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Sinful Tutoring: Next Semester Pt. 03

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Mistress Syn teaches her classmate a lesson she won't forget.
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As with the previous parts and story, this wouldn't exist without the amazing content of the lovely Synful Mistress/Mistress Everlynn/Synful420B. If you like these stories you'll love her just as much as I do <3


The moans of pleasure rising up from beneath her grew louder with every passing second, perfectly matching the rhythm of the vibrations from the wand pressed against the woman's aching, needy clit, as well as the plug buzzing deep in her ass. Both toys doing their devilish work on the pathetic little bitch whose face was currently pressed against Mistress Syn's drenched, panty-covered pussy.

If only all group projects could go so well. But then, her latest conquest had brought this all on herself.

Cynthia was scarcely halfway through her first semester of med school, and already she'd managed to make an enemy. Well, maybe that wasn't the right term. But she had crossed paths with someone who rubbed her the wrong way.

Madison was everything Syn wasn't- bubbly, blonde, preppy and bitchy. Not that she couldn't be a major bitch herself if she wanted to- as her newfound Trinkets could certainly attest, but this woman? She was something else entirely. Madison was the sort of person who seemed to go out of her way to antagonize anyone who wasn't her.

More than once she'd cut off other students and even the professor mid-lecture, talked down to them for simply asking questions or trying to teach. And her snide attitude made things worse. She was a know-it-all Queen Bee who hadn't realized she'd left the hive of high school behind a long time ago.

The thing was, if she'd simply left her alone, Syn wouldn't have paid her any mind. Annoying as the other woman was- and she was, her actions weren't Syn's concern. But then Madison decided to make Syn her next target, and that was her first mistake. One Fall afternoon, in the middle of the day's lecture, she cut their professor off mid-lesson to comment on Syn's choice of attire.

Now, compared to what she usually wore, Mistress Syn was dressed fairly conservatively. A pair of black and white Converse, black fishnets beneath a modest plaid skirt, and a black and red top that showed off the bare minimum of her ample cleavage. Her make-up wasn't even all that demonic for once.

Sure, she still stood out compared to many others in the room, but she wasn't actively trying to do anything but be comfortable.

Madison seemed to disagree.

"I'm sorry, but is no one here going to say anything about the slut in the third row?"

The lecture came to a screeching halt and everyone looked at Madison, then at Syn- the latter of whom simply turned her attention to the other woman and glared. Normally that would have been more than enough to stop things in their tracks, but it seemed this one wasn't as easy to scare as the rest. Rather than back down, Madison doubled down. "We're here to learn how to help people, not fuck them."

Syn put her pencil down, looked to their professor- who didn't seem to know what to do or say about the situation, just like every other time Madison had seen fit to open her big mouth and sighed. Then, without a second thought, she returned her glare to the other woman and simply said:

"At least one of us knows what it's like to get fucked."

Within seconds the normally sedate med school classroom devolved into chaos, with the other students either shouting their approval or their disdain or simply hooting and hollering at the two women like drunken hooligans. All the while, Madison stood there with her mouth open and her eyes filled with rage, yet she couldn't think of a single thing to say in response to Syn's retort.

After a few moments, their professor managed to regain control, but the die had been cast, and Madison and Syn had marked one another as an enemy.

More trading of barbs followed, with Madison sniping at Syn whenever she could both in class and on campus, and Syn fighting back with words the other couldn't hope to match. It seemed that wherever she came from, snide and bitchy remarks were the only ammunition she'd needed, but those were child's play to Syn. She took it all and gave it back in kind.

Yet fun as it all was, the utter foolishness of Madison's continued failed insults grated on Syn. More than once she'd taken out her frustrations on one of her newfound Trinkets, but oddly enough, felt a little bad doing so. While they certainly deserved plenty of 'lessons' from her, neither of them was the one making that particular lecture intolerable.

Madison was.

If anyone deserved punishment, it was her.

And almost as if the universe agreed with her, it responded with the perfect opportunity.

A few weeks after all of this had started, their professor announced a research assignment, one which was to be done in pairs. And though the choice of partners was seemingly chosen at random, Syn swore the fickle finger of fate had smiled upon her, seeing as it decided to put her and Madison together, much to the latter's dismay. Perfect.

