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Shivering Sarah

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A shivering, blue goose bump falls in love.
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This little romance features tears and laughter, cheating and love, as well as cracked ribs. What else does a romance need?

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Sarah could barely see where she was walking due to the tears in her eyes. It had been a very, very bad Friday the thirteenth, which capped off an awful, awful week.

On Monday her boyfriend of eight months broke off their relationship by text. He didn't even have the decency to talk with her in person and, when she tried to call him, ghosted her and blocked her calls. She never knew why he left her. Was it someone new or what?

On Tuesday the program she was working on with her coworker Scott completely crashed. They had a deadline to present the whole thing to their boss on Friday for a potential roll-out the following week. She spent hours, even working until ten pm two nights, trying to find out what had happened but to no avail.

Then on Friday when she confessed to her boss that the program was not working, he blew up and swore at her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Scott lean over his computer, tap a few keys and then present the repaired program to her boss. Instead of being pleased he yelled at Sarah and suggested that if she couldn't do the minimum work to keep the business going that she might want to consider as new job. He then formally gave her "the one and only warning" that her job was on the line.

After he had left, she went to Scott and asked him what had happened. Scott was evasive and didn't answer her question directly. He claimed that he had found the problem "by luck" but she wasn't buying it. She told him she didn't believe him and accused him of sabotaging the project just to ruin her job and make him look better in their boss' eyes. All the while she was talking, he avoided looking at her directly confirming in her mind that he was indeed the cause of her troubles.

It was quite dark when she grabbed her coat, purse and computer bag and rushed out the door. It was very windy and mixed snow and rain were falling on the slick, snow and ice-crusted sidewalks and she had to walk very carefully. At one point she wandered over towards the curb to avoid deep, wet snow and just then a car sped by drenching her with freezing, slushy water from the gutter. Water seemed to be everywhere and even her computer bag was soaked.

It was at this time that her frustration and anger gave way to a simple melt down. She began to sob as she shivered and stumbled another mile down the street before turning into the quiet alley that led to her apartment. She was not able to see well and walked into an icy patch and suddenly lost her footing. She crashed down flat on her butt and her computer bag went flying. Weeping she leaned up against a wall as her will to fight deserted her. She became numb to her situation and didn't see the two men approach her. One grabbed the computer bag and the other went up to her.

"What have we here?" he leered at her. She didn't respond and kept crying. "Here little lady, I've got something in my pants that will make you smile." With that he reached down and started to fondle her breasts. Unable to muster any response she rolled over onto her side and kept shivering and crying. She vaguely felt a hand slide up her frigid leg to her panties but was shivering so hard that she was unable to defend herself.

She felt herself get severely lightheaded but became vaguely aware of a sudden snapping sound and loud swearing. With her eyes barely open she saw a figure looming over her as she heard groaning next to her. Her last conscious thought was a surrendering, "I might as well just go ahead and die right now."


Her first awareness as she woke up was how warm and toasty she was. No shivering, no wet clothes. She opened one eye only to see a darkened room with just a bit of light from a towel covered lamp in the corner. Stretching out a bit, she felt her bare legs rub under a sheet covered with blankets. There was a scent of exotic aftershave or cologne on her pillow. After rolling over she saw a granola bar and a glass with water on the bedside table.

"Where am I?" she asked herself as she picked up the glass and took a few swallows. Realizing she was famished, she unwrapped the granola bar and finished it in no time at all. With her thirst slaked and hunger eased, her head fell back on the pillow and exhaustion overtook her once again.

Later, the soft rattling of dishes slowly pulled her from sleep. Opening her eyes, she could see faint daylight showing through a curtain. "It must be morning, but where am I?" she thought. "And more importantly, where's the toilet?" Looking around she saw an obvious closet door and next to it a door that was slightly open and appeared to lead to a bathroom. With her bladder screaming at her she jumped up and stumbled through the door. Just as she got there, she realized she was wearing just a long T-shirt and no panties. She sat down, did her business and then stood in front of a mirror.

