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She keeps it in friend’s family Ch. 03

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Finally it is friends husband, punishment lesbian and anal.
2.4k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/12/2023
Created 08/17/2023
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Brief details of earlier chapters

After a break up my friend Jan helps me. She comforts me and I end up enjoying another female for the first time. Her father in law (Len) hears everything and persuades me to have sex with him as a price for his silence. In chapter 2 he hooks me further in persuading me to initiate his virgin grandson (Max) on his 18th birthday.

Chapter 3

It was a nervous looking Jan who welcomed me and took me through into the lounge. John (her husband) and Len (John's father) were sitting together on a small sofa and the atmosphere could be cut with a knife. From the look on John's face it was obvious that he had been informed about certain of my activities but it was disconcerting not knowing what he had been told.

"So Lexi, I hear that you have been very active with my family. It seems that it is only me who has not sampled your charms recently. What have you got to say for yourself?"

I shot Len a look that was intended to kill. All it achieved was that his smile became bigger. I wasn't going to admit anything until I knew much more about what, in particular John, had been told. I don't think it was his intention to get me off the hook but Len's interjection did give me a bit of breathing room.

"Well I think that both ladies have been very naughty. The question is how should they be punished? We know that spanking Jan is no punishment - as all it seems to achieve is her becoming extremely aroused. I know that Lexi has a very sensitive bottom so spanking her could have interesting results. Rather than punish them maybe we should require them to entertain us men. I don't know about you son but I would love to see them do some of the things they were up to the other night."

Len had pulled no punches and it was clear that John had been very fully briefed about my involvement with both Jan and Len. It was also clear that John knew that his dad and his wife had very few sexual secrets. This family never ceased to amaze me. I only hoped that Max had been totally excluded from their conversations. I did stare at Len as I said,

"It sounds like you know everything John. I am sorry I did not want anything to happen but it has and I am very embarrassed about it all. Jan's friendship has been the only thing keeping me going over the last few months please don't ruin that."

"I certain have no intention of coming between you two ladies. Dad certainly makes some good points but maybe we could combine a little light punishment with some other stimulating activities. Why don't you ladies start by removing each others clothes, you both look very over dressed?"

I couldn't make out the emotions that showed on Jan's face as she approached me. I think there was a mixture of concern, fear, submissiveness and arousal. She hugged me seeming to share all those emotions as she whispered into my ear,

"Trust me I am sure it will be fun if you let it. Make sure you look like you are at least a little bit reluctant they love to feel in control. I can't wait to experience whatever they have planned with you, it was amazing the other night."

Jan turned me towards the two men and while behind me started unbuttoning my summer dress. After the first three buttons were undone she eased my braless boobs out and started to massage them. It was unbelievably erotic to feel my nipples harden and see the appreciation on the men's faces. Even though my boobs are small I was very proud of them at that moment. The last buttons were undone but Jan teased the men by not letting the dress reveal anything straight away. Somehow she kept the dress together while slipping a hand down my stomach into my panties and finding my clit.

"She is wet, very wet are you ready to see how wet she is?"

It was obviously rhetorical as she rubbed me briefly before letting the dress fall away. As it fell open she removed her hand from inside my panties but returned it to my pussy but now outside my sexiest garment. The rubbing was firm and quickly worked the now soaking material into my pussy. When she pulled them up my clit became trapped and pinched. She still found a way to stimulate it with her fingers. I was beginning to become extremely aroused and lent my head back and tried to whisper,

"No Jan not like this please. I am so close but it is so embarrassing."

It was a relief when she removed her fingers from my swollen clit and slid my dress off my arms and shoulders. I have never quite understood mens' love of near naked women retaining their high-heeled shoes but this was the view John and his dad now had. It took a little maneuvering for Jan to remove my panties as they were gripped by my wet swollen lips. Then what she did shocked me more than anything had during this strange time. She put the gusset of my panties up to her nose and drew a long breath. She then walked over to John and suggested he did the same. Len wasn't going to accept just a brief smell but took the gusset and ran his tongue along the soaking material. Still not satisfied he took it into his mouth and sucked hard. I was so embarrassed that I could not watch as he finally put them in his pocket.

I was then told to undress Jan, which I did without the drama that she had brought to my unveiling. I was delighted to find that her panties were far from dry as I slid them down her legs. I thought about offering them to the men but decided they had probably both enjoyed her aroma many times before. Len was quite forceful when he said to Jan,

"Be a good girl and lay on your back with your legs wide apart. I think John and I would enjoy you two acting out my age."

I had no idea what he meant by the second part of his request (or was it an order) for a minute before he told me to kneel over her facing her feet and lick her pussy. I did not realize he was that old, as he looked much younger. I had realized that Jan was aroused and wet but when I was faced by her open legs I was surprised at how red and swollen she was as well as very wet. I had seen her naked the other night but I had not seen her aroused pussy, or any other aroused pussy for that matter. For the first time in my life I really understood why many men love going down on women. Jan's clit was erect but was still trapped by its tight hood. I wanted to bury my face in her pussy but even more wanted to tease her clit out. My fingers circled around and I was rewarded as her hard nubbin pushed through its tight hood. Jan's sighing became much louder as I sucked her erect clit into my mouth. The aroma was strong but very arousing and made me want to taste her arousal.

