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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 09


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Lucian nodded, "If he did not set access to us, we will not be able to open them."

He walked over and extended his hand to the spot on the left and got nothing. He moved to the right side and a portal opened. He walked inside and Lucian followed, "This is a different design."

He nodded, "Triple blades and triple walls. Like his encryption. Walls down."

She chuckled until they got further in.

They found half of the workstations for the Alliance Overwatch.

He nodded, "The other half is probably in the other shelter."

She sighed, "If so, we do not have access to it."

He nodded, "Not yet, the sword is the key." He walked back to the master bedroom and stopped dead in his tracks. She looked over and saw what he saw. The family Moon Blade sheathed in the frame of the bed.

He looked at her, "This kills me you have to let my family know where the blade is located."

She nodded, "Good luck."

He walked over to it and set his staff on the bed and grabbed the sword. He fell against the bed while holding the sword outward. He fell into a sitting position as it probed the deepest recesses of his mind. Finally, he heard, "Why do you seek the blade?"

He responded back to the sword, "My Elders will. He wanted to see the Alliance Overwatch become Operational again. For the Alliance to be restored. I wish to try and make that happen."

The sword asked him, "You swear to work to keep corruption out of your own when it is identified? Even if it means working to disown or potentially having to kill a family member because of their actions? To face my wrath if you fail to act?"

He thought back to the sword, "I know of this grim task. I hope the family remains strong. Where I find rot on the tree it will be cut away, one way or the other. I swear it."

The sword responded, "I find you worthy Mercian Silvertree. I am Varus'Nor. I have the following abilities locked in over the years.

Intelligence, telepathic, and Moon Fire. Built into the blade at the beginning and unchangeable. Summon to either hand, immunity to mind control. Immunity to fire, electricity, and poison. Evil dragon and undead bane. Spell turning, Dragon vision, Danger telepathic warning, teleportation circle, lay on hands ability, and a divine non-detection and disease immunity added by Charlus. All locked by the gods or a former wielder.

Also, the God ability added which I do not have access to and cannot confirm. Your mind is not as full as Charlus, but he was unique. A collector of information. I do miss him. I spent more time with him than any other wielder."

Mercian thought, "Can I add paralyze. I know it was one he was considering at one point."

Mercian heard Varus'Nor chuckle, "I have it set Arcane Tracker. Are you alone?"

He thought to Varus'Nor, "No Lucian is with me. She helped to get me in here."

Varus'Nor responded, "Let her know she needs to leave the shelter. You have much to retrieve."

He looked over at Lucian, "I am alive but I do need to ask you to step outside the shelter. There is more hidden here that I have to access and Varus'Nor requires me to be alone to do it."

She nodded and he followed her to the portal. He looked at the portal, "Set portal access to myself and my heirs and the Silvertree champion."

The sword chuckled, "You think the sword and champion will be separated?"

He thought back, "The will alludes to that possibility."

He walked around and opened all 11 compartments.


Lucian got on the crystal, "Your Majesty, are you secure?"

He responded back, "Yes. Did you have any luck."

She chuckled, "Actually, yes. We are in a cavern far below the palace. Overwatch now picks up abjuration magic. Which it did not before. He found the controls on the upgraded piece added to that system. It activated the tracking of abjuration magic.

He compared signatures to find something hidden from scrying but open to teleportation. It was like he had worked with the system before and that led us to the cave. There are shelters here.

One he could open and it contains half the consoles to Alliance Overwatch. We could and should reclaim them but he has mentioned twice they are owned by Charlus and now by him. He controls access to them.

I suspect the rest is in the other shelter, but the sword is the Key and he successfully claimed the sword. That was located in the shelter he could open. The sword was sheathed into the wooden frame of the bed. He had little choice but to claim the blade to get it out.

From what notes I have Alliance Overwatch is useless though without the Dragon's Overwatch as it is built to connect into the other system. If their system is down it buys us nothing until the Dragon's system is repaired and the Alliance is operational.

