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Slavery Games Ch. 01: Coaching


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One of the guards gave me a bottle of lube. I immediately understood and applied some onto the false penis and some onto her anus. She groaned and seemed to understand as she put her little opening onto the tip. I looked at her as she slowly let herself become impaled on it. I saw the muscular contraction in her legs, and I imagined the battle she was fighting. I had a look around, and all of them were in the same state of slowly opening their arses onto the dildos, grunting and moaning at the same time. The men marked me. Their sexes were in erection. It was obvious; I couldn't look at anything else! Eventually, I turned back and was in front of Alejandra's opened pussy with the dildo half buried in her ass. The smell was revealing, and her folds were shiny! Was I as wet as she was? Well, I wouldn't have to bet!

The synchronism at the beginning of the show was slowly lost as each of them developed their own rhythm. They were pushing on their legs trying not to be impaled onto the dildos, but the most upright position they could reach did not permit them to have their legs straight, so they tired and they slowly relaxed and impaled themselves. Up to the moment when the dildo was too deep, and they pushed again. It must be exhausting I thought. Alejandra's body was covered in sweat from the effort. Each time she let herself be impaled deeper. I could only imagine how helpless she must feel. I imagined her horny and humiliated being displayed and fucked in the ass in public. I was in need to rub my thighs together!

After some time, she was fully seated on the dildo, but she continued her routine. Was she trying to fuck the dildo, it was so slow. However, I was wrong from the beginning. I needed more observation to understand. While sat on the dildo, they hanged from their wrists, and their breathing was difficult. They needed to get upright to breathe! But it was so exhausting that they couldn't keep that position too long so they fell down, and impaled themselves. It was so efficient!

I wanted to speak to Alejandra, but I understood speaking would be very difficult for her. I looked at her. There were tears in her eyes. Her muscles were drawn on her body. She was making a performance, I realized.

Twenty minutes had passed. Already their routines were more difficult. It was evident; some of them had difficulties pushing on their feet to breathe. Brittany's movements were very difficult. On the other side, the black man was also in difficulties. I was surprised, they were not the ones I thought would end the first ones. I decided Alejandra needed my help. I took a bottle of water and asked her to shake her head if she wanted some water. Her reply was clearly yes. I gave her some water, little by little, a sip at each cycle. When it was finished, I saw that all the coaches were doing the same!

The 30 minutes limit hadn't passed when Stephanie shouted. Her babblings were unintelligible, but it was clear something was odd with her left leg. She used her right only, so when she pushed her movements were going on the left and were pulling on one arm. It was very difficult before, she was in real pain now!

"She has a cramp in her right leg," said Brittany's coach. She may have been right. I looked at Brittany. The girl's agony from ten minutes ago seemed to have passed, or more exactly her state was stabilized while Stephanie's and Alejandra's had degraded.

Stephanie's Coach tried to massage her thigh. Was it effective? I'm not sure. The white man was the second one to get cramps. Alejandra and the black man followed. I was anxious. I saw some drinks and gave them to Alejandra.

"I want to... "she began before falling onto the dildo, "...get down..." she continued on her next cycle.

"I understand Alejandra, all of you are getting the same pain, carry on!" I encouraged her as if she had any choice.

Most of the crucified had cramps, and Alejandra was one of them. They were in great pain, and I suspected that the doctor would order to bring them down soon. So, Alejandra would become a slave and I would have to experience the cross. At first, I thought of her fighting her anal impalement. To be more exact she fought to control the speed of this unavoidable anal impalement. I never tried anal before, but I was quite excited at the idea. Once again, I clamped my legs and thought about Alejandra. She was miserable on her cross, how could I envy her! I looked at her and the sex smell that came from her sex was unmistakable. She was miserable and horny, but from the way she was tied, clamping her legs was out of the question for her.

I thought of the coverage I made a few weeks ago about childbirth. It was Anna. She was pregnant, and the contractions were so painful for her. I reminded her face each time the contractions came. It was too late for an epidural anaesthesia. Then the obstetrician came and explained:

"You can have a natural way to ease the pain, but lots of people would find it shocking. Do you want to try it?" he asked. Of course, Anna accepted, but when the man explained she had to caress her clitoris she objected:

"What is this method? You pervert you want me to masturbate in front of all of you!" she was angry. I understood that masturbating in front of the staff wouldn't be easy.

With time, the contraction's power increased and the pain she felt followed. Then I saw her hand crawl between her legs. Legs that she closed to get some intimacy. The midwife noted it and turned her back not to see her. I couldn't imitate her, and my eyes were on the wrist that dipped between her thighs. The hand speed was slow at first. But with each contraction, it increased. I wished I could imitate her. But as her delivery approached, her horniness increased, and I think she orgasmed while giving birth.

