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Sisterly Bonds Ch. 11

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The first day of the Sam and Cal's new lives away from home.
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Part 13 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/29/2017
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All characters are over 18.


Cal's grip had tightened.

Sam could tell, despite having only slept in the same bed with her twice, that Cal had tightened her grip on her when she held her in her sleep. It almost felt... desperate, as if she were a child clinging onto her teddy bear. It nearly broke Sam's heart to see her in such a terrified state the day before. For two hours she'd simply held onto Cal, just letting her cry and speak her mind and enjoy her embrace.

Sam sighed, resting in the bed she was currently sharing with her older sister, facing away so that Cal could be the "big spoon". She could hear the soft, content, peaceful breathing of Cal, who had fallen fully asleep minutes earlier. She could feel the rising and falling of her chest as she was being held so close to her. Sam moved as close as she could, Cal's arms tightening a little bit, but not as if she was choking her. It was a tight grip, but it wasn't a painful grip.

Sam sighed, closing her eyes as she let the embrace of sleep grab her, her thoughts troubled and focused on her sister.

The next morning

Cal yawned and blinked her eyes open. The first thing she noticed was Sam in her arms. A strange giddiness entered her, her expression turning to a smile as she held onto her, kissing the back of her neck.

At this point, she didn't care if Sam didn't feel the same way. She wanted it badly, more than anything else she'd ever wanted, but if Sam was willing to be a companion and accept her like this, then she'd certainly be happy with it.

A certain pang entered her heart at that moment. She let her thoughts turn to her sister in a different light. As much as she craved her sister's company, she still knew she was her own person. It hurt Cal to think that she was indirectly forcing her sister to do this, despite Sam being okay with it. However, Sam's words to her gave her some comfort.

"It doesn't matter if it takes my time." She'd said. "I care about you more than anyone else. I'll be with you whenever you need me. We're sisters. We gotta stick together and look out for each other."

Cal smiled, sighing as she released Sam, the latter turning over a little in her sleep. The older sister quietly walked into the kitchen, beginning to get out several food items.

With Sam

The younger of the two sisters woke up about an hour after Cal did, stretching her limbs to awaken them some. She felt of the bed, noticing that her older sister wasn't in it.

"Odd." She said to herself. "I didn't think she was an early riser... back when we lived with that drunk monster, she would sleep at least two hours later than me... though, I guess she did different stuff than now. Oh well... say, what smells so good?"

Sam followed her nose to reach the kitchen, where Cal was busy making omelets and humming a cheery tune to herself. As if to complete the look of a chef, she had put on a chef's apron, though, considering the obvious stains on it, it might have just been a precautionary measure.

Sam, not wanting to disturb her, sat down at the table, waiting until Cal turned around. Upon seeing her younger sister, she jumped a little, not having expected her to be sitting there.

Regaining her composure, Cal gave a small pout that Sam had to try her hardest not to giggle at. Cal crossed her arms, looking as if whatever she'd had planned was ruined.

"I wanted to make you breakfast in bed." She said. Sam noticed her voice was a bit louder than it had been since they got to this house. Perhaps it was waking up and not having to be hit. Inwardly, Sam smiled. She was getting her confidence back up.

"Oh." Sam said. "Well, uh, sorry. I guess I ruined that... I could go back to bed if you want."

"No, no, it's fine." Cal held up a hand, her expression, concerned, as if she didn't want to trouble Sam any more than she already had (which was truly none at all if you asked Sam). "I'll just serve you here."

"Oh, that's okay." Sam said, no negativity in her tone. "I can get my food myself."

"Oh." Cal said, slouching slightly. Sam felt the tiniest pull at her heartstrings, noticing just how Cal could affect her like that.

"But, if you want to feed me, that's okay." Sam said. Cal's posture returned to normal and a smile appeared on her face, which also made Sam feel good inside.

"I'd like that." Cal said, trying to contain her excitement and doing a surprisingly good job. Sam couldn't have been able to tell.

Once Cal finished the omelets, she divided them up between the two of them.

"I made your favorite kind." She said, smile still on her face. "Ham, spinach, and onions."

"Wow." Sam said. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Cal brought out two glasses of orange juice, giving one to Sam and taking one for herself. "I also made us orange juice."

"Again, wow." Sam said, hiding her surprise that Cal had done all this. "How long did this take you?"

"About two hours." Cal said sheepishly. "This oven is a complicated machine."