This will require some diplomacy, your Majesty. He needed to kick me out to obtain some items hidden in the shelter. No idea as to what those are, as of yet, Your Majesty."

The King sighed, "I want those workstations reclaimed for the Elven Kingdom. We might have to get sages involved if the dragons do not cooperate. We will see what he comes out with. But I want our property returned."

She sighed, "Your Majesty, He is likely to claim it is his property. It was never bought by the Diplomatic Service, Charlus refused to sell it to them. That is well documented. It was always owned by him.

If his estate called out that everything he owned went to one person, it is likely going to create tension in getting it done. You might want to check on what was bought and what was not bought in your predecessor's journals, Your Majesty."

The King was irritated, "I do not care. It is a monitoring system for the world to provide intelligence to the elven people, it should be owned and controlled by me. See that it happens."


Mercian was loaded down with gear. He found the sheath and an amulet in the last compartment. He thought, "What do you know of this amulet?"

The sword responded, "It will adhere to the chest of the champion once they are identified."

He looked at the symbols, "There appear to be three deity holy symbols and a new one I am not familiar with. It looks like a pair of arms swinging two swords."

The sword gave a happy chuckle, "That is the last amulet created by Zirra before she passed on. The new symbol was not part of the description Charlus gave me. A neutral dragon told him the Gods had a plan for him. After death. He may have become a deity or some kind of elevated champion.

That is a question for the Gods. Hold onto it for now. See what the gods say when and if they contact you. You use two swords. He helped to train you in sword combat and acrobatics. That is within you."

He stored the amulet away and he went over to the portal. He extended his hand and it opened. She still waited. She looked at everything he carried.

She shook her head, "He had all of that hidden in there for you?"

He nodded, "Apparently."

She chuckled as he stepped out. "Close portal." He walked over to the other location and the portal opened. He looked at it, "Close portal."

He looked at her, "Another day."

She nodded, "The King is waiting for us to return." He nodded and stepped next to her. They appeared in the audience chamber.

He looked at Mercian with the bags of gear and the sword around his waist. He sighed, "Well I was briefed that you found out how to turn on abjuration and you located the storage space of our other Overwatch stations. At least half of them."

Mercian looked at the King, "With all due respect they are Knight assets built and paid for by my family. In shelters constructed by my family. Secured by Charlus when everyone gave up hope of getting the dragons to reconsider their stance.

His estate was left to me. I have not had a chance to go through everything left behind for me yet. It will take me at least the rest of the day to get through this stuff and determine what the plan was to bring the Dragon Overwatch system back into operation.

Then the Alliance system back up and operational. If that plan exists in these bags, Your Majesty. The Gods put him on a course a long time ago. Until I get a chance to go through all of this, I can only say I don't have answers yet."

Varus'Nor responded to his statement, "Well put. You can tell him there are answers in those bags the only thing you do not know is what the questions are yet."

Mercian sighed, "Your Majesty, Varus'Nor told me the bags contain answers but I have to figure out what questions they answer. I will need time."

He sighed, "I do not like it but I understand. Do you have any insight into the champion?"

Mercian looked at him, "I know the amulet for the next champion was already created, by Zirra. As to who should wear it; that is something I have yet to receive guidance upon, Your Majesty."

He nodded, "I want you back here midday tomorrow to brief me on what you do know."

Mercian bowed, to the King and he unsealed his office. Mercian left and got on his horse.


The King sighed, "I want that system and I want it housed with our Overwatch when you get it. He can argue elven law but I am the King."

Lucian bowed to the King, "We will do what we can to get it. I will place agents in there to try and gain access to those shelters but I should warn you. They have heavy security that rivals the security of your shelter, 3x over at least. You may have to look to buy them from him, your Majesty."

The King waved her off and she went to put together a strike team to set up monitoring of that cave. She teleported down and turned off the scrying blocker in the cave and then returned to Overwatch.


Mercian teleported all the way home not even bothering to get mounted. He looked at the guards who contacted the inside to open the door for him." Mercian walked into a large audience waiting for him. Hermina sighed when she saw he was alive and then scared when she saw the sword.

