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Young man faces Psychological changes, and gets fired.
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Those that have read stories by me "Sungmehetu" or my alter ego, "Stevenboi" know that I can be twisted when writing. This story has a fictional set of medical miracles within it. So relax...FICTION. I know the science doesn't make perfect sense...yet.

Also, this is a road down a torturous set of medical procedures, of a young man, that is not quite clear of what is happening.

NON-CONSENT being the key words here. Thank you for reading!


In 2032 due to massive labor shortages of over twelve years, lobbyists from manufacturing, to Fast Food Franchises begged that the 13th Amendment be changed to include indentured servitude. (To pay debts owed, having the contract of said person sold to whatever business bought said person for labor uses until debts were paid at half normal wages).

Voluntary slavery would be legal for those that were homeless, wanted to work, and be protected with rights of 2 healthy meals, warmth, more freedom than prisoners They would be given clean, warm, and dry places to sleep. Many of these would trade their U.S. human rights to have massive debt paid off for lifetime service.

The credit card companies jumped on this lobby and got it pushed through congress and the senate....very quietly. It was attached to a bill that lowered oil and, more important to Americans, gas prices from $15.00 a gallon back down to $3.50 a gallon nationwide. Those Americans that were upset, by the human rights violations, were told it was all voluntary......

I grew up in a conservative town, in a conservative family. You know, Two hours of church on Sunday, a dad that spouted racial epitaphs on occasion...mostly while in traffic. He wasn't a true racist. Just hated everyone equally. Not a fan of the LGBTQ+ community either.

I grew up thinking that I could never be a leader. That I would never make my own way because my father hammered it into my head.

"You are a sheep., a follower, a beta male!" He'd say whenever I did anything wrong.

When I lost my virginity to a man, and was submissive to that man. I thought I was doing what my father always said, was correct. I'll never forget the guilt of being what I had become that night. A hypocrite.

Chapter One

The First Fall

The smell of the burger place could never leave my uniform, even after it was washed. I began to think it had seeped into my skin. Because I worked at the greasy spoon, mom-n-pop restaurant, for years, I grew to love all of the food, and the care we did every morning to get the ingredients, as well as getting the place itself, ready.

Problem was I began to eat there more and more often. I didn't have time to cook when I got home. My mother had taught me how, but I had no time. I was working from 10am till near close, 5 nights a week, and was barely making my bills and rent.

I gained some weight.

I had a large butt to begin with. My mother and aunts had the same attribute. But of the males in my family I had the largest. The bad food only made it larger. I started to bike and run to keep in shape. My stomach got more ripped, my legs got stronger, but the ass remained.

One night, when I was rubbing my big butt I turned on some porn. I watched the vanilla stuff for a bit. Then changed it to FemDom. I was liking this till something I have never heard of showed up on the screen.

A beta male dressed in lingerie, and forced to submit to the woman. He wore a cage on his limp penis, and a butt plug in his "boi-cunt". He eagerly submitted to the woman and ate on her vagina and butt-hole till he was soaked in her watery ejaculation. My cock was rock hard watching this, I had three fingers in my ass. I was a bit shocked when I came from using my fingers.

I was like the beta in the video. I had an average penis, a big butt and was submissive. My Father had been right all along.

I was wearing panties and matching bras under my uniform by the next week. I knew where I belonged. I was on one of the lowest rungs of "good" society. I kept my secret as I worked in the restaurant. Though I was worried that someone would notice my bra strap in the back. If they did, no-one said a thing.

The following week I began wearing a butt plug to work.

The week after I wore a cock cage. I'd only cum from anal stimulation like the sissies in the videos.

The week after that, I increased the size of the plug. This caused me to be near orgasm anytime I moved quickly. I was turning into a whore and I loved it!

My boss was not so enthused when I came on the floor in the middle of the dining area.

"Marcus! What was that?" I heard Julie yell at me. I had bent to pick up a bus tray, and the act caused me to cum from my limp clit, while in the cage, through my panties, through the khaki shorts I wore, and drip all over the floor.

"I had an accident. I'm not well!" I said in front of the customers. She dragged me into her office.

"I tolerated you because your Uncle worked here. When you started cross-dressing I told the other staff to ignore it, as you worked hard. But this is it Marcus. I have to let you go! I can't have you jizzing on the floor with your faggot sissy juice!" She said. I did something to burn that bridge forever.

