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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 06

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Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition 2021.
5.8k words

Part 6 of the 50 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/19/2017
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Silvertree Chronicles Book One, Chapter 6, The World Awaits (Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition)

Synopsis: The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desires to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

***Inspired by multiple fantasy environments. Not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm April 2021. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides Literotica.com without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Authors Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer.

I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them. I originally submitted this story back in mid-2017 to mid-2018. I have worked to try and improve my writing style while struggling with this issue. I have added some editing software and written a few other stories. Now I am revising and editing this earlier work to try and bring it up to a higher standard from what I have managed to learn over the last few years.

Chapter 6 Back into the Action

Eldar and Charlie slept at the inn and got up early to go after the rest of her crew. She was not up for anything other than cuddling and sleep. Just the full body massage that he gave her with the liniment that she climaxed off of twice without touching her pussy or nether-hole. She did give him 2 blow jobs for making her feel better.

They made it to the barracks and while shaky still, Charlemagne was on her own 2 feet. They approached Doc's room and heard moans, groans, and creaking from the room across the hall. The door was not all of the way shut. Charlemagne put a finger to her mouth and inched the door open a little further. Skinner was nailing his wife from behind and screwing like a bunny, while his wife had her face buried into Eagle-eyes cunt.

All three of them were naked; Eagle-eye was a 5'10 blonde with breasts larger than a normal Elf. A heavy C-cup, but still smaller than Charlemagne's. Which were closer to D-cup now that he could compare them. Cook was 5'4 with the typical smallish B-cup elven breasts and her husband was a 5'9 elf who moved at blinding speed into his wife's cunt. They leaned against the doorframe and watched the show.

Cook pulled her hand out of Eagle-eyes cunt. With no prep at all, at least that they could see. She reared her hand back and shoved three of her soaked fingers into Eagle-eyes nether-hole like a spear.

Eldar now knew why Eagle-eye was 'Eagle' as she let out a scream that would probably attract every male eagle in a hundred square miles. It did not sound elven in origin. While they watched, Doc's door opened. He looked into the room, smirked a grin, and waved them into his room.

They saw Hunter and Fireball coming down the hall, probably looking for the escaped bird of prey. Charlie pointed to Doc's room. Hunter and Fireball caught the show from the hallway before stepping into the room. Eldar looked at Hunter, "You ready to take over the team from Charlemagne?"

Hunter shook his head, "NO, I told them I would be her second until they found a replacement!"

Eldar nodded, "Then you are going to have to train her replacement; with her help for a little while anyway."

Hunter's eyes squish together as he tries to grab a hold of this conversation, "Alright, I can help train someone so long as they don't want me taking the reins."

Eldar replied, "Well, they want to let you off the hook for the second spot on her team. You can help get me up to speed. I can look to take over in the short-term when she decides it is time to get off the road."

Hunter let out a sigh, "Don't scare me like that!"

Charlemagne laughed at him, "Team briefing in an hour at Jarron's office. Hunter, he was just making sure you were happy to be moving out of that command spot. Though you may get it back again when I step aside to have our child."

Hunter nodded, "I am alright with that, just don't come climbing into my bed-roll. I like being able to walk!"

Charlemagne punches him in the arm and almost fell over. She lost her footing. Eldar grabbed her and pulled her toward him. He held her arms at her side for what he was about to say, "Case in point."

She turned her face and kissed him on the cheek as she grunts at him. They all heard the scream of climaxes coming from across the hall, as they opened Doc's door.

Eldar looked at all of them put his hands together in front of him and they all took the hint. They gave them a round of applause. Charlemagne yelled over, "Briefing in Jarron's office in an hour. You do not have time for an encore performance! Get packed and ready to leave."

Eldar turned to Fireball, "Can you let Tranosa know about the meeting, Charlemagne and I need to get our gear ready to depart."

He nodded. Eagle-eye stepped out into the hall with her eyes still filled with lust and looking at Eldar, "To bad we haven't hooked up."

He smirked at her, "Only if Charlemagne ever invites you to join us in bed."

