paige smiled nervously and replied, "Let me get her measurements from you and I'll get some shipped the moment I get back to base." The short drive to the hotel was the perfect opportunity for Daymond to put Paige at her ease and she found herself being carried along by his animated gestures as he told her tales of various business deals. Instead of using one of the meeting spaces on the ground floor Daymond escorted her to the lift and on arriving on the second floor he went to a room and held the door open for Paige.

She was pleased to see that it was one of those suites with a spacious seating area and Paige could see Daymond's laptop open on the coffee table facing the far sofa. "Please sit, can I get you a drink?" Daymond offered with his trademark broad smile. Paige had asked for sparkling water but all he had was wine which he took from the room refrigerator along with glass for himself; unbeknown to Paige, Lori had suggested to Daymond he get a couple of glasses of wine into the pretty mum of four, not knowing why but having a fair idea. Taking his seat opposite her, he began "Lori has suggested I meet up with you because I know she already wants me to invest in a different concern that isn't in my usual portfolio, she is interested in investing but requires my unique skills in marketing clothing; sadly, despite being the Queen of QVC, it's something she lacks a little knowledge in."

'Well, that makes perfect sense' Paige thought to herself only to have her thoughts interrupted by his next statement.

"I guess that's where you come in. Lori's too busy to bribe me herself and I guess she sent you in her stead." He leant back in the sofa and looping his fingers, placed his palms at the back of his head as he delivered the ultimatum "You might not know this but I have a penchant for tall dark haired white women and if I'm to fall for Lori's ruse -- she's too short and too blonde for my tastes by the way -- I'm going to take some extraordinary persuading. I hope your relationship with Lori is rock solid because I'm going to want to do some less than orthodox things with you today if I'm to be persuaded."

The colour drained from Paige's face as the realisation hit. Yes, she and Lori were lovers, in fact Paige had a deep feeling in her that she was in love with the slightly older, slighter smaller blonde Shark whose effervescent personality had the dark haired mum in her thrall. 'This is perhaps what she meant earlier by Paige being the sweetener.' With a quiver in her voice Paige asked nervously "What sort of things?" She had a couple of other lesbian lovers but Paige had always been faithful to her husband of 25 years, Jim, at least where other men were concerned. Okay they had both confessed fantasies of Paige taking another man, Jim even confessing he'd like that man to be black, but talking about a fantasy was not the same as going through with it.

Daymond's smile broadened as he leant forward and while leaning his elbows on his thighs stated, "Well for starters I'm hoping you are wearing your own products, I'd like you to stand up and strip down to your lingerie for me." Paige sat rivetted to the spot and so Daymond raised his voice slightly "Now if you please. If you don't want to do it, you can leave the room now and once downstairs ring Lori so you can tell her why I didn't go in on the project."

Paige licked her dry lips a couple of times as she worked through the connotations. Slowly she stood up but failed to see the short black man sat opposite holding his breath. He wasn't disappointed though as the tall brown haired beauty reached up to slowly unfasten the buttons on her blouse. Paige's heart was beating faster as she finished the last button and then pulled the sides out of the waist of her skirt but Daymond's approving smile made her determined to carry on. 'Lori needs this and so I'll do what her fellow Shark demands.'

As she unzipped her skirt at the side, Paige shimmied her hips so that the garment slid down her legs with just the faintest of rustling sound to then lie in a heap at her feet. Before him stood this tall beautiful middle aged woman in a black lingerie just waiting to do his bidding. "Nice. Very nice" Daymond announced as he stood up to walk to Paige's side of the coffee table. He ran his right hand down her lower back and across her shapely buttocks. The touch made Paige shiver slightly but she stood up straight and resolute. With his left hand Daymond gently brushed down the woman's flat stomach and came to rest on the front of her lace panties.

As she hadn't flinched Daymond wormed his fingers into the waist of her panties. This time she did react slightly but even when his fingertips gently caressed her clitoris Paige stood there resolute. She would do practically anything -- legal -- that her lover asked of her and even though this was bordering on her moral limits it strangely was accepted as her husband had repeatedly floated the idea. The fingers gently quested further making Paige groan approvingly as she tilted her head back and closed her eyes to give in to the experience.

Daymond kissed her bare shoulder and whispered, "Good girl, keep being this cooperative and the deal is done." His right hand reached up and unclasped her bra. A quick shimmy of her shoulders and he was able to cast the garment aside. "Mmmmm, they look nice" he cooed on seeing her large erect nipples. Daymond dipped his head forward and closed his lips around Paige's nearest nipple. Immediately the electrical pulses started to career around her body to every extremity making her quiver and gasp even more. Detaching his mouth temporarily, Daymond mumbled "Mmmm, I can see what Lori says about how sensitive these nipples are."