"I'd have been your sissy! Your slave! But thanks, you proved women are evil you fucking CUNT!" I reeled back and slapped her as hard as I could. I walked out to the parking lot and then curled in a ball, in the gravel, as I realized I'd be homeless in weeks.

"Hey! Hey!" I heard. I looked with tears soaked eyes. A short man was hovering over me.

"You did good. You need a job and a place to live?" He asked as he rubbed my cheek.

"Nobody wants a faggot sissy like me!" I said and curled back into my ball. "Not my parents, not my boss, god forbid..." I couldn't think about girls now.

"I'm going to leave my card with you. If you want to work, and a place to stay...call. If you want to feel sorry for yourself, the train tracks are just a block over. Lay on them at 10:05pm. That will fix your issues. My name is Steve." He said I heard him step away from me.

"Your call Marcus!" He said as he started his car and left. The engine sound was distant when I began to cry again. I heard new footsteps.

"Women are not evil. YOU are an abomination! GET THE FUCK OFF MY PROPERTY!" Julie barked. I pulled myself to my feet not looking at the skinny blond witch. I headed to the railroad tracks.

"Never come back you whore!" I heard her yell.

As I lay my head over a rail I looked at the time on my phone.


I had time. I looked at the card Steve gave me in the low lights of the moon and street lights.

"Steve Cooper Police Captain, Port Washington WI (414-555-7911)"

I called the number to thank him, as I waited for the train. The iron rail was cold on the back of my neck. My lace panties were bunched in my ass, but I stopped caring.

It rang.

"Captain Cooper."

"Hey it's Marcus. Thank you for defending me." I looked at the time (9:45). "I wanted to let you know that you were the first person that ever stood up for me."

"Marcus where are you?" He sounded concerned.

"Right where I am supposed to be. Laying on the tracks. No one wants a sissy fag! So one less as of the morning." I giggled halfheartedly.

"Get off the tracks! I'm on my way!" He yelled into the phone.

"Stay home. Relax. Deal with this tomorrow." I said softly.

"Marcus! Marc! Answer!" I heard as I tossed my phone into the little pond nearby. I smiled weakly.

"Trains run on time." I closed my eyes and waited.

Sirens were headed toward me, and I could see the train in the distance. I held fast. I wanted this all over. The sirens were on the road now. The train was too far away it wasn't moving fast enough! Footsteps and flashlights all around me. Someone picked me up like a child. I must have blacked out.


"Marcus can you hear me?" Female voice. I was on my back in a bed. I opened my eyes to see a middle aged woman staring at me.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Hillside Medical, you are in the Psyche Ward. What day is it today?" She asked softly.

"July 8th, my mothers birthday. It's Tuesday. Why am I naked other than this sheet?" I was getting upset. I realized I was restrained as well in that instant. That really pissed me off. "Why am I restrained!"

"Marcus you chose to end your life and possibly ruin the careers of two conductors of a freight train, and stain the life of a detective captain." She spoke softly.

"No. I just want to go away!" I was pouting. (Christ I really am a weak minded man. I'm acting like a 6 year old girl!) I shook my head hard. "I mean I didn't want to hurt anyone else."

"Why do you want to go away?" She asked.

"Cause I'm a sissy faggot." I spat.

"You think sissies don't have a place in our society?" She asked.


"So who will dress in the maid outfit and clean my house when I want to tease my boyfriend with your huge sissy ass?" She was smiling in her voice so I looked at her. She wore a huge smile. I blinked at the woman. She stood and patted my head like a pet.

"Um, I need to talk to Detective Cooper." I said strongly.

"Soon." She sat back down and grinned at me.

"Are you a virgin sissy?" She asked.

"What the fuck?" I began to test the restraints.

"Calm yourself or you will end up here forever." She stood up and hovered over my face.

"You can't do this!" I hissed.

"Are you a virgin sissy?" She smiled and asked politely. With my teeth clenched, I answered.


"Put her out, 20cc's should do." I heard.

"Yes Doctor Taylor." A nurse said.

"I want to talk to the detective!" I yelled.

"The detective. I feel tired." Everything went black.

"Marcus, Marcus can you hear me?" It was Steve's voice! I opened my eyes and went to hug him but I was still restrained.

