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Sister Transforms Her Stepbrother Ch. 06

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Finally finding someone she loves.
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Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/04/2021
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Christmas was quiet with just Mary, Beth, Greg & herself. Yvonne's dad of course wasn't there and she was still a bit sad about that. Mary gave Yvonne a $250.00 gift card from Victoria's Secret, which Yvonne was so happy to get. Beth & Greg gave her a $150.00 gift card also from Victoria's Secret. Yvonne's present to Beth & Greg a nice letter thanking them both for the support they have given to her, inside was a check for $1000.00 in the memo-line she wrote this is for travel. Lastly Yvonne handed a small package with a note on top to Mary, reading it out loud you could hear her say, "for the new mom I now have, I just want to say I'm so lucky to have you I hope you like this". Then after unwrapping the box she cried as she pulled out a necklace with the word "Mom" spelled out in diamonds.

As tear filled her eyes Mary said, "I just love it & I'm so happy & love you both so much," as she looked at her two daughters.

Then Greg stood up and said, "Yvonne I just wanted to say, since your sister told me about your situation my 1st reaction I was a bit taken back, but as she told me more I quickly realized that you were very right you're a girl and I just want to let you know you have my full support."

"Thank you Greg," Yvonne said as she gave him a big hug, "you just better treat my sister right or, well I don't know what I'll do but it won't be nice."

They all laughed and then going to the dining room they had their holiday meal.

Saturday was now here and Beth & Yvonne went to the city to shop for something new for her date with Greg. At Victoria's Secret she bought some new bras & panties, she also found 2 nice small cross body purses. Then they went store to store until finally seeing a pink little skirt with a little pink crop top and at the same time they said, "that's the one."

Yvonne came out of the dressing room and the second she saw her Beth said, "oh that's the one you look so perfect in it."

A sales clerk came over and looking at Yvonne said, "wait I have something that would complete that so well."

Returning she handed a small pink open sweater, Yvonne tried it on and the three were thrilled just how nice it enhanced the look even better.

"I'll take it all," Yvonne squealed.

As the walked to the register Beth saw on an endcap with some sweet little pink nylons and said, "Yvonne I think these will go well."

Finding the right size they finally checked out, then off to the shoe store that carries the best high heels.

As they wondered around Beth saw a nice pair of pink 6" stilettoes and Yvonne sat down asking the salesclerk if they had those in her size. When she came back she had 2 pairs the 1st one was just a bit tight so Yvonne tried on the 2nd which fit her perfectly and she bought those.

After having a quick lunch they drove back home finally back by 3:30. They went to her bedroom with Mary in tow to show her what they bought hoping she would like it all too.

Yvonne 1st dressed in all the bras & panties she bought, then she dressed quickly in the pink outfit & heels. After seeing all Mary said, "they all look great on you, now Beth can I have a private talk with Yvonne."

Beth left the room closing the door, once she was gone Mary said, "I had this talk so many years ago with Beth, now that you're dating I want you to be careful. I don't want you to let a boy go any further than you want, you control the situation and if one tries to push you too far tell him to stop and if he doesn't well here's something that should help," then handing her a keychain with a small can of mace on the end.

"Thank you I won't let anyone make me go further than I want, but if someone does I now have something as backup," Yvonne said kissing her new mom on the cheek.

Now the time was almost with just a hour to go, Yvonne taped her breasts on and then her new pink bra. After taping her cock up she slid on her pink panties & nylons. Slipping on her pink skirt she next pulled her new crop top over her head then walking down the hall she asked Beth for help with her makeup.

"God you look beautiful," Beth said as they walked to her makeup table.

After Beth was done with her makeup she said, "ok little sis check yourself out."

Looking in the mirror Yvonne finally said, "oh my you made me look so pretty, thank you so much."

Lastly she put on her new pink heels and a few minutes later the door bell rang.

A few seconds later Mary yelled up, "Yvonne your dates here."

As she walked down the stairs Duane looked at her and said, "I can't believe how beautiful you are."

As she walked past her Mary whispered, "this guys perfect, if you feel that way too he has my vote."

Duane took her to dinner and they talked & laughed for so long. As they were ready to go two guys walked over and one of them said, "I thought it was you, you're Chuck from high school I always thought you were gay."

Duane stood up and angrily said to him, "you don't know anything my friend she isn't gay she's probably more girl than you've ever had. Now get out of her before I have to kick your ass."

The boy puffed his chest like he was a real tough guy, when one of the other's said, "come on just leave them alone." So they all walked away and went out the door.

