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Simply His Ch. 10-12

Story Info
A Storm is Coming, A Truth Covered in Fur, Pain in Wait.
7.3k words

Part 4 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/02/2015
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So here they are! Next 3 chapters with my new editor. I am very happy with the result. We together are working very well and I can understand much more how to express myself and how to avoid certain common grammar mistakes I had been doing.

That being said, please keep giving feedback! They help so much to me as a writer to understand how the story I am telling reaches you and what do I need to change to make it better.

I hope you like the following chapters


Chapter 10

"A Storm is coming"


I am becoming someone else when I am with her. Alex confessed he likes the new me better. At first, when he said that to me on the way up to my hotel room, I was a little offended, but when I looked at him and saw he was not mocking me, I started to process his words.

"You are in a better mood since you found her, she brings out your best." He said as he stared at the elevator's door without looking at me, all trace of jokes completely absent. I didn't reply, he wasn't expecting any response either.

I am laying naked on the bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking on how to proceed next. When we left the restaurant she was comfortable with us walking hand by hand; she blushed deliciously after we kissed goodbye in front of Cara and Alex, so that means she isn't afraid of being with me in public. If things go well, I will plan our weekend out soon, two more weeks should be enough and if all goes well, I will reveal my wolf to her. He has been restless and anxious to go out and I don't want to hold back anymore.

As my phone rings, I smile seen it is her. She is breaking her shield slowly, I really enjoy seen her confidence grow.

"Hello there..." She says and I grin.

"I was just thinking about you..."

"You were? I am glad to hear that... what were you thinking specifically?

"I thought maybe we should go and have a day out, just the two of us. Maybe outside the city if you are up for it." I am not sure how far will she go alone with me, she is still a little cautious and I don't blame her, in fact, I am proud of her for being this way.

"That sounds interesting. Do you have any idea as to where to go? or are you being adventurous?" She giggled and I couldn't help but to smile. She was teasing me.

"I promise you I'll be as adventurous as you'll allow me to be." I thought heard a smile in her voice, and after some seconds I continued. "But if you don't feel like going too far, I am up for just watching a movie and something to eat."

"Are you asking me out on a date, Caleb?" She surprised me with her question, and I could feel her a little nervous as well.

I guess I have failed to be more traditional and she deserves only my best.

"Why yes, Meadow, if you would please grace me with the pleasure of your company, I would very much like to take you out on a date, a long one."

I could close my eyes and feel her joy. She is my mate and making her happy is my priority, and small things like this perfectly accomplish it. I am proud of myself, my wolf is too.

After roughly an hour of talk, we both said goodnight. Just as soon as I cut the call, Alex mind linked me the need for him to find me. I invited him in and Cara entered behind. I lazily got up from the bed and put a pair of pants, this was serious enough for them both to be dressed and quiet.

"Ok speak up." I ordered.

"Craig called and said Cornelius and Agape were seen near the Smithson's land earlier today."

I tensed, taking a deep breath. My land, my allies, my people, or my mate. This was becoming a difficult choice. "Give me the report."

"A small assault team tried to invade but the security arrangements worked. Resulting in all but one of theirs becoming casualties."

I grinned, finally the balance tipping to our side. When it came to my property, my pack and possessions, I didn't care how many enemies needed to die to ensure their safety. "Good. What happened with the last one."

"He managed to leave wounded. Alpha Demark ordered his head to be hunted down. They are trying to find him as we speak."

I growled and picked up the phone, dialing Demark's number. After five rings he finally answered. "Demark what the hell are you doing? go back now!"

"We are in the advantage! we can chase him and..." I heard growls and shouts, my teeth gritting. "Demark you moron! he is leading you all to an ambush! he had time to mind link with Cornelius and he prepared for you all!" I kept hearing growls and fight. Alex looked at me with wide eyes and Cara had her hand on her side gun by instinct. I heard Demark pick up the phone again. "Rowen! we're ambushed!" I rolled my eyes. "No way, really?! I just told you to get back! order the retreat now! I am sending my men to help you... you better listen to me or I swear..."

