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"Alright," said Rita. "Each of you should give Leo the chance to practice."

Debbie jumped up and replaced Vera. I looked at Debbie's breasts. They weren't just larger than Vera's were, they were huge. I fought the urge to grope them and waited for her invitation. Debbie leaned in and began to kiss me. Her mouth opened and her tongue ran along my lips. I opened my mouth, her tongue slipped between my teeth as her body turned and she brought her breasts within reach. I held her breast in my hand, amazed at how it felt through her bra. "Take it off," she whispered.

Her bra had four hooks. I managed to get the first two undone easily, but the partial release put more pressure on the remaining two and I had to try three times before I was able to unhook them too. Debbie leaned back against me as her bra hung from her shoulders. I slid the shoulder straps aside but the bra refused to fall, held up by her breasts alone. With a smile from Debbie, I lifted her bra away from her chest and felt each breast fall from the bra. The bra ended up behind the sofa. Debbie shook her body slightly to free her breasts completely. They hung on her chest. She kissed me again and I held one breast in my hand. I was surprised at its weight and soft firmness.

Our kiss ended and Debbie was replaced on my lap by Kate. I managed her bra without difficulty. We kissed and I held her breast gently before she was replaced by Joan.

I struggled with Joan's bra, unable to locate the hooks on the back without looking. Joan giggled and gave me a playful kiss. "It hooks in the front," she said with a huge smile. She twisted to give a better angle. I couldn't unhook her bra with one hand so I used both hands. I pulled the bra together between her breasts and it unhooked easily. Her bra hung with the cups separated from her shoulders and her breasts hung free below them. Joan and I settled into a passionate kiss while I held her breast and rubbed my thumb over her nipple.

Rita replaced Joan and I skillfully unhooked her four-hook bra. We took a few minutes to kiss and fondle. Rita opened her mouth, teased my mouth with her tongue and sucked my tongue into her mouth. After a polite delay, Joan asked, "what's next?" from her position on the floor in front of us.

"Good question," answered Rita after breaking our kiss. "What is next?" she asked me.

I wasn't quick to respond. Vera raised a hand while I was considering an answer.

"Vera," said Rita.

"Leo has discovered what we have to offer above the waist. I think it's time to go lower," she said.

"So do I," said Rita. "Leo, I'm sitting in your lap, breasts exposed. What do you think I'd do if I were you?"

When I didn't answer, she took my hand and placed it on her leg, above her knee and on top of her dress.

"Oh," I said.

"Right," Rita said. "What are you feeling?" she asked.

"I want to rub your leg and touch you," I said.

"Where do you want to touch me?" she asked.

"Between your legs. I want to touch your pussy," I answered.

"Why haven't you?" she asked.

"I don't know. Something's telling me to wait."

Rita separated her legs somewhat. "How about now?" she asked.

"Thank you," I said as I slid my hand up her hip on top of her dress. I followed up, sliding my hand down to her knee again. I kissed her as my hand began to move up her thigh beneath her dress. "Rub the inside of my thigh," Rita suggested, "and let the side of your fingers lead."

Another kiss and Rita's legs parted further and the side of my index finger touched her cotton panties. Our kiss intensified as my finger settled between her labia through her panties and I could feel her dampness.

"Enough for now," breathed Rita. "Let the other's have a turn."

One after the other, each of the women sat in my lap and kissed me as I discovered the wonderful differences between their legs. Vera was last. When my hand reached the top of her thigh, my finger slipped unimpeded between her labia. "Surprise," she whispered in my ear. "Turn you hand a little and rub with two fingers," she added.

I did as she suggested. She adjusted her position on my lap and my two fingers slid deeper into her. I gasped. She laughed. "Neat, huh," she said. If anyone suspected, no one commented. Overcome with the feeling of Vera on my fingers, I leaned over and kissed her nipple. My kissed evolved into a suck and Vera moaned loudly.

"Okay," said Rita, "Enough of that. What's next ladies?"

Joan didn't reply verbally. She stood up and took my hand. "Excuse me, Vera," she said. "I'm going to take Leo into the other room." Vera pouted but stood up and I lost contact with her. Joan pulled me up and led me to the bedroom. The others followed. In the bedroom, Joan sat me on the bed and stood in front of me.