As Duane sat down Yvonne said, "thank you for standing up for me, you're such a great guy."

"You didn't deserve what that asshole said, you're more girl than he could handle," Duane said.

They left and Duane asked what she wanted to do, thinking for a second she whispered in his ear, "if you want to go to the point we can go up there."

Once at the point they started to kiss, Yvonne could feel he was getting real horny then slid her hand over his pants until she felt his very hard penis under all the material.

"Oh that feels so good," Duane said throwing his head back.

She then unzippered his pants then rolling his underwear down and out sprang out his manhood. She was happy to see an cut 7" thick hard cock as she lowered her mouth and kissed it's head all covered in precum.

"Yes yes yes," Duane said softly as he bit his bottom lip.

Opening her mouth she took him inside, as it hit the back of her mouth she took a deep breath taking it a bit down her throat. Another breath more and it all slid inside, then bobbing her head up & down she could feel his cock grown just a bit bigger.

They gazed into each others eyes as she continued to suck him when he just blurted out, "I think I'm falling in love with you."

Just hearing those words she realized she was falling for him also, then just wanting to please him she bobbed her head faster & faster.

Being so horny for her and adding in the fact he hadn't had sex for almost three weeks, Duane couldn't hold back and screamed, "here it comes, oh yes I'm going to cum."

Going even faster in a few seconds she felt his 1st stream of hot cum filling her mouth. Swallowing quickly before the 2nd stream came then the 3rd, 4th and 5th filled her mouth so much a little bit dripped out from both sides of her lips. After the 6th stream shot his quivering stopped and knowing he was finished she cleaned him all up using her tongue making sure there was none left.

Gazing up to him she just had to say, "I hope you enjoyed that, because I know I did."

"I can say honestly I've had many blowjobs but that was by far the best," he said.

Hearing those words she wrapped her arms around him and he held her so tightly as she whispered, "I think I'm falling for you too."

They were there just hugging when he looked at the clock saying, "I have to get you home so you can sleep before your flight."

As he walked her to the door he kissed her and said, "I just have to ask you this, would you be my girlfriend and be exclusive with me?"

"Yes I would love that, you make me so happy, yes I'll be your girlfriend," Yvonne said happily.

Kissing her and before walking away he said, "there's a New Years Eve party at Greg's, would you like to be my date?"

"I'm your girlfriend now, of course I'll be there. I want to show off to all the girls there making sure they know hands off you're all mine now." Yvonne said with a smile.

As she walked through the door Beth and Mary both asked about her date. They talked for a while she told them most of it but didn't tell them about the point just yet.

As Beth went upstairs Mary pulled Yvonne aside and said, "I'm so glad you're so happy."

"Can I tell you something, I think I may be in love with him," Yvonne said.

"I think you two will make a lovely couple, I hope he feels the same way too," Mary said.

"He told me he's falling for me before I told him that I thought I was too," Yvonne said as she ran up the stairs.

Sunday all packed Beth drove them to the airport and they flew to sell Yvonne's grandmother's house. Then taking a bad they finally arrived, the house was all empty just the boxes they left from the stuff Yvonne & Michael saved inside the garage. Putting the plates on her new car the two went to a store buying a king sized blowup bed, 2 pillows, sheets & a light throw cover. Setting it up they then went to dinner, after they ate they went to bed early.

Monday they went down to the U-Haul store and rented a trailer to take all the packed boxes north. After it was all packed they went sight seeing then ate a later dinner and went to sleep.

Tuesday came they met at Steve's office for the closing, all the paperwork signed they were handed a check for the house. After paying the agent and Steve also, Steve asked them to stay as he wanted to speak to them about a few other things.

After the others left Steve said, "you should have gotten the insurance check soon if you haven't already, the paperwork the bank said is all set to go if you want to go there you should be able to cash them out. I have all the bills she has unpaid that I can figure, with no mortgage on the house, the car paid off, the funeral was prepaid. So all that is left are some ancillary things, electric, water and other utilities, the balance is only $420.92," as he handed her all the bills that were sent to his office.

At the bank they met with the manager, signing some papers she received a bank check for almost $10,300.00.

At just around noon, they gassed the car up and drove taking turns until they reached home.

They packed all the boxes inside the garage and returned the trailer to the U-Haul store by them. Then drove to Yvonne's college to check the mail, Yvonne was excited to find the insurance check there. At the bank she met with the manager to see what was best to do with all her money. They decided to put $250.000 in an investment portfolio meeting with them also was now an investment manager. That left a little less than $150,00.00 which they split between savings, checking and 6 month CD.

