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Sister Vixen Ch. 01: Wild Thing

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Hild the Saxon discovers her true nature.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/10/2022
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My world changed forever at the age of fifteen; my mother died, and my father remarried.

My stepmother, Ora, was one of those blonde beauties men like so much, and her complexion, and attitude, bespoke her Danish blood. My father, Beorn, had long had eyes for her, and when my mother, Eda, died of a quinsy, he took her to his bed legally. I knew it was not the first time they had been together; I watch things. Sometimes it helps being so small. I get into places others can't. I know things others don't know I know. It helps.

Ora was a determined woman: determined, firstly, to produce an heir to the Eaorldom; secondly to produce a spare; and thirdly to rid herself of her tiresome little stepdaughter, Hild. Being the woman she was, she did all three, though it took a few years to get the third of them done.

At first little changed. Indeed, I had more time with Fr Cerdic and with Erian - the twin poles of my existence. My mother had tried to get me to do the things which would, she said, get me ready when father married me off. Once she was gone, Ora could not have cared less. That gave me more of the morning for Fr Cerdic, and more of the night for Erian - and before anyone supposes that meant anything to do with humping, forget it.

Erian was the burly shepherd who looked after the home flock of sheep. I loved helping. Of course, I loved the little lambkins, but I liked the whole thing - being out in the fields, sometimes all night, guarding the flock, and working with our dogs to keep them safe. Erian showed me how to use fire and stone to keep the wolves at bay. What amused me was that it continued the lesson I had been having with Fr Cerdic. Even as I was being told about David and his slingshot, Erian was teaching me how to use one. He also showed me how to use fire, and even a long knife, to deal with wolves who got too close. My first kill, he had the coat turned into a cloak for me to keep me warm on the cold evenings.

Ora did not know whether to be disgusted or pleased. I overheard her say to one of her maids:

"Hild is such a peculiar girl, no one is going to want a wife like that. We should talk to the nuns about her. I don't want to take any risks."

I did not like the sound of that. I was not quite sure what nuns did, but I was pretty sure it did not involve killing wolves and using the slingshot.

I determined to see my father and find out what was going on. I did not trust Ora as far as I could throw her - and give me a high cliff and I could have thrown her a long way. But he was no use at all. It seemed that women had some special hold over men - at least beautiful blonde ones with big tits.

Catty? Sure. Before Mama died, my father had always had a soft spot for his "little lambkin," but now, nothing I could say had any effect.

Ora bided her time well. By the time I reached eighteen, she had managed to work out a line which persuaded my father to send me away.

Over dinner, just after I turned eighteen, Ora raised the issue of my marriage.

"Beorn, she needs to be married. But who will have such a manly woman? Can you not send her to the Nuns to be made more feminine?"

This had been a theme of hers for some time. She had already produced a male heir, Edwin, and there was a spare on the way. She had timed it perfectly, from her point of view.

"Ora is right, Hild, you should do more womanly things. A stay with the nuns will make you more marriageable. You look too much like a boy."

And that was, he said, his final word.

I fumed. I did not want to be a nun. Nor did I want to get married.

I took myself down to the river to seek solitude in the wild, only to encounter Gyrtha, the youngest daughter of thegn Alfred who farmed the meadows down by the river. Not one to make friends, I had, nonetheless, talked with Gyrtha. There was something about her. I was not sure what it was, but there had been times when I felt I should have liked to have been closer to her. Our fingers had even lingered on each other at times. But no more than that - until now.

"You look angry, Hild!"

She stood there, in the river, her wet shift clinging to her body. I could see her pert, firm breasts, her nipples hard and jutting out, and the shape of her mound and the dark patch at the top of her legs.

She looked at me. I looked at her.

"What is it Hild?"

There was a look on her face which told me she knew very well what it was that had me excited.

"You look like a water nymph, Gyrtha."

"And you, Hild, look like a wood nymph."

I slipped my tunic off and stood naked before her.

"You have such small tits, Hild, but I like them."

We had teased each other occasionally, but this was different.

"Take that shift off, I want to see you as naked as I am."

Smiling, she obliged me.

I got into the water, and pulled her to me.

At five foot three, she was a good half foot taller, but that meant my face was ideally placed to suck on her breasts. I gripped her fine, meaty arse and began to suck her nipples as she cupped her breasts and held them there for me.

