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So, What are Friends For

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A man outs himself to his friend. The feelings aren't mutual.
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This is the story of a young man who comes out of the closet aggressively attracted to his life long buddy. Does his buddy have a sympathetic outlook on this sudden show of emotions towards him, or is this a step into the Twilight Zone of strange encounters. The answer is, yes?

Written by Rikki


John had spent extra time getting ready for the evening. He had been fantasizing about this moment for months. Trying to maintain the courage to fulfill his passion without backing out at the last moment. He had tried a couple of times before only to rush to the bathroom at the last moment to change. The last time it happened it was as the doorbell rang.

John now looked down at his toes wondering if they were just a little too over the top. He had lengthened his toenails so they were all perfectly uniform and pushed out just past the ends of each of his toes. His big toe though he treated a little bolder, and had them a little longer, and he shaped his big toe toenails more like fingernails. He stretched out his leg and wiggled his toes, wearing dark blue nailpolish, and rings on his toes, he decided that they were perfect. Over the top? The fact he was wearing nailpolish put him over the top.

He pulled black fishnet stockings up his outstretched leg pointing and wiggling his toes to tighten the fit. He then attached them to a sexy black garter belt. John became aroused as he watched himself dress in the mirror. He found himself becoming seduced at the reflection he saw.

John picked up his 5" red spike heel sandals, and slid his feet slowly and seductively into each one, kissing the air at the mirror as he did it. The sandals had a 1" platform and the heels were metallic gold.

"Oh you little slut," he gushed to the mirror as he stood and admired his legs and heels. He walked back and forth posing for the mirror feeling pleasures running through him now as his reality sank deeper into the fantasy of the image he now portrayed.

He struck a hard feminine pose, and then said out loud,

"You deserve a good butt fucking tonight you little whore,"

John had already made up his face, taking time to add long false eyelashes to his look, and deep red lipstick. He blew himself another kiss. His fingernails long and polished a deep red. He had debated wearing his nails so long for the first encounter. He had his reasons, but he decided he liked the way they looked with this outfit. His cocktail rings and bracelets gave a gaudy overall appearance.

"You're such a trashy tramp," he said to his image in the mirror as he posed again, "I love you sexy fagot."

"Are my tits too big?" he wondered.

He was wearing a padded D-cup bra and his breast were now pressing and stressing the material of the dress impressively while creating such a sexy, feminine shape on his chest. He turned sideways for a profile. He normally wore C-cups, but was feeling frisky this evening.

"Oh what is a big tittied girl like me to do?" he cooed in the mirror in a Marilyn Monroe fashion while cupping his hands under the large padded mounds, "The boys just don't understand, they're jus breast. I can't help it if they're so big."

He wore long auburn wig of spiral curls that hung to the middle of his back and swept the edges of his face. John like how the hair fell across his face as he daintily pushed the hair back with his feminine fingers and added long rhinestone clip on earrings. They matched the choker he was wearing.

John looked again at the full image in the mirror.

The dress was perfect. It was tight, sleek, and short. His stocking tops were clearly visible just below the hem. Then there was the prominence of his tits. Nice large rounded and well defined cone shaped mounds and there was one other bulge that he seemed not to want to hide, but wanted to be noticed.

John smoothed the dress over his crotch area several times feeling the sesation of his own touch causing the bulge in his crotch to be even more evident.

The dress was a red sequined number, and John turned to check the back, walking away from the mirror swinging his hips, then seductively approaching it again. John put his hands on the mirror and gave the mirror a very passionate kiss leaving his lip prints on the mirror. He then backed away, and reapplied his lipstick.

The doorbell rang. John checked the time.

"Early damn it," he said as he looked around quickly and stuck his head out the bedroom door.

"C'mon in Will. I'll be right out," he shouted.

John quickly pulled up the dress and took a medium sized butt plug, lubricated it and slowly slid it up his ass. He turned the vibrator on high, and felt like his entire insides were vibrating. He wiped his hands on a towel and pulled the skirt back down, but not before stroking himself a few times for some feel good satisfaction and courage. He pulled his skirt back down over his erection. He smoothed it out and looked in the mirror.

