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Sister, Sister

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Jackson becomes the the twin of his best friend's wife.
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"Hun, do you love me?"

"Of course," Jackson answered. "Why would you ask such a question?"

"I don't know, I just feel so lucky to have you," Jackson's wife, Andrea, answered whimsically. Jackson Gage was a successful commercial salesman. He was 45 years old, and strikingly handsome. He had classically good looks, stone gray eyes, with the slightest beginnings of smile lines, giving his overall youthful appearance, a learned mature aspect. He looked trustworthy, which helped his sales numbers. He worked out regularly, and took great care of himself.

"I'm the one that's lucky to have you, Babe," he answered, leaning down, and kissing his wife. Andrea was a gorgeous redhead, with large, doe- like expressive blue green eyes. She was thin, but voluptuous with child-bearing hips, and a natural bust that many would be jealous to have. She was well acquainted with her Irish heritage, being a second generation American.

The couple met about 5 years ago, while he conducted business with her boss. She was a young sprightly assistant, whose job seemed to be eye candy on the surface, however she managed many facets of her boss's meetings, while looking business-like, yet sexy. Jackson was immediately allured by the woman; her intellect, her looks, and her confidence. Jackson asked the woman if she was available for drinks after business was concluded, and she agreed, being taken by his warm genuine personality. His dimples and great heart melting smile also helped, and especially the outline of his chest in his fitted button down.

The pair were infatuated with one another. They began a long distance relationship, and Jackson would fly her out to his condo, or they would meet at a mutual destination, and stay the weekend at a nice hotel, and take in the local city, and its offerings. Even though it was a lot of effort, and expense, the couple remained semi casual but exclusive, until Andrea hinted that she'd like more than just to be a weekend fling.

With that, the couple made their relationship official, and arrangements were made for Andrea to move into Jackson's place in upper state New York. Andrea kept her position with her company, but was able to do office work remotely, and would fly out for business meetings, and other related rendezvous. Jackson insisted that she simply work for him. She was more than qualified with her prior experience, and Jackson would pay her more than her current salary, along with all the benefits of a relationship.

Andrea initially told Jackson that she'd consider it. From Andrea's point of view, they got on well, but should anything happen between them, she would likely be the one out of a job, and way to make a living. She told him that it would feel weird to be getting paid by her boyfriend. In the end, she stayed with her company, and Jackson understood.


Snapping back to the present after reminiscing about meeting his wife, Jackson placed a hand on the insulated cup, asking his wife, "So, what's this?"

"A new energy shake that I thought you'd like," Andrea answered, with exaggerated chirpiness.

"Where's the packaging, what's in it?" He asked, eyeing the cup, shaking it, to see if any smell would release.

"Um, it was a trial sample, from a friend. If you like it, and it makes you feel good, I'll have her make some more."

"Who's this friend?"


"You mean the weird occult girl?"

"She's eclectic," Andrea defended.

Jackson looked at his wife repeating,"Eclectic..." Joanie was this waifish, bookish, frizzy haired bespectacled woman. If one was being nice, they'd call her 'quirky'. She didn't necessarily bother Jackson personally, but she was a bit out there for his sensibilities, and since his wife was her friend, he had to deal with her as she came. "Sure, babe," Jackson said, with his confident smile. "Just promise me I won't turn into a frog, or a bug."

Picking up the cup, he sipped the drink. "Eh, pretty good, but I'm sure this is loaded with sugar," he noted. Keeping in shape, especially past 35, which was 10 years ago for him, meant a lot of sacrifice, and Jackson was fine with that. His diet and regimen had to be 100 percent perfect. Besides, his wife Andrea was about 15 years younger than him, and surely, she appreciated his efforts. Jackson didn't want to give off 'old creeper with a wife clearly out his league' vibes.

"Oh, Hun?" Andrea began, looking pensively at Jackson. She inhaled, asking, "So, am I the most beautiful woman you've ever met?"

"You're my wife! Why wouldn't you be?" Surely she didn't need flattery to know how he felt?

"I bet you say that to all the girls," She said playfully.

Jackson chuckled, "Only the ones that are my wife."

"How much do you want my body?" She asked, with a hint of mischief, standing in front of him as he sat.

"Keep talking like that, and I'll have to have you now," Jackson answered, rubbing Andrea's soft, round ass, pulling her closer. He couldn't help but purse his mouth, as his hands dug into the giving flesh.