"Yeah, Carol did mention that." Sam said. "She also said the washer and dryer shake a lot... and then she said something about "popping off like firecrackers". That's a sex term, isn't it?"

"Basically, she's saying the washer and dryer are like two large vibrators if you use them a certain way." Cal said. "That is... interesting, actually."

"You're thinking of incorporating it into bondage, aren't you?" Sam raised an eyebrow.

"I-is it that obvious?" Cal blushed slightly, almost unnoticeably.

"Pretty much." Sam smirked. "But, it's what makes you who you are. You don't ever have to change that... unless we have guests over... then, you'd most likely have to change it until they leave, but that's beside the point. My point is don't ever change yourself because you're beautiful and special as you are."

Cal's eyes began to well up with tears as she sniffled at the statement. She grabbed Sam in a quick hug.

"Thanks." She whispered, giving one last sniffle before she wiped her eyes, cutting up the omelets and holding up a bite for Sam to take.

"Open wide." She said.

Sam opened her mouth, Cal placing the bite into her mouth. As Sam ate it, her eyes widened as she experienced the delectable flavor.

"This is delicious." She said. "I love it."

"Y-you do?" Cal asked.

"Yep." Sam nodded. "It's very good. You did a great job."

The look on Cal's face could have melted ice, the smile was so bright. She looked overjoyed that Sam liked her food.

"Great." She said after she'd stopped smiling. "I wanted to make it special to mark our first meal together in this new home."

"Well, it sure did." Sam said.

"Thanks." Cal said, smiling again as the blush returned.

"You're welcome." Sam said. "By, the way, Christmas is coming up, so we should get some things to decorate. Carol will be here next week, so she can help us with some of it."

"Okay." Cal said. "When are we going to get supplies?"

"I suppose today would be as good a day as any." Sam shrugged, being fed another bite. "We'll have to dress for winter, though. It's pretty cold outside. I noticed it was thirty seven degrees (Fahrenheit) outside today when I looked at the thermometer on the door."

"wow, that's cold." Cal said. "It wasn't that cold when we moved here, was it?"

"Well, we really didn't spend much time outside." Sam said. "We rode in Carol's toasty car and this place has a heated garage area, so we didn't feel it. It was like forty five."

"Wow." Cal's eyes widened. "Good thing we grabbed our warm clothes."

"It is." Sam nodded. "Well after we finish this lovely breakfast, let's go and get what we need."

"Alright!" Cal said, contained excitement in her voice as she continued to feed Sam.

After the two sisters had finished their breakfast, they put on their winter attire and walked out into the cold.

Sam wore an azure furry coat and dark brown boots that had dark blue fur inside. Her gloves were blue with brown pads on the palms. Her scarf was striped with blue and brown. Her pants were a dark brown and were made of down. Her hat was pink with darker blue strings and came down like earmuffs, almost completely covering her brown hair, the brim almost hiding her dark brown eyes.

Cal's attire was mostly white, with a pair of green gloves, a green and white striped scarf, and a green hat with white strings, which covered her red-orange hair and almost covered her blue eyes.

"Uh, c-can I..." Cal asked, having trouble saying her sentence correctly, both from the cold and from the nervousness she had gained as she prepared to ask the question on her mind. "C-can I hold your... hand?"

Sam looked a little surprised, but she then smiled, holding out her right hand to Cal. The twenty year old took it, smiling. Sam, however, knew better. Cal may have looked only mildly happy in this action, but she was ecstatic on the inside. Sam didn't doubt that Cal might start skipping if she knew how. And, that red coloring to her cheeks certainly wasn't all the cold's doing.

"Shall we?" Sam asked, the two beginning to walk down the street.

"Where are we going first?" Cal asked.

"Well, we'll need ribbons and bows for presents." Sam said, her breath forming a cloud in front of her.

"I think the hobby store is nearby." Cal said, pointing with her right hand. "Just a block or two that way. We'll be there in no time."

"Alright." Sam said, nodding as the two started walking. Sam noticed the cold, but Cal's focus was almost completely on her hand... particularly the one being held by Sam's. Her heart was skipping as many beats as was possible before being considered a problem.

As they walked, several people looked at them, simply out of noticing motion, but it made Cal nervous all the same, her face reddening further. Sam squeezed her hand, giving her a reassuring smile as the two walked, arriving at the hobby store in just under half an hour.