"Oh yeah BITCH, You"re ready," he said to himself as he practiced his walk again and turning to face the mirror and walking back.

He stood with his wrist hanging limp. Looked himself over once more.

"Hey John. What you doing in there?" Will called out from the kitchen.

John took a deep breath and opened the bedroom door. John and Will had been best friends since grade school. John was always the bigger and more aggressive of the two and always pushing the ideas as to where to go and what to do. Will had come over tonight to watch a movie and chill out. They had no plans to go anywhere. Will was in the fridge and called out to John.

"What do you want to watch tonight John?"

John stepped out onto the hardwood floor of the hallway. He took a huge deep breath. There would be no going back now.

He nervously flipped his hair back. He straighten himself one more time and walked down the hall, his heels clicking loudly as he took each sexy step. Will looked up to see who was coming. John was between girlfriends, at least Will thought he was. John stopped at the corner of the hallway and put one hand high up on the wall and the other on his hip. He stared at Will with a sly smile.

"Hi Will What you doing baby?" he said in a very seductive, but very male voice.

"JOHN!! Is that you? What the hell are you doing? Why are you dressed like that?" Will said startled by the sight of his friend dressed like this.

"Do you like it honey?" John said giving Will a seductive wink with his long false eyelashes.

"LIKE IT?" Will looked around. "What is this John? Some kind of a joke?" Will laughed nervously, not knowing what to say.

John smiled and walked seductively toward him as Will backed up. John leaned on the kitchen counter with one hand and gently flipped his hair back from the side of his face with the other.

Will couldn't help but look at him now, head to toe. What in the hell is going on here he wondered? His best friend was standing there dressed in a sexy red dress and heels, posing like some seductive whore.

"It's OK Will. Look me over. I want you to look at me honey," he said posing with his hands on his hips now.

Will noticed the bulge in the tight, sequined red dress caused by John's erection. John gave a sexy smile and rubbed his hand over the bulge in his dress like he was smoothing the dress while looking at Will.

"I know baby, it can't be helped," John said with a slight smile still rubbing the bump in his dress

"Damn it John," Will said turning his head away from the sight. "What is up with you tonight?" Will said getting irritated now.

They had been best friends since grade school. He had never seen John do anything like this before. John was always the tough guy Will looked up to. He couldn't figure out what would make John be willing dress like this.

"Why are you wearing that dress John?" he asked.

"Oh, this little old thing?" John said running his hands up and down the sides of the dress while he gave a passionate wink and a air kiss Will's way while wiggling his ass. John then ran his hand over his erection again and smiled.

"This is just a little something I threw on for you this evening. You don't think it's too much do you darling darling?" John asked looking a little bimbo like as he looked down at his toes with one finger to his lips as if he was accessing his own look.

"I've got to go John. This is just too much for me," he said as John approached him.

John looked in his eyes and put his palm on Will's chest. The long red fingernails fanned out on Will's chest as he gave Will a meek look now.

"C'mon John. What the hell is going on here?" Will backed away from John's touch.

"Will, it took a lot for me to dress like this in front of you. It's not easy dressing like a girl in front of your best friend for the first time," John looked a little embarrassed now. "I just wanted share my feminine side with you and I thought maybe we could share some time together with me dressed like a girl," he gave Will a sheepish smile, "You know maybe watching a movie on the couch together," John said as his finger made little circle on Will's chest as he talked, "We could cuddle and I could rub your feet..."

"Damn it John. This is too damn weird. What did you expect me to say to all this? Oh yeah great, make out with my best friend that would be fun? We're guys!" He was puzzled more than ever now.

John smiled and approached him again. As Will tried to back away John pinned him against the counter. John smiled as Will panicked.

"Take it easy Honey. I'm not going to hurt you," he said running his finger down Will's chest.

"Quit calling me that!"

Will looked down at John's finger as it got lower and lower. John gave Will a quick unexpected kiss on the lips.

"What the fuck is wrong with you today!" he struggled with John to get away.