What she saw was frightening. Her long blonde hair, which she normally wore in a simple pony tail or a French twist, was a mass of curls and knots. Her face was streaked with dried tears. Slowly she ran her fingers through her hair and tried to minimize the mess. A quick wipe down of her face with a moistened facial tissue took care of the streaks. Finally, when she felt herself to be presentable, she went back into the bedroom. She looked without success for her clothes and took a blanket from the bed to wrap around herself before she cautiously opened the other door of the bedroom.

There was a tiny hallway that led to a living area. A couch had a rolled -out sleeping bag on it but otherwise the room appeared neat and tidy. Suddenly a man poked his head around the corner and looked at her.

"Oh, Sarah, I assume you go by Sarah, good morning."

"Uh, morning. Where am I and who are you?"

"Yes, well, you are in my apartment where I brought you last night after finding you shivering and being molested. Oh, and I'm J.J. McLain, at your service."

"I remember yesterday up until I was drenched by a passing car. After that, well, not so much. So, you found me...?"

"Yeah, I was walking home from work and looked down an alley and saw two guys molesting you. The one was, well, he was feeling you up and it was clear you were pretty much out of it. I jumped him and I'm afraid he's now dealing with a broken knee. The other one took off with one of your bags."

"Oh, shit, which one?"

"A big one, looked like a laptop bag. Your purse was still wrapped around your arm. That's how I got your name."

"How come I don't remember any of this?"

"Well, I'm no doctor, but it looks like you were very cold and in shock. Since you were still shivering, I knew you couldn't be too cold, you know, too hypothermic, so I decided to bring you here and get you warmed up."

"It seems to have worked," she responded. "I'm toasty warm now."

"Yeah, and you look a whole lot better."

"Uh, I'm a little embarrassed to ask this, but how'd I end up in this sleeping shirt?"

"Sarah, you were drenched, cold and not at all following any instructions. I had to, you know, remove the wet clothes."

"My bra and panties?" she asked with a bit of exasperation.

"Both soaked, had to come off. I took you to the bedroom, sat you up on the chair and quickly pulled your clothes off, toweled you dry and pulled the T-shirt on you. Then I put you into the bed, turned on the electric blanket. Your shivering stopped after about forty-five minutes and I turned off the blanket. Left you some water and food. And now, here you are."

"I, uh, I guess I should thank you for saving me. Yesterday was an awful, horrible day which capped off a terrible week. Quite frankly, I think I would have been just as happy to lie down and die in the alley."

"No, don't you start talking like that when I'm around. I spent a rotten night on the couch to help you and so you can't go and give up now. I won't let you," he chuckled. "Breakfast?" he went on.

"Yes please. I'm famished. And thanks for the power bar, by the way."

"I make a mean cup of coffee, if you're interested. I've planned for eggs and toast. OK with you?"

"Sure, sounds great. Uh, my clothes?"

"They should be out of the wash soon and then the drier after that. Mind wearing what you've got for another hour or so?"

"No, that'd be great. Now Mr. Chef, where's that coffee you promised?"

Halfway through the coffee she felt dramatically better. She sat there sipping it as she watched him finish breakfast. He really seemed to be a nice guy as he obviously had rescued her the night before. And he was quite handsome. She guessed him to be nearly six feet tall and there was a nice body under his shirt. His jeans fit his tight ass like a glove. The face was attractive with a hint of stubble and his eyes were deep blue. He had an unruly mop of thick brown hair that just begged to have fingers run through it.

"Stop it," she thought to herself. "Sure, he's cute, but you know nothing about him. Eat, get your clothes and get out of here."

Just then he turned with two plates piled high with toast, cantaloupe slices and scrambled eggs. "Here we are," he said with a smile. "Enjoy!"

"Thank you, looks great."

As they ate, he gently asked her about herself and what had happened leading up to her disastrous evening. When she mentioned being sabotaged by her work partner and how it could cost her job, J.J. clearly became upset.

"How could anyone do that to you?"

"Yeah, well, he's not a great programmer or designer, so I think he wanted to do something to make himself look good to the boss. I've decided that I can't stand him but I don't know what I'm going to do."

J.J. reassured her she had the whole weekend to think about it. As they talked more she finally relaxed and began to enjoy the comfort of a simple conversation with a nice guy. After a bit the doorbell rang, J.J. answered and received a large bouquet of roses.

