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Sisterly Seduction of Samuel Ch. 04

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Zoey tastes her brother's cock, straight out of her butt.
8.6k words

Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 01/26/2024
Created 07/25/2023
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AUTHOR'S NOTE AND A WARNING TO READERS: This story is about Zoey, 18, trying to seduce her older brother Samuel, 21. It's a story about incest, and of new discoveries, and perhaps some kinky fetishes further down the line. Time will tell.

It is a work of fiction, and all of the characters in the story are above the age of eighteen.

I intend to write a new chapter of this story each week. If there's something you'd like to see in a future chapter, please do let me know. I like when readers engage in the process and let their wishes be known. Thank you.


The night that Zoey and her older brother became lovers had changed everything for her. She had loved him before that, for as long as she could remember, but now they had finally taken that step towards a much closer and more intimate relationship that she had dreamt of for so long. No one could ever love another as much as she loved him now - he was the center of her world. Every moment they shared together made her heart flutter with affection. And he seemed to feel it too, the way he was placing little kisses all over her face on their walk home on the night of the water lantern festival - reminding her that she was his, that she belonged to him, and that she was always welcome in his embrace. Zoey was floating on clouds.

That's why she was a bit surprised when he came to a complete stop, just before they entered their home that memorable night. He looked at her with a strained expression, pulled her into his arms and whispered:

"Thank you so much for tonight, sis. I had the best time. I'm sorry, but you have to sleep in your own bed tonight. I don't want our parents finding out.." He let go of her and opened the front door to the house.

"Do I really have to? I want to sleep in your bed with you.." Zoey pleaded, her voice whiny. He smiled at her apologetically, gave her a little nod, then took off his shoes and headed straight for his bedroom, without saying another word.

Zoey just stood there, shocked for a moment by what she had just heard - had their first time meant so little to her brother? They had just been more intimate than ever before and now he was sending her off to her own room all alone? But then, when she had processed it for a moment, she realized that perhaps he was right. Their relationship would be something they would have to hide from their parents and friends, and she was so love-struck right now that perhaps their intimacy would have been obvious to any observers.

She sighed deeply, kicked off her own shoes and carried them over to the shoe rack. The lamp in the hall was switched on, as was one of the lights above the sink in the kitchen. She headed towards the bathroom upstairs, her emotions caught in a knot. Zoey quickly undressed herself, and noticed the scent of Samuel still lingered - on her skin and in her hair - but it wasn't enough. She wanted him near her. Inside of her again. Frustrated, she washed away her make-up and then stepped into the shower to rinse away all the grime of the day.

The water was warm and soothing. It was a comforting feeling, but as she caught her reflection in the glass door of the shower, she suddenly felt sad. Tears welled up in her eyes. She missed her brother already, although she knew that he was right about them having to hide their love for one another from other people. Their parents would never approve of them being together, even though she felt that Samuel was the most wonderful and perfect boyfriend imaginable. Why was life so unfair? Why couldn't the world understand that what they shared was something truly special? Just because they were siblings, they had to hide their true emotions?

As she rubbed soap all over her little body, she suddenly stopped once she got to her butt. Samuel's semen was still in there. It was such a naughty and sexy feeling, and it brought a smile back to her face. That cherished moment in that bathroom in the park had been so naughty. He was the only person who could ever make her feel this way. What was their relationship status now, anyways? Were they boyfriend and girlfriend as well as brother and sister? They had never explicitly confirmed that. Yet Zoey felt confident enough that everything would change between them now, after this shared experience of intimacy. Change for the better.

--- 2 ---

"Wow, you're up early.." Gabrielle - Zoey's mother - said with a look of genuine surprise on her face. It was just past six o'clock in the morning and Zoey had barely managed to get any sleep at all. "Did you have fun last night at the festival?"

Her mother and father were both seated at the breakfast table. They would soon head off to work once more, both of them being workaholics spending much of their time at their respective offices. In fact, Zoey had spent most of the recent years eating her meals by herself, since her brother had been away for college.

"I had so much fun!" Zoey responded enthusiastically, thinking of her time with her brother, and plopping herself down into a chair opposite from them. "It was awesome! And the night ended with fireworks!" she said with a grin on her face. "Oh, and we've got some gifts for you! But you'll get them when Sam wakes up."

