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Sheri and Daddy

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Last day of school brings Daddy big surprise.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 04/15/2014
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Sheri came through the door like a prisoner just freed after 12 long years of serving time for a crime she didn't commit. All she'd done was be born to a mother that thought an all girls school was the answer to easy parenting. No boys; no problems!

She stopped in the middle of the kitchen floor and dropped all her notebooks and paper work onto the floor. Everything broke open, spreading out like snow falling.

Looking down she saw the ugly brown oxford shoes she'd worn every year for twelve long years. She toed one off and swung her leg up. The shoe flew through the air, leaving the kitchen and skidding across the polished wood floor of the dinning room.

Sheri giggle, toeing the other shoe off and doing the same kick. When stopped against the dinning room wall she yelled, "Yahoo!" and stuck her tongue out at the shoe.

Next was the pleated plaid skirt that came exactly to the middle of her knee. She was picking up energy as she went and ripped at the waist band till the button pulled loose. Waving the skirt above her head in a circle gathering speed she let out a wild "yippee" and flung it off to follow her shoes.

The skirt hit the kitchen cupboard that separated the kitchen and dinning room, falling limply on the counter top. "Phew, you damn thing!"

Next it was the white cotton shirt with the blue grosgrain bow at the neck. She started to unbutton the blouse, and then smiled a wicked grin. She grabbed the shirt tales and ripping them apart the buttons flew in all directions as thread gave up its grip on the material. Buttons bounced off appliances, counter top and cabinets. One lonely button rolled across the dinning room floor.

"You go you little devil, join those ugly ass shoes!"

When she looked down she saw the most humiliating part of the whole ugly ensemble, the creepy white knee high socks. Raising one leg she pulled the sock off, and in the same manner as riding herself of the skirt she raised it over her head twirling in a circle.

"Yippee ki-yay", she yelled. "Go join the fucking shoes". She let loose of the sock. Of course it had no weight and barely made it past the breakfast bar.

"Fuck." She pulled the second sock off and swung it around harder, faster and with more vicious intent. Letting go she leaned forward, as if that would make it fly further.

"Crap!" It stopped far short of the shoes, but went past its lovely mate.

Now looking at herself she had only bra and panties on. While they weren't part of the official uniform of the Saint Mary Theresa girls they may as well go too. She was relieving stress and this was kind of fun.

Off came the bra, it flew a little better than the socks. Underwire gave it a little weight. The panties she balled up into as tight a ball as she could, then threw it like she was pitching baseball. Pathetic! It landed short of all the other articles of clothing.

With nothing left to throw she tilted her head back; raising fisted hands into the air and let go with a primal scream, "Fuck you Saint Mary Theresa. I am free!"

"What on God's green earth is going on here?" Sheri's dad came running into the kitchen one towel around his waste and another in his hand. His hair was dripping water from the shower.

While Hank was somewhat aware of the fact that his daughter stood bare ass naked in front of him, he was reeling from the yelling he'd heard all the way upstairs and at the other end of the house.

Hank looked at her, then at all the clothes strewn around the room, waiting for an answer. He seemed not to be paying much attention to the fact that those clothes should be on his daughters' body, not on the floor.

Sheri stood frozen in place. Her dad was never home before six o'clock and this was only three thirty. One arm went over her breasts, the other hand shot down to her mound trying to cover it.

When she made those moves seemed to be when Hank realized she was naked and he was barely covered. Now he was frozen in place.

Sheri nodded twice at him. His brow knitted in question.

"The towel Dad, the towel!"

"Oh, ah, yeah." He looked at the towel like he'd never seen it before or had any idea it was in his hand. He lobbed it at her but it fell short, landing on the floor in front of her.

Sheri stood looking at it, unable or unwilling to bend over to pick it up.

They both moved at once, her head hit his shoulder and his face hit her tit.

Hank gasped, which only opened his mouth over her nipple almost sucking it in.

Both of them made some yelping type of noise; Hank spinning around to get his back to her. Sheri picked up the towel, wrapping it around her. She had a death grip on the towel to where her knuckled began to turn white.



Hank turned slowly, he didn't want to see her naked again. Her body was etched in his brain already, apparently that was a male subconscious thing that simply happens when a naked girl appears out of nowhere.

"Well, back to my question." Hand waved an arm around the room. "What the flying crap is this?"

Sheri swallowed, not an easy task since her mouth felt like it was full of cotton.

"I being done with And, by the way its flying clothes not crap...or maybe you had it right in the first place." She actually laughed.

Hank grinned. "I doubt anyone's ever celebrated in quite this manner before."

Tears welled up in her eyes. "Daddy, you know how I hated the all girl thing. I'm gonna be 19 in three months and I've never had a date."

"Oh, I thought it was the clothes that were bothering you."