'How much had Lori told him?' Paige pondered in her own mind. The thought didn't last long though as he devoured her rubbery nipples which combined with his middle and index finger worming inside sending Paige over the edge. Since turning 50 she had had more climax's than she had in her twenties -- and let me tell you there had been plenty then -- and still they were increasing in intensity as this charming and handsome man that she had met just an hour beforehand was working her like a conductor with an orchestra. The sensations were building in intensity so that she had to grip his left arm to stay upright while her pussy was trying to squeeze the life out of the intruding digits.

She slumped down after coming and Daymond eased her descent until she sat on the sofa behind her. He stepped in front of her and started to undo the belt and fastening of his trousers. He pushed on the waist band until his cock sprang free making her eyes open wide in recognition. He wasn't much longer than her husband and was perhaps slightly thicker in the girth but it was the deep black colour that had her pulse racing. This was previously forbidden territory -- not by design, merely by circumstance - but she guessed what he had in mind; not that she minded as he had worked her body so expertly that on impulse she leant forward and took the head between her lips.

Her cheeks caved in as she sucked on it lovingly, working her lips along his length. When she pulled back, she saw how the dark flesh glistened with her saliva and it made her determined that it would be glistening with another of her bodily fluids as soon as she could manage. Daymond allowed a few minutes to worship his cock before he pulled back and asked, "Have you enjoyed your taster so far?" Paige looked up at his down turned face and nodded before turning her attention back to his erection. "Good because to seal the deal with Lori, I need one more thing from you." Paige looked quizzical as he reached for his phone and showed her a page with numbers on.

"I need you to know that I am a man of my word. See, I've already paid the money into an Escrow account for Lori, she knows it's on its way and I just need to press one button." Paige nodded again to confirm she understood. "I need to clear a favour with some good friends of mine and you are going to be the means by which I will clear that debt. In the next room are two of the men and the son of the third which started FUBU with me. I couldn't have achieved what we did without each and every one of them. Sure, we've all done well financially on the back of it but I value loyalty far more than money and I need you to look after them like you have me. Can you do that for me and then Lori and I will get this new project off the ground?"

Paige sat open mouthed for a short while as she gapped and stuttered "I... I... you mean... you want me to... do that with them?"

Daymond nodded down at her and underlined "I want you to do everything they ask of you. Don't worry there won't be any rough stuff, no pain, no restraints but before I take you in there, I need to know that you will do everything sexual we ask of you?" Paige still looked like a rabbit in the headlights and so Daymond underlined what was at stake "All we want is pleasure -- for you as well as us -- and then I will forever be indebted to Lori and she to you. We are all wholesome blokes who respect women, especially our mothers and we would never do anything to taint what we hold dear. Besides you could always go crying to our wives if we didn't treat you with the utmost respect. Can I count you in?"

Paige considered her reply before saying "I could always tell your wives anyway."

Daymond's smile broadened as he nodded "Yes you could. If what Lori tells me is correct though I feel that you are a trustworthy individual who stands by the deals you make even if it means keeping secrets from your two husbands."

Paige smiled back and replied "Touché, what I know about you is equally as damning as you know about me." Daymond raised his eyebrows in a silent question. Paige nodded, stood up and announced "I want it understood I'm doing this for Lori and I want it spelt out to the guy's next door that I'm expecting maximum respect. I'm in, lead the way."

Daymond refastened his trousers and stepped towards the internal door in the suite. He briefly knocked and then stepped inside as he addressed the assembled audience "Gentlemen, Cam, I promised you a very special reward to mark our thirtieth anniversary of launching FUBU." He stepped aside to reveal Paige stood behind him in just her panties, heel toe stockings, suspender belt and killer heels making her stand above Daymond "This is Paige who has offered herself for all our pleasure this morning." All their smiles broadened as they took in the beautiful woman stood before them in next to nothing, as the one on the far left began to rise Daymond continued "Before we begin, I want to spell out that this lovely lady is no hoe, in fact she is very special to a dear friend of mine and I have promised that we will be polite gentleman, that will treat her with the utmost respect. Do we all agree?" He scanned the other three waiting for their affirmative nods as he then said "Good, this gentleman on the left is Keith, sat in the middle is Carl and that goofy looking kid at the other end is the son of my third partner who is indisposed today. Cam is here to provide a bit of youthful exuberance when us old farts start to waver."

The men each stepped forward in turn and shook the delicate hand that Paige offered them. Cam was obviously a little shy in the selected company and as he stepped forward Paige took her left hand and placed it directly over his crotch and said "Mmmm, that's rising nicely, I can see you have a lot of 'exuberance' to share with me." This managed to break the ice as the younger man sniggered at the compliment. Paige sank to her knees and beckoned the men forward "Lets dispense with the trousers and come stand in front of me."

