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Slices Of Small Town Life Ch. 03: Bobby


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He never did it at work, maybe just twice or so at home, or if he was out with his friend. The hammer had finally fallen. He hadn't been fired, but it was made plain they could no longer work in the same office. He was transferred to another office, one she rarely spent time at. To smooth the transition, Rose made him office manager, with a substantial raise.

"I'm doing the best I can for both of us, Bobby. I can't be in regular contact with you if I even have a chance to get back to my husband. We were both at fault here, so if you're thinking of legal action, you better reconsider it. Amanda gave Charley all our emails, and if I have to, I can spin it to the point it will look like a woman going through a mid-life crisis got seduced by a gold digging younger man. We'd all lose, but you would be the biggest loser. Just take the promotion, work for a while, and when you find a better offer, you'll get a glowing recommendation and a healthy severance package."

Trapped, he took the transfer.

Bobby was happy. His plan was working. He was going to catch her again at the end of the day, really ramp the charm up, and soon she would be on her knees, doing anything he wanted. Just for a little insurance, he did a short line.

The air seemed to glow as he walked to the door of the clinic. She let him in, not locking the door behind them. He smiled to see her holding the cat. Nancy was in the office, listening and watching the interchange.

"Well, looks like you made a friend! Then again, you were always lovable." Nancy had a vision of him as a big cheeseball, and giggled.

Faith smiled, but it had frost in it. "Bobby! I don't know what your game is here, so let me spell some things out for you. First, I've always thought you were a sleaze, even as an eighteen year old girl. What you and my mother were planning makes me feel a little sick every time I see you. So, whatever you want, you're not getting it here. I suggest you take your cat and go. Better yet, leave the cat with me, and I'll make sure she gets a good home."

He was shocked! She couldn't mean that! He was Bobby fucking Petersen! Women didn't say no to him, not now, not ever.

"Come on now, Faith! Why are you being so mean? I know you felt it yesterday, we'd be damn good together. The perfect couple, king and queen of the county."

"Well, gee, Bobby, let me think about it. What would I bring to the relationship? My good looks, money, social status? And what would you bring to it, a broke sleazeball, on probation, one fuck up from jail time? Yeah, I can see a future here."

Bobby had gone to trial on the assault charges, and thanks to a damn good lawyer and no prior record, got off with probation, on the condition he do community service and attend anger management classes. He went to the classes, laughing to himself the whole time how the pretentious bitch that led them could actually believe what she was spouting. He hadn't done his community service, and had a vague notion he'd try to talk Faith into let him do it at her clinic, so they could bond. Her sarcasm fueled his rage.

Before she knew it, Bobby was at the counter, hand on her arm. She looked down, and grinned. "Might want to let go of my arm, and get the hell out of my office. Only warning."

She was giving him that tightassed smile, looking at him like he was some kind of animal on her examination table. He slapped her without thinking, knocking the cat out of her arms. Lady Gray reacted instinctively, sinking her claws into his bare arm. He pulled it off him and threw against the wall as hard as he could. She slowly slid down, trying to get purchase, one leg hanging at an angle.

Faith reacted, punching him with all she had, but it didn't get her loose. He dragged her over the counter, heading towards the door, ranting the whole time.

"Stupid bitch! This could have been a whole lot easier. Now I'm gonna have to train you the hard way."

Faith was screaming, still punching. She got a partial hit on his balls, and he stiffened, before giving her a full punch to the face. Faith felt her nose break just before losing consciousness.

Nancy has called 911 as soon as he'd touched Faith. She came screaming out of the back as he tried to drag an unconscious Grace through the front doors. She stabbed the tranquilizer dart as deeply as she could into his ass. It was the first thing she saw as she was coming out. Sometimes, if a large animal was in pain and wouldn't let anyone close, they used the dart gun. Bobby screamed at the pain, and turned, knocking Nancy out with one punch.

He almost made it to his car when the first cruiser came sliding in, blocking the driveway. Officer Wells jumped out, gun drawn.

"On the ground! Do it now!"

He still held Faith, and put a hand around her throat. "Back the fuck off or I crush her windpipe! Get out of the way!"

By then, Carla Martinez had arrived. "Jimmy, he looks like he's putting the least bit of pressure on her, you drop him, hear?"