"That's nice, sweetie. You're so thoughtful!" her mother said. Her father was swallowed up by something he was reading on his laptop and didn't say a single word. "I hope you didn't give your brother too much trouble.." her mom said with an expression that looked like it was caught somewhere between annoyance and concern. "You can get a bit over-excited sometimes, you know.." She paused, then continued: "And the way you cling to him probably bothers him a bit now that he's older."

"Actually, Samuel likes it when I'm all over him!" Zoey answered, as if it was a matter of pride, then got herself a bowl and the box of cereal. "Sometimes he acts like he's annoyed, but deep down I can tell that he likes it." Zoey filled her bowl with cereal, putting the milk in first, making her father take his eyes off of his laptop for a second to frown disapprovingly. "I mean, he's always been my favorite person in the entire world, so it's only natural for me to want to be with him and spend time together, don't you think?" Zoey continued.

Her mother let out a little sigh, and gave her a puzzled look. "I know he wasn't home much these past few years due to his studies, and that you're heading off to college in the autumn, so that you want to maximize your time together. I understand that, just.." She seemed like she was having a hard time putting her thoughts into words. "It's just that he's growing up now and becoming a man, and you're still his little sister.." her mom finally finished.

"Mom.." Zoey interrupted her, trying not to sound annoyed or offended by her words, but not quite succeeding. "He likes having me close by. We had a great time yesterday at the festival. Don't make an issue out of something that isn't there.."

"Alright, alright.. No need to get all upset over it." her mom responded with a huff. "But if you keep doing that, people might get the wrong impression of the two of you. You know, you're older now and.. You can't be too close with him, okay? That could lead to.. bad things.."

Her father spoke up now. "Gabrielle, you're overreacting. Our kids have always been close and it's only natural for them to spend time together. There's nothing to worry about.." he said, trying to mediate.

But Gabrielle gave her daughter a certain look. An expression that implied she might suspect that Zoey didn't just look at Samuel the way most sisters looked at their siblings. It made her feel uncomfortable, as it seemed like they were catching onto something, despite everything she had done to hide the truth from them. She swallowed a spoonful of cereal and milk with an audible gulp. Zoey tried to look as innocent as possible, but she felt her heart sinking to her feet. Was she being too obvious with her brother? When he had been rejecting her advances, it wasn't so bad because technically she hadn't been doing anything wrong. But now.. Would she have to change how she behaved around him, when her parents were home? It was not the best feeling in the world.

Her mom said nothing else to her after that, but Zoey could feel her gaze upon her even while she was eating. It felt like it was following her every move, as if she were some sort of criminal who had done something forbidden. She couldn't have been more relieved once they were done with breakfast and both her parents were ready to head off for work.

"W-When will you be home tonight?" Zoey chirped up. "So we can.. Hand you the gifts we got you!" she added with a forced smile, trying to sound innocent and playful. She really hoped they would forget about this entire conversation about her and Samuel, and maybe some thoughtful gifts would be a great distraction. Plus, she really wanted to know how much time she'd have alone with her older brother.

"We won't be back until very late again." her dad answered. "Around nine PM I reckon. Have dinner with your brother if he's home. If not, just get yourself some pizza using the money we keep in the cookie jar, sweetie." he smiled at her. Her mother said nothing at first, just studied Zoey with an inquisitive look.

"I might pop back home for lunch or something, though.." she said, her gaze calculated. "You never know." Then her expression changed from suspicious to sweet. "Thank you in advance for getting us gifts. We're looking forward to them! Bye-bye now!"

And just like that they were off, and Zoey was left with the dilemma of trying to process what had just transpired. Her mother never came home for lunch. She was definitely suspicious. Zoey started walking back and forth through the living room area, trying to think of something she might have done differently. Something that elevated her mother's inkling that something might be off to a level not experienced before. Was it because she and Samuel had been out so late? No, that seemed unlikely. Was it just because she would always follow him around? But she had always done that, all her life! And then it struck her. She had spent a night in bed with Samuel, two nights ago, cuddled up with him. The door had been locked, but what if her mother had come looking for her in her own room, and then realized she wasn't in there? It was possible.