I felt a tingling between my thighs. I'd felt it before and rubbed it, which seemed to help. But now there was about it an urgency which demanded more. What if she felt the same? Taking the initiative, I slid my hand upwards, over her hair and then pushed three fingers between her thighs.

She moaned my name, but far from recoiling, she pushed herself against my hand. I recognised that need, so slipped two fingers between her swollen lips, finding her hot, sticky hole and opening her inner lips, pressed up. That made her push right down until I felt my hand rubbing against the bone. I knew what that meant. She wanted me to take her.

Oblivious to the fact we were both up to our knees in water, I fingered her. I had no idea what I was doing, but knew enough to know that men pushed their things into women, and assumed that was what a woman needed.

Gyrtha's hands held my head to her tits as I sucked hard on her nipples. I felt so on fire, despite the water. I wished I had possessed the strength to lift her and carry her to the bank to take her. Instead, I took her where she stood.

Ignoring the urge to rub myself, I took Gyrtha with an urgency stemming from my own needs. Slamming my hand up and fingers in, she began to gasp.

"Bite my teats, bite me!"

I did. That set off a series of spasms which I could not control. She was bigger and heavier than me, and as her knees buckled and she fell, I fell with her into the water.

Her face was flushed, her hair hanging in rat's tails; but there was a huge grin on her lips.

"Wow! That was amazing, Want me to do it to you?"

I must have looked a similar mess, but wanted something else.

"I am tight there, could you lick me?"

She grinned.

"Thought you would never ask!"

So that was how I had my first orgasm, lying wet, on the bank of the river, with Gyrtha's pretty face licking my cunt. I was so on fire that it took no time at all. Then, having recovered, I told her I wanted to taste her - and did.

I did not get back home till late.

If I had hoped that my absence would have changed my father's mind, I was sorely disappointed.

Ora, who never lifted a finger to help in the house, started packing a bag for me.

"You won't need much in the convent, Hild, but these will be useful.'

I glared at her and went out to the woods to console myself.

I spent most of the day with Erian and the flock on the western hill. It was idyllic.

"What's up, Hild? You are not your usual self."

I told him.

"I am sorry to hear that, but you will have to do what he says. You have no choice."

Be damned to that, I thought, my temper beginning to flare. I would have a choice, thought, even if it was one no one else would choose. As I felt the wind on my face, I knew what I was going to have to do. I went to see Fr Cerdic to make my confession and then went home.

That night I made one final attempt to dissuade my father, who simply worked himself into a rage.

"I told you, Hild, my mind is made up. You WILL go tomorrow when the coach comes, and that, my girl, is my very final word!"

Well, it was the final one he spoke to me for a long time, as later that night I packed a few things in a bag and headed for the forest. I was not, as I told Erian, going to be a bloody nun. What I was going to do was to live in the forest.

For the next month that was precisely what I did. I knew the place like the back of my hand. Up in the hills there were caves where I could shelter and make a fire to cook what I could kill. I would make the occasional raid on the home farm to steal eggs and vegetables. Erian kept me informed about the fury raised by my departure.

Apparently, my father (typical man) blamed Ora for "going too far," and it was only the fact that she was with child again that saved her from being banished from his presence.

Fr Cerdic knew where I was, but said nothing. I had confessed my plan to him, and knew that, bound by the seal of the confessional, he would say nothing; nor did he.

I was fortunate that it was not only high summer, but a good one. The weather was sunny, but not too hot, and the woods were my safe place. Erian worried about my safety as there were outlaws who sometimes hid there, but with the self-confidence of youth, I feared no one and nothing. Woe betides the wolf who got in my way. But, as it happened, Erian had not been wrong about the outlaws.

I liked to spend time up in the branches of the trees. I could see far, and no one could see me; there was nothing to fear - unless I got careless or tired - and I did neither of those things.

If I sheltered near the road, I could watch travellers coming and going - the monks, the merchants, the itinerant peddlers, and the pilgrims. All were grist to my mill and helped me while away the time between hunting, stealing, and eating.

Then, one long, hot afternoon, I saw a small convoy come into view. I liked to guess who the travellers were and even made up stories about them to amuse myself. This, I thought, looked like the waggon of some Thegn, and there were three armed men travelling with it. Whatever it contained was valuable. That, I thought, was a foolish thing to advertise. Three men? Would that be enough to hold off robbers? Or would it simply advertise to them that there was something worth stealing? If I were a robber, I knew how I would react. I amused myself by loading my slingshot. I could, I thought, take out two of the men before the third one knew what was happening, and I could load up again fast enough to take him.