We all have that natural painkiller. Anna was able to do it by herself, Alejandra wasn't. I approached her. I never did it with a female I thought at first. Of course, I did! I did it yesterday when Alejandra ate me. I knew what I had to do. I thought of the intimacy of the cell. I thought of the intimacy Anna had. I looked around at the crowd that were enjoying the spectacle. They would get something for their money. I approached Alejandra's crotch. Even if I had had sex with a woman the preceding evening. It was a first for me.

The first time I thought about homosexuality I was disgusted. From my teens, I learnt to accept homosexuals. I had no difficulties with men. They weren't attracted to me, so there was no problem. My difficulty was toward women. They might be trying to seduce me. How was I supposed to react? These two times were different. First for all, yesterday was not about "love making", it was to establish my authority as a mistress on her slave. This time it was curing Alejandra of her pain. So, I approached with my nose and mouth to her opened and wet sex.

Alejandra's scents were strong. There was her wet sex, but also her sweat because riding a cross is an exhausting exercise. I began to kiss just the pubic area just over her slit. It was what she did the day before. Before I removed my underwear, she kissed me there, I reminded myself. Immediately I felt the effects. Alejandra froze in surprise, and the crowd cheered. I suppose the show was only her and I at that moment. I took advantage of Alejandra's immobility and touched her clitoris from the tip of my tongue and she emitted a small noise, a nice noise of astonishment.

I went lower and began to lick along her slit. I collected her mixed juices on her lips. She emitted a kind of gurgling and I felt her pushing up on her legs. I felt the stress in her legs for her to rise. I looked up and saw how she was pulling on her arms. She had to pay for each movement. I admired her for that.

"Don't!" she said and fell down, impaling herself harshly on the dildo while sighing.

"You need this to fight the pain of the cramps..."She looked at me like I were an alien. Then I thought she was right. Sex could tire her.

"But don't hope to cum while on the cross" I added. And, I continued licking, slowly getting toward her clitoris. But each time she tensed and rose to breathe, I stopped and went back to the beginning. Little by little, I noticed she was moving her ass right and left and was pushing on both legs to stand. I looked at her: "Still cramped?" She shook her head in a way I interpreted as not so bad. I looked around and all the other coaches were looking at me, shocked, and then at Alejandra.

"Make me cum" Alejandra breathed before falling once again. I looked at her and said."Not yet."

I looked again, and the other coaches were in front of their crucified crotches, wondering if they should copy me. Brittany's coach didn't, but Brittany wasn't cramped. Stephanie's coach didn't hesitate any more.

I looked at her head buried between the bent legs of the Hispanic girl. I saw both girls reluctance. But I saw both continue. I began to rub one thigh against the other as I was looking at them. I was so absorbed in the two teenagers, spectacle that I didn't look at Alejandra. She tried to warn me, but it was too late, she couldn't keep her urine any more, and pissed onto me.

What was amazing is Brittany pissed just after, and the white man followed. The black man's coach was masturbating him, my god, what a cock he has!

Suddenly, Stephanie began to choke. Her movements were disorganised, and she was not able to breathe properly. I suppose her coach stimulated her up to her orgasm!

"Get her down" the Doctor declared, deciding on the first to become a slave.

"Spirit" Alejandra managed to say before falling once again.

"No, no, it's too dangerous!" I warned her. She looked at me with great big eyes!

Another sound came from the men side. The black Athlete just came in his coach mouth and was exhausted. White droplets laid all around the coach's mouth. Unable to breathe, the black man gurgled just as Stephanie had.

"Get him down," the doctor said. I never thought he would be the first to give up!

The game began 40 minutes ago and two of the stocks were used already. I was so sorry for Stephanie. I looked over and saw Brittany. Her leg muscles were so visible on her thighs. 'She is tired' I thought. I looked at Alejandra. It was not clear to me who would win. I looked again at the stocks to realize I was looking at two slaves now!

"Spirit!" said Alejandra. It was the second time. I was anxious, she would stop there and Brittany would keep so long that Alejandra would become a slave. A slave I would probably not buy because I would be awaiting my own crucifixion! Why would I buy Alejandra? It was the first time the idea came to me. In fact, I liked the idea of owning her.

Then Brittany shouted. She just cramped. Her coach came to her, but Brittany shouted "Earth!" The coach stopped and asked to have her down.

I approached Alejandra. "Could you take 3 minutes more, just 3 minutes" She looked at me without understanding.

"Get him down," the doctor said. I turned to see the white man being brought down his cross.

"Please," Alejandra begged. I looked around. Brittany was in a stock already and she was looking at both of us anxiously. Would she become a slave? It was in my hands, and I wanted her to have a lesson after what she did to Stephanie.