All of that done Yvonne called a a friend from the LGBTQ who had already started the transition to get the name of her doctors so she could begin. Calling the office she got an appointment for the next Wednesday.

Finally Thursday was here, Yvonne couldn't wait to celebrate her 1st New Year's with Duane. He came to the door and Mary let him in then calling for Yvonne she told her he's here.

Yvonne came down in a nice yellow sundress, with comfortable flats looking from above she saw that Duane had brought her a dozen roses.

As she stepped off the last step Duane looked at her as he put the roses forward as he said, "These are for you, they pale compared to how nice you look," then holding his hand out he took hers and they walked out as Mary took they roses to put in a vase.

They walked into Greg's apartment Duane with his chest out strutting his stuff thinking he had the most beautiful and wonderful girl here.

"Yvonne you look great," Greg said as he & Beth took their coats.

They drank, played games and Yvonne met so many new people, she had never had this much fun before. It seemed to her that nobody knew or noticed that she was a girl locked in a boys body.

They watched the ball down as the toasted the new year, everyone hugged and kissed as the New Year arrived. The 1st kiss was of course from Duane and when it was all over he kissed her again.

At around 1:00 everyone left but Duane & Yvonne who helped to clean up. When they were finished they left for the drive home.

"I had a great time, hope you did too." Duane said.

"I think this is the best day I've ever had," Yvonne said.

"I guess it's time to take you home," Duane said almost sadly.

"No I'd like to keep talking, how about we go to your place," Yvonne said.

"Sure it's kind of messy, if you don't mind," he said.

"No that's fine it's ok," she said.

As they walked in the door, it's the 1st time she had been here, looking around it wasn't really messy more homey inside.

They talked and talked, Yvonne told him about her upcoming appointment and how things would go when she was ready to fully transition. Duane listened to each and every word she said gladly seeming to be ready & willing to help her.

When they looked at the clock it was quarter to three and Duane finally said, "should I take you home or do you want to stay?"

Looking a bit shyly she said, "I'd really like to stay with you here tonight."

Taking her hand they went to his bedroom, Duane looked so nervous as he watched her get naked as he began to realize what he thought she might want.

As she stood there naked she looked up to him and said, "are you going to get naked, do you want me?"

Quickly he threw off his clothes then they lay down together and kissed with lots of tongue. Yvonne finally slid down the bed until she reached Duane's now really hard cock. Opening her mouth she took it inside teasing it with her tongue, but before she let him let out his load she released it looked up and said, "I want you in me, will you please be my 1st?"

"You want to give your virginity to me? I so happy you do, I really want you so badly," he answered her question.

Reaching into her bag she pulled out some lube then handing it to him she laid on her back. Lifting her legs up she holds them wide open and says to her lover, "I'm all yours my love please don't hurt me."

Duane lubed his cock and gently pressed it's head to her tight little ass. He felt a pop as his head entered inside as she let out a low moan her knew it was hurting.

"Are you ok, do want me to continue?" he asked.

"The pains gone away, no I want you inside me," she seemed to say almost sounding as if she was begging.

Pushing again a few inches went in, he could feel her ass tighten really tight and he held it there until it relaxed. Once he felt the tension loosen up he pushed again until he was fully inside and stayed there until he felt it relax.

"That feels so good," Yvonne said as she wiggled her ass as if begging for him to start moving.

Duane began pulling in & out he could feel her excitement as she pushed her hips back and forth.

Looking into her eyes Duane said as he made love to her sweet little ass, "I know I love you I've never felt like this about anyone ever, I love you Yvonne."

Looking back at him she softly said, "I love you too, please don't ever let me go. Once I transition I want you to be the 1st in my pussy, would you like that?"

"Yes I would," he said as his rhythm became faster and faster.

"Oh baby I'm gonna cum," he said almost all out of breath.

"Yes oh yes please fill my insides with you love juices," she said as she reached to caress his swollen balls.

Ramming deep inside his cock shoots his cum inside her as she squeezed it real tight as her muscle held him there. Her hips bucked back as each warm stream filled her up finally relaxing as the last little stream finished.

Slowly sliding out Duane said to her, "you know I've had some girls in the past but never ever have I a better orgasm you're more girl than any I've had."

Reaching up to kiss him they then held each other tightly then finally drifting off to sleep in each others arms.

"I just can't wait until I'm really a complete girl, I want him so badly," Yvonne was thinking as she finally nodded off feeling more like a girl now more than ever....

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