Upon arriving, the two were immediately hit with a blast of warm air that made them feel good inside. They took off their hats and walked around the store, attempting to find the supplies they needed. Sam broke away from Cal, patting her on the shoulder.

"Wouldn't want you to see what I get you, now would we?" She winked, Cal's breath hitching momentarily. Sam walked towards another section of the store from Cal, the older of the two heading over to the ribbon section.

Sam, on the other hand, was heading over to the artist's section, picking up several fancy pencils and pens as well as some colored varieties, placing them in a store-provided bag so as to hide them and avoid being mistaken for a shoplifter. Walking up to the register, she looked over to see if Cal was anywhere around.

Finding she wasn't, she paid for the items, smiling at the clerk and hiding them in her coat. She then headed for the ribbon section to find Cal.

Cal, though, headed over to the clerk with the ribbons as well as several small notebooks that writers used. The clerk rang up her items, Cal placing them into a bag as she found Sam walking over.

"I got the ribbons and bows." Cal said.

"Great." Sam said. "Now, let's hurry home before we lose this warm feeling."

"Right." Cal smiled.

The two joined hands once again, replacing their hats as they headed out into the cold weather. It took another thirty minutes to reach the apartment complex where they resided, but they made it anyway. Once inside, they took off their cold over-clothes and went and hid their items, Cal placing the ribbons and such on the table.

"It is so cold." Sam shivered a bit.

"Let's shower together." Cal suggested. "We'd warm up faster."

"O-okay." Sam nodded, crossing her arms over herself. She went into the bathroom and tuned on the water, letting it warm up. Cal walked in, her posture seemingly nervous.

"Well, look who's a little nervous now." Sam chuckled. "Well, let's hurry and get undressed."

"Y-you won't think I look ugly, will you?" Cal asked, her now timid tone suggesting she was expecting the answer.

"Of course not." Sam said, taking Cal's still cold hands in her own. "I promise. You're beautiful, Cal, and I'm not just saying that to make you feel better. You look attractive for your age."

"I don't have what most others have." Cal said, looking down.

"But, that stuff's all fake." Sam pat her, running her fingers comfortingly through Cal's hair. "You're natural, you don't hide behind makeup and surgery."

"O-okay." Cal sighed, beginning to strip. Sam noticed several bruises scattered on her body, but let the anger fade away as a slight blush overtook her.

"Damn." Sam thought. "I gotta say, I wasn't expecting her to be this good looking. Not even speaking romantically or any of that stuff, she looks good... those bruises will go away soon, so she will have less to think of marring her beauty..."

"you look really good." Sam said, trying to find a set of words that couldn't be taken in any wrong ways."

"A-are you sure?" Cal asked, covering herself with her hands. "I-I was told I'd never have anyone with it."

"I am one hundred percent sure your body is very pretty." Sam said, taking Cal's hands once again. "I'm not even saying that in terms of society. I think you are beautiful."

Cal blushed, squirming slightly, this praise in its context a bit embarrassing to her, despite having wanted the exact thing to happen.

"Now, it's my turn." Sam said, beginning to take her clothes off. She made sure to take them off in a way that wouldn't lead to anything besides showering, standing naked in front of Cal.

Cal looked at her, blushing harder.

"E-even though I've seen it before, I'm so nervous about seeing it again." Cal said. "Y-you look really good."

"Why, thank you." Sam giggled a bit. "Now, the water should be warm. Let's get in."

"Are we gonna take a b-bath?" Cal asked.

"Not this time." Sam said. "We're just gonna quickly get warmed up and I kinda wanted you to show me your bondage stuff."

"O-okay." Cal nodded, getting a little enthusiastic. "C-can I tie you up again?"

"This time, I would like to tie you up." Sam said.

"O-okay." Cal nodded, still excited.

"You said that rather quickly." Sam said. "I thought you mostly liked doing the tying."

"With you" Cal said, holding her hands out to Sam with her closed palms facing up. "I don't care what position I have to play."

"If we weren't talking about bondage, that would be twice as cute." Sam laughed, which caused Cal to laugh a little too. "Now, let's get in."

Both sisters entered the shower, Cal getting behind Sam and draping her arms over her shoulders.

Sam leaned back into it to allow Cal to hold onto her as they felt the hot water fall onto them. It stung a little on their cold bodies, but they soon became used to it, simply letting it flow over them.

"Are we going to wash each other?" Cal asked softly.

