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Some Women Can't Handle a Cocktail

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Katy is getting married, but her cocktail needs satisfaction.
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Katy swirled her tongue around the tip and gathered up pre-cum to savour. Pleasure thumped through the shaft, caressed by her fiancée's strong, yet delicate hands, as it coiled around hips and slithered between their thighs. With a gasp, Katy released her tail and lent it to Jen, who crammed it between her milky tits and into her mouth. Both pumped their groins, sliding their slick pussies across its firm body. The hormones pumping into their bodies day by day only made it better.

They pushed up and hugged as best they could with Katy's cock and their fecund bellies between them. Tiny limbs poked out, stirred by their mothers' licentious activities. Katy grabbed at her lover's broad hips, once lush now provocatively decadent, fingers sinking deep into her cushion of an ass. Jen reciprocated and helped squeeze their breasts together around the squirming cock, the pressure forcing milk from their engorged nipples.

"Oh fuck, they're so full and sensitive," Katy moaned and kissed her cock.

"We'll have to pump them more often," Jen agreed, tongue lashing at her lover and her tail

"Makes a great lube though."

"Hmm, why don't we try it?" Jen said and pulled away, then turned around to present her ass, belly framed by her rich thighs as it hung almost to the bed. Pregnancy suited her, or at least she wore it like a fertility goddess. Between her milk-laden breasts, each the size of her head, and a set of hips to broad for their loveseat, Jen was everything Katy could want in a woman. Her devotion to her cock was perfect icing.

Jen reached around to spread her delicious cheeks apart. Since her second trimester, they'd been careful with letting Katy's cock fuck either of their pussies, though it understood and satisfied itself often enough with other holes. That didn't mean it wasn't always hungering for a new cunt to plunge into.

It was a testament to their relationship that Jen even helped Katy accept her cock tail's urges. When the thing wanted to fuck, Katy once felt like a captive, despite enjoying the ride the whole time, but she had taken a new approach; join in. Now she even coerced it into having fun on occasion, such as that slutty intern last week. She should've known better; go around without panties and someone's tail will end up up your butt.

Katy circled her tail around, having her fiancée lube it up further. In the meanwhile, she knelt down and kissed Jen lower cheeks, luxuriating in their softness, then pressed her tongue between them and into the puckered hole. Both moaned, each pleasuring the other and anticipating the penetration it'd lead to.

"You ready?" Katy said, coming to lay before Jen's face, tail lightly prodding at her ass.

"For you? Always," Jen moaned as her spit-slickened ass opened for the cock, then buried her face between Katy's thighs. The vibrations of her pleasure echoed in the unique woman's snatch, her walls trembling with them. Katy flexed her muscles on instinct, driving a whole foot of prehensile dick inside. Like any muscle, its frequent use had seen it improve remarkably.

Unlike any penis Katy knew of, hers was lined with muscles. With her frequent sessions with Jen and other women, the tail had thickened, stretching anyone, no matter how experienced, to obscene levels. If she had better control, she could even grab things with it, but her tail had other ideas, usually involving sex. With herself or another, it didn't matter.

Katy worked her hips against her lover's face. Her tail was deep inside Jen's rectum now, wriggling about to really stretch her walls, and going further with every flick of her tongue on Katy's clit. Neither kept their hands to themselves. Jen massaged her lover's dome-like belly, feeling out the kicks of the baby within, while Katy reciprocated by caressing the woman's head, playing with her hair and holding her close. Every breath ran across Katy's sensitive flesh and spurred her tail on.

"Get in there," Katy moaned, both to her cock and lover. They heeded her words and pressed harder, one mashing themselves into her pussy, the other slamming into a tight, yet pliant asshole. Entire feet vanished inside. It would have bulged through Jen's belly without her pregnancy. Moans fell into tandem, building to an apex. Katy's tail stepped up its tempo, now ramming two, almost three feet up Jen's rear.

"Hey! Jen, you in there?"

"Oh shit!" Jen cried out. The sudden scare caused her muscles to clench, and for the tail snap forward - the deepest it ever went - sending her into a spiral of pleasure. Her cries were stifled by Katy's cunt, sending the unique female into her own orgasm.

"Oh... we'll leave you to it."

"I... I told you we should've waited until they were asleep," Jen said once her climax passed. She moved onto her side, cradling her stomach as the tail inched out. It went slow, dragging every ounce of pleasure from the process.

