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She Gambled

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But no cake at all.
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© JoshFrom53

Dear reader.

As usual, all restrictions apply.

Everyone and everything engaging in sex is eighteen years or older.

It's fiction and plays out in a fictional world and it has no relation to the real world whatsoever.

Turning502019 has been so kind to edit this story, but still all mistakes are mine. Please read my bio as to know why.

Will, I'm grateful for you work on this one.

"Have you heard from your ex, since your divorce?" One of the women at the table asked Brooke while sipping her wine from a beaded glass.

The ladies were comfortably sitting on the terrace of the 'Traveler's Inn'. Brooke Paquette pondered the question before answering, "No, since I threw him out and served him with the divorce papers and the restraining order I haven't seen or heard from him. He tried to talk to the children, but they ignored him after I explained what he did to us."

Ally, a newcomer in the group wondered out loud, "Was it a bad break? I sense that there still is a lot of pain. When was the divorce?"

"A year ago. The asshole fought it for a year. When he noticed that the children didn't want anything to do with him anymore, he just gave up, signed the papers and left. But altogether having been gone for two years now. Good riddance." Brooke said with venom in her voice.

The next question from Ally was obvious, "Why did you?"

"Divorce him, you mean? Because he was cheating on me, With his first love, Gemma Evans!"

From behind they heard a voice saying, Jake VanDam, cheating? No way. He isn't built like that. And as far as cheating with me, I would remember that. Don't you think? Impossible, utterly impossible. I just think that you are up to one of your little dirty games again, Mrs. Brooke Paquette!"

Brooke's head swiveled around so fast that the others thought that her eyes popped out of her head. She said, "Well, well, look what the cat brought in. You have nerves!"

"Look who's talking. You started to manipulate Jake when we were still together. Your lies made us break up and you have the gall saying that Jake cheated on you with me? When, for fuck's sake?" Gemma retorted

"Two years ago, as you know very well."

If Brooke's voice had claws, Gemma would be dripping blood.

"Oh, no. If I had sex with Jake I would've remembered, wouldn't I? Two years ago, I was 5000 miles away, in Edinburgh, Scotland. Studying General Linguistics and tutoring non-English students. And I can substantiate that with more proof than you can prove that you are here at the moment. I'm back for a week now after being 3 years across the pond and before that I was teaching at a high school on the other side of the country. "

Brooke went white. That scenario wasn't what she envisioned and very bad news for her.

"If it wasn't Ms. Evans, then who was it your ex cheated you with?"

Brooke, now cornered, bit her, "He cheated on me and I threw him out!"

Gemma wasn't finished and retorted, "And I think that in the tar and feathering process you made it impossible for him to live here anymore. I reckon that even his parents were fooled by your antics. I for one don't believe for a second that he cheated at all but that he was onto you. Are those children his? One may wonder. But I must leave. Things to do, people to talk to. Jake's parents for instance."

Brooke went white again. "Don't you dare! I'll make your life a miserable hell here."

Gemma looked coolly at the once gorgeous woman, smirked and said, "Life hasn't been treating you gently, has it? You're needing way too much make-up to make yourself presentable. Anyway, don't get your feathers up, you might get them tarred all by yourself. But I am duty-bound to pay a visit to your ex-in-laws and tell them that I have an alibi for the whole sordid 'cheating incident'. I bid you farewell."

Gemma walked to the exit and turned around one last time, "Brooke, Jake didn't cheat and I'm going to put some things straight. Thank you for throwing him away. He is going to be mine as soon as I find out where he is. About your threat? Don't make me laugh. Tomorrow, I leave for my new job, never to return to this viper's nest. Now go suck lemons."

With that Gemma walked to her car and went straight to the VanDam residence.


The stately house was exactly as she remembered. Three parking slots at the gate. Just behind the gate, two giant Ginkgo Biloba trees, planted by Jake's great, great-grandparents when they married and had the house built. The long-shadowed walkway to the house and the three wide granite steps to the door. Gemma got out of her car, opened the boot to take out her laptop and walked to the door.

She knocked and waited. The door opened and Jake's grandfather opened the door. "Yes, young lady?"

Good afternoon Mr. VanDam. I'm Gemma Evans. Do you remember me? It's been a long time."