"Not now." Sam said. "This is just to warm us up. We're just gonna let the water wash over us and let it feel good."

"Alright." Cal said, content to just hold her little sister.

Once the two had warmed up their bodies, Sam shut off the water, the sisters stepping out of the shower, dripping wet. Sam grabbed two large, fluffy towels from the closet, handing one to Cal, who took it with a smile, wrapping herself up in it.

"We should get some bathrobes." Cal said, grabbing a smaller towel for her hair. She wrapped it around her hair, pulling the larger towel closer around her.

"We should." Sam nodded in agreement. "And, we could dry them in the dryer while we shower so they're nice and warm when we get out."

"Oh, that would feel so nice." Cal said. "Let's do it."

"We'll have to find a place that sells good ones for a good price." Sam said. "I don't know of any."

"We could shop online?" Cal suggested.

"Maybe." Sam said. "I guess we'll just have to figure it out. If we get some, let's not ust leave it as surprise Christmas presents, but just get them and use them."

"Okay." Cal said. "Let's get them with our names on them."

"Okay." Sam nodded in agreement. "That's a cool idea."

Cal smiled, wrapping her arms (and the towel) around Sam. Sam laughed a little. She much preferred this side of Cal, the side that wasn't afraid to show her feelings and emotions, the side that didn't have to force cruelty, the side that was genuinely happy, the side that showed her genuine desire for her, despite Sam not feeling the same. However, she was willing to do anything to make sure Cal never had to go back to her other side, her mask she used to hide her true feelings about her sister or anything.

"Ooh, now it's extra warm in here." Sam said. "But, I guess we should get dressed. Let's have some chicken soup real quick to heat us up even more and then you can show me your stuff."

"Okay!" Cal nodded, excited to show her sister more about her fascination. "I hope it's not the kind with the carrots in it... mother refused to get the other kind because I asked for the kind without."

Sam felt her anger boil once again, but once again subdued it to comfort Cal.

"It's alright." She said, patting her arm as the two headed to their rooms (Cal and Sam each stored their things in separate rooms, regardless of where they slept) to change.

Cal came out in a white, short sleeved pajama shirt with a green heart and fuzzy white pajama pants with green candy cane stripes down the side.

Sam came out in a blue tank top and dark blue pajama pants.

"Seems a little cold for that." Cal said, blushing as she looked at her. "N-not that you're not v-very hot... I, uh..."

"Stammering and blushing at me in this after we just showered together." Sam chuckled. "You must really be embarrassed."

"I-I am." Cal blushed harder. "E-especially with how the tank top shows of your nice body..."

"Yours is nice too." Sam reminded her.

"Your breasts are bigger." Cal said.

"Most of that assumption is because my body is smaller than yours." Sam said. "Ours could actually be the same size. Who knows. But, it doesn't matter anyway. They're just breasts. I mean, neither of us is really the type to go get some guy to date, so it doesn't matter."

"I... I guess you're right." Cal said.

"Now" Sam pat her shoulder. "Let's get some hot soup in us. I'm still kinda chilly."

"Okay." Cal said, nodding. "Can... can I feed you again?"

"Well, not this time." Sam said. "Since we're trying to warm up, you should focus on eating your own. For supper, you probably can though."

"Okay." Cal nodded, accepting the compromise.

The two went to the kitchen, Sam heating up two cans of soup and pouring them into bowls.

"You don't put water in it?" Cal asked.

"No." Sam said. "It's thin enough as it is. It doesn't need water. Now, that brand from the convenience store needs it."

"Yeah." Cal nodded as Sam set her bowl in front of her. Both girls smiled at each other, beginning to eat their warm soup.

"This is really good." Cal said, Sam nodding in agreement. After finishing the soup and putting their dishes in the dishwasher, both sisters walked to the room Cal kept her things in and Cal pulled out several boxes.

"You have a lot of boxes for this." Sam said.

"Not really." Cal said. "It's organized. Ropes and binding materials are in this box, sexual stuff in this one, and other accessories and add-ons in the last one."

"Sexual stuff?" Sam asked.

"Yeah." Cal said. "You know, like vibrators and dildos and stuff like that."

"Why do you own those?" Sam said. "That doesn't seem your thing."

"W-well" Cal blushed slightly. "When I started watching bondage videos I saw them use this stuff, so I bought it for myself because it was so cool and I wanted to do that with you. Well the sexual stuff I only got after I turned eighteen. You know, laws and stuff."


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