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Shattered Paradise

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Husband and wife duped on vacation.
9.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/05/2013
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Author's Note:

I wasn't sure whether to place this in Loving Wives or NonConsent/Reluctance, but since it is about a wife who will do anything to save her husband I decided to put it here. This story contains sex between a wife and someone who is not her husband. If you're not interested in that, then don't read any further. Comments welcome.


I felt terrible. I was sitting on a secluded beach that most people would consider paradise, but my head hurt, my tongue felt swollen, my throat was sore, my left arm, right leg, and a couple of ribs were broken, and to top it all off I was pretty sure my wife Stephi was somewhere back in the trees on this deserted island fucking another man. I had heard them the night before when they thought I was sleeping and recovering from my injuries, then this morning they hurried off to look for food.

We were on vacation, at least that's how everything started. It was our second year anniversary and we had decided to splurge on a trip to the Bahamas. The trip had started out wonderful; we spent the first two days sunning and relaxing on the beach. On the morning of our third day there, while we were setting up on the beach, Stephi spotted a yacht and pointed it out to me. She told me what kind it was, but I don't remember.

While she was growing up, her parents had always had a yacht. I suffered from severe seasickness and hated going out on any boat of any kind so couldn't tell you the first thing about them. Stephi seemed very impressed with the yacht and wanted to get a closer look. We picked up the few things we had brought with us and headed down the beach to the marina where the yacht appeared to be going.

When we got there, we could see several couples around our age on one of the the docks joking and having a good time as they prepared to board the yacht. Stephi was eager to talk to them, but because of my bad experiences with boats I hung back a little. Stephi is very outgoing and quickly made friends with everyone there. I was welcomed also and easily fell in with the others.

Stephi started asking questions about the yacht and someone introduced her to the owner so he could answer everything. She brought him over to me and introduced us. His name was Steven and he seemed like a really good guy. The others were all his friends that he had invited down for a few days. He invited us to go out with them, but I declined and mentioned my seasickness.

Steven and I started talking about the various remedies for seasickness while Stephi walked away and started mingling with some of the others. After we had gone through every cure for seasickness that Steven could think of, and determined that I had tried them all with no luck, he told me how he had ended up in the Bahamas.

Steven had been a hedge-fund manager that made it big in a short amount of time and retired at a very young age. He moved down to the Bahamas, bought a yacht and never looked back. He regularly invited his friends down to visit, which is what we had stumbled into.

"You must pull a lot of ass with that thing," I said, indicating his boat.

Steven laughed. "Yeah," he said. "I met her yesterday," he told me, pointing to a blonde that looked like a supermodel. "Most days I can find a woman on vacation willing to hang out for a while."

"You're one lucky bastard," I said with a grin.

Steven shrugged. "My life is what it is. I think you're the lucky one." I gave him a quizzical look. "Ass is ass," he said, "and I would trade all the ass I get to find a woman like your Stephi. Look at my date, I can't even remember her name, and then look at Stephi and tell me what you see."

The two women weren't conversing, but at the moment they happened to be close to each other so it was easy to look at them at the same time. I think I could see what he meant. There was no doubt that had you shown a picture of the two women side by side, ninety-nine out of one hundred men would say the blonde was more attractive. But while his blonde companion appeared to be talking and having a good time, something about the way she acted looked disingenuous. There wasn't any one thing I could point to that screamed "fake", but her whole persona seemed contrived.

Stephi was very attractive too, she just wasn't supermodel attractive; she turned men's heads wherever she went. There was no comparison in how their personalities shone through. Stephi was real and you could tell. She was the kind of woman that put other people at ease. Her face looked cute and innocent, but there was a sexual wickedness behind her smile that spoke volumes. Men and women alike were instantly attracted to her. There is no doubt in my mind that if you brought those same one-hundred men here to watch the two women interact with other people, ninety-nine of them would choose to take my Stephi home.

"I see what you mean," I told him.

"Yeah. I can get ass anytime dude. But a woman like Stephi..." he shrugged again. "All the money, yachts, and cars won't guarantee you'll find a woman like her."