I watched as Joan stood in front of me and kicked off her shoes. She ran her hands up the outside of her thighs beneath her dress and moved them back down with her panties in hand. She took them off her feet one foot at a time and tossed them on my dresser. The others followed one at a time. Vera was last. She copied all the movements of the others but, when she revealed her hands, they were empty. "Oooh. Naughty," someone said. I was almost paralyzed as my blood rushed to the lower half of my body.

Joan stood in front of me a second time. She reached for the button on the side of her skirt. She looked at me. "Do you want to do this?" she asked.

I could hardly move but I managed to get on my knees in front of her. Joan moved closer and rotated her skirt until the button and zipper were between us. "Well," she said.

I reached up, unbuttoned her skirt and pulled the zipper down. I took hold of her skirt on either side and pulled gently. The skirt barely moved. I pulled harder without much of a difference. Impatiently, Joan took my hands in hers and pushed down. Her skirt fell around her feet. I was inches away from her denuded pussy. Her labia were glistening with promise and the space between us was ripe with a musky aroma.

One at a time, each of the women changed places with Joan. Two of them were shaven and two others trimmed neatly. Rita was last. She was all natural. Her pubic hair was thick and curly and she smelled sweet and musky.

The five women helped me to stand. They seemed anxious to get my clothes off. None more anxious than I was. Within seconds, I was as naked as they were. They were pleasantly touching me, taking turns with my erection. I would have fainted if it had been an option.

Rita finally pushed me to sit on the bed and took my erection in her mouth. The next several seconds are a blank. I might have fainted. When awareness returned I was on my back on the bed. Rita had me deep in her throat, Debbie had a breast against my lips and I had two fingers inside Vera again.

A voice from behind Rita pleaded, "Same some for the rest of us."

Rita took a break. "You're right. Sorry I got carried away. We should all take a turn so Leo can have the experience all of us and become aware of the differences. I only ask that you leave the last for me."

I only survived five blowjobs in a row without exploding because everyone of the women agreed with Rita's request and saved me for her. When it was Rita's turn again, she pushed me further onto the bed, straddled my hips and lowered herself onto my erection.

I've watched enough porn on the internet to hear multiple performers invoke the name of God or Jesus during sex but, for me, feeling myself deep inside Rita's overheated vagina was a genuine religious experience. If communion felt anything like that, I'd go to church every day, twice a day.

Rita was rocking back and forth on my erection with her head thrown back, her eyes closed and her back arched. Vera perched herself over my face and lowered her womanhood to my lips. I watched, out of body, as the competing sensations took my virginity and my mind.

Rita knew exactly what she was doing. I wasn't so sure with Vera. Reflexively, I put my hands on her hips and pulled her tighter to my face and I did things with my tongue similar to the things I did with it when it was in Rita's mouth. It must have been the right thing to do. Vera screamed and had an orgasm, forcing copious thick liquid into my mouth and all over my face.

Rita must have reacted to Vera's orgasm. She stiffened, echoed Vera's scream and came on my cock. That set me off and I began to pulse semen inside Rita. She forced herself down tighter on me as my orgasm continued. When I was just spasming, Rita lay on my chest, pressing her huge breasts against me and kissed me through Vera's effluent.

Over the next few hours, I had orgasmic relationships with each of the women, individually and in pairs. I rested between bouts of ecstasy but the women were rarely idle. I was behind Debbie, stroking into her from the rear, when I noticed the time on a clock on my dresser. It was almost two o'clock in the morning.

I came for the seventh time that night and fell on the bed with Debbie cuddled up in front of me. I mentioned the time to Rita.

"Not to worry," Rita replied.

"Don't you guys have to get home sometime?" I asked.

"We frequently stay out all night," explained Rita.

"And you husbands don't mind?" I asked.

"I don't know if they mind but they know, if we've been drinking too much, we stay over somewhere as a safety thing."

"But we're not drinking," I said.

"There's drunk on booze and there's drunk on sex. You may not believe it but we prefer the latter."

"I believe it," I said.

