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Slave for a Day

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Husband submits to wife's every demand.
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I left a card on your pillow one morning before leaving for work. There was no special occasion or anything like that, just a card to tell you how much I love you. The card said simply: You are my life, I love you very much, do with this gift as you like. The gift? Inside the card was another smaller card that said, "I will be your slave for one day. Whatever you want, whatever your heart desires, I will fulfill it for you. Love, Your Husband, David."

I left for work that morning with a smile on my face, I knew you would get a kick out of your present and would put it to good use. The next day was our day off together, another reason why I left you the card today. It gave you all day long to plan for it, to decide exactly how your special day would unfold. I looked forward to coming home that night and being handed one of your tidy little lists of exactly how you wanted the next day to start, as I would be up before you. You told me that I was to follow that list to the letter until you gave me further instructions, and that I would be punished in some form if I did not. I asked what that punishment might be, but all you would say was that I would find out if I failed in anyway.

That night before turning in for the evening I set your neatly written list on the bedside table, I hadn't even looked at it yet, figuring I would find out in the morning how you wanted to start your day (big mistake).

I should have read that note.... the next morning I woke up at 7 am as usual rolled out of bed took a few minutes to wake my ass up a bit, then I grabbed your note and stuck it my pocket. I came out to the kitchen and got my first cup of coffee for the day rolled a couple of cigarettes and headed outside. I sat down and really enjoyed that first smoke, I was looking forward to the day to come, I knew I would be busy but was still anticipating a good day. Aw, first cigarette out of the way, I light a second one and pull the note from you out of my pocket. Opening it up, I read the first two lines and groan... 'To my loving husband, I want to be woken up with breakfast in bed at 7 o'clock, don't be late'.

"Shit," I shot out of the chair and made my way to the kitchen where I fried up some eggs, hard like you like them, some waffles, some sausage and off to the room at 7:35. I quietly entered and put the plate on the bedside stand kissed you softly and told you to wake up, your breakfast was ready. The first thing you did was look at the clock. I groaned again, I was kind of hoping you wouldn't notice. "You're late, baby." You said it so sweetly that I knew I was screwed.

"Normally you like to sleep in, hon." I tried, but even I knew I was just making excuses, I should have read your note last night and I wouldn't be in this mess. You took your plate of food and began to eat. "Mmmm, very good, but you're forgetting something aren't you?" I looked around, trying to figure out what it could be. "You didn't read the rest of the note did you?" I looked away sheepishly and pulled the note back out of my pocket. It read, 'give me a calf and foot massage while I eat my breakfast in bed'. "Oops, sorry honey."

"You know, you don't make for a very good slave. That's two mistakes you've made already. You'll have to be punished, I hope you know that, and for the rest of the day, I want you to call me Mistress.

I finished off my cup of coffee really quick and got started on rubbing your calves and feet. "Sorry Mistress, I'll try and do better."

You moaned from the massage, "Good food and taking care of me, you might be able to get back into my good graces. Just keep it up, and after breakfast, I want you to run a bath for the two of us. Have our towels ready grab some of my scented body lotion, and grab the anal beads and some lube."

"Which pair, yours or mine?" I asked. "Both," was the answer I got. That perked me right up; I got all kinds of excited. I went about doing as I was told, gathering our things and heading for the bathroom to get things ready for you. A few minutes later you came into the bathroom, tested the bath water gave me a nod of approval, and then told me to strip. I did, quickly; my cock was already hard as a rock the anticipation was overwhelming. I loved using the anal beads on you, you seemed to enjoy it yourself and any time I got a chance to put something in your ass was a definite turn-on for me. But that was not apparently what you had in mind, which I was soon to find out.

"You know honey, I was thinking what would be a good punishment for disobeying me twice this morning would be and I think I've come up with something that would be satisfying to me."

I gulped, so you were going to punish me. "And what would that be?" I asked.

