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Some Changes in Wade

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Shy but athletic Wade finds the right girl.
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All of my writing is fiction, and the characters are products of my imagination

The following is a story that has been in my mind for quite a long time, and it's good to get it written down.

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"Time out! Time out!" I heard someone creaming.

A quick look at the clock. Eight seconds left.

Then the scoreboard. Home 67 - Visitors 68.

"Here ya go, guys. Gather 'round here." The crowd noise was so loud I could barely hear coach Wilcoxen. Coach was looking from player to player.

"I got it, coach," I said, nodding.

"Okay," he said and began diagramming on his clipboard. Coach knew I always wanted the ball when crunch time rolled around.

Back on the floor, I went to my spot, working to keep a neutral look on my face.

The whistle blew. I feinted left, then cut hard around the screen, and there was the ball, a perfect bounce pass from Nick. I grabbed it, went up into the air, and the shot was away.

The roar of the home crowd drowned out the lovely net-swish sound.

Back and butt slaps from my teammates as the scoreboard now read, Home 69 - Visitors 68.

Lots of laughing and celebrating in the locker room--I was three of four in last-second shots for the season. None of the other starters wanted that last shot. I always did.

I wanted the last-minute penalty kick in the soccer game, and I wanted to be at bat, last of the ninth, with the game on the line. It was just me and athletics. I always knew I could do it. I wasn't one-hundred percent, but...

Finally dressed, I was ready to leave, something I wasn't looking forward to. There'd be people waiting--mostly girls.

"Wade, great shot."

I heard that over and over from the giggling girls.

"Hey, Wade."

It was Mia, a pretty blond cheerleader. I hated it when I had to talk to her.

"Sonya is having a party since there's no dance or anything...and it is Friday night.

"Well, i...yeah...I don't know... I...probably need...should, you know, study...I should."

"Don't be silly. You have the whole weekend to study. There's no game tomorrow, is there?"

"Um, no...not tomorrow. Stil..."

She took hold of my arm.

"Come on, you can ride with us."

Everyone knew I walked to school, so I wouldn't be driving anywhere.

"I...I don't have, you know, a way home...after the party." It was embarrassing to be in this position.

"You're a hero tonight, Wade. We'll get you home," she said, winking at me.

I sure wasn't a hero; I'd just made a shot. It's what I did. I think Mia and a few others just liked to see me blush and hear me stammer.

"I guess," I finally said.

"Hey, Wade is going to the party," she squealed, and three more girls gathered around.

They were all pretty girls, cute at least, and I loved looking at them. The thought of having a date with one of those girls and having to think of things to say. It wasn't going to happen. I trembled when I thought about that sort of thing.

We all piled into Sonya's SUV, all being five girls and me. I knew there'd be other guys there, but it still made me nervous. I looked as we drove

There were three other cars already at Sonya's, and lots of people anxious to get inside. Spring was approaching, but it was still cold.

The girls piled out, Mia waving at me to follow along. But none of them waited for me, which, somehow, didn't surprise me and was a relief. I was almost ready to turn around and walk home...but it was too far and too cold.

I went inside.

It was loud, boisterous, and annoying, with lots of laughing, shouting, and horseplay. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, particularly Mia and the other cheerleaders, along with several of my teammates. Everyone except moi. That wasn't unusual at functions with other students. I looked around, found the proverbial "chair in the corner," and sat down, hoping some of the guys might stop by and talk for a while. I knew Mia wouldn't be leaving for a while, so I was stuck.

I spotted a table with a bowl of Snickers bars and felt like a trick-or-treater when I grabbed a couple. If I'd been at home after the game, I'd have gobbled down a couple of crunchy peanut butter sandwiches and a big glass of V8. Snickers bars were good, but...

A couple of football players were there as well, and one had attached himself to Mia--not literally, of course, but he was never very far from her. More power to him.

"Hi, Wade."

My head snapped around.

"Hi, um, Diana?"

She chuckled. "I'm surprised you know my name."

"Mr. Schacht calls on you in physics class. I remember things."

Two complete sentences talking to a girl. That didn't happen often. I knew Diana was in my physics class--I saw her almost every day. I didn't know her, and this was the first time I'd ever spoken to her

"I've never seen you at one of these parties," she said with a cute little laugh. "Maybe that's because I'm not at them very often either."