Three of women drifted away during the night. I woke up between Rita and Debbie. They each had more breast flesh than the other three put together and waking up half-smothered by their tits was one for the highlight reel. I looked at the clock.

"I think I need to take a shower and get to work," I said.

"I like the shower idea but you need to phone in sick," Debbie said.

"I've never taken a sick day," I said.

"You'd rather leave us alone here," piped up Rita.

"Don't you have to leave too?"

"Not unless you leave," she said and Debbie agreed.

I took a shower and called the office. The girls took a shower, together. "That looks like fun," I commented.

"Then you have to get all sweaty again and take another shower," suggested Rita.

We raided the refrigerator for something for breakfast and headed back to the bedroom. One look and Debbie asked, "Do you have a spare set of sheets."

I did and we changed the sheets together before the three of us climbed back onto the bed. I was on my back with Debbie riding me, having a wonderful time, when Rita began doing things behind Debbie that caused her to push harder against me and emit a throaty, "Yes."

When I inquired, Rita explained that she was toying with Debbie's ass. "Want to see?" she asked.

Rita asked Debbie to get on her knees and I got behind her and resumed fucking her. I watched as Rita wet her fingers and slipped them into Debbie's ass. I felt it as Debbie reacted. "Want to try it?" asked Rita.

I started to wet my fingers. "Not that way," she said and indicated that I should just reposition myself.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really," Rita confirmed. "Okay with that, Debbie?" she added.

"Oh yeah," Debbie replied.

With Rita's help, I positioned my erection against Debbie's ass and pushed without much success. "Harder," said Rita. "Don't worry. It's just like fucking after you get started."

I pushed. Rita pushed me. Debbie pushed back and, suddenly, I was inside Debbie's ass. She was hot. Very hot. I stroked deeply inside her. Rita urged me on and Debbie just echoed, "Yes. Yes. Yes."

I came forcefully inside Debbie's rectum and Debbie followed with a volcanic orgasm. Debbie fell on the bed, quivering. Rita did everything except applaud.

Debbie and I took a shower together. We kissed and petted, cleaned up and dried off. Debbie left soon after. Rita hung around to brief me on the finer points of a woman's anatomy before we took a shower together.

Rita and I sat in the kitchen with mugs of coffee. "So," said Rita. "You want to talk about last night?"

"Only that I'm grateful for you and your friends. I never imagined how real sex would impact my life. I think I'm changed forever."

"What was your best moment?" asked Rita.

"I don't know. We spent over ten hours together. How could I choose just one moment?" I told her.

"If you did know, what would it be?" she pressed.

I thought of how to answer her for a moment. "If I was forced to pick one moment, I think it was experiencing your first orgasm when you were on top of me," I told her.

"You liked giving me an orgasm?" she asked.

"No," I replied. "I loved that you trusted me enough to have an orgasm."

Rita stood next to me and kissed me. "Leo," she said. "You're going to be a wonderful lover."

"And you?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" asked Rita.

"Are we going to get together again?"

"Leo, there's no chance in hell that you'll ever get rid of me, or the rest of the girls," Rita said.

"I like that," I said. "I'd really like to explore with you further."

"What more is there?" asked Rita.

"Maybe, what we did with Debbie this morning."

"You want to fuck me in the ass?" asked Rita hesitantly.

"I wondered if it was a possibility," I said.

"I don't know if I'm ready for that," Rita admitted.

"You've never done it?" I asked.

"I haven't," she confirmed.

"Then I could take your virginity?" I said.

"I guess," she said.

"Then we'd be even," I suggested.

"Maybe," Rita replied thoughtfully.

My life has been permanently changed. I sold Eve to a fraternity at the local university. I'm sure she'll perform well in their fraternity house.

I'm more confident talking to women and I'm rarely alone at the pub in the evenings, rarely going home alone.

I see Rita and her friends frequently, either alone or in pairs. However, all five of us haven't been together again.

Finally, Rita and I are even.

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john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooterover 2 years ago

Love it!

Ignoring the reality that women don't roam in packs stealing men's virginity, especially married women, it was a delightful fantasy.

I especially loved that they trained him to make love, not fuck.

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