Just as I was running through how I would do it, I sensed movement, even before I saw anything. Living wild attuned the senses, and I soon saw I was right. A moment or two after my senses tingled, I saw some movement in the bushes. Then, of a sudden, four men leapt out. Taking the guards by surprise, they made easy meat of them.

"Right, what have we here?"

The leader of the group, a tall, ill-favoured fellow, seemed in high good humour. One of his henchmen pulled back the canvas - revealing two women.

"Do not harm us, please!" The older of the two women pleaded. "I am the cousin of the Thegn Beorn, and he will pay well for our release."

"Fuck that! And, come to think of it, that's what we're going to do to you both. What do you say boys?"

There was enthusiastic agreement.

The two women looked terrified.

Well, a man is seldom as vulnerable when all his blood has run from his brain to his prick and his trousers are at half mast, so it was like shooting fish in a barrel - but much more fun. Taking good aim, I fired three swift shots, hitting one on his right temple and laying him out cold, another between the eyes, to the same effect, and, much more fun, a third to his balls which had him doubled up.

The ringleader looked round, hastily pulling his trousers up.

"Show yourself, who are you?"

I could have taken the bastard out with another shot, but this was a wolf I wanted to deal with myself.

I leapt down from my perch.

"I am Hild!"

The look on his face was priceless.

"Who, what, fuck?"

He drew his knife and came at me.

It was easy to evade his clumsy thrusts, and, ducking under his attempt to stab me in the throat, I plunged my hunting knife into his guts and twisted it. His scream could have been heard back at the Home Farm. Pulling it out to maximise the damage, I wiped it on his tunic and left him moaning. He would die, but not quickly.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

The older woman leapt from the carriage.

She was taller than average, her once flaxen hair now tinged with a little grey.

"I am Elfrida, and my cousin, the Thegn, will reward you. This," she said, pointing to a younger woman with her blonde hair in braided plaits, "is my daughter, Torfrida."

"I would not be so sure," I said, "Aunt!"

"Aunt? You said your name was Hild, not Beorn's Hild?"

"The very same."

She looked puzzled, as she had every right to be.

"Can I suggest," I said, that we see to your men and I bind these three idiots?"

That was what we did.

One of their men was too far gone to save, but the other two would recover. I bound the three outlaws and left their leader to bleed out his miserable life.

"Should you not show some Christian charity to him, cousin?" Torfrida, asked.

"Cousin, what mercy would they have shown you and your mother? If he lived, he would seek revenge. This way you are safe - and so am I."

"I see, my niece, that you have a ruthless streak."

"Aunt," I said, "I am in exile here. I will see you safely to the Home Farm, but do not expect my father to welcome me."

As we travelled on, I told them my tale.

As we came into sight of the Farm, people stared and pointed. One needed no genius to work out why. It is not, after all, every day that one sees a carriage of three women, containing two wounded me, with three half naked men tied together walking behind it.

The commotion brought out my father.

"What the devil! Elfrida! Torfrida - Hild!"

"Father," I said, "the prodigal daughter returns. I do hope a fatted calf is on offer, as I could eat it by myself."

And the father I had always loved re-emerged.

"My daughter - what shall I do with you! Break out the ale, Hild is back. Now what the fuck is all this?"

Ora, no doubt aroused by the noise from her slumbers, came out - she stood open mouthed.

"Mama," I grinned, "how kind of you to welcome me back!"

If looks could have killed, I would have been dead on the spot. But they can't, so I wasn't.

Over food and ale, Elfrida told the tale of what had happened. Ora looked daggers at me, but as I was the one with the dagger, her looks were of no matter to me. What did matter was the looks my father shot me - which were ones of love and even admiration.

Elfrida had been sent to see us by her husband, who wanted to know whether we might take Torfrida in for a while. There was trouble in his manors from Danish raiders, and he felt she might be safer with us - which was a little ironic in view of what had happened on the road earlier.

After dinner, he pulled me aside.

"Thank you for saving your cousin and her daughter. I am not going to send you to that convent, it would be a waste. What I am going to do it send you to see Harold the Smith."

I looked at him.

"I don't want to be a blacksmith, either!'

He burst out laughing and explained his reasoning.