"Um, my first," I admitted.

"I was at the game."

I blushed and didn't know quite how to reply.

"I play softball here and club volleyball, so I know what, well, pressure is like. You killed it."

She had a nice smile...when I could make myself look at her.

" much," I said, enjoying her compliment, gIving her a quick glance.

But even in that glance, her eyes sparkled, just like the cheerleader's did. But that was the end of the similarities. Diana was...plain, in a good sort of way. Brown hair and eyes, the hair in a simple ponytail, she wore what looked like a brown plaid flannel shirt and plain Levis, not those fancy and very tight jeans that most of the girls wore. Her shoes weren't Nike or Adidas; I didn't recognize the logo at all.

"Does it embarrass you when I compliment you like that?"Diana asked.

No one had ever asked a question like that before, and I glanced at her the pleasant smile on her face. I thought about her question, but I knew the answer. It didn't take much to embarrass me, particularly if it involved a girl. I suddenly realized I was still looking at her and quickly averted my gaze.

"I guess so," I finally answered, staring at the Snickers bowl.

"Some of the guys brought some of their parent's booze. You want some?"

"Um, no...don't think so." I'd never had alcohol, except for a few swallows of beer, and didn't think I wanted to start at this party.

"I saw some Coke too. How about that?"

"Well, sure...but...I'm used to diet."

"I'll get some," she said before I could protest.

I knew it should have been me who got the Coke, but I'd fumbled. I wondered how I could recover.

"Here ya go," Diana said, handing me a very cold diet Coke.

"Thanks. And, um, sorry. I should have gotten it for you."

"Why?" she asked, that smile on her face again.

It was getting easier to look at her.

I was the guy, that's why. But what could I say?

"I knew where they were, and you didn't. It made more sense for me to just grab them for us."

A simple word she'd used there, but I heard it. Us. I mean, we weren't US, but I did know who she was--she was in my physics class, and she'd said it, not me.

"Thanks," I finally got out as the can gave that familiar hiss, followed by the same sound from her's.

Then something occurred to me. Maybe my chance to recover.

"Would you like a Snickers?"

Another smile. "Are they those small ones?"

I nodded.

"Maybe one, then."

I hurried to the bowl where the supply was quickly dwindling and grabbed three small bars.

I held out one of the small bars to Diana, and when she took it, her fingers brushed mine. Not much, but I enjoyed even that small touch. And I looked at her again.

"Thanks. This is perfect."

I couldn't see "her" very well with what she was wearing, but what little I could observe didn't seem to indicate she needed to, well, watch her weight.

We both finished our two-bite bars. I actually smiled at her.

"I have another one," I said, extending it toward her.

"So tempting," she said, closing one eye as she looked at it. "Just this once," she added, grabbing the Snickers and quickly devouring it.

My chance again. I'd spotted a wastebasket under the candy table.

She stuffed her wrappers into my extended hand, and when I closed on the paper, there were still fingers there. When she pulled them away, a paper went to the floor. We both bent to retrieve it with a gentle head bump.

Diana's laughter was captivating, and I loved the sound of it. She held her hand up toward me, then bent and picked up the paper, stuffing it into my hand once again.

I wadded the papers and, after hitting the game-winner, hitting the wastebasket was a breeze, and it brought another smile from Diana.

"Hey, how'd you get here?"

I hated to admit it. "I rode with Mia."

She frowned. I don't think she cared much for Mia.

"I drove. If you want to, we can leave."

Wait, what? Diana was inviting me to go with her? And Diana certainly wasn't Mia. And what were we going to do after we'd left?

I shrugged, afraid to meet her eyes now. But, I'd quickly decided leaving with Diana would be...nice.

"If you want to, it's fine," I replied.

We got our coats, and I held the door for Diana..." I didn't know her last name. I wanted to find out...maybe later.

She led me to her car--actually her mother's car, and we climbed in.

"I love this car," she said as she pulled away from the curb. It was a fairly new Honda Accord, and I was surprised how comfortable it was. My dad, and my mom too, wouldn't be caught dead in a foreign car. My mom mostly because it was Dad's pet peeve--all those foreign cars. I didn't mention that, though.

"Do you get to use it much?"

"Eh, not too much. She decided it would be nice for me to go to this party." Diana said, glancing over at me. "I don't know why I wanted to go. Glad I did, though," she added softly, and I thought it might be her turn to blush.