"Please get me out of here! Let me just go away!" I pleaded.

"Can't do that sissy. You have a job to do and a family to take care of." Steve hovered over my face.

"I....I don't understand." I said honestly.

"Your Father disliked sissy bois. But I, on the other hand love them. So does my brother, as does both of our wives. Sissies serve Alpha males and Alpha females, right?" He asked intently.

"Y-Y-yes as betas we are to serve the b-betters." I admitted, confused.

"Do you want to get out of the Psyche ward and be released into my service like a good sissy slave?" He kissed my forehead.

"Slave?" I asked.

"Sissies need to be used. They are sex servants and workers. Your father told you that right?" He asked and kissed my forehead again.

"Beta males follow, we are sheep." I began to cry.

"Shh, honey. If you want out of this place all you have to do is say 'Yes.'" He held me in his strong arms. "I saved you because I need you in my life sissy."

"You do?" I asked, ignoring the proposition.

"All men and women need someone like you. So please, just say 'yes' when you are asked the questions. I will be here when you are let out of this place." He said and left the room. I was left alone for an hour. Then Dr. Taylor came back in.

"Marcus?" She asked.

"What doctor?" I stared at the ceiling, needing out of the restraints.

"I'm going to ask you questions now. All you must do is answer 'Yes' or 'no'. Do you understand?" She asked in her authoritative voice.

"Yes I understand." I growled.

"We shall begin." She seemed chipper. I was not amused by this.

"If the statement is true say yes." She instructed.

"I understand...let's do this already!" I needed out of these restraints.

"I am a beta male?" She asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"I like to submit?"


"I will clean the feet of my Master or Mistress with my tongue?" She asked. What the fuck? I remembered Steve's advice. I inhaled and then said...


"Your breakfast is giving oral sex." The doctor asked reading from a page. I thought about swallowing cum. Vaginal or phallic, it didn't matter


"You have no rights as a human being. Do you agree?" She posited.


"You will be used as a walking toilet." She said a bit giddy.

"Yes. Wait what?" No fucking way! The doctor rattled off the next question.

"You will obey me, your doctor, over your proposed two Masters and Mistresses."

"No Never!" I growled. She smiled wide.

"Excellent. I'm very happy to hear that." She said with a wide smile. Her teeth were perfect.

"Wait, why are you happy about me not submitting to you, over Steve and his family?" I asked.

"Steve told you to say 'yes', to every question, correct?" The doctor hovered over my face. Then she barked, "Answer me!" Her smile was gone. Now she looked angry.

"He did!" I said quietly.

"You failed the test. You will be here with me, until you can pass a loyalty test. Steve and his wife will be heartbroken. They took a shine to you." She closed her chart and hung it near the door. "The nurse will be in to feed you, and take you to the bathroom." She left without giving me time to protest.

I was out of tears. I felt worse then the day I got fired. Everything was spiraling downward. I was to be stuck in this place for however long that sadistic doctor chose. I had missed my chance to be with two families as a maid and servant. That would have been heaven.

When the nurse came in she was always accompanied by two large orderlies. I was made to sit to pee. I was watched closely as I showered. Then watched closer as I ate. After which, I'd be put back into restraints. Sometimes they left the TV on.

It felt like weeks had passed, before Doctor Taylor visited again.

"Hello Maggie." She came through the door.

"Huh? My name is Marcus." I stared at her smiling face.

"Yeah, not anymore. Your insurance ran out. I'm currently paying your bills. If you want me to continue... I have some forms for you to sign. The first is "power of attorney", so I can make decisions on your behalf. The second is some insurance forms that allow me to continue to help you, and allows me to make decisions as to your treatment."

I signed the first two forms.

"This is a form to allow me to help you to legally have you become a female along with your name change. Change of drivers license, name change on your social security etc. I'm doing this for you Maggie." She held out the paper on a clipboard next to my right hand like the previous two.

"I don't want to be a female." I said weakly. I felt so small the last week. Like something was draining the will power from my body. Was it mental? Was there drugs in my IV? The doctor turned up my IV drip and shot something into my tube from a syringe.

"Sissies aren't men Maggie. I'm not suggesting a reassignment surgery, so relax. Sissies wear girl clothes and have long hair! They wear makeup. I'm only trying to help you here." She said. I signed it.