Charlemagne just glared at her and shook her head slowly. Eagle-eye shrugged, "Pity!"

Then she ran down the hall naked trying to catch up to Fireball and Tranosa as she was still very horny.

Eldar looked at Charlemagne as they walked out of the barracks, "Is there anyone on the team Eagle-eye has not slept with?"

She smiled, "Only two. Hunter and you."

Eldar looked at her, "You've spent time with her?"

She nodded, "She's given me some of my best orgasms ever until you challenged me to that 14 and 4. Gods, I was watching you and evaluating you. I knew you only took calculated risks and still I went forward. What was I thinking?"

He smiled, "You thought I was being cocky and cute. You forgot about my journal entry of taking notes from the other students and reliving their escapades."

She shrugged, "I didn't see any notes."

He leaned toward her still supporting her after her recent near fall, "You also didn't see any notes on my knowledge of ancient history regarding the Knights, my list of rules, or my preferred tactics. I keep all that stuff in my head for when I need it."

They entered the inn, the girl from the other night was behind the counter and looked crimson as they walked by her. Eldar looked at her, "We will be leaving today. Thanks for the extra work."

He dropped another 5 gold pieces on the counter for her. She smiled at them and pocketed the money. Charlemagne had gone quiet, Eldar asked, "What is it?"

She nodded back toward the girl, "My previous second's daughter before Hunter took over the spot. That is who you just talked to. I don't think she was embarrassed by what we were up to, as in seeing me again. Her father was all she had and I brought her here to be raised. She would rather have had her father. He died about 6 months ago during an ambush."

Eldar nodded, "That makes 2 of us."

They entered the room and Charlemagne worked on going through her clothes and packing them how she wanted.

Journal entry Aparsa 21st 7016

The last two days have been eventful. I have reconnected with my father for the longest of our two conversations and they have both happened in less than 1 year. We have started a trend. I gave him a better idea as to who I am. As my father did not know himself it was a rather one-sided conversation. My Charlemagne is going to be my bride and the mother of my daughter. Thanking deities during sex appeared to help the fertility process.

I have officially joined her team and am now number two in training. Hunter did not want the job and I am suited to it. I met with Charlemagne's boss Jarron who was impressed by my skills, in helping the team, and my observational skills. Charlemagne and I broke, for the final time she stated, our record. Time will tell if that holds as I heard pregnancies cause women to become needier in bed. At 16 and 6 now.

Eldar looked over at Charlemagne, "You mentioned Hunter, what is his story?"

She paused, "His human wife died in childbirth 2 years ago, the baby was lost as well. He stated he won't look at a non-Elf again as he would want someone to live his life with and losing another would kill him. My being pregnant probably scares him a bit which is why he did not get excited for us."

Eldar nodded at her, "He is a man that needs to get laid soon. Maybe we can find him someone at the wedding."

Charlemagne looked at him, "You are probably right. Now I will have to think about who I know back home who might be interested in hooking up with a grumpy Hunter."

She winked at him. They were packed, armored, strapped with weapons, and Eldar had both packs. They headed down the stairs and out of the inn. He asked Charlemagne, "I would like to make a few changes for the next part of the trip to see how they would work. We can go over them with the team after the briefing. They are all tactical with some potential time-savings."

She nodded, "We can throw it past the team and see what they think."

They got to the meeting and Jarron asked everyone to sit. Jarron cleared his throat, "Your team will continue from the inn where your wagons are being guarded by the town guards. You will mount up on your original journey without the aid of an escort and deliver the documents to the intended destination.

The Elven Ambassador in Grand Falls is 2 weeks from your location. We don't have the manpower or time to bring in another mercenary group. There are none we know we can trust or they might get ambushed as your group did. Your 2 prisoners will remain at the village; no new information out of them. Oliver and Wendall left the night you arrived and split directions.

Oliver went in the direction you are going Wendall in the direction you left. Oliver is the more worrisome of the 2 because he is in front of your group; do not bring him with you. Chances are high you will be attacked again, so keep up your guard. All wagons have fresh horses. You can leave a day earlier than originally planned. Any questions?"