Once the lecture ended, Syn approached her foe with a fake smile. "Look, you and I clearly don't get along, but how about we bury the hatchet and get this done?"

Madison gave an insincere one of her own. "Sure... But don't expect me to go easy on you."

Syn grinned. She certainly had no intention of going easy on the other woman.

They agreed to do the research part separately- each one having their own way of doing things, then meet up to write the actual paper later that week. Syn 'generously' invited Madison to her dorm for that section, and she'd begrudgingly accepted. The trap was set, and Syn honestly couldn't wait for it to spring.

The thing was, if Madison had simply shown up, sat down and worked on the paper with her, Syn may have let things slide. She wasn't unreasonable after all and was far more interested in her studies than some bitchy classmate. But the moment the other woman stepped into her dorm, that mouth of hers opened up and continued with the same unwarranted commentary that had got her into this mess.

"Wow, what a dump."

Syn looked at her as they stood in the doorway of her dorm, Madison's gaze taking in the purple fairy lights, framed horror prints and band posters. Her prim and proper attire- white shirt and black flower-covered leggings, contrasted with it as well as Syn's usual Gothic schoolgirl look, and the judgment in her eyes was palpable.

"It suits you perfectly."

Before Madison could speak another word, Mistress Syn knew what needed to be done.

She shut the door behind the other woman and locked it, then grabbed Madison by the hair.

"What the fuck?" She shouted, but Syn didn't respond, simply pulled her down the hallway. "What are you doing you bitch?"

Without a word, Syn dragged her towards her bedroom, pulled her inside and shut the door. "I think it's time you and I had a little talk."

Madison flailed her arms but Syn didn't let go, and it became quite clear to them both that the other woman wasn't as strong as she was. With one hand she pulled her over to the bed and, with her free hand, stuck one of Madison's wrists into the waiting cuff.

Within seconds, the other woman finally seemed to realize just what was going on and tried to fight back in earnest, but it didn't help matters. All the time Syn had spent at the gym was paying off, and she effortlessly pushed Madison down and took a seat on her stomach, preventing her from moving and allowing her to grab ahold of her other wrist as well as both her ankles and restrain them.

That taken care of, Syn got up and gazed down at Madison with a wicked grin. "Now then, you have a bit of an attitude, don't you?"

"Fuck off!" Madison yelled, her eyes burning with rage even as Syn walked over to her dresser without a care. "Let me go you crazy bitch!"

Syn picked up the two toys she'd left out just for tonight, then looked back at her 'guest'. "Now now, I'm here to help. That's what you said we were in school for, right?"

Walking back to the bed, Mistress Syn carefully started to pull Madison's leggings down. The other woman continued to fight, but couldn't do much save delay the inevitable and personally, Syn enjoyed taking her time. It increased her arousal, as well as the slight fear that was slowly replacing the rage in Madison's eyes.

Once the leggings were pulled down, Syn smirked at the other woman's granny panties- typical for someone as stuffy as her, then moved them aside before slipping the first toy into Madison's waiting ass.

The other woman shrieked as the plug entered her, and Syn let the panties go so as to cover it up. "Perfect fit... Not that I'm surprised, seeing as you clearly have a stick up there most of the time."

She giggled and pressed a button on the small controller in her hand, and the plug began to slowly vibrate. Madison's cursing lessened for a moment as the unexpected sensation started to make its way through her, and Syn took that as a sign to move on to the next phase of her plan.

Before Madison had a chance to protest, Syn crawled onto the bed and plopped down on her face, hiding it beneath her purple plaid skirt and pressing her panty-covered pussy firmly against the other woman's mouth and nose. "Let's see if we can find a better use for that mouth of yours."

Ignoring the muffled protests from beneath her, Mistress Syn leaned over and flipped on her wand- the second toy she'd picked out for tonight, and held it to Madison's panty-covered crotch. The gentle vibrations joined the ones emanating from the plug in her ass, and within seconds the other woman started to moan, just as Syn had expected.

"Mmm, that feels good, doesn't it bitch? Bet this is the first time anything besides your fingers have ever touched that needy little clit of yours..."