"Good girl." She smiled. "The last one is agreement between you, I, and the government. I will "adopt" you." She used finger quotes. " You can live with me after your treatments, I will take care of you."

Her voice seemed to be getting sharper in my ears. Like my hearing had been improved.

"What was in that needle?" I asked.

"Stop interrupting!" She scolded. I felt true fear of this woman. Her voice softened. "There is a section here which might be scary, but it is for own good. It states that you relinquish your guaranteed rights under US law, thus negating all protections under said laws. It nullifies your person-hood, thus becoming property." She looked at me, and let it sink in.

"So...I have no rights?" I asked.

"Essentially, but you will be under my delicate care. You don't need them. You can finally leave the hospital and come home with me." She rubbed my restrained arm.

I'd be her sissy slave. Trapped in a doctors house, made to do god knows what. However, she WAS paying my hospital bills, and this is what I wanted. Right?

She was a pretty woman for being in her late 30's, maybe early 40's. I'd never be homeless or hungry.

"You think about it. This is a big step, I understand. However I need this signed for the other paperwork to be processed. So if you don't sign this last one, you will owe the hospital a lot of money, and Marcus will be out on the street." She turned on the TV and switched it to HBO.

"Maggie will live in my very large home, with a pool, gym, game room, and a special place all her own." She said as she put the TV remote in my left hand and set up the paperwork next to my right hand. She left me the pen as well.

"My shift is over. I'm going home to sit in front of the fireplace and read before bed. Nurse Williams will be in to feed you dinner soon. Have a good night sweetheart!" Her voice was almost loving as she left.

I watched "Deadpool" and found myself laughing for the first time since I had been here. Ms Williams and her two goons helped me shower, and then eat. When they left, my muscles ached from being restrained in the same position for...how long? There was a sign I saw when the goons had come in, I caught a brief glimpse of it. It was facing the outside. "Suicide Watch" It read. Ugh!

I fell asleep watching "The Hunt for Red October."

In the morning Nurse Thomas, a large man in his 40's, and one goon helped me with my needs and I had breakfast.

"Doctor Taylor will see you today. If you want to fill out the forms or read them while we are here you can." He held out the clipboard. I grabbed it with both hands and took the pen. I began to read.

It was actually, two separate documents. One was to legally make me property, according to the US, the other was a contract between Doctor Taylor and I. A slavery contract. I read the second document very slowly and deliberately.

It had so many details about diet, wake up times, bed times, and started to state about chores, when the clipboard was taken from me.

"I need to get to the next patient, I didn't realize you were going to take your time. Here's a pen. Sign it if you want before the doctor arrives. Let's get you safe in the mean time." Nurse Thomas and the goon strapped me back into the bed. Leaving the clipboard and pen next to my right hand. The TV was off. So all I could do was think.

I couldn't move the clipboard to my face. There was no way to read the rest of was written without more freedom. I knew that the second half had some twenty pages to it, and I had only read four. I only had an hour left before the doctor came back.

The constant aching in my legs, arms shoulders and back were pushing me to sign it. Anything to be able to walk freely. Even serving in her household would be better than being strapped to a bed on "suicide watch".

How long had I actually been here? I nodded off.

I woke to my vitals being checked. Dr. Taylor was writing down numbers in my chart as a nurse read them off from the machines.

"Blockers are working and estrogen saturation is within tolerance." The nurse said.

"Thank you, you can go check Mrs. Wilkes in 305." Dr Taylor said monotonously. I blinked looking at the tall woman. I had made up my mind.

Now I was taking in visually, who she was.

A tall woman, five foot-ten or eleven. She wore no makeup, yet had natural beauty. Her raven black hair was to her mid back in a pony tail. Her bare arms showed that her body was toned, possibly even well muscled. When she finally looked up at me after she folded the chart and hung it, I could see her brown eyes staring into mine with concern.

"I'll sign". Was all I said.

Her attitude of boredom changed. She smiled with her eyes as well as her mouth.

"Good girl."

She unlatched my right wrist and let me read all of the contract...only after I signed it and she had made a copy.

"Smart of her."

What I read in that contract was very hard to understand. Yet, what I gathered was, I was to obey, and she made a promise to the government to keep me in good health. An agent of labor affairs would check up on me monthly for an interview. At least that is what the contract said.

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