"We are retreating, going back to the camp now..." He howled and his pack answered with their own howls in understanding. I cut the call and looked at Alex.

"I want you to fly there now, you are the only one besides me who can hold the situation and Demark both at the same time." He sighed and nodded, turning to look at Cara. She walked head down to snug in his arms. I closed my eyes, breaking them apart was not my favorite idea, but I needed time, I needed more days before I can tell Meadow the truth and take her with me. If she decides to accept me.



I woke up ready for an adventure. I am smiling more now, and I only noticed this after looking my cheeks pink in the mirror instead of the pale shade they used to have. I really can't wait to see where we go today, I woke up ready for an adventure.

I hear a knock on my door and I rush to open it, only to find a tired and sad Caleb. My heart sinks to the floor as he tries to smile for me and I take his hand and pull him in. "What happened? are you ok?"

He sighs and I lead him to my couch, he immediately pulls me with him when he seats and I land on his lap sideways, as it seems to be our comfort place. He doesn't want to talk, must be something bad, so I let him take his time and I hug him, resting my head in his shoulder. He lays his head on top of mine while he takes a deep breath, and I feel him relax.

After about 10 minutes of silence, he finally kisses my forehead and speaks. "I am sorry, you deserve better..." To hear these words breaks my heart and I lift my head and capture his in my hands. "Don't say that please, you are scaring me... what happened?"

"I feel bad for sending Alex away from Cara, but I need more time to be with you... It is true, I really need it... I have been living a miserable life, now I have found you."

My head was spinning, he just confessed me something of huge importance, he believes he is in love of me? or with me. I am not sure anymore, and this scares me. I look at him in the eyes and feel a mix of emotions, I want to run but I can't break apart. He stares at me as if he can see my internal conflict and that scares me even more. He closes his eyes again and whispers. "I am messing it up, aren't I..."

"Caleb, start explaining please. Let's begin with you sending Alex away from Cara? what happened?"

He opened his eyes and nodded. "I... We had a problem in a client's property, vandalism, they had been constantly trying to scare them away and it has become a large issue when they seem to have police on their side. I've sent other people but Alex is my best, and it was either send him or go myself."

His job seemed to weigh heavily on him and I felt helpless. "I am sure he knows the dangers and consequences of your line of job..." I said, trying to find better words. "And I understand if you have something important and need to go, Caleb." I sighed and bit my lips, I felt the words hurt me even if I knew it was true.

"Meadow... " He whispered as his hand caressed my face slowly then he kissed me hard. It was a deep and passionate kiss, filled with need and desperation. I moaned as my arms locked around his neck and his gripped on me tightly. I felt his pain in each breath and it made me cry inside. It was almost as if he was saying goodbye and I didn't want to. What could I do? If only I knew how to help him or how to ease his pain I would without thinking. He just confessed me how intense are his feelings and even though I knew it made no sense, I felt the same way about him.

Suddenly his phone rang and it startled me. He growled lowly and took it out of his pocket as he laid his forehead against mine, both of us breathing heavily. "Yes..." He whispered, then tensed.

"Is he ok? Is he alive?" I gasped, his eyes locked on mine. "Ok, you take over until he regains his consciousness. And I don't care what Demark says." He ordered and I felt my body shiver. He leaned against me and took a deep breath. "Thank you Alex, I will be there soon." He whispered before he cut the call and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I couldn't control it, and when I noticed it he already was drying it with his thumb and leaning closer. "Time is running short, I only have a day and I am going to risk my life with what I am about to do. Please come with me..." He said and I nodded. Whatever he wanted, no matter what, I would probably do it.

The truth hit me with such force as we walked out of my apartment; it had only been a week since we met, but it felt like a lifetime of longing for him, and my world was slowly shifting and had begun revolving around.


Chapter 11

"A Truth covered in fur"


We drove for almost an hour before he slowed down. The sight was peaceful, but he has been quiet and that made me uncomfortable. He took my hand most of the way, and I was happy with that, he just felt tense and as if a million things were running in his head. I saw the green grass and tall trees that ruled my view through the window, and we finally started to turn on a dirt road that lead us to a residence.