"You were the one grinding on my tail in your sleep," Katy groaned and spooned her as best she could. Being pregnant had its challenging benefits, such as the hormones rampaging and constant horniness, which her fiancée reciprocated - though it led to several mishaps in the past eight months. The problem came with its size. She wasn't nearly the majesty of Jen, but it made cuddling difficult. Still, she held her close and basked in Jen's twin-sized belly.

"Wish we could snuggle all day, but we've got a big day tomorrow," Jen groaned and got up, still attached through the tail. She stroked it, urging it to pull faster until she was free, her butt agape.

"Your ass looks so hot like that," Katy said, still lazing about on their bed. Well, it was more Jen's bed, given it was her home. Much as Katy wanted to contribute, most of her life was cared for by the fortune Jen possessed, though it did leave all her earnings as extra income. Which meant an excessive amount of sex toys to suite her new licentious world-view.

"Thanks, but I can't stand the breeze," Jen said and pushed a plug inside, though she still had to squeeze around it. After months together, a mixture of Katy's tail and various plugs and beads, her ass was accepting as her pussy. The tail flicked at the view, willing to continue, however they had commitments. With only a day to go until their wedding, everything needed checking.

At the venue, both were looking over their attire for the day. Each was designed for their maternal bodies, playing up their curves with an elegant edge.

"Are you sure about the dress?" Jen asked.

"Well, yeah. I don't have the shoulders for a suit," Katy said.

"What about your tail?"

"It'll be fine. I'll fuck a few girls in the morning, should be more than enough. Never thought I'd be in this situation," Katy mused, trailing her hand along the lacy sleeves of her wedding dress, soft and loose, perfect for the late summer warmth. Not even a year ago, she was petrified to be out in public for too long. Then the party happened and Jen engrained herself in her life, from there it became hazy. A wayward spiral into loving depravity.

Hands circled her waist and lips found her neck. She held those hands and reclined into the embrace, feeling the warmth of her wife-to-be, her breath, her every touch. It roused her tail, which coiled once around Jen's thigh, not to fuck her. 'A mind of its own', that was how Katy thought of it for so long, but it shared her emotions, her affections.

"Neither did I," Jen said, "Honestly, I should've fired you after that party."


"I should've reported you. You even got my maids knocked up."

"Hmm, and why didn't you?" Katy asked, tail inching toward her fiancée's panties.

"God knows. There's just something about you I can't resist."

"Oh, 'something' huh? It wouldn't happen to be my smile?"


"My figure?"


"I'm stumped," Katy giggled and brought her tail up, "Oh! This old thing?" Jen kissed her by way of answer.

"Guess you'll never know," Jen teased. She checked her phone and sighed, "Shame, my sister and mom are gonna be here any second."

On cue, a door opened and Jen's family stepped in. Her father was elsewhere, taking Jen's position while she was on maternity leave, and Katy's family were set to arrive that night, just in time for the ceremony. She would've preferred if Jen's relatives had followed suite.

"Are you really going through with this?" Sam, Jen's younger sister of eighteen, asked. She gestured to Jen's fecund gut, proudly displayed by her shirt. Most were too short and she had no reason to hide it, not when Katy spent hours applying lotions to it, sparing the gorgeous woman any egregious stretch marks.

"Why not? Celebrate life and love at the same time. Two birds with one stone," Jen said.

"It's just... it looks really awkward."

"Doesn't feel that way to me," Jen grinned and waddled along.

"It's no trouble if you postpone," Marianne, Jen's mother, said, "I don't want a shotgun wedding for my daughter."

"It isn't, Mom. You're acting like Katy knocked me up," Jen said with a knowing wink to her bride-to-be, "Sounds kind of crazy if you ask me."

"That's not..." Marianne trailed off, looking between them and gave a sigh, but kept any words to herself. While they didn't object to Jen and Katy getting married, Jen's family were obviously uncomfortable with it. No doubt they expected their eldest daughter to marry a good man, the kind that'd give them excellent grandchildren. Katy stroked her own belly, wondering just what her child would be like. After all, the sperm came from her cock. Would they be a clone? Or maybe just a giant cock with human attributes?

Either way, at least they'd have a mother that knew all about dealing with annoying pricks. A disproving family weren't much compared to a demanding cock. Oh, if only they'd met when she was a teenager; Jen never would have a minute's rest.

"Aren't your parents upset about this?" Marianne asked, turning to Katy.