"Yes, yes, I remember you. Wasn't your name mentioned with that unpleasantness with Jake's marriage?"

"Yes Sir, I'm here to tell you that it was impossible that Jake could have an affair with me. I can prove that I was in Edinburgh at the time."

The old man looked at Gemma with piercing eyes, weighing her words. Gemma felt as if her soul was laid bare by those eyes.

Finally, he said, "Call me Rufus. The older one." He said with a twinkling in his eyes. "Yes. It is good and brave of you to come. My son and daughter-in-law are convinced Jake is the culprit. Me? Not so. He isn't capable of that. May I ask why you want to prove his innocence?"

Gemma had a strong suspicion there and then, that this man would spot any lie coming out of whomever and that lying to this man demeans him, and herself in his eye so she replied truthfully, "Jake doesn't know it yet, but I'm going to be the next Mrs. VanDam. But first I must find him. You don't accidentally happen to know where he is, do you, Mr. VanDam?"

The old man's eyes sparkled with mischief when he replied, "He doesn't have any contact with his parents, nor his brother and sister and I promised him to tell no man that he is in St. Christopher's Crossing, doing very well for himself at the university over there. But I can't be wrong when I say that you are a beautiful woman and not a man. This is our little secret now. Don't spoil the fun."

"No sir. I'll let you in on another secret. That same university offered me a job and I accepted so I'm bound to run into him anyway."

Somewhere from the back of the house sounded a voice, "Dad? Who is it? Don't let them sell you something you hear."

The old man grinned and said to Gemma. "You know where the kitchen is?"

Gemma nodded, but when she turned around, she almost walked into Jake's mother.

"You have guts!" She shouted, "Ruining my son's marriage and then walking into this house uninvited. Out with you!"

Jake's granddad immediately interfered, growling, "Anna, she is my guest and I will hear her out. She claims to be abroad during this whole dirty business."

Anna VanDam immediately deflated, looking at Gemma, "What? I don't believe you."

Gemma hefted her laptop, smiled at the old man and said, "I'll show you."

An hour later, a very distraught mother and an extremely angry old man were looking at Gemma. "What now? Anna whispered.

Gemma, again, decided on the truth again. "I don't know. Tomorrow, I leave this cesspool. Jake and I were fast friends and well on our way to becoming an item, if that's the proper description. That was, until Brooke inserted herself."

Gemma told her story of how she lost her friend and soulmate to Brooke. She didn't divulge her suspicions about the sudden pregnancy. That was for Jake if she could find him.

Anna was appalled by the machinations of the mother of her grandchildren and she decided that her husband, Jack Jr. needed to meet this woman too. Sweetly she asked, "Would you like to stay for dinner, my dear? I'd also like you to tell this tale of woe to Randall, my husband."

Gemma declined politely stating that she had to get ready for her trip to her new job. She pointedly refrained from telling Anna where her new job was.


When Gemma said her goodbyes, Anna took her apart for a moment. "Uhm, Gemma, when, or if you find Jake, will you let us know? It seems we made the wrong decisions and treated him quite poorly back then. I dearly want my youngest back."

Gemma gently replied, "if, or better, when I find him, I will pass the message but it's not in my remit to disclose his whereabouts. Jake disappeared with a reason and it's obvious that he doesn't want to be found."

With that she walked to her car. Halfway she saw a man coming up. Shit, Jake's brother! flashed through her mind. She observed the man. This man was way over his prime, getting very fat. A rolling gait like a gorilla and he looked like one too. Heavy jowls, thick neck, wide shoulders, arms wide as if he couldn't get them parallel to his body as ought to, a prominent paunch, small steps with too thick upper legs chafing together, wheezing like an old steam engine.

Rufus VanDam took a good look at the slender dark-haired woman. He thought the woman looked familiar but couldn't place her. She needs bigger tits. Those B-cups don't do it for me, but what a pair of legs! Those I would like to feel wrapped around me. He walked inside and met his granddad. "We've had a visitor? I noticed that 'broad' walking to the gate."

Rufus Sr. kept his face carefully blank saying, "Yes that was an old friend of Jake, wanting to reconnect."