"Oh, I totally forgot. Today's Valentines," she moaned and tears began to drip from her eyes as she remembered her sudden single status.

J.J. placed the vase on the counter and sat next to her. "Yes, it is, and I'm so sorry that you're having such a rough time," he said as she turned to him and buried her sad face in his chest. He wrapped one arm loosely around her and went on. "I know things might look really bad right now, but soon you'll bounce back. Things are bound to get better, I'm sure..."

"But I'm so lonely, I was dumped just this week and work is such a ..." she sobbed. J.J. held her lightly until her crying eased off and he pulled her away and looked her in the eyes.

"I may not be a doctor," he said, "but I know something about people. You, you need a break. You need time to process all of this. I suggest you take a week off and spend some time on you, just you. Huh?"

"Well, I have the sick leave, but I'm afraid my boss will just fire me if I use it so soon after that warning he gave me."

"So, let him. It sounds like a toxic place anyway and maybe you need a new job. Exactly what kind of computer work is it that you do, anyway?"

She spent several minutes describing how she had the challenging job of combining programming and design for her company. Too many times programmers spend their time trying to make things too complex and they sneer at designers and designers don't understand the limits and complexities of programming. Her job was to try and combine both areas into functional products.

"Sounds really challenging. I don't know how you do it."

"It is, and I enjoy it, just not that jerk boss and now that asshole Scott."

"Come on, don't hold back, tell me what you really think," he joked, bringing a small grin to her face.

"Thank you, you're so sweet," she replied as she gave him a hug and pulled back. "Who are the flowers for?"

"Oh, I'm dating a woman at a competing hospital and we were going out to dinner tonight."

"You work in a hospital?"

"Yup. I'm of the cursed administrator who is responsible for the budget. Everyone hates me," he laughed.

"Well, she doesn't, does she?"

"No, I guess not.

"Oh, I need to throw your things in the drier," he went on.

"Uh, would you let me, please?" she responded. "I'm kinda embarrassed with you handling my undies. On the other hand, you have already seen them, haven't you?"

"Uh, yeah..."

"By the way, were you a gentleman when you took my clothes off or did you peek," she laughed.

"Maybe a quick second, but..."

"I knew it! Taking advantage of a helpless maiden, you cad!" she teased.

"Sarah," he said in a more serious tone, "I was squeamish about it, but you were seriously cold, I did what I needed to."

"I know that, Silly. I was just having fun with you. I really appreciate what you've done. Show me the clothes and I'll take care of them and then get out of your hair. You have a hot date to prepare for."

"Maybe not so hot, but you're right. Here, let me show you the drier."

After her clothes were dry, she took him up on his offer for a shower. Once she was clean and her hair was drying naturally, she dressed and went to the living room.

"Wow, you sure look nice in that dress. Last night you were such a mess that I didn't realize just how cute you might be."

"Why thank you, kind sir," she replied as she did a mini-curtsey. "Now I really need to get going."

"Wait a sec, Sarah. I know we've just met, but I've been thinking and I'd like to be so bold as to recommend a couple of things to you. Wanna hear them?"

"Yeah, OK, I guess," she replied as she sat down.

"First of all, like we talked about, you should take some time off. Use your sick leave and don't go to work for a week. Let the dust settle, you know."

"My boss would have a stroke!"

"OK, so I'll call him and say I'm from Heartland General and tell him you were assaulted yesterday and that you've been recommended to take a week off."

"But I wasn't at the hospital and no one recommended it to me."

"Note: I didn't say you were at the hospital and I recommended it to you. Please give me your boss' number and I'll call him right now."

Somewhat reluctantly she gave him the number, he called and very professionally and directly informed Sarah's boss that she needed a week of sick leave. It was approved immediately.

"Thanks, J.J. I really appreciate that. What was the other thing?"

"Here, let's look at Heartland's web site for job postings." After a few minutes he turned his computer to her. "Look, our IT department needs help and here's a position you could apply for. See? It says they need a project coordinator to help interface between the techies and the medical staff. Sounds right up your alley, doesn't it?"