"No, they're fine. Honestly, they're just happy I met someone like Jen," she said.

"People these days," the older woman shook her head.

"Katy? A moment," Jen said and pulled Katy aside, "Look, they're never gonna get it."

"Yeah, but we knew that."

"Well, there is one way," Jen smirked, "The same way that turned me onto you."

"You can't be serious?" Katy asked and glanced at the two that would become her in-laws.

"Hey, you said you needed to fuck a couple girls before the ceremony and I guarantee that Mom hasn't seen much action lately."


"And Sam's more a slut than she lets on. Just, you know, if the chance comes tomorrow, don't worry about taking it. I might enjoy having a new baby sister and niece," Jen said and waddled off as her phone conveniently rang. That left Katy alone with her fiancée's sister and mother. Neither woman was unattractive, Sam even had an impressive bust to compliment her mother's decadent hips. Motherly figures ran in the family.

Marianne wasn't that old either, having birthed Jen in her late teens. The woman worked hard to personify that ageless acronym; MILF, a prospect Katy's tail was eager to explore, especially her fake breasts. Katy had enough experience to recognise the too firm and rounded look, though they weren't extravagant like some. Her tail stirred at the sight, but calmed at her insistence; this wasn't the right time or place.

Everything was in order. Katy sat in her makeup chair, letting the artist do her work, while the dress maker made sure her garments were in pristine condition. Sam and Marianne sat with her, placed there at Jen's request. They were the only people present unaware of what rested beneath Katy's blanket, in place to make sure none of the makeup got where it shouldn't, and to obscure her tail. It wasn't until after the others left that Katy noticed their flushed cheeks.

"Are you guys okay?" Katy asked and went over.

"We're fine," Sam said, a faint slur to her words. Marianne's eyes focused on Katy, a pout formed on her face as they travelled across the bride's figure, lingering on her chest for longer than was necessary.

"God, how did your boobs get that big?" Marianne muttered and hefted her implants, then turned to Sam, "For that matter, what's with yours? You aren't even pregnant."

Katy ignored them and noticed a bottle between them. She took one whiff of it, recognising the potent scent of hard liquor, probably a bourbon. Both girls were drunk.

"You've gotta be kidding me?" Katy groaned and struggled not to touch her face, "Why today?"

"Not our fault," Sam grumbled.

"Not your fault you got drunk on my and Jen's wedding day?" Katy snarled. The longer she contemplated them, the angrier their actions made her.

"Aw, let it slip? Just this once?" Sam asked and pulled her shirt down, exposing more of her cleavage. She nudged Marianne, who did the same. Even for a pair of drunks, what kind of person would try seducing their daughter-in-law-to-be. For that matter, Jen had been the same way. The family must be a bunch of natural born sluts deep down. Or was it something about Katy? She doubted it.

But Jen had said she could take them if needed. No other women were about, and Katy didn't want to call someone else in, not when she didn't have much time. Only an hour before she needed to get dressed. It was her own fault for not taking care of herself earlier. They seemed amicable to the idea, though.

"I'll need more than that to let it slide," Katy said and returned to her chair, folded her legs, waiting to discover just what they would do. Sam stood first and yanked her shirt off, revealing a lack of a bra as her breasts slammed into view. Not the biggest she knew, but impressive regardless. Perhaps a J cup, Katy assumed, tail stirring.

Marianne wasn't one to be outdone. Even inebriated, she knew her chest wouldn't outshine her daughter's, which clicked in her mind as needing to show off her child-bearing hips. She turned around and shimmied her hips, pants slipping down to display lacy panties. Either this was her intention from the start, or she planned on giving her husband a surprise. Her cheeks devoured the fabric, forcing her to tug them free as she peeled them away.

"I can't believe this," Katy muttered, stunned by the blatant desire on Marianne's plump folds. Likewise, Sam's juicy nipples were erect, tempting Katy to come and suckle on them. She resisted, though her tail had no such restraint and slithered out from under her covers. The purple head rose up, level to her eyes facing the women, who gawked at the sight. Almost imperceptible, Marianne's folds glistened wetter.

"That can't be real," Sam said and staggered toward her. The tail 'looked' to Katy for affirmation, not that it needed such a thing when a pair of attractive women approached. It was more a formality, one Katy waved more everyday. This was no exception. Once within reach, Katy nodded and her tail lanced forward, burying itself in Sam's maw. She tried speaking, tongue and jaw moving, massaging Katy's cock.