We talked a little more until we got to my house. I wanted one more look at her face before I went inside. I looked straight at her.

Diana, thanks so much for the ride." I took a deep breath. "It was way better than riding with Mia and her friends."

"You're welcome. And I don't enjoy riding by myself. Thanks for keeping me company. See you Monday in physics."

"See you."

I watched her drive away, a different feeling lingering after she was gone. I'd see her Monday in physics, but I'd forgotten to ask her last name. Maybe Monday.

"Where the hell have you been? I pay enough for that cell phone of yours."

I'd forgotten to call, but... "I thought I called you."

"No, you didn't call. Where were you?:

"I went to a party, Dad, after the game."

"Well, you can call. How'd the game go?"

"We won."

"That's good."

Dad went to one of my games each year. That way, he couldn't be accused of totally neglecting me. And after that one game, I got criticism for two or three days. I should have scored thirty...I should have gotten that steal...I should have stopped that drive, etc., etc. You'd have thought he was an All-American or a coach from the way he criticized me. Truth was, he'd never been involved in athletics of any kind. I didn't miss him not being at the games.

"Hi, hon. Did I hear you say you went to a party?"

"Yeah, Mom, I did."

"That's nice. I hope you had a good time; you still got home early."

That was an easy one. "Yeah, I had a good time."

I climbed into bed and kept picturing Diana. Did she like me? Would she just laugh at me if I asked her for a date? Did I want to ask her for a date? Did I want to be normal for a change? I guess I'd find out soon.


There was an unusual feeling in my body when I walked into the physics room--my heart was pounding. Not last-second basketball game pounding, but it was definitely beating. This was all new for me. I wasn't sure yet whether I liked it. Shooting baskets at our garage had left me time to think...about those brown eyes and that gentle smile.

I took my seat and looked around, not sure of where Diana usually sat. I opened my notebook and had my pen at the ready when I saw her come in and sit down.

She smiled...right at me. I think I smiled back, but wasn't sure. I think I was at basketball-pound now. She was sitting two rows further back, so I couldn't look at her during the class. I worked to concentrate on my notes, mostly successful. We only had ten minutes between classes, but I hoped I could at least say hi.

I had my book closed and pen stowed before the bell rang. When it did, I was out in the hall and waiting.

"Hi," she said. "Real quick, can you meet me at lunch? I have a question for you."

"In the cafeteria?"

"Unless you have somewhere better."

I bit my lip. "It's warm outside. How about the stadium?"

The smile spread slowly across her face. "Cool. I brought my lunch sooo." A questioning look.

"I'll grab something and meet you outside."

"Nice. I'm off to English." A little wave and she scurried off down the hallway.

I grabbed a hot dog and a container of milk and headed outside at lunchtime.

"Is that all you're going to eat?" she laughed.

I didn't want to admit that I almost skipped getting any food in order to get out here faster.

"I don't usually eat much lunch," I sort of mumbled out, not sure I had convinced her.

She didn't push it, and we went to the stadium. There, it was easy to sit where we wouldn't be disturbed.

I watched her pull a sandwich from her bag.

"You like egg salad?"

"Love it."

"Want half?" she asked, extending it toward me.

"No, no. Thanks, but that's yours."

"I'll share. I have an apple too." She chuckled. "I'm eating more than you are."

"Um," I said, gathering myself. "Are you teasing me?"

"A little," Diana replied, lowering her eyes.

I took a big bite of my hot dog, enjoying what was happening. Just sitting here with Diana had me feeling...warm.

"So, did you have a question for me?"

"Oh, yeah, but first, did you understand all that stuff in physics?"

"Pretty much, yeah. Didn't you?" As those words left my mouth, I wished I had them back. This wasn't one of my teammates; this was...Diana. But she just smiled.

"That's kind of what I wanted to ask you. You, um, get good grades in physics, don't you?"

"Yeah, most of the time." I had straight A's in physics, but I wouldn't tell that to Diana."

I was surprised when she took a deep breath and looked worried.

"We have that giant test on Friday, you know." Those big brown eyes met mine. "Is there any way you could help me study?"

I think half of my heart melted away. The look on her face...the tone of her voice...her body language. I'd never experienced anything like I was experiencing with Diana.

"Of course," I answered. " You should have said something before."