"Are you saying I should quit my job and apply for this one?"

"Sure. I can't imagine with your background that you'd have any trouble getting the position. You can't stay in your current position now, can you?"

"No, I really can't, but I'd be too scared to quit without a backup plan."

After a few more minutes Sarah agreed to send an updated resume and formally apply for the job online.

"Now, look, I really need to get out of your hair. You have a Valentine's date tonight and I need to go home and recuperate. And thanks, J.J., you've been way too nice to me. I don't know why..."

"Sarah, you're a sweet gal and I'm glad I was able to help, both last night and today."

"I bet you liked helping last night, seeing me naked," she teased.

"What: a big, blue, shivering goose bump? Not much to see, quite honestly," he joked back.

"Hey, I resent that remark," she laughed.

"Now that you're warm and pink..."

"Oh, you can forget that right now. Besides, you've got your girlfriend to take care of tonight. Happy Valentines, J.J., and thanks again. I'll get a Lyft home."

"Not worth the cost, your place is just two blocks away. Good luck, Sarah, I hope to see you at the hospital soon."

Just as she got to the door he ran over to the large bouquet of roses and pulled one out and handed it to her. "Here, for you. I want you to know that someone is thinking of you on Valentines."

She smiled and turned to the door and felt tears welling up in her eyes. "Thanks, J.J." she sniffed as she hurried out the door. Once downstairs she quickly realized where she was and hurried home. The rose was placed in a bud vase on her window sill. After reviewing her text messages, she sent an email to her boss telling him that she was robbed and assaulted the night before and the business laptop was stolen. She then pulled up her resume and worked on updating it. Within a few hours she applied online for the position at the hospital and sent J.J. a copy of her resume.

By midafternoon she was exhausted and took a long nap and then had a quick bite to eat before sitting down to watch a sappy rom-com, assisted with two glasses of wine. Before she went to bed, she topped off the water in the bud vase and silently prayed for a better Valentines the next year.


Sunday was a lazy day. Since she didn't need to go to work the next day, she was able to fully relax. In a much better frame of mind she scurried around her apartment picking up, vacuuming and cleaning both the kitchen and bathroom. Her friends had always laughed at her when she told them that cleaning up always put her in a better frame of mind. That day was no different and she was actually giddy, laughing and singing, as she worked her way through the apartment.

On Monday she was surprised to get a call from Heartland. Their HR manager wanted to have her come down immediately to interview for the position. Wearing her best professional clothes, she went in for the interview. She thought it went very well and was actually hopeful when she left the office. Two days later she received a call stating that she was one of the top two finalists for the job and was asked to return for a follow up interview.

On this second visit the interview team included the CEO of the hospital and J.J. McLain! He slyly winked at her but otherwise gave no indication that he knew her. The CEO's questions were tough, as were those of the HR director. J.J. hardly spoke at all. Once the rough hour was over, she was excused and requested to wait in the lobby.

After some thirty minutes the HR director had her return to her office where she presented Sarah with a wonderful job offer. The salary would be forty percent higher and her responsibilities would be substantially greater. She happily accepted the position and indicated she'd need to give two weeks-notice at her current position.

On Thursday afternoon she went to confront her boss. He seemed surprised to see her, as was Scott, and invited her into his office.

"I'm glad to see you're feeling better. How can I help you?"

"Mr. Smathers, I want to make this as short as possible. I want you to know that Scott sabotaged my project last week and then corrected the critical error while you were swearing at me."

"Uh, I didn't mean to swear..."

"But you did and I won't waste your time or mine reviewing it. You just need to know that Scott is not the hero you seem to think he is."

"I'll keep an eye on him, then."

"And here is my formal, written two-week notice."

"Wait, you can't be serious! We need you here. Your work is great."

"Yes, I happen to think it is, but you gave me a 'warning' last Friday and I think it is best I leave."

"Well, I apologize for how I reacted, I was under huge stress..."

"Now Mr. Smathers, you have two options in front of you. The first is that you have me work here for the next two weeks. My efficiency might not be great and I won't be able to work on any long-term projects. I would then leave at the end of those two weeks."

"What's the second option?"

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