Then it registered; the flavour and feel of it. Jen was right; Sam played a reasonable girl, but she was a slut underneath it all, as her objections deviated into moans and her hands wrapped around the shaft, pulling more in until the bulge moved down her throat. Marianne walked past, eyes fixated on her daughter, until she came chest-to-chest with Katy. Ruled by desperation and a building pleasure, Katy took the initiative. Her lips met the older woman's and pulled her onto the ride that was her desires.

Katy crammed her tongue down Marianne's throat as her cock did the same to Sam. She dug her fingers deep into the woman's ass, inviting her to do the same, and luxuriated in its soft pertness. With some coercion, Katy made her straddle her cock. It flexed at the proximity of a lavish snatch, grinding along the folds, all but dragging out the moisture.

All their scents hung thick in the air, so rich that Katy almost tasted it. She reached back for Marianne's hand, placing it against her own snatch. Fingers teased at her entrance, pressed against her clit, urging her own juices to run faster. Sam gurgled and slurped on her cock, holding it close as she groped her breasts around it. Moans filled the room.

Marianne's skilled fingers curled. The nails scraped against Katy's g-spot, her moans building to a husky growl. She pressed her tail harder against Marianne, a taste for what would come, while she crammed more down Sam's whorish gullet. A third and fourth finger stretched her walls, the thumb assaulted her clit with every thrust, burgeoning her pleasure and lust to new heights. Katy deepened the kiss, hands squeezing as they drifted to Marianne's ass. At her age, it must've seen some use.

Time to find out, she thought and hooked a finger from each hand into the hole. Marianne seized at the penetration, then moaned as her ass was pulled open, fingertips teasing her insides. But that wasn't her goal. Katy let it close and moved her cock between the cheeks, while a hand snaked between their bodies to find the woman's drooling snatch. So juicy, she noted and pulled away. Ropes of saliva connected their lips and chins, which she licked up.

"On the floor," Katy said and laid down. She arched her back, showing just how round and tight her middle was, and reached for Marianne's legs, tugging her down until those plush cunt lips consumed her vision. They hovered overhead for a second, letting a drop of Marianne's drunk lust fall on her tongue, before plunging down and subsuming her face. Katy wrapped her arms around the thighs, delighting in their softness and that of the ass pressing down on her. It covered her from chin to forehead.

As Katy devoured the older woman's cunt, her tail tested Sam's limits. It pushed into her until she gagged, then repeated the move as her oesophagus and throat clenched around it, adding more pleasure, before it curled around her neck and squeezed like a python. With only so much length to work with, it pulled her toward the other two, allowing enough for it to sample her drenched pussy. Sam didn't struggle as she was throat fucked and strangled, instead she moaned harder.

Above Katy, Marianne undulated her hips in time with her and her daughter's moans. The pregnant woman sucked and licked, nibbled and flicked, while she squeezed her hands around juicy thigh and ass meat. Orgasm encroached on the relatives. Marianne fell forward, planted her hands to either side of Katy's belly, and bent over it. Such flexibility was impressive for someone her age. That talent was put toward a single goal; Katy's pussy.

"Nothing better than a pregnant woman's cunt," Marianne said as she situated herself, grinding harder onto Katy's face, while she fingered the tailed-woman's snatch. After confirming that she was, indeed, dripping wet, Marianne mashed her face into the folds. Each breath tingled against Katy's pussy, cool from the moisture, while those lips and tongue massaged her. She renewed her efforts on Marianne as well.

"Gonna cum," Katy moaned into the sopping folds.

"Me too," Marianne said.

Sam choked out something that resembled agreement. All three expedited their pleasure, fingers and tongues moving to a rapid tempo, until a chorus of lust sang from each. Katy was the loudest, cumming from both her pussy and cock, while Marianne was a dignified, yet husky growl in her chest, and Sam's cry was choked by the dick around her neck. Juices squirted from Katy to drench her mother-in-law's face, who returned the favour. Sam was left to kneel in a pool of her own cum as she tried keeping up with Katy's tail.

Not even Jen, with months of practice, managed that. As such, it was impossible for her to swallow it all, leaving viscous rivers to pour down her chin. She kept gulping, however, which overflowed into her nasal passages. Aware she wouldn't stop, the tail yanked away and unloaded the rest on Sam's face and body. Ounce after ounce of semen concealed her features by the time it dwindled.


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