This conversation probably should have disturbed me but it didn't. Steven has that way about him. He's always relaxed and he makes you feel relaxed too. He also wasn't leering or staring at Stephi in a weird way; he hardly looked at her at all. His attention was focused on me, as if I were the most important person in the world to him at that time. I liked him from the start and thought he was a real good guy.

Steven and his friends finished loading the last of their gear on the boat and were getting ready to head out. Most of them were on board and waiting while Steven and a few others made sure nothing was forgotten. Stephi was beside me watching them with envy.

"Are you sure I can't convince you guys to come along?" Steven asked one last time. My stomach lurched at the thought, but I could feel the excitement coming from Stephi. She desperately wanted to go and was only staying behind because of me.

"No, I can't," I told Steven putting a hand on my stomach. "You can go if you want," I said to Stephi.

"But it's our anniversary," she said. I could tell that even though she was protesting, she really wanted to go.

"We'll be here for several days," I assured her. "You may never get a chance like this again for a while. I'll be ok by myself for a few hours."

"Thank you! I love you!" she exclaimed and jumped up to give me a kiss. She broke away and ran up to the boat yelling, "Wait for me!" I watched her board, happy that she would get a chance to go boating with some good people but a little sad that we wouldn't spend the day together, especially as I watched her cute bottom as she boarded the yacht. She was wearing a very small pair of shorts over her string bikini bottoms which left little to the imagination. The ache in my groin at the sight was almost enough to overcome my fear of seasickness but I managed to stay on the dock.

I watched the boat leave and waved at Stephi. I could see her waving back with a big smile on her face. Once they were nothing more than a tiny speck, I walked back to the beach. I read and rested all day. My thoughts occasionally drifted to Stephi and whether or not she was having a good time.

Just as the sun was beginning to set, I spotted the yacht coming back into view. I was near the dock and knew Stephi would have to pass me on the way back to the hotel so I stayed where I was and watched them come in. Once the yacht was docked I watched as a stream of Steven's friends disembarked. The stream stopped but there was no sign of Stephi. I waited several minutes and she still hadn't appeared but a light on the boat was still on. I was getting up to go look for her when she finally emerged, followed by Steven and the blonde. I waved and started packing my towel and book back in my bag.

Stephi had a huge smile on her face when they reached me. She and Steven were talking about the yacht and how it compared to other boats. The blonde seemed annoyed but was trying hard not to let it show.

"Did you have a good time?" I asked.

"It was a blast!" she said energetically. "Steven's yacht is so cool. He even let me pilot it! You wouldn't believe how much power it has. It puts all the boats I've ever been on before to shame."

"Sorry you couldn't go," Steven said to me holding out his hand for a shake. "I'll be here if you want to give it a try."

"I'll think about it," I said. "Maybe we can take a short trip later to see how my stomach responds."

"I bet you could handle it," Stephi said. "It rides so smooth in the water that you barely feel it."

"We've gotta go," Steven said in response to a tug on his arm from the blonde. "It was a pleasure meeting both of you, and thanks for helping me clean up Stephi."

"No problem Steven," Stephi replied. "It's the least I could do for such a wonderful time."

As Steven and the blonde walked away I could tell that the blonde was digging into him for something but I couldn't hear what she was saying. I put it out of my mind and took Stephi's hand as we walked along the beach back to our hotel.

"Steven seems like a really nice guy," I commented.

"He is," Stephi agreed. "He grew up poor so he really appreciates what he has now and doesn't hold it over anybody. Did you know he paid for all of his friends to come down here? He does it every year because he says he misses them. They all partied on his boat and enjoyed his hospitality, but when it was over they just took off and left him with a huge mess to clean up."

"That's why you stayed to help him," I said.

"Yeah, I felt bad for him and wanted to do something. Especially since I didn't pitch in on any of the food or beer like the others had," she said.

"Did you get it all out of your system?" I asked.

Stephi got a confused look on her face. "What?"

"Did you get the need to go boating out of your system?" I asked again.

"Oh," she said. "You know I'll never get tired of being out on the water," she replied. "So, how was your day all alone?" she asked.

"Very relaxing," I replied. "No one around to complain about the heat every ten minutes, or constantly asking me to rub sunscreen on her back..." I tried to say with a straight face, but I couldn't help but let a little smirk out.