"But we don't know where he lives, do we? That good-for-nothing, cheating son of a bitch." Young Rufus said while thinking, Lay it on thick I still need him out of the way, and as far away as possible in every aspect.

He went up the stairs, straight into his apartment. Especially created for him after his 'accident' within the house.


Brooke, in the meantime was pondering her life. When the divorce came through, Jacob better known as Jake was 35 and she was two years older. Their children were 16 and 15. They were born within the year.

It wasn't the case that they met each other. Brook had noticed the then 18-year-old boy when finishing a 10-kilometer swim race. First, she didn't deign him a second look until that dark-haired girl came up to him and started to help him out of his wetsuit.

That got her attention. Suddenly he looked gorgeous. She observed the pair closely. The boy had reddish-brown, cropped hair; green eyes set in an oval face with a defined nose over generous lips. Broad shoulders, long strong arms with broad wrists and hands with long slender fingers. Narrow hips and very muscled legs completed the picture.

When the girl started to towel him dry and he raised his arms she noticed his muscles rippling. Later she heard that Jake had a swimmer's physique. Lots of strong muscles under a thin layer of fat, just thick enough to hide how strong he actually was. There and then she decided that she wanted him and started to plan how to do that. That the girl probably was his girlfriend wasn't going to hold her back.


It took Brooke six months to break through the barriers of the shy man. Luck had it that his friend, who wasn't his girlfriend yet, was moving out of town and it became much easier to manipulate the girl out of her way.

Finally, Jake asked her to meet his family at the monthly family barbeque. Brooke now knew that he was the youngest of three and a late addition to the family. His brother was 6 years older and his sister 4.

At the barbeque she looked in astonishment at the two brothers. They both were the same height, had the same color hair in about the same face, but that was where the similarity stopped, and the differences became obvious. Rufus had at least 60 pounds on Jake. Where Jake was elegantly built without an overly obvious musculature, his brother was built like a brick house with big heavy bulging muscles. Also, where Jake was reticent and took his time to formulate an answer and spoke softly in measured tones, his brother was all bluster, boom and superficial with a lot of show.

Rufus noticed the handsome girlfriend of his 'stupid' little brother. He despised the little brat. He found him much too clever for his liking. He decided to pay some extra attention to the young woman, some loving attention.

It took Rufus two weeks, a lot of presents and attention to have Brooke on her back and very willing in a decent hotel. An hour later it was over. Brooke was dazed and very thoroughly fucked. This was quick and brutal, and he took her in every orifice she had. It was nothing more than plain animal fornicating, and she was so overwhelmed that she forgot the condom, though Rufus didn't. Condoms were for wimps. Real men always went bareback.

A month later she realized that she missed her period. When she confronted Rufus he laughed in her face, saying to her to fuck his brother with his little weenie and tell him it's his, or find a doctor to abort it. "Should have taken the pill, stupid bitch." He told her in the end.

Brooke opted for the first. She seduced Jake and was taken aback at the difference between the two men. Jake was a real lover whereas his brother just took his fun without any consideration for her satisfaction. Another big difference was that Jake was very well endowed while his brother just was an average 5 inches. Rufus also had erection problems sometimes. The pills he took to enhance his prowess in the gym had the opposite effect on the prowess in bed. But that was something she learned a lot later.

The only men Brooke had been with, was her first boyfriend and Rufus, but since Rufus, she thought she could easily handle Jake in bed.

Brooke was naked lying on the bed of the same hotel room she had been with Rufus the first time. At first Brooke wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. Jake had other plans altogether and took his time. He licked and sucked her through three screaming orgasms. When she was lying, completely spent, next to Jake her hand went exploring. When she reached his shorts, she couldn't believe what she was feeling. Oh my Lord! He's big. How is this thing ever going to fit inside me?. She felt more than a little afraid, when Jake went into the bathroom and came back with a damp cloth and tenderly wiped her face.

"Where have you learned to do that to a woman?"

Jake smiled and replied, "I listened to my girlfriends and learned. That makes everything somewhat nicer for you, don't you think?"

Brooke slowly recuperated while toying with that big one-eyed snake. It's so hard and that mushroom is going to tear me apart but I have to do it. She was anxious to get it over with but her courage failed her.

Suddenly she didn't have a choice anymore. Jake pulled her on top of him. Softly he said, "You drive."