I was so engrossed with the pussy in front of me I was unaware of anything else until Jan took hold of my hips and pulled me down onto her mouth. The contact was stunning but somehow it was made twice as exciting as the two men were watching us. It was Len, who with a chuckle said,

"Don't you dare orgasm without our permission. If your time with Jan the other night is anything to go on it might not be too easy for you to stop yourself. You should have heard her John. I don't think she lasted more than a few seconds did she Jan?"

Jan didn't have to answer. The embarrassment was intense particularly when Len referred to the fact that I had cum twice. It was John's turn to chuckle as he said,

"I always thought that you were super hot but now I know. What I didn't know was that you were into women as well as men. I can't wait to get you on the end of my cock but there is the little matter of punishing both of you first. Jan is into pain as an aphrodisiac are you my dear?"

There was so much to respond to in what he said. Somehow denials about being gay and challenging whether he was going to fuck me seemed pointless but I did manage to say that I was not into pain. Having said that I put my tongue back between Jan's legs. I loved the aroma the taste the feel everything about going down on Jan. I was so excited by everything going on that I had to remove my pussy and clit from Jan's mouth time and time again as I got close to orgasm. I think Len sensed my struggle and sprung into action.

He had us stand up and hug each other with our hands behind each other. Jan is taller than me but our bodies molded together beautifully. Len then attached soft cuffs to each of my wrists that were behind Jan. He then attached an elasticated band to one cuff before taking it around both of our bodies and connecting it to the other cuff. This pulled our bodies hard together. He repeated the same bindings to Jan.

"Jan find Lexi's clit with your leg. I think she would enjoy something to rub herself on."

This instruction was completely unnecessary, as we had connected with each other's clits quite naturally. Each of our legs straddled one of the others legs. She bent her knee slightly and I instinctively opened my legs and pushed against her. At the same time I maximized the pressure my leg was applying between her legs. Without warning Jan's whole body went rigid as Len brought a cane down on her vulnerable bottom. Within seconds my cheeks exploded. It took my breath away and took me a few seconds before I registered that I had not been caned but hit with some kind of whip.

"Quick rub my pussy before he canes me again. The pain will eventually morph into sexual pleasure but right now it hurts like hell. Oh thanks that feels so sexy."

I moved so that she could find the best position to rub herself against me. We moved in unison rubbing our clits against each other. The whip landed again on my unprotected cheeks. The cane was clearly biting viciously into Jan's backside but as she had predicted her screams morphed into moans as the pain morphed into pleasure. The whip warmed my cheeks and this heat spread across the whole area. The pain in my bottom was far from unbearable but the stimulation was considerable. I am not sure how many times the cane and the whip landed. Jan was clearly in considerable pain but also becoming more and more aroused by it. We were writhing against each other as she warned me that she was close to a painful orgasm. We were both on the verge of cumming and it was unclear who triggered who but I gripped her legs as if my life depended on it and she gripped mine. My orgasm was strong as I thrust time and time against her leg.

John applied the whip to my bottom throughout my orgasm and supported me as my legs threatened to give way. Len supported Jan having been caning her. We were soon manipulated until we were on our knees next to each other with our heads on the seat of the sofa. It was John who encouraged me to spread my legs wider before entering me firmly. Len was entering Jan at about the same time.

Jan's eyes were alight with arousal even though she had just enjoyed an orgasm. The men fucked us both hard and deep. I was happy to be fucked vigorously by John but it was when Jan found my left nipple with her hand and started to kiss me that my arousal level cranked up quickly. She also started to encourage Len to fuck her harder. Len had seemed to be in charge of events and he had one last surprise when he said to John,

"Fuck her in the ass and I think she will go off like a fire-cracker."

For some reason I protested strongly but John ignored me. He withdrew before kneeling behind me and bringing his mouth to my anus. His hands found my clit and I was delighted that he had ignored my protest. I was close to orgasm before his prick found my sphincter and pushed easily into the relaxed orifice. I swore at him at the same time as pushing back onto his prick and finding my clit with my fingers. Jan clearly knew what was happening and asked me to cum at the same time as her. She beat me to it but my orgasm was not long coming as it exploded deep in my bowels as we kissed each other.

It was many minutes before I was fully functioning and Jan cuddled me as John brought drinks round. Looking round the room I reflected how this family had transformed my sex life.

- I now knew I could enjoy a physical relationship with the right female.

- I had enjoyed sex with a much older man

- I had loved being with a very dominant man

- I had loved initiating a young virgin

- I had experienced a lovely group sex session

My break up had been painful but I was now looking forward to enjoying a much wider, wilder sex life than I could ever have imaged.

All this happened over a week ago and I have written it down as I wanted to be able to remember the detail of that amazing couple of weeks. Maybe one day I will publish the story.

Footnote: Although I am only publishing this now I wrote it over three years ago. I was right that those two weeks transformed my sex life. Maybe I will write another story about the years since but I will not add them to this series.


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