Thus it was over the next few months that, after I had done my letters with Fr Cerdic, I would spend a few hours at the Smithy. Alfred had been one of the late King Edmund's Housecarls, and what he did not know about sword work was not worth knowing. He fashioned a smaller weapon to suit my build, showing me how to make such a thing - which fascinated me. That sizzle as cold water cascaded over the glowing metal - and the sharpening process.

A few months with such a skilled teacher made me much more confident about my ability to protect myself. As my father had explained, these were dangerous times, and as I seemed to have a gift for self-defence, best that I cultivated that.

So I stayed and I watched.

Ora got lazier and lazier as her time approached. Elfrida, experienced in these matters, stayed to help her, and Torfrida helped her,

Some afternoons I would slip out to the river to see Gyrtha, and we would make love. This continued for a few months, but then one day, as we lay together in a post-orgasmic haze, she said:

"This must end my love. I am to be betrothed to Edgar, Thegn Eric's son. It is a good match, and will bring my family much wealth."

In my heart I had known something like this would happen. Why was there change? Just when I felt settled, this had to happen.

I pretended not to mind. I pretended to be happy for her. I pretended I was okay. In short, I pretended. I even, of course, accepted the invitation to the wedding.

Gyrtha looked so beautiful that I could have cried. Why could I not marry her? I loved her, she loved me. But I knew I could not even ask the question. So, as a good friend should, I laughed and was happy with her, even helping undress her for her husband and their wedding night.

As I left the antechamber, I felt a great sense of loss.

Back in the Great Hall the celebrations were in full swing, ale being drunk by the yard. Some oaf tried to grope me and got his wrist twisted up his back for his pains.

I saw one of the servants approach my father. He gestured to me.

"Go join Elfrida, Ora's time is upon her!"

Grateful for any excuse to avoid celebrating what gave me such pain, even helping Ora was preferable.

Elfrida, Torfrida and the wise woman were all there, and it was clear that Ora was far gone.

Torfrida and I helped with cloths and water, and knowing that one day, we would be squatting where Ora was, we watched and learned.

The wise woman said that Ora was a "natural."

"You have such wide hips that there is plenty of room for your child, and your cunt is dilating nicely like last time. That," she said, turning to Torfrida and I, "matters. You, Hild, you will have trouble, you are small there and in the hips."

Thanks, I thought.

Torfrida looked embarrassed.

"You, my dear, will be fine, like your mother, you have a good set of hips, and I am sure that when your time comes you will be good."

That, I guessed, was telling me.

Ora produced, yet another boy, so my father would be delighted. We let the older women deal with Ora and her boy - Siward he was called.

"I am sorry she said that" Torfrida said.

"It was true, and of no matter. I have no intention of getting married."

She smiled at me.

"Now that Gyrtha is taken?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think you were unobserved?"

Well, I thought, she would not be saying this without a motive, and after a few cups of ale, I was not sure I cared.

"As it happens, I did. Were you watching?"

She blushed, which made her look even prettier.

"I was."

"And did your hands go here?"

I asked, feeling her breasts above her gown.

Whimpering, she nodded.

"And here?"

I asked, pulling her skirts up.

"Oh God, yes!"

"Well, as you have observed, let's practice, shall we?"

"Whatever you say, Hild!"

How could I refuse?

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GayKatGayKatover 1 year ago

Oh We Love Hild,,, Yes!

Hallo My Lady Pixiehoff!

We love all of your stories, but especially those about Female Warriors, and Hild seems to be a very fun and ruthless lady, she could have cutoff the ringleaders prick and shoved it down his throat, but I suppose that might be going a little too far for some readers..

"Oh". Your asking about me?... Well hmm :-) ..

Thank-You, 5-Stars and 5-Screaming Orgasms,,, Yes!

The Black Queen and Gay Kat.

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you so much, darling Wolfie, and apologies for not spotting this lovely comment earlier xxxxx

Save_Classic_ViewSave_Classic_Viewover 1 year ago
How Are You Feeling Pixie?

Dear Pixie,

I hope you are feeling well and holding back publishing your works to allow June to establish her published works.

As you can see Pixie, I created an account on Literotica, because I plan to upload your Anniversary Statistics upon their completion.

Altogether, I sorted all your 308 published works 45 times and created six slide decks.

You should receive the last slide deck by next Monday.

Then, I will complete your July, August, and September statistics in October.

Plus, I will do June's statistics.

Please, Enjoy Your Day Pixie, and Stay Healthy & Safe



PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you, SexyBoi xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Dr beulahthemick, my thoughts and prayers are with you xxxxx

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