Andrea sat on his lap, tantalizingly squeezing her cleavage together asking, "What about these tits?"

Jackson grabbed them, pulling the nightie down, watching her nipples harden. "I want them," he said, breathily, taking them into his mouth.

Andrea's hand snaked to her lady bits, as she devilishly licked her teeth, "And what about here?"

"Mmmm, I need it. Now." Jackson answered, lifting his wife onto the table.

"And I can't wait to give it to you," Andrea purred. After getting a condom, the couple made love, with Jackson having to refresh himself before heading in a little late.


"Hey man, you ready?" Jackson asked his best friend, and colleague, Ethan.

"Yeah, are we meeting, or do we need to pick you up?"

"If you don't mind, just in case," Jackson answered. This meant that Ethan's wife, Lisa would be the designated driver for tonight's dinner, it also meant that Ethan and his wife would pick Jackson and Andrea up.

Arriving at the restaurant, the four ordered, and talked as they waited on the food. They were celebrating another great quarter. The guys began talking about the beginning football season, and the women made small- talk. While Jackson, and Ethan were longtime best buddies, and had a lot in common, Andrea and Lisa didn't have much in common. Lisa was a Mom to her and Ethan's young son, while Andrea and Jackson were child-free, Lisa was also more of a stay at home Mom, and seemed fine with that prospect, whereas Andrea didn't quite subscribe to that line of thought. Lisa was also Chinese, and mixed with Thai. That made her a fairly dark- skinned Asian, and according to Lisa, treated badly in her home country. Andrea figured that escaping that life and landing the handsome Ethan, and being a stay at home Mom was likely a dream that she never imagined that she would ever have in her life. Andrea had her own thoughts as to why Lisa married Ethan, so she always remained mostly guarded, but cordial around the woman.

Lisa was a young, small, light caramel skinned Asian woman. She had the darker skin tone of Thai people, but a less angular, rounded Chinese face. She was pretty, but not in a way that Jackson preferred. She had long black hair, and was very thin and petite, and even after having her and Ethan's son Colin. Lisa was able to maintain abs simply from lightly working out, her diet and metabolism. Andrea struck up a conversation about the said diet, asking what would be good to lose weight.

"Lose weight? You're perfect." Lisa complimented, her light voice, carrying an accent. "I wish I had that!" She said, looking down at her own small chest, then to Andrea's full chest, making a playful sad face.

"Aw, thank you!" Andrea gushed. "But look at your stomach, and you're a Mom! I don't know if I'll be that lucky if I ever..." She trailed off, looking at Jackson, biting her lip. She almost blurted something awkward.

*COUGH COUGH* Jackson choked on his water, with Ethan patting his back. He definitely heard it.

"You alright buddy?" Ethan asked.

Jacked raised his hand, coughing lightly, "...Yeah, yeah. Just..went down wrong."

Lisa chuckled. "I think if I eat so much, I would just get a big belly, no boobs, no butt!" She laughed, patting Andrea's leg. With that, the women continued to converse as they ate. Through the course of dinner, the couples talked about vacation, with various destinations in contemplation. It would also be a good bonding experience for their wives.

"Maybe Lisa here can help me get into shape. That'd be awesome! Right, honey?"

Without hesitation, Jackson answered, "I think you're gorgeous the way you are." Jackson really did believe this. Andrea was 5 vanity pounds, and a set of crunches from a full 6 pack. She still had a trim tummy with a visible linea alba. She had this whilst still having a copious amount of T&A. She was perfect, in Jackson's eyes. Someone like Lisa couldn't compare.

"Awww you!" Andrea gushed.


Later that night, after having been dropped off at home, Jackson and Andrea headed to their bedroom. The pair were a little tipsy by that point, and Lisa saved the day with her non-alcoholic diet. As they opened the front door, Jackson told Andrea not to turn the light on, then with a crooked smile, he joked, "Hey, can you imagine that of all of us, an Asian was the best driver! Haha."

"You can't say that! You meanie!" Andrea chided, playfully hitting him on the chest.

"I know, I know! Nothin' personal, Lisa,'' He apologized to the woman, who was nowhere near.

"So, you want me to have abs like Lisa?" Andrea asked, seemingly out of the blue.