The Hispanic man was still on his cross.

"Spirit" Alejandra begged for the third time.

I was pissed off and thought about waiting the few missing minutes to make a slave of Brittany.

"Take her down," I said. Brittany would not become a slave, but I would be true to my word toward Alejandra.

"It's a winner" a man exclaimed a few minutes later, and, the last crucified was brought down.

Alejandra had been wrapped in a towel and sat on the soil. She was drinking an energy drink.

Brittany was not far and in the same situation. So was the Hispanic man.

The three others were in the stocks. They were given their drink with a straw. They were naked and displayed to everyone.

It took about half an hour for the platform to be ready. Jose, the Hispanic Man, Alejandra, and Brittany were on the left, wearing gowns. On the other side of Patrick Saint-Andrew were Stephanie, and the two men surrounded by guards. Stephanie was brought naked in front of the organizer. The guard that held her right hand gave her knee stroke just at the back of her knee and she collapsed in a kneeling position. She cried. Patrick took a collar and came to her.

"Stephanie you failed, so from now on you will be a slave" I was surprised the girl did not react at first. It's when she saw the collar that she truly understood what was happening.

"No, please, don't!" she protested and shook her head. One of the guards took her hair and all her struggles were futile, the fake collar was locked around her neck. She collapsed on the floor and cried.

The black man was taken to Patrick. He might have understood what to do because he kneeled in front of the organizer. I saw he muttered something.

"You felt betrayed by your coach, but the result is the same!" Patrick said. The man let him lock the collar around his neck.

When the guard tried to lead the white man, he shouted:

"It's a plot, I didn't fail, I've been brought down too early, it's the doctor that... Ouch!" A cattle prod had been used and he was barely conscious. The guard had to hold him for Patrick to put his collar on.

"Every game has its losers and its winners," Patrick said. Stephanie was still crying, and the black man had wet eyes. On the other side, the winners were exhausted.

A girl came to me:

"Would you accept to be my coach, please?" She asked. I realised she was Stephanie's coach and was to be crucified in a week. I did not really think and accepted.

It was later in the evening and I was sharing a bath with Alejandra. We were wondering if we should go to the slave sale the following day when she asked:

"Next week, if the girl finishes as a slave, would you like me to be your coach?"

The thought made me shiver. She was right, I would have to ride a cross two weeks later if the girl loses.

"I fear the cramps!" I said blushing.

"I think I've understood your method," Alejandra laughed coming to me.

"And... how does the dildo feel?" I asked anxiously.

"I did await this one. At first, I had some difficulties understanding and accepting where it was to go. At first, I fought it, and it was painful. When I began to accept it, well..." she began blushing.

"...It was not so bad, I would have just preferred it to go in slower. Do you want to experiment?" she asked.

I thought of her proposal.

"I think I have to discover it on the cross!" I said.

"So it's decided, no matter what happens to the girl, you'll go on the cross?" she asked.

I didn't reply, I kissed my lover, and we made love all night long.

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HeleddHeleddabout 2 years ago

What am amazing story series. Enjoyed every moment of it

PandaPensifPandaPensifover 5 years agoAuthor
Thank you !

Thank you for all these comments and encouragements.

Originally, it was a little story. And then my editor told me that she would hope to read the following soon. So I decided to do a follow-up. Withall your feedback, three more parts are in preparation.

Thank you to all of you.

Thank you to those who help me to do this work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
How many more chapters?i

I hope there are lots more chapters to come. I love this story and these characters.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomealmost 6 years ago

I these Nosy Reporter Protagonist stories... looking forward to Chapter Two.

auhound49auhound49almost 6 years ago
I wait for the second episode

The next chapoter can go several ways, and I am curious as to which way it will go.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
More please!

This was incredible. I just want more.

Rwa4768Rwa4768almost 6 years ago
Great story

I loved this story and can't wait for the next chapter.

teehaateehaaalmost 6 years ago
First and foremost I like the story...

but the're is room for some criticisme and people love those...

First: I understand why you took the POV of a journalist writing a newspaperarticle (you can tell stuff and don't have to show everything, but if your story says it has the form of a newspaper(?) article - it should read as such.

Maybe a mixed form - start with an interview (thus dialogue based) and then a traditional recount form would have been better. On the other side... a interview that actually "explains" stuff frequently isn't quite goot either. (why has the interviewer has to ask basic things? Didn't he/she do his preparations)

Second: Everybody could guess where the story was going. (not a criticisme just a fact) I actually liked this. Not groundbreaking but solid work. I gave the story 5 stars because I liked the setting and actually enjoyed it. Keep it up...


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I hope Bridgett gets to the cross

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