"I don't do that!" Stephi protested giving my arm a playful punch.

"Well, maybe not every ten minutes," I said with a big grin, "but you do it often."

"Do not!" she said punching my arm again and then running away laughing.

I ran after her and she shrieked. I got close to her and then slowed down to let her get away again. I chased her like this all the way back to the hotel where we both started laughing like little kids. I caught her right outside the hotel, took her in my arms, and kissed her deeply. God, sometimes I can't believe how much I love her.

We skipped dinner that night and went straight to our room where we made love all night long. Stephi was even more sexually aggressive than normal that night and I had a hard time keeping up with her. Even after we both came she was right back on me, trying her hardest to suck my cock back to life. I orgasmed three times that night before she finally let me rest, and I think that was only because she was physically exhausted herself, not because she had tired of having sex.

I woke the next morning with her hand slowly jacking my cock up and down. I pulled the covers off and pushed her back on the bed so we could sixty-nine. My penis was sore, but it felt good when she took it into her mouth. I licked, sucked, and nibbled on her clit until her hips started gyrating and raising off the bed. I was content to continue with the mutual sucking, but Stephi wasn't.

"I need you inside me," she whispered, releasing my cock from her mouth.

I was afraid that my cock was so sore it would hurt going inside her, but it wasn't. I don't know how to describe it other than it was like sinking into joy itself. I looked down at her and saw the look of extreme happiness on her face and was struck again with how much I loved her.

After we both came again we decided it was time to take a short break from sex and get something to eat. We had breakfast in the hotel, and then went back to the room to shower. We washed each other, then ended up having sex in the shower and had to clean up again.

We both seemed to calm down after that and actually made it out to the beach. We were a little later than we had been and by the time we hit the sand it was already crowded. We had trouble finding a good place to set up and kept heading further and further up the beach. We ended up near the marina and could see Steven's boat still moored to the dock.

"Wonder why he didn't go out today," Stephi said. I shrugged and started setting up our stuff. We lay there for about a half hour when Stephi said she was thirsty and was going to look for some water. There were some vendors near the marina selling all sorts of things so she headed that way.

While she was gone, I saw Steven walking along the beach towards the marina. I waved and called his name. He waved back and headed toward me. When he reached me, he sat took a seat right in the sand next to me as if he were exhausted.

"All alone today?" I asked.

"Yeah, my friends all headed home this morning," he replied.

"What about the blonde?"

"We had a disagreement," he replied rolling his eyes.

"About what?" I asked, curiously.

"She said I ignored her yesterday while we were out on the boat. She complained that I paid attention to everyone but her," he said. He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't need that kind of aggravation so I asked her why she was complaining, because it wasn't like she was my girlfriend."

"I bet that pissed her off," I said.

"Yeah, it did," Steven said with a laugh. "She started yelling at me, saying she wasn't a tramp and that she thought we might have something together. I just kept quiet until she was finished and told her to get her stuff and leave. You should have seen the look on her face, man. I don't think she's ever been dumped before."

"Probably not," I laughed with him. "How come you didn't take your boat out?"

"I've been looking for someone to go with me all morning," he replied. "I can usually find a fairly attractive woman who's willing to go for a ride, but I've had no luck today. What about you? You aren't out here all alone again, are you?"

"No, Stephi's over there getting some bottled water," I replied, nodding my head in the general direction of the marina.

He turned to look. "Oh yeah, here she comes now," he said waving at her.

"Hey Steven," she said when she reached us. She plopped down onto her towel and opened her water. "Where's Olive?" she asked. I guessed that was the blonde's name.

"I dumped her," Steven said sighing.

"That's ok," Stephi told him. "She wasn't right for you anyway; too uptight and too clingy."

"The sex wasn't that good either," Steven quipped. Steven and I laughed, but Stephi gave us a mock annoyed look complete with eyes rolling.

"You guys are all the same," she jokingly complained.

"Hey, do you want to go out on the boat with me tomorrow? Just us guys?" Steven asked me. "We can look cool and pick up chicks," he said. He was intentionally ignoring Stephi and the false shocked and hurt faces she was giving both of us. He really wasn't serious about picking up chicks, but he did want to cruise in the yacht.