With that Jackson imagined Lisa, wondering in his inebriated state what the woman looked like naked. He'd seen her in workout outfits, and knew how tight her body was. Yes, those hard abs were sexy, her hip bones, the thin thighs, and the wide gap between her legs. She was no Andrea, but.... "Hey, I'm crashing here..." Jackson couldn't move any further, he felt heavier than he should've, even being tipsy.

Jackson opened his shirt while Andrea removed his jacket. "Are you sure you don't want my help upstairs?"

"No, just, uh," Jackson panted. "What was the ACV on that bus that hit me? That's hitting differently. Just let me make it to the couch, I'll...go in tomorrow after I get up."

"You sure?

"Yeah," Jackson answered.

Love you, hun."

"Yeah...," He answered, falling out right on the spot. Andrea wanted to get him to their bedroom, but he was too heavy, so she helped him get comfortable on the large convertible couch, before getting him a light cover, and pillow, and pulling off his shoes.


"Aah, shit," Jackson murmured, as the blinding sunlight hit his maladjusted eyes. He cleared his throat, and moved his hair out of his face. Wait, hair in his face? Jackson had medium length light brown hair, this was long black hair. After moving the hair, he noticed that the hand was very small, and tan. "Huh?" Again, he cleared his throat, something off about the voice coming out of his mouth.

He looked down, his dress shirt from last night seeming to engulf his body, the few open buttons revealed tan skin, and what seemed to be six pack abs, much as he was used to, but the chest looked undefined. Jackson shook his head, running his hand against his smooth face. Smooth face? Jackson had a chiseled face, with light stubble, and a nice masculine jawline, and he knew how it should have felt to touch his face. This was not it. "Okay," Jackson said aloud, the voice still not right. He quickly got up, with his pants falling right off of his seemingly small body, and his shirt becoming a gown. He looked in a mirror.


Lisa was reflected in the mirror, with a puzzled look on her furrowed brow. Whatever he did, Lisa did in the mirror. Jackson noticed that his voice didn't sound like Lisa's, at least to himself, in much the same way one never thinks a recording sounds like themselves. "I look like Lisa," he said aloud to himself. Jackson also noticed that he lacked her accent.

Studying himself further, he removed his shirt which engulfed his now small body. Lisa's small, pert breasts, topped with dark brown areola and thick nipples pointed at him. This was the first time he'd seen her naked, quickly looking at his face again, he blushed hard. Lisa was definitely attractive and fit, but in a different way than he liked his women. He preferred women more like his wife, wide hips, a large chest with curves. Still, as a man, Jackson appreciated this female flesh before him.

"This is a dream, right?" He asked aloud, still unused to his voice. He began to move about the condo, feeling many different things, although Lisa was thin, there was still a little jiggle to his walk, and his now long black hair tickled his face, neck, and shoulders. Then there was the feeling of something missing between his legs, and his thighs not touching was an especially weird feeling.

Stopping to catch his bearings, he again thought aloud, "What in the hell is going on? Why am I a woman, and why do I look like my best friend's wife? I'm dreaming, definitely dreaming. Do I want to be a woman?" He wondered if this dream was telling him something about himself. Maybe a hidden desire, come out in dream form?

Jackson went to his bed, and simply laid down. He closed his eyes, putting everything out of his mind. He would go back to sleep and wake up in the real world, and if he remembered this dream, he would reconcile these feelings with himself, but hopefully, he thought, he'd forget all about it. Forgetting this dream might be a tall order, as the vividness was much stronger than dreams usually seemed to be.

After more than 30 minutes of shifting and fidgeting around, Jackson could not get back to sleep. The hair, the looseness of his clothes, so many things kept him from doing so. Sitting back up, Jackson sat on the edge of the bed, and breathed calmly. He reached for his phone. His phone was clear, he could read it, and he looked at anything else around the condo that had writing; it all checked out. In a dream, one could not really read, and certain details were always wrong, muddled. This was not the case.

Who could he call, what would he tell them? Who would believe anything that he had to say? Sitting around was making him feel anxious, he needed to figure out what was going on, and the sooner, the better.

Again, seeing that this was real, Jackson studied himself again. He'd seen his upper body, but not his lower half. He slid his loose pants and boxers down the slender legs, studying the sinewy shape before him, less fleshy and curvy than Andrea, but still very feminine. Jackson wasn't a stranger to vaginas; he'd been with a number of women, and had seen his fair share of different looking ones, but in directly comparing this one to Andrea's, there was a stark contrast in the way it looked. While Andrea had a puffy 'innie' vagina with only a visible slit, flanked closely by her curved thighs, in front of him was a vagina situated between widely spaced thighs, with the inner labia dangling outside of the outer labia; meat curtains. He went to touch various parts and became more conscious of his situation, as this drove reality into his head. The clit was easy to find on this 'outie' vagina, so Jackson gently rubbed his index and middle finger about it.