Eldar stuck up his hand and Jarron nodded to him, "I brought in 4 horses from the mercenaries can we keep them?"

Jarron nodded. Eldar looked around the table, "Show of hands, except for our 3 longbow users. Do any of you use light crossbows?" Two hands went up. "Keep your hand up if you have a light crossbow." Both hands went down.

"Any short bow users not in the first group?"

One more hand. "Do you have one?" They shook their head. "I assume that we were trying to look like a defenseless caravan with an escort, we need to add weapons. 6 light crossbows, one cocked and loaded under the seat of each wagon, we can tie them underneath the seat. Add a short bow and I need to replace my longbow.

The other 2 light crossbows stay with the shooters on shift or over your back. Bolts on your legs and another set tied inside the kickboard of the wagons. Can Hunter and Eagle-eye shoot from horseback?"

They both nodded. "I am not as good at shooting from horseback as they are. If the 3 of us followed shift rotation order and ride a 4-hour shift in front of the group they can hunt and scout for hostiles before the wagons get close. Is that agreeable?"

The two of them nodded. "We need to grab extra grain and water for the additional horses. Along with the weapons and ammunition. In addition to 3 axes, one for each wagon, I will get to that in a second. Next does everyone like the wagon crew they are riding with?"

Everyone nodded. "Alright, I would like to move the second and third wagon crews. Then switch the order of the wagons. The cook wagon is the back but Cook is in the second wagon. With the horses, most of the game can be taken to the road tied directly to the third wagon. We short-line the rope and we don't have to move the wagons out of line unless Hunter or Eagle-eye nails one while in the wagon. In which case, they can tie it to the second wagon as we do now.

Now once it is time to start prepping food, a rider can grab Cook and take her to the back of the third wagon. Skinner can jump down like he normally does but the distance to the meat into the wagon should become a constant; much closer and easier on the back. Less chance of a horse running into rope lines. We will have 2 horses tied off of the back of wagon's one and two. Everything sounds fine so far?"

Everyone nodded. "This is the part to likely have some pushback, put Hunter, Fireball, and Skinner on the first watch. Tranosa, Charlemagne, and myself on the second watch. Cook, Eagle-eye, and Doc on the third. The biggest thing this complicates is the sack time for Skinner and Cook.

That is why they are both in the second wagon and they can get some quality time after we take off in the morning in the back after we pull out of camp. Does this work for Skinner and Cook?" They nodded at each other. "One last thing, firewood we spend an hour or more collecting at every campsite that can hold all of the wagons. If we rope some larger pieces and tie them off to the right side of the third wagon as we go then we will be hunting and getting firewood through the day. Only having to deal with the small stuff at worst once we get to camp.

The first person to camp will be Eagle-eye riding last shift she can get some small stuff to get the fire started with. Then we can use the axes I mentioned to chop down any wood in no time. We will look less like a merchant caravan without guards. More like a caravan that is ready to kick ass if the shoe drops.

Those were the items I wanted to discuss Charlemagne. I would like you to pass those rings back to Grand Master Yetto along with the report on the mercenary company being destroyed. Let him get them back to the Council."

Charlie looked at Eldar with her mouth open, "How long have you been thinking about this?"

He looked at her, "Since we left the inn and then I asked if you would not mind some suggestions."

Cook asked, "Why 6 light crossbows instead of 5?"

He smiled, "The 6th one is for the back of the third wagon in case it is needed while food prep is being done." She nodded. "I have just a couple more things. In case you cannot tell, I will be joining your group, I have been recruited. I will be working with Hunter to take over the number 2 spot.

Eventually, the number 1 spot when Charlemagne goes off the road because of the pregnancy. As to the changes in rotation, I put one longbow user, one caster, and at least one melee on each shift. The only one suffering in that regard would be me but I can always use time in the back of the wagon after we roll out to work on rest and to study up spells."