Lightening quick you were in front of me, your hand grasping and squeezing my scrotum hard, it was like a vice and it hurt... a lot. In a reprimanding voice, you said, "First, I did not give you permission to question me, and second, I told you earlier that you were to address me as Mistress for the rest of the day. Do you understand me?" When I didn't immediately answer you put even more pressure on my balls, enough that it almost put me on the ground. "Yes... yes Mistress, I understand." How I managed to get out those five words, I'm not sure, but I did and that satisfied you greatly. And just like that - like a light had been switched - you were back to your sweet demeanor. "Like I was saying, I've thought about what your punishment should be and first I think you need a good spanking." From behind your back you produced a short leather whip. Where the hell did you get a whip? I almost asked, but held my tongue. You must have seen the confusion on my face and decided to enlighten me. "When you gave me that card yesterday saying that you would be my slave for the day, I went shopping. I wanted to be prepared."

That put me a little on edge, what exactly was I in for today? I knew that you were a sweetheart at least to me... most of the time. But... you also had sadistic side as well. Your 'random acts of violence' as you like to call them. So yeah, I was a little uneasy, a little apprehensive about the day's events. But it was your day, and I was your slave, and I did know that you wouldn't hurt me... too bad at least.

"Turn around my love and grab the sink."

I gave you one last pleading look, it wasn't a look of please don't do this or even a look asking for you to be gentle. Either way I knew it was coming and I knew that you would do it, you wouldn't back down once you had made your mind up. No it was more of a look asking that I be able to at least sit down after my spanking and not have to spend the next week standing or sleeping on my side because the pain was too bad. I turned around, bent over and grabbed the counter; my penis had now gone completely soft. Hmm, imagine that, apparently he was a little apprehensive about this whole situation as well.

I felt the soft supple leather slide gently across my ass back and forth, back and forth. It lulled me into a false sense of confidence. Smack! The whip came down hard on my left cheek; I cried out in surprise... well there went the confidence. Smack... smack! Again and again the whip made contact and with each one I winced, after the first three or four smacks though, there was a strange kind of sexual excitement that came along with the stinging pain. Who would have thought I had a slight S & M side? My cock seemed to be enjoying my torment at least, as he was coming back to life, stiffening right up, proud as you please. It hurt alright, but... also felt good at the same time.

I'm not sure how many times you whipped my ass that morning, but I do know that I was never going to forget it. I thought that my punishment was over and was about to stand back up when I felt your hand between my shoulder blades pushing me back into position. "I never told you, you could move, do I need to whip your ass some more?"

I had to think about that for a few seconds the recently awakened masochistic side of my being was saying 'sure, let's go for a few more rounds'. My ass, on the other hand was screaming NO... I can't take anymore right now!

"No Mistress," I finally answered. Good my buttocks could get a much needed break, or so I thought. "Now for the second part of your punishment."

"Second part!" I screeched.

"You did mess up twice this morning already sweetheart; I said that you would have to be punished for those mistakes. Hand me the lube, baby."

I wasn't quite sure what was coming next but I did as I was told and handed you the lube. I felt your finger greased up rubbing at the entrance to my asshole. Now don't get me wrong, I very much enjoy it when you use your finger or the anal beads in my ass, but right now after the spanking I had just received, my ass didn't even want that. But I kept quiet, didn't say a word even when you jammed your middle finger all the way in. Thank god you had lube, because you rammed it in there fast and hard. After a couple seconds of greasing me up, you removed your finger and started inserting the small plastic beads one by one until all five were lodged inside. It wasn't too bad, my ass did hurt though; my dick still seemed to like it, as he was still standing at full attention. Then the second set of beads - your set - began fingering their way into my puckered anus. I felt very full, I can tell you. I had never had that much in my ass before; my backside seemed to sting from the inside out.

There my love, this is your second punishment for the day. You will keep those in until I say you can take them out, or until I take them out, whatever the case may be. Now get in the bath, honey."

I got in - the water was no longer hot but comfortably warm - and sat down gently favoring by sore backside. You got in and sat before me and ordered me to wash you, which I did slowly giving you a relaxing back, shoulder and neck massage in the process. I washed your beautiful body from head to toe being careful not to make it sexual in anyway and just make it a relaxing bath. I knew that I could have made it sexual, I could have turned the tables and put myself back in control at any time that I wanted. But that would not have been fare to you, this was your day and you needed it, we both needed it. So for today anyway, I was your slave and you were my Mistress and I would go along with whatever you had in mind, and nothing else. We talked about the day ahead, actually you gave me instructions and I listened. After our bath we were going out, you wanted to go to the park and just spend the day together doing whatever you wanted to do.