"I didn't know you before."

But you know me now, I thought. And I want to get to know you better too. I thought it, but I could never say it.

"But you'll really do it?"

"Yes. When do you want to start?"

"Your hot dog is getting cold, and your milk is getting warm. If you eat, I'll think about it."

The hot dog went in my mouth, and the milk washed it down. I was ready.

"You have basketball, and I don't know what else, and I don't want to, well, mess up anything."

Diana still wore Levis and the un-brand shoes as well as the ponytail. She did have a striped blouse. Friday night, she had been plain but cute. Today she was, well, a word we'd talked about in English lit...enchanting.

"If I go home from practice and eat dinner...maybe seven-thirty. Would that be okay?"

"Anything would be okay with me."

"You want to start tonight?"

"Really? You can do that?"

Now I had a problem. I was pretty sure that Dad would be upset with me using his truck and burning his gasoline. What the hell...I couldn't tell Diana that.

"How about if I pick you up at seven-thirty?"

That smile again...those soft brown eyes that sparkled sometimes.

"I should be ready." I looked away for a second. "Give me your cell number, so I can text you if something, you know, happens." I'd said it, and I waited.

"Good idea."

A sigh of relief as she recited her number, and I tapped it into my phone. I called the number, and she had mine.

"Uh oh. It's time for class. See you at seven-thirty." She smiled, jumped up, and headed for the far doors. I went to the other door, anxious for this evening.


"You sure are hurrying through your dinner," Mom said.

"I have something I need to do this evening."

"You're not planning to use the truck, I hope," Dad said, frowning at me. "What are you up to on a school night?"

"Going to study physics and help another student."

"They can't do their own studying?"

"They're having trouble, and I think I can help."

"You ain't no teacher. How can you help.?"

"They asked me, so I guess they think I can help."

"Stupid. You can play a little basketball, I guess. But you're no... what subject?


"Whatever. Don't be too late."

I gathered up my plate and dinnerware and headed for the kitchen, Mom right behind me.

"It's awfully nice of you to help someone study." She took my load and put it in the dishwasher. "Are you going to walk?"

"She's picking me up."

A huge smile filled Mom's face. I realized I'd slipped, thank heaven, not to Dad.

"I hope you have fun."

I shook my head. My mom was cool.

Dad was watching TV when I went out the front door--no comment from him. I had my physics book and notebook with me. I hoped I'd be able to help.

I hadn't been outside long before I saw Diana's Honda coming down the street.

Those brown eyes and that smile greeted me when I climbed in beside her.

"So, professor, you ready to teach me some physics?" she asked with a laugh as we pulled away.

"I hope. Thanks for, well, picking me up."

"No problem. Just curious. What's your dad's car like?"

"It's not really a car. It's a Ford F-150 pickup truck."

She looked at me for a moment. "Really. I've never ridden in a pickup truck."

I could sure see the look of anticipation on her face. "I'll borrow it one of these days, and we can go for a ride."

"Listen," she said, looking very serious. "I kinda watch you and listen to what you say.'t want to get you into any trouble."

Wow, that surprised me. She'd picked that up just from what I'd said...and hadn't said.

"He's just picky about the truck...and me driving it." I sighed. "I'm just a dumb teenager...that I think he wishes he didn't have.

"Wade, oh my gosh." Diana's eyes were wide as she looked over at me.

I don't know why I'd said that, particularly to Diana. I was a jerk and figured that was the end of my time around her. Dumb mouth. It either said not enough...or too much.

"I'm sorry, Diana. I shouldn't have said that. It's not right that I dump on you that way.

She pulled to the curb and stopped, carefully turning to look at me. And there was no way I could look away from her.

"Wade Weber, since last Friday night and lunch today, I consider you a friend, and I hope you feel the same way about me. You're not dumping on me when you share things like that. It's what friends do, okay?"

When I didn't reply, she asked again.


"Okay," I answered, not believing what I'd just heard. And when she reached out and took hold of my hand and said, "Then we're friends, right?"

"Friends," I answered and wondered. If she could read me so well about the truck, could she tell more about how I was thinking about her than I was willing to tell her?

Moving again, I couldn't take my eyes off that face. I'd never really been comfortable looking people straight in the face and straight in the eye. Something was different about this one. When she turned her head and smiled at me, I smiled back, clinging to those brown eyes.

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