Eldar caught his breath, "We will need a hand drill with a small bit, some leather stripping, the additional rope, and the other gear mentioned earlier. As I have not been to the general store here or where the wagons are you will let me know the best place to get everything."

Charlemagne was still stunned, "Get the feed in town. The rest we should get as much of it here that they have in stock."

He looked back at Jarron who chimed back in, "Your father is right, soon you will be gunning for my job. For those that do not know because not everyone was in the know. Eldar is a Legacy. His mother was a member and you will know his father as that son of a bitch Silvertree; that includes his son here who holds that same opinion.

Getting the second position is not a result of that association. It is because of his observation and tactical skills in addition to his incredibly long-ass memory. Everyone remembers that recruit's message about 'Do you know who the Knights are?' He is the only one who has answered that question.

Going back to its origination over 7,000 years ago; from a book, he read as a child. He also gave us our first solid lead in the issues with the documents based upon his time at the Academy. He respects every single one of you and your abilities to watch his back, the Grizzly. To watch over your backs, the ambush. You are dismissed."

They walked out of the meeting in relative silence and headed toward the general store.

Charlemagne looks at him, "Why did you not bring those ideas up sooner?"

Eldar smirked, "Before one should suggest changes to doing something they should know how and why it is done the way it is done. The idea about limiting the lines to wagons 2 and 3 came from when the Merc leader ran his horse into one of them.

We have a few riding horses now, so it is an issue for our guys. The other 8 were not worth considering for various reasons. Mostly health issues with them. The firewood. The big camp spots have the least amount of wood available because of the trade caravans.

Axes were not a big priority until we talked about dragging firewood with us. We will need to chop it at camp but anything we don't use we can leave it behind at the campsite if we do not have space to take it with us. The change in shifts, set it so the middle shift also had a full-plated tank. Instead of it being the weakest point in our shifts."

He opened the door to the store, "Crossbows helped to save my life against that bear, but those bolts were fired by the Royal Guards only. We do not have that support. Using the horses, back to spoils of war. Anyone upset by me being put into your group as your second?"

She shook her head, "Well there are a couple who were just surprised at being a recruit to being the number two on a team in a day. Jarron handled why that was occurring. Your suggested changes helped them to see why it was a good idea.

If we had not gotten involved, I would have taken the suggestions anyway. The answers you gave on the tactical issues and the lives it could save. You keep putting the others before yourself, the job was made for you."

Charlie chuckled. "Hell my job was made for you, you could have asked for a separate team and probably gotten it. How did you smooth over things with your father concerning me?"

Eldar grinned, "I told him 2 things he does not mess with are you and my child. I would sooner pull out my sword and fight him there if he wanted to interfere. He could support me or stay out of my way when it came to you."

Charlie smiled at that. They finished their shopping trip at the general store and made their way across the compound. They headed to the closet. He noted there were several of them inside the cave. Probably to other locations. They went thru two at a time. One long passionate kiss and it was their turn to cross over in the closet.

They got to the stables and Eldar had them saddle up all 4 horses. He put the white colt and brown filly behind the new wagon 2 and the gray and black geldings behind wagon one.

He told Eagle-eye, "The brown filly is yours, she is high spirited like yourself. You should get along fine. Hunter the Gray is yours. A good solid horse should be great for early morning hunting with any fog or mist."

With the supplies and wagon modifications, they get out just before mid-day. To help make up for lost hunting time Eldar asked Hunter to ride up with him. Eldar nocked up an arrow and used his new white ash bow. It has been sealed in a coal ash finish to make it blend in better at night. He had modified the grip to shoot with either hand.

As he had guessed his shooting from horseback was far worse than from a wagon or on foot. He roped in firewood when not helping to bring in Hunter's game. Being in front of the wagons presented more opportunities for them. He occasionally got an arrow into an animal, the kill zone would have been better.

The new changes were well received over the next 5 days. Eldar took the time to talk with each team member one-on-one to gain their thoughts. He made it clear as he talked around the fire that his relationship with his father existed in name and the occasional gift. He had 2 conversations since graduating from the Academy.


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