Mercian looked at everyone. "He set it up so there was no choice but to claim the sword. It was sheathed in the frame of the bed in a shelter. I am going to the library to go through all of this stuff and figure out this part of the greater plan. I do not have any answers beyond that. Ask me in the morning because I will probably sleep and eat in there as well."

Mercian walked toward the library. He had a Great-Uncle Ferin Silvertree looking to follow. Mercian looked at him, "Don't even try it right now."

He looked at Mercian, "What gives the right?"

Mercian looked at him, "Charlus willed the right to the blade wielder. Ask the elders who were at the will reading."

He looked over and he was motioned back by the Patron. Mercian entered the library taking his horse with him. "Seal library. Set access to the blade wielder only."

He went down and went through his journal, ten bags of gear the plans he had written up. He went into the armory and switched out his gear for his and tagged everything. Rolled out the blankets from the pack and went to sleep. He was at Silent Falls; He had not been there in years since his last hunting trip in that area with Charlus. He looked around and saw the image of Charlus.

Seven generations removed and he still found time for the children. He looked much younger. He looked at Mercian, "I am glad to see Varus'Nor found you worthy. I will save you time. Yes, the bags contain exactly what you think they contain. There is another location that contains the Dragon Books. Varus'Nor can take you to it and provide you access.

Only get them when you are ready and do not ask about them until you are ready. You can access the shelters below the surface directly from the palace district or Silvertree estates. You can expect to be monitored. The amulet is yours to decide. Know this, the sword will make you hunted.

That holy symbol will make whoever wears it hunted. The choice is will it be someone else hunted with you or just you. You want to know about the fourth symbol. That is harder to explain."

Mercian looked at him, "They are making you some sort of revered champion or minor deity. The sword alluded to something for you in the afterlife."

He smiled, "I guess it is not that hard to explain. More the revered champion. The first in the modern ages to live a full life. I give no spells. The symbol they gave me, you have seen. It is the arms with dual swords striking from the shadows. He has no deity for a spy, assassin, or diplomats. I was and am a protector of the elven people. I struck where and how it was required."

Mercian nodded, "The enlightened unerring weapon."

Charlus smiled, "He has me now to talk with heroes, Moon Blade wielders, and Champions. At least initially. We will see how it goes."

Mercian sighed, "Given the deception that was done last time in hiding you initially I think they will find us to both be champions and hunt us equally. Well, me more so because I have the sword. I know you wanted the champion separated from the sword. Is that still the case?"

He sighed, "I am not allowed to advise you on that decision either way. Both ways have risks. You have free-will over the matter."

Mercian looked at him, "Zirra built the amulet, was it for someone in particular?"

He laughed, "Zirra never told me. I will tell you that there were 3 others in the room with you. The amulet will work for any of the 4 of you only. The youngest."

Mercian sighed, "Is there anything you can tell me about the amulet?"

He looked at Mercian, "One thing. If you are wanting to have a normal sex life with only one or two partners then the amulet will work best in that case. It will help to refocus that energy. That is the goal anyway.

Children should go down to one or two and you will have to work at it. It will not hit every time. I cannot say the children will be true of any champions, but for the others, it should hold true.

That is the hope behind it, yet we will not know for sure until it connects with the wearer. Too many gods involved in the influence of our family over the years. This trait will be picked up by all of the children of the champion."

He nodded, "That cut the field in half as I know Karrena and Gerogus are both into same-sex relationships and that gift would be wasted upon them. That leaves Yennen and me. He already has three wives. That would make me the best candidate. I will talk with all three of them. Will a second champion enter the field?"

He smiled, "If things go well, there will not be a need for a second champion. Possibly for several centuries. I am glad the trust was done under my watch. That was a burden I do not wish upon anyone. 380 Silvertree lives taken by the blade under my watch. One before the blade was in my hand but still under my watch. I drove the house into fracturing with each generation.