"I guess I'll go," I said a bit reluctantly. "I'll take some Dramamine tonight, but you have to promise that if I start getting sick we'll turn around and come right back."

"Of course," Steven said. "If we pick up any girls that'll leave them both for me."

Stephi was pouting next to me and started hitting me in the arm. "You guys are cruel. You can't leave me here!" she protested.

"What do you think?" Steven asked me. "She's gonna cramp our style."

"I guess she can come along," I said, feigning annoyance. "After all, she is my wife."

"All right, Stephi, you can come. But you have to promise to completely obey your husband for the rest of the day," Steven said.

"He's my husband," she said, "I always obey him."

"No, I mean really obey him," Steven replied. "Whatever he says goes, and if you don't we'll leave you behind tomorrow." Steven got up to leave. "You're welcome dude," he said to me. "Now I have to go find a date of my own."

"Thanks," I yelled after him as he jogged off.

Stephi and I spent the rest of the afternoon into the evening, lying on the beach. We stopped at a souvenir store that had a small pharmacy. I went to get some Dramamine while Stephi started shopping for more sunscreen and a few other things she needed. I started wandering down other aisles while I waited for her to finish and wound up down the aisle with condoms. Remembering the promise Stephi made Steven, I picked up a tube of lube and walked back over to Stephi.

"What's that for?" she asked with a sly grin when I threw it in her basket.

"It's to help you keep your promise," I told her. "You know? The one where you said you'd obey me for the rest of the day." We were no strangers to anal sex; Stephi had a fabulous ass, so she knew exactly what I had in mind.

"Well the least you can do is feed me before you stuff that cock of yours up my ass," she whispered.

"Of course," I said giving her butt a playful squeeze. "What kind of sodomite do you take me for?"

We ate a quick dinner and didn't waste any time once we got back to our room. I had Stephi naked, on her hands and knees on the bed, and her ass in the air just a few minutes after we arrived. I opened the tube of lube and squeezed some directly onto her asshole.

"It's cold," she complained as soon as it hit her skin. I spread the lube around with a finger and then pushed some of it into her anus. "What, no foreplay?" she quipped.

"I don't need any foreplay," I told her, displaying my already hard cock.

"Uuunnhh. But I do," she groaned as I slipped another finger in.

I bent down and kissed her neck and then her lips. She breathed heavily in my mouth as my fingers worked in and out of her tight hole. Stephi loved getting her ass stretched by my fingers or my cock and she started pushing her butt back against my hand.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "I suppose I can pull my fingers out," I teased.

"Don't stop," she panted. "Don't you dare stop."

I continued to move my fingers in and out while I pinched and pulled her nipples with my other hand. Stephi was getting hot, hotter than usual, and soon she was begging me to fuck her ass with my cock. I was never one to deny a request like that so I removed my fingers and lubed up my cock. I lined it up with her tiny back passage and pushed it in slowly.

I love the feeling as my cock first pops past her sphincter and so does Stephi. We both groaned as the head of my cock was swallowed up by her ass. I pulled my cock all the way back out and then pushed it in again. It went in a little further this time and then I pulled it out and pushed it in. I did this over and over until the whole length of my cock was buried up her asshole.

I gripped her hips and started fucking my cock back and forth while Stephi reached down and rubbed her clit. "Oh yeah, fuck my ass," she moaned. She always enjoys a good ass fuck no matter how much she likes to complain about it beforehand. I think she just likes to make me feel like she's doing me a favor by letting me take her anally.

The one thing about fucking her in the ass though is that I never last very long. Her ass is so smooth and tight that it seems to milk the cum right out of me. I blasted a huge load of sperm up her rectum which triggered Stephi's own orgasm.

After we calmed down and recovered we took a shower. Yes, we had sex in the shower for the second time that day. I took some Dramamine when we got out and hopped back into bed. Stephi gave me a blowjob because it was my 'day' and I came for the last time that night down her throat. I'm afraid I didn't get to reciprocate because shortly after my orgasm the Dramamine caused me to fall asleep.

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