We got dressed and left the house for the day making our way to one of the parks on the outskirts of town. It was a park that wasn't used very often at least during the middle of the week and had lots of trees, making for some nice, fairly secluded areas. We walked around the park just enjoying the scenery and each other's company. You found a clump of trees with a narrow barely used footpath leading through and directed me to follow, the footpath opened into a private area about twenty foot in diameter with trees all around us. You couldn't see the rest of the park from in there; neither could any prying eyes see into our little alcove. I sat down in the grass and you lay down next to me with your head in my lap. We talked about everything, our hopes and dreams for the future our likes and dislikes. We talked about the past and how our relationship was so much better than any of our previous ones and that we never wanted it to end.

About 12 o'clock, when you realized what time it was, you said, "Alright love, I'm hungry take me out to lunch."

"Where would you like to go, honey?"

"I think I'm in the mood for Italian." You said, then your voice hardened, "But don't think for one second that I missed that."

I was confused, "Missed what, baby?"

"And now a second time. What did I tell you to call me today?"

Oh, shit. Again I had been lulled into a false sense of confidence. We had been having such a pleasant time that I had forgotten that no matter how you sliced it; I was still your slave for the day. There would be no back pedaling either, I had fucked up, and you had caught it. All I could say was, "I'm sorry, Mistress. I won't let it happen again, Mistress."

"That may be, love, but you still need to be punished. I guess I can wait on lunch for a while. I want you to drop your pants and lay back down." I did as you said, glad that we had our own semi-private little haven here. The earth felt warm against my bare skin and the breeze played gently across my exposed genitals. The sensation was erotic, mixed with a little bit of apprehension about what was to come.

"Now you may not see this as a punishment right away baby, but you'll soon understand." You got down on your knees beside me and took my dick in your hand gently rubbing back and forth. With treatment like this, it did not take long for me grow to full hardness. I moaned and stretch into your hand. You were right, I didn't see this as punishment at all only as a much needed release of my pent up seed. Then you hit me with it. "Do not! I repeat do not come, you are not allowed to come until I give you permission. When you are close to coming, you will let me know. You don't even want to know what the punishment will be if you fail me on this.

And you were right; I didn't really want to know. So I simply said, "Yes, Mistress," and let you do whatever it was you were going to do. I guess I really didn't think that you would bring me to the brink and deny me my release anyway, that you were just saying that to let me stew for a while. It felt damn well feeling your hand stroking my hardened cock up and down it that perfect rhythm. I laid back and closed my eyes just enjoying the sensational hand job that you were giving me. It must have been a few minutes when I felt something wet, warm and soft playing across my scrotum. I opened my eyes to see your head down between my legs and your tongue tracing soft gentle circles around my balls. I let out a groan of pleasure as one of my testicles' disappeared between your lips and you sucked it into the warm heat of your mouth. God, that felt amazing and I could feel my own juices starting to boil wanting to spill out onto your grasping hand coating your fingers in white sticky come. When I was sure I could not take another stroke or lick, in fact I was pretty sure I was going to fail you and not be able to stop my seed from pouring out. I panicked and gasped, "Now... I'm going to come now!"

I didn't think I'd be able to hold back, I could feel the come rising up my shaft ready to spurt when I felt your hand squeeze me like a vice. You used your pointer finger and your thumb just below the head of my cock and pressed your thumb in hard, cutting off the flow of seamen. You held my dick like that for a couple of minutes until the need to come finally dissipated. I relaxed my head back to the hard ground. I was sweating, my need to orgasm was great but my need to please you was even greater. But God, I wanted to come, now I understood what you meant by this being a punishment, or at least I thought I had understood. I was wrong - so wrong - your hand started moving again and so did your tongue this time on the tip of throbbing cock circling the head, never taking it into your mouth but the feeling was just as electric. Then you licked my shaft like a lollipop, up and down until your mouth once again found my aching ball sac.