As the mix of protests and groans continued, Syn began to slowly grind against Madison's face, smothering her with her panties. She'd made sure not to wash them all week and had even worn them while using the wand at least a half-dozen times. They were beyond filthy, but as far as she was concerned, that was just what the other woman deserved.

For several minutes, she kept both the wand and the plug at their lowest settings, wanting to give Madison just a small taste of what they could do to her. But once she was certain the other woman had been lulled into a false sense of security- as well as a momentary sense of pleasure which had seemingly silenced her protests if only briefly, Syn raised the setting on the plug to its highest.

The shriek which followed, muffled as it was by her thick thighs, felt amazing against her pussy.

"Oh, was that too high?" Syn asked with a giggle. "Is your tight little ass not used to that? Too bad... When I'm finished with you, you're gonna beg me to fuck you that deep..."

Madison's cries continued for a few minutes before Syn lowered the setting once again, but the reprieve didn't last as the wand's speed was raised in its place, sending a wave of vibrations into the prone woman's pussy. She thrashed on the bed to no avail, and Syn suppressed a wicked laugh.

"What's the matter? Too much for your pussy? My my, you have a lot to learn... Luckily, I'm here to teach you..."

Back and forth, Syn continued to grind against Madison's face while raising and lowering the settings on both toys over and over as the other woman's ass and pussy were continually rocked by vibrations of all kinds, and still, she could do nothing more but lay there and take it. Syn kept all her weight pressed against the other woman's face, only sporadically shifting around so as to allow her some air.

As well as to make sure the camera on her laptop got a good view of the action. She smiled at the red light across the room, as well as the knowledge that Madison was none the wiser.

As the minutes passed, it became almost impossible to tell where the screams of protest stopped and the moans and groans of pleasure began. Madison was barely able to hold back the latter as the assault on her nether regions continued unabated. She hated being in such a position, but there was simply nothing she could do about it.

The fact that Syn's damp, dirty panties refused to leave her face alone didn't help matters, especially as the act of tormenting and teasing her was making Syn wetter and wetter by the second, filling Madison's trapped nose with the heady scent of arousal.

Arousal Madison was beginning to feel herself.

The more Syn increased and decreased the speed of the two toys, the more desperate Madison grew. She had never felt anything like this before, never wanted to cum so badly in her entire life. Hell, she'd never been edged like this, and while a part of her truly despised it as well as Syn for daring to do it to her, another part of her wanted nothing more than for her to keep doing it. For the other woman to get her off better than anyone had before.

And Syn knew it.

But she had no intention of letting that happen.

At least, not yet.

"Mmm, I think you're enjoying this a little too much... Maybe we should take a break..."

With that, she switched off the plug and the wand but remained seated, loving the groan of denial that Madison let loose at the loss of the teasing toys. Then, Syn started to grind her pussy against the other woman's face harder than before. She could feel her captive's mouth and nose pressed firmly against her panties, the strained breaths and groans making her pussy practically dripping.

"Now, doesn't it feel so much better to use your mouth like this?"

Syn lifted herself off Madison's face for a moment as the other woman gasped for air, then dropped back down almost immediately, sealing her open mouth with her wet panties. "I think we should see what else it can do... Lick."

Beneath her thighs, Madison groaned with disgust, but as Syn tightened her grip on her head, she knew she didn't have much choice. Much as she didn't want to, much as the very idea seemed utterly degrading to her, she shut her eyes and prepared to do something she'd never imagined doing.

With her mouth forced open and no other options on the table, Madison began to lick Syn's filthy panties and the wet pussy underneath them like her life depended on it.

Moans slowly started to crawl out of Mistress Syn's mouth and, with a grin, she turned the plug back on, still on its lowest setting. Madison's tongue began to work faster, spurred onward by the returning vibrations in her ass, and Syn responded by turning the wand back on as well. But rather than put it back to work on Madison, she instead brought it down between her legs, mere inches from the other woman's face.

The vibrations mixed with the other woman's tongue worked wonders on Syn's already wet pussy, and within seconds, she came- hard, soaking the already damp panties and dripping juices into Madison's waiting mouth. Her captive gagged but didn't stop licking, the sensation of the plug in her ass as well as growing desperation pushing her further down a path she'd never expected to go down.