"That's not funny." She raised a hand from the iron grip she had on the towel to brush a tear that had sneaked out and was sliding down her check.

Hank stepped forward, pulling her into his arms. "Baby I know it's been awful. Your mother was so determined. I tried to talk her into letting you go to public school ever since ninth grade, but she wouldn't listen. She thought since you'd been held back that one year when you were sick you'd get teased and it would be......"

He pulled back and looked her in the eye. She knew all this; it was stupid to go through it again.

Sheri dropped her head onto his shoulder and sighed.

Hank kissed her cheek. "Well, it's over. You have skip day tomorrow and you can wear a bikini if you want to."

She started laughing and threw her arms around his neck. "I love you Daddy. Thank you for always being there for me."

When she stepped back from him the towel fell to the floor. Hank looked down at the towel and tried to will himself to pick it up, but he couldn't seem to move.

Sheri didn't move to get it; instead she reached out and pulled the towel from Hanks waist. Now they were both naked as jay birds.

They stood for what seemed like forever before she took his hands and placed them on her tits. "Do you like them Daddy, are they pretty?"

Now Hank tried to swallow and about choked doing it.

"They're amazing sweetie." His voice went to a whisper, "Firm and round and warm and so silky." His finger tips were running over them, tracing the areolas, then the nipples.

"Are they big enough? Maybe they will get bigger?" Sheri had goose bumps all over her body. She could feel her nipples harden.

"Oh baby, no. They're perfect. You don't want them so big they don't look real." He smiled at her, "Besides, more than a hand full is a waste."

Sheri's lips turned up in a smirk. "Good thing you have big hands and long fingers."

His eyes flew up to her face. When he saw that smile he laughed. "Pretty proud of these babies aren't you?" He began to really caress them.

"I see the other girls in the locker room and I am the second biggest in my class." Sheri sucked in air as her daddy continued to work her tits.

Hank was on auto pilot; he leaned down and sucked a nipple into his mouth, ran his tongue around the areola then flicked the nipple with a hardened tongue.

"AH! GOD, Daddy!" Sheri pushed her chest forward into him.

"Did you know I was home?" He looked her in the eye wanting to judge if she was going to lie to him. He wanted to know if this was a set up.

"No! Really I didn't." Sheri's head was spinning.

Hank nodded. He moved his head down and took the other tit into his mouth giving it the same treatment as the first one had gotten.

"Oh Daddy, God that feels so good; sooooooooo good." Her feet were doing a little dance.

He stood up, pulling her into his arms, pressing her tits against his bare chest. Now his mouth was kissing her neck and ears.

"You are so beautiful. I love you so much." He kissed her with open mouth, using his tongue to probe between her lips. She opened her mouth and groaned.

Hank's erection pressed against her naked mound. She moved her hips, grinding into him.

"Daddy. Oh, Daddy. Do it, do me. I've never felt a man. I want you to take me, to be my very first."

Hank was so hard it ached. In the past four years he and Mary Beth had fucked only on birthdays and their anniversary. Jerking off in the shower wasn't what a married man was supposed to be doing.

"Are you sure baby, cause I'm about to explode here."

"Yes Daddy. I've wanted you for so long. Fuck me Daddy, please?"

Hank lifted her into his arms and carried her to the living room setting her down on the sofa.

Her face was level with his engorged cock. He stood with his hips pushed forward letting her feel his throbbing cock. He rested his hands on her shoulders as she explored him.

She opened her legs wide smiling at him.

"Lay down baby." He had snagged the towel when he picked her up and now put it told her to raise her ass so he could slide it under her.

"When I go in it'll break your cherry. There'll be a little bleeding and you'll feel a sting. If you want me to stop just say so."

He looked at her face, she looked a little scared.

"You're sure?"

"Yes." She lay there putting one leg up on the back of the sofa and the other leg rose up and stretched out to open her cunt for her Daddy to enter.

Hank kneeled on the sofa between her legs, "Pull your pussy open for me honey. It'll show me you really want this."

She reached down and with all of her fingers and pulled the wet pink pussy lips wide.

"Ah, God this is so fucking wonderful. Your pussy is beautiful. Thank you for letting me be your first."

"I love you Daddy."

Hank grabbed his cock, running it up and down her slit, his pre cum and her come fuck me juices made it slick and ready. He stopped at her hole, pressing his cockhead forward entering only the head.

She gasped and said, "Oh Daddy, yes. Yes, fuck it."

He pushed more cock into her and she moaned, raising her hips. Damn the girl was eager.

When he felt her maidenhead he stopped, looking up at her. "This is it baby, Daddy's gonna break you. Take your virginity and fuck you. This is your last chance to stop this."

"Never Daddy, I want your cock in me, all the way to your balls."