Her mind kept racing around in circles for a little while longer, as she tried to come up with some sort of plausible scenario that could explain why her mother might have reacted this way. But no matter what she thought of, it was all meaningless. She wouldn't know for sure. All she knew was that she had to adapt to it. Act less suspicious from now. And that she had to tell her older brother about this.. Although..

Zoey froze. She bit her lip nervously. If she'd tell Samuel that their own mother might be on to them, wouldn't he just pull away from her? Distance himself again? Oh no. This was all too much. Zoey couldn't even think straight at the moment. She had been so happy since last night - almost euphoric! Couldn't things be simple for once? Couldn't she just have what she wanted? It felt unfair. So unfair.

--- 3 ---

A couple of hours later, Samuel descended from the staircase, yawning and stretching his arms. He was wearing a t-shirt and some sweatpants, and his hair was all disheveled, making him look cute and sleepy at the same time. Zoey smiled broadly, looking at her brother with sheer adoration. He noticed her presence instantly and headed towards her, pulling her into an embrace.

"Good morning, sis.." he said in a low voice. "I missed you last night.." Zoey hugged him back, and felt relieved by his words. "I half expected you to come wake me up when our parents left for work, to be honest with you.." he said with a grin. Zoey chuckled softly and leaned against him, inhaling his scent.

"I wanted to, but.. I got in my head a little bit.." she began saying, but he immediately cut her off:

"Are you having regrets?" He looked at her sternly, but there was genuine concern behind his gaze, which made her smile at him fondly.

"No, no! Not at all. It's just.." Zoey sighed. She really did not want to share what her mother had implied this morning, but she couldn't lie to him either. "I just think we have to be careful. The way mom looked at me this morning, I feel like she might be.. Uhm.. A little suspicious of us. Well, of me, mostly.." She gave him an apologetic look.

Her older brother thought for a moment before responding. "So you're saying we need to be extra careful.." He gave her a worried look "That's probably why she was texting me before, wondering if I was up, and asking if you were with me.." he said. Zoey was taken aback by that piece of information.

"She's acting weird today.." Zoey whispered, feeling a little scared. "You think she knows? But how could she?"

Samuel looked at her for a moment, deep in thought. Then his eyes went wide and his skin turned ghostly pale. "Wait a second.. D-Doesn't mom get little video recordings sent to her phone from the doorbell camera outside, whenever there is movement out there?"

Zoey's blood turned to ice. They had been talking just outside the house last night. What had they said? Something about not sharing a bed that night? Had they given themselves away completely? Probably not, because then her mother would have been more than just suspicious.

"Oooh shit.." she said. She hesitated. "Maybe we should.. Tell her now, rather than wait for her to confront us? What do you think?"

Samuel looked at her as if she was crazy. "Tell her what!? That I stuck my cock into your ass? Are you insane? She'd go off the rails, I promise you that! She'd try to take us both to therapy and we'll end up under surveillance for the rest of our lives. She'd never let us be alone together in a room again. We need a strategy, sis!"

Zoey nodded nervously, agreeing with Samuel on this point. "You're right.. I don't think she'd let me be near you anymore, and we still live under their roof.." she said with a hint of disappointment. She didn't even want to consider what other measures her mom might resort to in order to ensure her children did not act too friendly. But Zoey didn't have time to feel sad about it. If anything, she was grateful that their mom hadn't started questioning them openly yet. It gave them more time to find a solution.

"What if.. What if we tell her I kissed you, and that you pushed me away? Or.. That I snuck into your room and crawled into bed with you, just to cuddle, without waking you up? That does sound like something I would do.." she continued with a grin, trying to put aside all the bad feelings that were hanging over her head and focus on the bright side of things. It helped. Slightly. "Or we could run awaaaay.." she said in an exaggerated tone.

Samuel smiled, and rolled his eyes at her. "I don't want us to ruin our relationship with our parents, okay? Mom and dad are awesome. You know that. We're lucky to have them. I couldn't.. Live with myself if I disappointed them so gravely." he said, with sadness in his voice. Zoey put an arm around his shoulder and squeezed it affectionately.