She had her taser drawn, sidling over to the side.

"Stay there, bitch!"

She looked at Jimmy, mouthing 'distract him'.

"Hey Bobby! I might never get the chance again, so I want to thank you for being so monumentally stupid. Amanda and I are dating now, did you know that? Said she wanted to try a relationship with a real man for a change. Man, she is just smokin' hot in the sack. And she jumps me almost every day. Says she didn't know what real lovin' was until she got rid of your slack ass."

Jimmy was blowing smoke, they were dating, but they hadn't intimate. Yet. They both knew it was coming, but they were doing it right, getting to know each other before taking the plunge.

Carla was angling around when the tranquilizer hit. He dropped Faith, slumping to the ground. She tasered him anyway, just to be sure.

It took three ambulances, one for Faith, one for Nancy, and one for Bobby, complete with handcuffs for the gurney.

Faith was treated for her broken nose, a concussion, and bruises and scrapes from being dragged across the parking lot. Nancy was treated for a concussion and kept overnight for observation.

Bobby was checked thoroughly, blood samples were drawn. When the cocaine showed up, they got a warrant and searched his house. His stash was found. He was charged with possession of cocaine, violating probation, assault, aggravated assault, attempted sexual assault, and cruelty to animals. His probation was revoked, and he went to jail. Bond was set so high his father wouldn't be able to get him out without putting up almost everything he owned. He refused to take his call.

Rose waited at the restaurant for three hours. By the second she was crying, thinking Faith had blown her off. It was only after she turned her phone on that she noticed all the messages. She nearly fainted when she heard Charley's last message.

"Goddamnit Rose! Crawl out from underneath whoever you're fucking and answer the phone! Faith is hurt and in the hospital. Your little boytoy Bobby assaulted her, he didn't do anything sexually, the cops got there before it got that far, but he's beat the shit out of her. As soon as you satisfy your cunt, get your ass over here!"

She didn't know which hurt her more, the fact that Faith had been hurt, or that Charley would use such crude language. Rose didn't even remember driving to the hospital, she just knew suddenly she was standing by Faith, sickened by her black eyes, broken nose, and bruises. She was bent over her crying, her tears making her gown wet, when she woke up.

Faith woke up, realized who was holding her, and circled her arms around her. They cried together for a few minutes before Rose stepped back, holding her hand.

"Sorry, I couldn't make dinner, Mom."

"It's all right, baby. I'm so, so sorry, honey. This is all my fault."

Faith took pity on her. "No it isn't, Mom. This was all Bobby, you didn't fit in anywhere."

Rose knew she was lying but let it pass. They talked for about ten minutes before the medication put her asleep again. She felt a presence, and looked around, seeing Charley for the first time in almost three months. Her heart jumped to her throat. He looked tired, older, his jaw set squarely,his 'angry' face.

She jumped in front of him. "Please, Charley, we have to talk! You promised me you would if I answered your questions."

He took her hands off his, gently. "I did, and I will. Unlike you, I honor my promises. But give me another two weeks. I'll email you. I'm going to ask you a favor. Stay the night with Faith. I have a couple of things to do, then I'll be back early tomorrow. Can you do that for me?"

Wondering what could be so urgent in the middle of the night, she nodded. He left without another word.


Bobby came to slowly, wondering what had happened. He started to move, discovering his hands wouldn't work. He looked down, to see them handcuffed to the bed rails. It all came flooding back to him, and he felt a flash of anger. Bitch! She needed a lesson in respect! Then it hit him what he'd done and he felt the first tendrils of fear crawl up his spine. He was in some pretty deep shit.

Hearing a noise, he turned, and look straight into the eyes of Charley Barton.

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deependerdeepender14 days ago

Uh-oh, spaghetti-o!

Cracker270Cracker2702 months ago

Hey nixrox bless your heart.

Madeira1076Madeira10767 months ago

Good story.

Pet peeve, a lot of writers here have no clue about weapons. Automatic weapons are illegal unless you have a permit for automatic weapons. Most people can't get that permit. 99.9 % of hand guns are semi automatic, Not automatic.

6King6King9 months ago


nixroxnixrox11 months ago

1 star - violence of any kind is never acceptable in the LW category.

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