John held him and said, "Oh Will I'm afraid I'm more of a whore than I had thought...Will, please stop fighting me." John had always been the stronger of the two.

"John, what do you want from me?" This is not my thing. I just want to get out of here right now." Will was trying to get by now, but couldn't push by John.

John stopped him and backed up now. He put his hands on his hips and looked at Will.

"Will, be nice to me baby,'' John said. "Just relax sugar. Do what you want with me. I'll let you," he moved about the room seductively, exaggerating his hip movements as he did, and then he posed.

"I'm leaving John," Will said.

"I'm not ready for you to leave yet." He now looked seriously at Will.

"I'm not into this," he said.

"Undo your pants Will's, and pull them down to your knees."


"You heard me. I want you to pull your underwear down too. I want to see your dick," he said with a stern look and rubbed the bulge in his dress.

"You can't be serious," he had a shocked look on his face.

"Look at me Will. Do you think I'm joking?" he said raising an eyebrow.

"John, I don't want to do this," he said dumbfounded.

"I'm a slut Will and I'm not asking you what you want, I'm telling you to pull down your pants."

"No John. I'm not gay and neither are you. What is this all about?" a desperate plea in his voice now.

"It's about me needing you honey. I can't help it. When I'm dressed like this, I just desire to be with you, and I will be," John said confidently, "Now please, unzip your pants and pull them down for me, stand there and just relax," John said and then he smiled at Will, "I'm going to suck your dick."

"Oh god John no. Don't say that. I can't do this with you. I have a girlfriend and you know that," he said trying to avoid John's eyes.

John walked over again and grabbed Will's arm as he tried to move away.

"Stop it John." Will was in a panic now. "No!"

"I've never seen a guy put up such a fight not to get a blowjob." John squeezed his friends cheeks causing a pucker on his lips. "Let me kiss you on the lips honey," John said getting close to his lips.

"No John. Stop this," Will tried to turn his head but his friends lips touched his and John kissed his reluctant friend as he continued to squeeze his cheeks.

John pulled back and looked into Will's eyes.

"That was nice," he said as Will turned away. "I'm going to give you a blow job now. Cum in my mouth. I promise you'll enjoy it and we can keep it just between us," he said sincerely, trying to undo his friends pants.

"Oh god John, what's the matter with you," Will said as John pushed his hand away, as his belt was undone.

"You're my oldest and best friend Will. I need to be your girlfriend, especially now. Please Will, all you have to do is stand here. I promise it will be our little secret," John said getting Will's pants unfastened now. Will gripped the counter tightly as his pants were unzipped by John.

"Oh no," Will let slip softly as his pants slid down his thighs. Will stared at the ceiling becoming teary eyed at what he was experiencing now. He felt John slip his thumbs into his underwear waistband and slowly his underwear was slid down to his knees.

He looked at John who had stood up and was looking into Will's eyes with a smile. John unbuttoned Will's shirt and opened it up. Pulling the shirt off Will's shoulders. Will stood now with his eyes shut tightly.

"Please stop John. I don't want to do this," he was very emotional now.

John stepped back a few steps and posed.

"Yes you do. Open your eyes Will and look at me!" he demanded in a commanding voice. Will was startled by the abrupt change in John's attitude.

John looked at Will's limp penis and rubbed his own erection bulging under his dress. John groped himself as he let his desires show in front of his friend. John walked slowly and seductively back to his friend and stood very close looking in Will's eyes. John reached down without breaking eye contact and took Will's penis in his hands.

Will jumped as he was touched initially but John snapped quickly,

"Be still sweetheart," as he continued to fondle Will's penis. John pulled up his skirt and began to stroke his own erection while fondling Will's still limp penis. He looked into Will's eyes and kissed him on the cheek as Will tilted his head back and said in a shaky voice,

"Stop John." He instinctively put his hand on John's trying to push him away.

"Will honey?..." John said softly. "Do I need to tie your hands behind your back?" he said rubbing his cheek on Will's cheek.

"No John. Don't force me to do this," he said.

"Step out of your pants Will. Take your shoes off and your shirt and stand here naked for me." John looked at him and smiled.