"I bought this land years ago, but I haven't been here in months, it should still be decent though."

"How many properties do you buy a week?" I tried to tease and he chuckled. That made me smile, I wanted to help him relax.

"This land in particular, it was one of the first lands I acquired when I became... the 'boss'. It belonged to my family a long time ago, then it was taken from them. So when I finally could afford it, I made it my top priority to buy it."

"That makes sense... I am proud of you, I think you did an honorable thing. Were your parents able to see it?" I asked, realizing he never spoke about them before. I was afraid to touch a sensitive subject but he smiled and nodded.

"They were, yes. Ma was proud and so happy." He didn't said more, and I didn't push it either. I wanted him to trust me and tell me as much as he wanted.

"There it is, just as I left it." He said and I looked ahead. Tall rusty iron gates and a sign that read 'Ma's Haven'. I melted right there.

He stopped the car and walked out, pulling a set of keys from his pocket. He stood in front of the gate while he unlocked the big chains and then he pushed each side wide open. There was a long road of dirt but wheat and grass grew up together everywhere else; as he got back into the car, I felt a peace had filled him. Not far down the road, there was a very humble, white two story house made of wood. Even the years and nature could not corrupt the beauty of its simplicity; I loved how a small tree grew right next to the entrance and there was ivy hanging from the roof's edges. This was a time capsule and it belong to him. He parked near the house, but not too close. I unbuckled my security seat belt and by the time I finished he was already opening the door for me, a huge grin on his face.

I had a long summer dress and sandals, the weather was beautiful and I felt like wearing them. The dress was one of my mother's gifts last year, she said it screamed my name. I felt a hint of nostalgia when I put it on this morning, the pale long skirt had swirls of soft pink tulle flowers around it; she called it the 'Meadow dress'.

He took a basket, some blankets and two small but puffy pillows from the back seat. Taking my hand he pulled me with him, I decided to leave my purse and phone at the car. We walked around the house and behind it at a distance, I saw a cliff and the ocean. It wasn't too far and we kept walking towards it, he was patient with me as the tall grass made it hard for me to walk. I smiled as he put me behind him, shielding me from the untamed nature.

When we were reaching the cliff, he stopped and looked around. "Hold this for me please." He said as he gave me the basket, pillows and blankets. He then gave a few steps looking for something while I stood there still struck by the view. He came back holding a large straight branch and easily laid it on the ground; he pushed it a few times as he spoke with childlike enthusiasm. "My father taught me to do this. Pick a large branch and roll it a few times over the wild wheat and you got yourself a nice comfortable mattress."

I grinned; he took one of the blankets from me and extended it over the compressed grass, then he put the two pillows one next to the other. He finally took the basket from me and holding my hand, guided me next to him on our beautiful space. As soon as sat down he squeezed my hand and as we laid back he looked up to the sky. "I haven't been here for a long time since she passed. For months I thought I was a lost soul and I refused to come back, the memories would hurt me more. But when Alex finally convinced me, I realized this would always be my haven."

"What happened to her and your dad?" I asked, a little unsure if he would like to talk about it. But he didn't seem to mind, he just took a deep breath and continued. "Someone wanted revenge on my father's business actions, and took it on her. For a long time I was mad at him for this, but finally realized it was not his fault. I didn't talk to him for five years, then we got together when we had leads about the responsable for her death, and we wanted revenge. That brought us closer, and I apologized to him many times. Once it was all over, he told me how proud he was of me and he put me in charge of the family business. A few days later he was found dead on his bed. He simply let himself die, no pain, no suffering. I just knew he wanted to leave this world to reunite with ma." He said with a little sadness but nothing more than that, he came to accept it a long time ago and I felt he was in peace with himself towards this, which caused a great relief in me. He then tilted his head to me and smiled. "How did your mother go?"