You can tell your Great-Uncle Ferin, in front of the Patron, everything in the armory is for use and not for sale. Sale of anything in the armory will cause the sword to seek the life of the offender. He will likely cross the line. I have been concerned about him for a while but he stopped from crossing it while I was alive.

Leave the staff and bracelet to another. Between the sword, bow, and your spells you will be formidable enough in the field. Use the wand storage bracers instead. I always found those useful. With access to divine spells for healing it would be a great choice for you. Time for you to start on your path. Return to the eyes and store the stuff away as you see fit.

I left you two of my teleportation blocking devices that are different. It is in the black bag. That bag should be kept especially safe. That crystal has draconic teleport blocking, scrying blocking, camouflage, Draconic non-detection, and spell turning.

It will move around the room at random, including adjusting heights, It is tied to the blade like the shelters, and anyone who attempts to handle it will find it potentially lethal. It was built for that room as it's backup was.

You have two of them. Do not let the King force you into relocating it, if only for those security features. Trust me, he will try as he doesn't like taking advice from champions. Once activated, it will be damned near impossible to locate except to your dragon eyes."

Mercian awoke dressed, prayed, ate, and packed everything up that was still out. He saddled up his horse after feeding him. He thought, "Today I will find time to get you to pasture."

He heard, "It would be nice to run with the herd again."

He led him out, and yelled, "Seal library!" As his Great-Uncle Ferin tried to sneak in. He looked at Merican, "They said you control access, not what is in it."

He nodded, "Except what was specifically left to me. I got additional guidance last night. I would like the Patron, Karrena, Gerogus, Yennen, and you for a private meeting."

Mercian left his horse and went to the falls carrying all of the stuff. They all stayed at the main house and Hermina, his mother, walked in with them and Mercian nodded to her, "Close the doors please."

She did so. Mercian looked at his Patron, "I was visited last night by Charlus. Something tells me I will be seeing a lot of him." They looked at him wondering where he was going. "He is not a deity but he is a revered champion. The first of the modern age to live a full life and accomplish the goals set out before him."

His Great-Uncle Ferin scoffed, "So much for his Knights."

Mercian looked at him, "The Knights exist, it is the Alliance Overwatch that came down and it was an expected move. That is why the dragons are in an uproar, there Dragon Overwatch is all but destroyed."

He looked interested. Mercian looked at them, "The only reason you are here uncle is to deliver this warning. Anyone who takes from the library or armory and sells the asset is subject to the wrath of the sword. For stealing from the house. It is there for use, not for sale. That means when I open access it will be to the Patron and myself only.

He will document anything removed and by whom. If you are taking armor you are leaving armor. Everyone is outfitted when they go to the academy or when they become an adult. They pay for their own modification but it is house property as it is house-branded gear. Not for sale. You still eager to get in there now?"

He stormed out and Mercian closed the door and looked at the Patron. "That is the one and only warning. I was told to give it to him specifically and that he was likely to ignore it. The warning was to be given in front of you to warn the others.

I have the amulet for the next champion. It is for one of the four of us. The youngest 4 at the will reading. The only information I was given is that it will curtail your sex drive or refocus your energy. It should reduce the number of children going forward, not necessarily for the champion for the other offspring created.

A normal sex life was the goal. It will channel that energy. The effect is hereditary and a shot in the dark as they are not certain it will work that way because of all the gods involved. I know 2 of you are not looking at children at all so that is a gift wasted. Yennen you have 3 wives. Will they be happy if your sex drive got cut in half?"

He sighed, "Probably not."

Mercian looked at them, "Whoever wears it will end up putting it on in open court and be just as hunted as I am by our enemies. Anyone interested in being on the run for the rest of your life, please speak up now. I will get you a good cleric."

They chuckled. Mercian sighed, "Ultimately they left the decision in my hands. I know what the will stated and I know an aspect of what it does. Our house is targeted enough. They put two champions in and they will just assume it is the case again. This way all the attacks; correction the majority, are aimed at me. I am the logical choice unless 1 of the 3 of you object and wish to join me in this effort."

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