A path she was beginning to enjoy, much to her dismay.

There was something about the whole situation- about how easily Syn had forced her into the room and onto the bed, how well she toyed with her ass and her pussy, and how effortlessly she used her for her own pleasure, that was awakening something deep inside her that Madison had never known was there.

As her orgasm slowly subsided, Syn lifted herself off her captive's face once more and allowed Madison to breathe, as well as to take in the sight of her face. None of the 'Alpha Bitch' face she sported in class seemed to remain, and with a wicked grin, Syn sat back down to continue the lesson.

"Not bad, but we're just getting started..."

With a click of a button, the plug's speed shot up from its lowest to its highest, and the sudden vibrations caused Madison to squirm beneath Syn's body, much to her enjoyment. There was no reason to change the setting again this time, she wanted to let the toy do its job while she continued to use the wand on her now-soaked pussy.

More groans followed from each of them, and a second orgasm quickly rocked Syn's tattoo-covered frame and showered Madison with even more of her juices. The other woman's face was practically drenched now, yet such a pleasure continued to be denied her. She was growing more desperate than she ever thought possible, any residual anger she had towards the other woman melting away by the second.

The sensations in her ass as well as the sounds and scents coming from the woman firmly seated on her face were also doing a number on her. Any trace of the person she was in class- let alone who she'd been when she'd stepped inside Syn's dorm, had washed away beneath the waves of denial and desperation. She wanted to cum, needed to cum, but the only person who could allow her to had no intention of doing so just yet.

A third orgasm overtook Syn, and her body practically shook with pleasure, while Madison's head filled with the rank scent of her soaked and dirty panties- a scent she was starting to enjoy. She groaned, yet still Syn refused to touch her needy, aching pussy.

The toy in her ass was lowered once more, and Madison began to cry, barely able to handle the continued loss of the gentle vibrations deep inside her even as Syn rubbed her wet panties against her face, truly marking her territory. "Aww, bet you wish you hadn't been such a bitch to me now, don't you? Maybe we could've had some real fun... I'm normally so sweet to my girls, but I'm not sure you deserve that..."

Picking herself off Madison's face on slightly shaky legs, she stared daggers at the other woman's red, sweaty and cum-drenched face with a wicked grin across her lips. "Do you think you deserve to cum, my little slut?"

Madison gasped for breath and looked up, her eyes no longer filled with anger but instead lust and desperation, as well as something else. Something she'd never before experienced.


"Please," she moaned softly. "I want to cum so badly..."

Syn shook her head. "That's not what I asked. Do you deserve to cum, my little slut?"

More tears began to form in the corners of the other woman's eyes as Syn's words fully washed over her. And as they did, she thought back to how she'd behaved in class, the things she'd said and what she'd called the woman currently glaring down at her. The one whose pussy had cum repeatedly on her face. Whose toys were continuing to tease and torment her.

And at that moment, she knew the answer.


Much as it pained her to say so, it was the truth.

Another wicked grin overtook Syn's lips. This was it. She had her now. All that was left was to make things truly official.

"Say 'No Mistress Syn. I don't deserve to cum."

Madison sighed. The Alpha Bitch she'd been when she'd first arrived was now gone, in her place a desperate, needy submission slut. One who couldn't find the strength to say anything catty or cruel. In fact, the only thing she could manage to say was what the other woman had demanded of her.

"No Mistress Syn... I don't deserve to cum."

"Good girl," Syn said, reaching down and gently taking hold of Madison's head before pulling it up to make sure the other woman could see the red light of her laptop camera before she continued. "Smile my little slut..."

The look of complete and utter shame that filled Madison's tear-filled eyes made Syn's pussy even wetter, and she leaned down to plant a kiss on the other woman's lips. Not a gentle, loving one. A kiss that said in no uncertain terms that she and she alone owned her.

And Madison knew it.

Mistress Syn let her head go, then plopped back down onto her waiting face. Turning the plug back to its highest setting, she brought the wand to the other woman's pussy and flicked it on low. Madison began to thrash around in pleasure as well as abject submission beneath her, the toys bringing her to the brink of orgasm over and over, but never allowing her to finish.


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