"You're right." She looked him deep in the eyes now, then continued: "I love you, Samuel. You're the most important person in the world to me. I would sacrifice anything to be with you. B-But.. I don't want to hurt anyone if I do not have to.." Her voice trailed off, and Samuel suddenly pulled her in for a hug.

"I love you too, Zoey." He gave her a kiss on the forehead, which she responded to with a big smile. "Let's not worry too much about mom. We need to keep a low profile for the time being though. Just do what you think is best and we'll figure it out - together." Samuel said in a soft voice, while caressing her hair tenderly. The way he was able to calm her down was almost magical. It was like nothing else really mattered when she could be in his arms. Nothing but them. She felt safe, and happy, and loved. They would figure this out, one way or another.

--- 4 ---

Their mother had not come home for lunch, but she had checked in through text messages far more than what she commonly did. However, it was time for 'Operation: Stealth Loving'. The doorbell camera had been their greatest adversary, but it was time to flip the script. The plan was simple; Zoey was going to be looking like she was going to spend the day outside, perhaps meeting up with friends. Without Samuel.

She would pass by the doorbell camera, shouting good bye to her brother inside, and walk out of view. Then, she'd sneak back around the house, enter through the backdoor, and then have her older brother enter her backdoor! Several hours later, she would sneak back out the same way, walk back in through the front door again - so the camera would catch her returning home - and that was it! Then she'd have an alibi for the day, and her mother's suspicion would likely decrease. That was the idea, anyways.

With careful consideration, Zoey picked out what to wear. She wanted her outfit to look both perfectly suited for a day outside, as well as being sexy for Samuel.

"You like me in these shorts, right?" she asked him, as she spun around in her tiny, denim shorts. Samuel was lying on her bed on his stomach, browsing the internet and watching videos. When she spoke, he took one of his hands away from the phone, and raised his eyebrows at her.

"You look hot in them, Zoey." he said with a smirk, not taking his eyes off the phone for long. "But I am going to undress you in a minute regardless, you know?" Zoey giggled to herself. It was almost embarrassing how much she liked hearing her brother tell her things like that - she was itching to be intimate with him again today. She put on a light camisole that left little to the imagination, and then looked at herself in the mirror. She was indeed hot! Zoey twirled around in the room a couple of times, giggling like an idiot.

"What are you going to do with your hair?" Samuel asked, suddenly, with an eager tone in his voice. Zoey looked at him again, not quite sure what he meant by this.

"What do you think? Ponytail?" she asked. "Oh, or I could maybe braid it!."

"What about some pigtails?" Her brother sounded serious and interested, which made Zoey even more curious.

"What, like a little girl? Where is this coming from?" she laughed.

He took a deep breath and continued: "Just.." He sighed. "Never mind. Do what you want. Just do your thing.." Samuel mumbled something under his breath that sounded like "It's not just for little girls.." and went back to his phone. Zoey thought he had sounded a bit weird all of a sudden. Did he have a thing for that particular hairstyle? That was not something she had found during her investigative snooping into his pornographic search history.

"Like this?" Zoey asked, and held her hair into two twin tails, falling down on either side of her face. It was the same hairstyle she had worn a lot when they were still little. She saw her brother's face light up with a grin.

"Yeah, exactly like that! You look fucking adorable, sis. You have no idea what you do to me." Samuel said, with lust in his eyes. "Your outfit looks perfect too.." He sounded dreamy. Zoey giggled. Her big brother had always loved playing with her hair and braiding it when they were younger. Was this perhaps an unconscious manifestation of that era? She had to admit, she liked the effect it had on him.

Zoey fastened the hair with some elastic bands. Samuel threw himself out of bed and walked over towards his little sister, wrapping his arms around her body from behind, and squeezing her tight. Zoey's skin prickled at the sudden intimacy. She was getting hot and horny. "How long are you going to keep me waiting for, sis..?" he whispered in her ear. "I need to be inside of you again." He buried his face in her hair, sniffing her. His hand moved lower along her belly, then towards her crotch, but stopped with his fingertips just below the hem of her shorts. "I want to give you such a good fucking.."

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