"Ram it or steady pressure till it gives?" Hank felt like his dick was going to explode.

"Ram it Daddy. Oh yeah, ram me!"

He didn't wait a second; he rammed his hard pecker into her virgin cunt.

"ARGH! Fuck, shit!" Sheri grunted as she felt her cunt fill with hard cock.

Hank was panting; Sheri had her fingers dug into his ass so hard he knew he'd be black and blue.

"I'll hold still until your pussy gets used to being full. Tell me when you want me to start to move, to fuck you."

His voice went to a whisper, "Oh my God, I'm fucking my daughter." Hank was delirious.

Sheri's breathing softened and her fingers let up their death grip on his ass.

"Okay Daddy, go ahead and start fucking me."

No waiting this time either. He began moving in and out slowly, enjoying the feeling of the tightest cunt he'd ever entered. He kissed her, mauling her tits pinching hard raised nipples. He began picking up the speed and power of the fuck.

She was grunting under him, slapping his ass and keeping her legs spread wide and up in the air.

Hank broke a kiss, "It feel good baby? You like getting fucked?"

"Yes, oh Daddy, yes. Your cock is so hard! It feels like there's a ridge on it, rubbing my pussy tunnel making me want more and more."

"You are one hot cunt. Damn, this has been right down the hall from me and I could have been fucking you for almost a year. We aren't gonna let a day go by without a good solid fuck now."

"Thank you Daddy. OH! OH!" Sheri's hips were pumping up and down now, matching Hank's thrusts.


Hank buried his face in her neck, he couldn't hold back anymore, his balls were throbbing and pulling up into him.

They came together, grunting and yelling.

"You promise more tomorrow Daddy?"

"You'll get more tonight baby, but yes, tomorrow too."

Sheri smiled, so thankful she'd stripped when she came home.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I really liked the story. Very sexy.

I do not care about the anatomy.

TigersmanTigersmanabout 10 years ago
Anons and hymen

I do not know which Anatomy textbook Anon studied and just how close he/she got to the vagina but as a healthcare worker who also took a few "cherries" I can safely say that the hymen is located at the entrance to the vagina NOT inside of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
& a review

Are you really that stupid??? As the proud owner of a vagina I can tell you two things:

1. The hymen is located WITHIN the vagina, not in the vulva or at the "mouth" of the vagina.

2. Most girls are intact at their deflowering. Yes, particularly vigorous exercise can break the hymen but I can tell you that when I lost my virginity at 15 I was still intact despite being an avid swimmer and using tampons. All three of my close girlfriends were intact as well. And just to be clear, bleeding is NORMAL for a girls first time and pain can continue for several encounters afterwards. It hurt me for about twoweeks before my hips finally spread enough to accommodate the girth of an erect penis.

In short you are a moron and your "knowledge" of the female anatomy is so deeply flawed that I am actually embarrassed for you!

As for the story, it's not bad. I could use a little more build up. It's a forbidden love after all, there should be some reluctance and internal conflict. I don't find it plausible that these two would just jump into bed without a thought or any foreplay even. That said, it was well written and the action was hot enough to get the job done. Keep writing, you have talent!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Hymen facts and fallacies

Regarding correction of medical facts...thanks. I was very confused by the posters diatribe. Where anyone got the idea that the hymen was at the entrance to the vagina is beyond me.

Wonder if he’s ever seen one (entrance to a vagina).

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
The hymen

In response to anonymous, and as a medical practitioner, I suggest that he in fact checks his so called human biology facts. The hymen is inside the vagina, is sometimes broken during sport and strenuous activity but this is not often. Mostly broken by insertion of tampons.

The story does need some editing but carrying on incorrectly about the hymen is crazy

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
When are you people going to learn?

The hymen is across the ENTRANCE to the vagina, not up inside it, that's always supposing a teenage girl even has one, which is unlikely; any kind of exertion, playing sports, running, will usually rupture it early in life. Any female who has an obstruction inside her vagina that bleeds when penetrated has more serious problems than losing her virginity. Didn't ANY of you lot learn anything in Human Biology in school? Look it up and check your facts before continuing to push this idiotic myth of the "internal" hymen, no stars, you lost them when you followed the herd instead of spending 90 seconds checking your facts.

AverygoodlayAverygoodlayover 10 years ago
It was good

It was good but not great, not much build up or foreplay to get her wet and ready to fuck, could at least given her pussy a few licks befor ramming his cock in.

phubbyphubbyover 10 years ago

Looking forward to sharing this with a guy I chat with now and then who has a pervy appetite for his daughter. Very naughty!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Sheri and Daddy

Great beginning, a little more build up would have enhanced the story, but sure hope it continues. Daddy needs to teach her what a good cock and cum tastes like and how great it feels to have her pussy eaten.

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