Gently rubbing other parts of his body, he began to doubly register the touches; his mind feeling the taut body of Lisa, enjoying the differences from Andrea, but his body was reeling from the said touches, and both melded together to give Jackson an alien arousal, which culminated in a mind shattering orgasm as he found just the right touch and rhythm to message himself. He watched in amazement as the orgasm overtook him, sending waves and waves of pleasure that could be felt throughout his body, his small breasts wore goosebumps, and their thick, turgid nipples seemed to point at the sky, a sight that he would not soon forget.

"That was real..." Jackson sighed. He petted his meaty lips, feeling slick juices string from his hand. He lay in the aftermath of the powerful orgasm for a while. After coming down from the orgasm induced high, Jackson began to have thoughts, again wondering about this situation, and exactly what to do. He decided that getting a shower was first, considering what he'd done, then he'd have to figure out the clothing problem.

Once in the shower, Jackson lathered up as usual once his body was sufficiently wet. Having just had his way with his body, he wasn't turned on by simply washing himself, until a jet of water sent a shockwave to his thick nipple. Sighing, he took the showerhead and sprayed his lips, changing the jet to a more focused, powerful one. "Kuuu, hhhhng, uuuuh," This assisted orgasm was even better than the first one. He cleaned himself off, and sat on his bed.

"Holy shit, man," Jackson said aloud, amazed at hearing his voice again, "This is really, real." Contemplating his clothes, he thought to grab some basic clothes from Andrea, and it felt wrong putting on her clothes, especially stepping into her panties. He wasn't really in a position to ask. 'Hey babe, I changed into Lisa, can I wear your panties?' Yeah, that was going to go over really smoothly, Jackson thought. He found the clothes ill-fitting, and the feeling of panties was weird to say the least. There was this snug, yet airy feeling to them. They dug into his skin a bit, and he would be acutely aware of them. These panties were even tighter on Andrea, and couldn't imagine how she wore them.

Jackson ended up wearing a t-shirt and sweats combo. They were purposefully small for Andrea, the shirt showing her flat sexy stomach, and allowing her breasts to tantalizingly jostle with her nipples being easily viewed for Jackson's viewing pleasure, and the sweats, a bit high water, high waisted, tight in the ass giving Andrea a cameltoe and a wedgie. On Jackson's now smaller, less curvier frame, the clothes fit more like standard fall outerwear. It was likely the best, and most comfortable he was going to get. As he had no fitting bra, he went without, while Lisa had small breasts, her nipples would definitely stick out, so Jackson tried to keep that out of mind, hoping they wouldn't harden.

There was now the small matter of what the hell to actually do next? Where to go? How to figure this out, and how to fix it? If he called Andrea, she'd think he was a woman that was probably fooling around with himself, and she'd question him as to why 'she' had Jackson's phone. Then there was Ethan, and after playing the various ways that their conversation could go, he thought better of it.


"Lisa?!?" Asked Andrea, with a look of surprise on her face.

"Uh..Andrea? Um, what are you doing here now?"

"Whoa, I'M the one that should be asking that," She replied, with a look of shock still on her face. "So, really, what are you doing here? Are you here with Jackson? I can't believe you, and him!? And you've got some nerve to be wearing my things!" She exclaimed.

"No..eh,erm, Jackson isn't here," He stammered, trying to come up with an excuse as to why 'Lisa' would be at his condo alone, or for any circumstance.

"Jackson isn't here? Where is he?" Andrea demanded with seething anger.

"I don't know...," Jackson answered. This looked bad. Really bad.

"So, you're not going to say anything? You were caught red-handed!" Andrea said with anger in her voice.

"Shit! I've done nothing! What can I say?" Jackson asked, with defeat in his tiny voice.

"Get out!," Andrea demanded. "Before I call the police, and tell Ethan!"

"I'm telling you! I.." Jackson pounded one fist into the other, and covered his face. "Please, there is nothing between Jackson and Lisa..me. I'll go, just don't say anything to Ethan. He doesn't deserve this."


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