"I'm giving you a blow job. I'll be quick darling. I promise." He helped Will take his shoes off and pulled his pants off and left them in the floor. "Now...that's so much better," John cooed in Will's ear once again taking his friends penis in his hand and fondling it as he stroked his own erection with his skirt pulled up.

"Will sweetie, I want you to not move now honey. I will tie your hands behind you if I need to," he said as he let go of his own penis now.

"You know what I'm about to do?" he said in a very sexy tone. "I'm going to start sucking your dick baby. What do you think of that? Hmmm."

"Oh god no John," Will's voice trembled as his friends tongue left a trail from his cheek to his chest down to his pubic hair where John rubbed his nose for a moment before putting Will's still flacid dick in his mouth. John worked the dick in and out of his mouth, lifting it up high and taking Will's hanging balls one at a time into his mouth and sucking them before resuming the head job. John was squatted in front of his friend moving his head back and forth as fast as he could now while jerking his own erect cock.

"Uhmph...Uhmph...Uhmph..." John grunted over and over. Will couldn't look. He stared off at the ceiling as his best friend sucked his dick. John became eratic now and settled on one knee.

"Oh yes!" John said as he pulled Will's dick out of his mouth and put it back in. John began sucking on the head very hard which caused Will discomfort, the John squealed.

"UMMPPPFFF!" as he began to ejaculate his own orgasm onto his friend Will's leg and foot. Will tried to move back as the warm semen made contact with him slowly running down his leg. John stood up and gave a shy smile. Will was teary eyed from such an experience.

"That was wonderful sweetheart." John grabbed Will and kissed him hard and deep. Will pushed back but John held the kiss.

"UMMPPFF," came from Will but after the initial fight Will allowed his friends tongue to enter his mouth and the passionate kiss last a full minute. Will was resigned and allowed John allowed to kiss him without trying back off from him now.

Will stood looking at the cum on his leg. "If you're done, I'd like to go now." Will said.

"Sure sweetheart. Maybe next time we can get a little bit of an erection going for you. I'd love to taste your semen." John said as he pulled his skirt over his dwindling erection.

"But most of all Will, I'd like for you to butt fuck me hard and long next time.

"There will be no next time John," Will said picking up his pants and putting them on without wiping his leg off.

"Oh yes there will. honey Maybe I will try out that tight little bottom of yours next time if you can't get a hard on." John giggled.

"ME? You're the one that wants to be the girl. How about your bottom?" Will said to aggravated to think now.

"Well only one good reason really darling. You can't get an erection to fuck me with." he smiled and strutted to the door.

"Mine is and exit John," Will shouted as he buttoned his shirt.

"Well, we are going to fix that sweet pants. Nothing a little rope and KY can't fix."

"John! I am not going to stand here and let you fuck me in my ass because you want to play some perverse dress up game." Will held his ground.

"Of course not sweetheart. You'll be on your back with your legs in the air over my shoulders silly. You wont be standing." John said as Will walked to the door.

"Will I have one more question before you leave." John said to him.

"What is it John?" he looked at the floor patiently.

"I think I'm going to paint your toenails next time we get together sweetie. Do you have a color you prefer? Or do you want me to pick something out for you?" John raised an eyebrow.

Will said nothing as he opened the door. John hurried after him taking quick short steps calling out to him like a sex craved bimbo.

"Darling...oh sweetheart. you're not going to give me a kiss goodbye?" he said as Will left the house.

John leaned against the wall and admired his nails. He smiled and said softly as he turned to go to the bathroom,

"Oh Will. Our relationship has only just begun sweetie," John said as he lifted his skirt and sat down on the toilet.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Love it.

I love the idea of the story. I want to read more. Please do a sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Recycled Story?

I believe I have read this one previously here. Still it did still make me hot....<G>. Oh, to have a guy/gal friend like that....

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Wrong catagory this is all non consent

That's how he treats a life long friend?? Then he just gets himself off?? What a sick fuck

ElizabethOliverfieldsElizabethOliverfieldsover 7 years ago

John is a sick fuck.

I like him.

(I just wish he was more (or exclusively) on the passive side though)

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