The three had assumed this was a script worked out between Daymond and Paige when in reality, Daymond was as surprised as the others. Not as surprised as Paige was with her own boldness; this was so far removed from her normal demure behaviour that even she was surprised by her own brazenness. The guys arranged themselves in a semi-circle and the lady was not disappointed by the specimens on display. Daymond was stood on the far left with Keith next to him, both had comparable dicks. Carl was next and as she reached her right hand upwards, she was able to admire the extra couple of inches his dick was showing but it was when she turned her gaze to Cam that she uttered her next admiration, "Oh yes, that's a lot of 'exuberance'. I can see I'll get a workout from all of you."

Having already sampled Daymond with her mouth Paige took Keith between her lips for a couple of minutes before turning her face to Carl and repeating for each bloke. As each was taken in her mouth, the man turned to Daymond and either high-fived him, winked or nodded for those further away. With her lips wrapped around Cam on her next cycle Daymond commented "I hope you tell your dad what he missed out on. He loves your mother and I respect him for that but this is some quality oral talent."

Paige heard this compliment and it encouraged her to redouble her efforts on the next cycle. Prior to this morning, her husband was the only man she had taken in her mouth; she had plenty of oral experience with women but this was a whole new chapter with men. She was obviously doing too good a job as the next circuit around with Cam he held on to the side of her head and growled while unloading onto her tongue.

If her propositioning startled her own self, it was nothing to the shock of the three older men as she leant back, made sure all eyes were on her, stuck her tongue out so they could see Cam's come and then swallowed theatrically. To demonstrate the point Paige then stuck her tongue out to show it was clean and then switched her attention back to Daymond. As he had sampled her oral talent earlier without coming, it didn't surprise the lady in the least when he was the next to unload in her mouth.

Following another theatrical swallowing Keith offered his hand to her as he said "I must commend you for your talents and I'm sure Carl would appreciate going next but would you mind if I repay the compliment to you. It's something I particularly enjoy and consider it a suitable reward for your efforts, plus it gives your knees a rest." As she stood up, Keith removed her panties to reveal her sparsely haired dark pussy and steered her gently to the sofa that the guys had recently vacated.

As Keith settled down between her outspread legs Carl went and knelt on the cushion so his dick was conveniently positioned for her gasping mouth. The other two were not to be excluded as Daymond took up position near her chest; he beckoned Cam over informing the younger guy "Paige has really sensitive nipples, what say we encourage her next climax out of her?" With that said he immediately latched his mouth to her nearest nipple with Cam following suit seconds later a little more clumsily than his father's friend. Sure enough, the triple assault combined with the approving groans Carl was making tipped the lady over the precipice. Without losing contact with her mouth, Paige dug her fingers in the back of Keith's head while raising her legs to crush the sides of his head between her slender thighs and let out one almighty muffled groan.

This set Carl off who unloaded into her mouth, the third man that day to do so. Daymond and Cam were content to remain suckling at her breasts and so Keith wriggled around to kneel between her thighs and position his erect dick at her splayed pussy. 'This is it' she thought 'this will be the first cock I've taken other than my husband.'

The more she thought about it, the more the anticipation intensified until Keith flexed her thighs and drove his dick inside her. His girth would take some getting used to but he was considerate enough to take the progress slowly, even asking "Is this okay with the lady?"

Paige's eyelids flittered and she dreamily confessed "Oh yes. Very nice and thank you for being so considerate."

Keith smirked as he replied "Baby, this is some grade A pussy, I'm hoping the more you enjoy it, the more we can rely on your company in the future."

Carl had elbowed Cam out of the way saying "Let me have a turn on those amazing nipples. You've already rejuvenated so you might as well try her mouth again." Cam had looked up to all these three all his life and so he followed their gentle chiding.

Paige saw him climb up on the sofa while Carl got into position and she smiled over at him saying "Mmmmmm, welcome back to where you belong." The minute he was in reach of her mouth, Paige was leant forward to get his hard dick in her mouth as quickly as possible.

Keith was the next to let his load go, after letting out an animalistic growl he thrust once last time and held still. He slowly withdrew with the parting comment "That pussy just draws your come out, man what a find D."

Daymond Jim was the first to react, with Keith out of the way he jumped on the vacant spot and sunk in her in one slow motion adding "Oh yeah, you weren't kidding about how snug it is." Daymond was enjoying himself; the lady gripped his cock in the most spectacular fashion while she blew young Cam at the same time as cradling Carl to her breast and giving Daymond a sideways look of pure devotion.

Five minutes of steady thrusting from their host and Paige was well on her way to her next orgasm but she pulled back from Cam's cock and pushed back on Daymond's stomach to say "Time for a switch fella's" which prompted the four guys to step back. Daymond was a little disappointed as he had been steadily progressing towards his own climax. Turning to Cam Paige asked, "Would you mind sitting down in the centre for me?" As she stood up, he quickly complied and she was able to straddle his thighs facing towards the youngest member of the group.


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