She felt the top pushing against her entrance. To her surprise she was still sopping wet. Obviously, her body had a mind of its own and made ready for the invader. She bent over on her elbows and knees. Jake immediately made use of the opportunity to massage her hard, hooded pleasure point.

Brooke started to moan when the big bulge started to stretch her. Amazed at herself that she took the big cock fairly easily and she started to enjoy the feeling. She toppled over so she could kiss him, while he fondled her breasts.

Brooke moaned in his mouth when he slowly started to move with long deliberate strokes. When he pushed himself inside, he touched her cervix just enough to add a jolt as an extra to her pleasure and on the backstroke the hard rim slid along her little oversensitive stamp inside. Every time that happened jolts of electricity shot directly into the pleasure center in her brain.

Brooke was transported into her own private heaven. She lost all sense of time and location. She became aware that she was on her back, her legs around Jake's middle, ankles crossed, holding on to him for dear life. .Uh, oh, this is going to be big! was the only thought that came to mind when she felt another orgasm building up and rolling in. And like in an avalanche, she was swept up and tossed around in wave after wave of physical delight. She wasn't even aware that Jake shot rope after rope of hot semen deep into her cunt.

When Brooke came down from the sexual bliss, she suddenly needed the bathroom. She rolled to the side of the bed and wanted to stand up. Her knees buckled and she fell back to the bed. Immediately Jake was beside her, put an arm around her and walked her to the bathroom. He helped her to the toilet and when she was done, he put her under the shower, taking care that she didn't fall. That done he toweled her dry and brought her back to bed again. Only after that he went into the bathroom to attend to himself.

That interlude gave Brooke time to think. My dear heavens, what the heck just happened to me? Her thoughts kept on coming, I can get used to this. Better still I can get used to that man over there taking a shower. He is twice, no! Thrice the lover his brother is and a much, much better person.

When Jake, after 20 minutes, returned from the bathroom, Brooke had fallen for the gentle, kind and caring man. The idea that he was a boy was wiped from her mind. She decided that she wanted her cake and wanted to eat it as well. Jake as the main dish and Rufus for the spice and dessert.

Three months later, Jake and Brooke were married in a small ceremony and ever since Brooke was as happy as a clam in its shell. She had a doting husband and bad boy as a lover. Jake was wonderful in bed and a good provider too and she had her lover on the side. Just for the quick and dirty sessions of plain straight fornicating. Rufus was so small, his discharge so little and it was over so quickly that even his smell didn't linger. That she didn't always get off didn't bother her at all. She got her kick out of the fact that she got away with it.


Thirteen years later his lifestyle caught up with him and disaster struck for Rufus. The prolonged and abundant use of muscle enhancing substances finally presented its bill, and it was a steep one. His heart!

In the gym he just bowled over and his luck was that there was a nurse exercising next to him. Immediately the man started to resuscitate him. He kept going until the ambulances arrived and an automatic CPR machine was slotted over Rufus in the ambulance.

Arriving in the hospital and after a few quick tests the doctors concluded that he had a myocardial rupture caused by prolonged and excessive use of anabolic steroids. He went straight in for surgery.


Rufus was discharged from the hospital as a man in a different body. The prominent musculature was gone. He was flabby and in a very bad condition. He soon realized that he would need constant care and for a long period.

Over the months he started to work on Brooke. Belittling Jake, telling Brooke that she mustn't accept the financial restrictions and must demand that Jake increase his income, that she deserved better and he, playing the victim and exaggerating his suffering.

Slowly his campaign had an effect. Brooke started to change her behavior towards Jake and not for the best. She started nagging him. First the little annoyances of everyday life would be enough to set Brooke off. A little later she wanted her own car because that old piece of junk was not something, she wanted to be seen in.

Brooke didn't notice what it did to Jake. On the other hand, she never had pushed him so hard so far. She was broadsided when Jake just walked away in the middle of a prolonged rant. The children already fled the room wondering out loud when dad would stop taking the punches.

"Come back here!" She screamed, "I'm not done with you! Come back, you hear!"

Jake just walked into his little office, shut the door and turned on his laptop. A few minutes later Brooke entered the office. Jake looked up and roared, "Get the fuck out of here!"

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