I sighed and tried to find the words to describe it. I never shared this story but I felt safe to cry with him if it reached that point, he had seen me at my worst already. "She had cancer. It was detected 4 years ago and we went through a lot while she was on therapy. We were very close, but that brought us even closer. The treatment was painful for both of us but she was a fighter; she never complained, and she never shed a tear.She was always smiling, in great mood, energetic even when weak, and friendly to the core. She was my rock. Last year, after a long battle, she finally went in peace. The doctors gave her enough medicine to keep her without pain. So she died with a smile." I felt a few tears damping my skin and he leaned close to kiss my eyes and brush his lips on them.

"She must be at peace now, and happy and proud of you." He said as he caressed my arm. He had his head rested on an arm and was looking at me from the side while I was telling him my story. I took a deep breath and sighed, smiling at him. "I know. I still go to visit her twice a month, it has been like a ritual."

He nodded and then kissed my forehead. "I will take you to visit her next weekend." He promised and I smiled.

We remained there together for some time, finally we sat and he pulled out from the basket a few salty things to eat he had stocked from his hotel's restaurant. I giggled when he told me the manager's face as he requested sandwiches and pastries to take. He brought two bottles of my favorite and only wine. We both drank slowly, delighting us in the sweet taste. I was convinced he really enjoyed it.

We took a small walk after eating, holding hands as we talked about nothing in particular or just held silent. Conversation seemed to flow easy for the both of us; we would both talk a little and then just remain quiet without worrying. I felt the breeze move my hair and caress my cheeks making me smile, this place was truly something else.

When we returned to our blanket, I sat and he looked at the cliff absent minded. I pretended to put the things back inside the basket while I allowed him to gather his thoughts. After I finished, he looked at me with a sad smile and kneeled in front of me. "I brought you here to share some of my past with you Meadow, but also some of who I really am. Last night I didn't know where we would go today but this morning it seemed clear. This was the place."

I looked at him a little nervous due to the seriousness on his eyes, but strangely I wasn't afraid nor scared.

"I will share with you something that is very intimate and I want you to promise me, no matter what, you won't run away. When I finish to show you, I will take you back if you ask me, but please, don't run away." He said pleading, and that plead started to make me realize how serious this was. "Do you believe in destiny?" He asked out of the blue.

I was taken by surprise and held silent while I processed his question, destiny? I never thought of it much, I felt it was cruel sometimes, if not most. "I really don't know... I want to I guess..." I admitted as I blushed "lately I've thought more than once it was destiny who put you into my life." He smiled.

"I believe in destiny and fate, and if you want to believe, it will make things easier." He kissed my hand and then released it, standing up and giving one step behind. "I am going to show you part of what I really am, but please remember, no matter what, I won't hurt you."

Hurt me? The possibility scared me. He took another step back and then removed his shirt slowly, revealing his chiseled shape to me. I've had dreams of discovering his body, and now he was revealing it to me as he kept his eyes closed. I was confused and felt my heart pace faster. In another situation I would have been wet and heated too but from the start my body and mind felt his actions were related to something else.

"Meadow, I am what our ancestors called a shapeshifter, specifically a werewolf. And although many ideas and conceptions are popular, not all of them are true." He started to unbutton his dark jeans and I was entranced. A werewolf? a mythological creature? I knew he was not joking, by the looks of his face and the way he spoke. The possibility of him being crazy faintly crossed my mind, but everything in me felt in peace and relaxed. How was it possible that my body was not attuned to my mind? I was having a million thoughts and doubts and I saw him walk a few steps back more before he finally removed his underwear, standing naked. He looked at me and his eyes were pleading. He was serious and I felt it. I could not part my eyes from his as his body started to tremble. "Remember, I won't hurt you... please Meadow, don't run..." were his last words as he bent over and started to shake. I gasped and tensed, a tight grip on the blanket as I heard him grunt.

"Caleb...?" I asked while his body kept shaking and I started to see through the wheat and grass some darkness covering him. My heart was beating at a million per hour; my mind surpassed it. He was at a safe distance from me but I couldn't move. He growled in a mix of human and animal voice, but it was almost a duet. I shivered and closed my eyes, remaining still.

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