Now this was torture, because at the back of my mind, I knew that you would repeat the process and once again deny me my orgasm. And you did, for the next forty-five minutes you brought me to the brink many times over only to cut off the flow at the last second. My cock was on fire, my balls were full and aching and I did not know how much more I could physically take. Finally, after using your thumb and finger trick one last time, you smiled sweetly at me and cheerfully said, "That should do for now, let's go eat. I'm hungry"

I groaned, God you were going to leave me in this suspended state of arousal, and I couldn't do anything about it. I stood and carefully pulled my pants up and over my engorged penis, my member was so sensitized that the touch of the fabric almost made me shoot my load on the spot. How I got the pants buttoned and zipped and managed to walk the distance back to the car without coming is beyond me, but eventually the sensation began to fade and all I was left with was a serious case of blue balls.

We sat at the restaurant and I made sure to address you as Mistress the entire time, even in front of our waitress, who gave us several odd glances. You chuckled and decided to enlighten her, saying, "He's my slave for the day and has to do whatever I tell him to do or he'll be punished for disobeying me." You said it loud enough that a few of the customers sitting nearby looked at us oddly. The waitress seemed to get a kick out of the whole situation. She stared at me while addressing you, "Sounds like fun. Have you had to punish him at all?" she asked.

I don't embarrass easily, but I know I must have turned several shades of red while she stood there staring at me. I was remembering the park and how many times you brought me to the boiling point and then backed me off. Not to mention the 'punishment' lodged deep in my rectum from this morning that had now been there for several hours. The feeling those beads were giving me after this long was both intense pleasure and discomfort, but I wasn't about to complain.

I became even more embarrassed when you told the waitress, "Oh yes, I've had to reprimand him a few times." Then you motioned her closer and whispered in her ear for a couple of minutes. I knew you were telling her the whole sordid details and the red on my face blossomed even more as the waitresses eyes widened and her smile grew into a full blown grin. "You go girl," she said as she finally straightened back up. Then she said, "You know, you're pretty damn lucky to have a guy who would do that for you. My husband would never even consider doing anything like that for me." With that she took off to get our order.

"So what's next after lunch, Mistress?" I asked.

You thought about it for a minute then said, "I'd like to go see a movie. But right now, I need to use the ladies room. I'll be right back, you be good now, ya hear." You grabbed your bag and off you went.

After lunch was finished we were back in the car headed for the movie theater. "That made me extremely horny, you know that?"

"Know what, Mistress?" I asked

"The restaurant, telling the waitress about what I had done to you this morning and again in the park. It made my pussy all wet and sticky, sharing those intimate details with a complete stranger. It seriously turned me on." You were breathing heavier as you told me this, and I could tell that it had turned you on a great deal.

"We could always skip the movie and head back to the house; I could relieve that ache for you, Mistress." I offered.

"No love, were going the movies. We'll take care of each other later tonight, as long as you're good that is. We'll see, I know I'll be taken care of tonight at least, we'll just have to wait and see if you will be as well." You winked at me as though sharing a private little joke. The problem with that was that I knew you were serious. If I fucked up too badly, I'd be going to bed tonight with blue balls, in fact there would probably be a repeat of the park before going to bed and I'd be even worse off than I am now. I had to be good; I had to follow your rules, because I wasn't sure if I would be able to take not getting some sort of relief after the end of this day.

We entered the movie theater and found seats in the back row away from the other patrons. There were only four other people in the theater, both couples, but then Showtime wasn't for another twenty minutes, so it was still early. Three more people showed up, two of them obviously together, they made their way to seats near the middle of the theater. The third one struck me as odd, she was there alone and this wasn't the type of movie most people would go see alone. It was your choice - I was your slave after all - of what movie to see, and of course it was a definite chick flick. The single woman, probably in her mid-twenties found a seat one isle in front of ours and three seats to the left of me. Only nine people in total, not a big crowd. The lights dimmed and the projector began running. About ten minutes into the previews. You leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I want you to take your pants off." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I mean, it was dark in there but we had someone sitting close by, very close by. I must have hesitated a second too long for your liking because harshly you said, "Now!" I know others must have heard your sharp reprimand but the woman in front of us was the only one to glance back.

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