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Son Discovers Videos of Mom


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Putting the tape in the tape player he then placed his headphones over his ears and pressed the play button. The audio wasn't great so he had to turn it up in order to hear what was being said. He'd heard his father's voice and knew he had to be the one operating the camera. On the bed was a younger version of his mother with and a man named Paul, he remembered living next door when Scott had been barely old enough to remember him.


Down the hall, in her room Cheryl was unable to fall off to sleep. The incident of what had happened earlier with her son had her embarrassed as it kept replaying through her head. She was embarrassed with how she had reacted and wondered what her son had been thinking when he saw her dressed the way she was. She also could see he'd been upset with something that had happened on his date. Her concern drifted to wanting to know what must have happened on their date.

Knowing she would not be able to sleep until she talked to him she got up, and before leaving the bedroom, she grabbed the robe that matched the lingerie she was wearing. The robe was short, but at least it covered her breasts and the hem came to mid-thigh. After tying the robe closed using the waist sash she headed out of her bedroom.

Making her way out of her bedroom she headed toward the living room but could see the lights had all been turned off. Turning back toward her bedroom, at the end of the hall she could see a light shining from below Scott's door. Barefoot, she made her way to his door, stopped, and knocked. When there was no answer so she knocked again softly calling his name. Still with no answer she turned the doorknob and slowly pushed the door open.

The first thing she saw was the image on his television. It had been a long time since she'd last watched the video, but she remembered it very well. Her attention them went to her son sitting in his chair wearing his headphones. She now understood why he hadn't answered when she knocked and why he still hadn't realized she was standing behind him. She came close to retreating out of the room and closing the door, but she knew this was something they needed to discuss and she needed to do it now rather than later.

Walking toward Scott she saw he was wearing only his boxers and he had his right hand pushed down inside his underwear. The scenario was only getting worse as she could see from the motions of his hand there was no doubt what he was doing. She was beginning to reconsider and had decided this was not the time or place for the conversation she had in mind. Her own arousal from watching the video earlier and now seeing what her son was doing, was in conflict with the certainty she knew she need to leave. It was at that moment when Scott must have caught movement out of his peripheral vision causing him to turn his head and see his mother standing there in his room.

They were both shocked, but Cheryl noticed for some unknown reason Scott didn't pull his hand out from his boxers. She could see he had stopped stroking his cock, but it puzzled her as to why he didn't pull his hand out.

Cheryl wasn't sure why, but she heard her own voice ask, "Honey, do you need some help with that?"

Scott slowly remove the headphones then asked, "Mom, what did you say?"

She knew this was her chance to say something different, but rather than do that she repeated, "Do you need some help with that?"

With a dumbfounded look on his face he looked down at his boxers and realized his hand was still in them. Pulling his hand out he said, "Mom, I'm sorry about the video. I never should have been in your closet. I found the tapes and..."

At first Scott was unaware his mother wasn't listening to what he had said. Cheryl's attention had been focused on the tent she saw in Scott's boxers. Moving closer she knelt down in front of the chair in which her son was seated. Slowly moving her hands up toward him she said, "It's been such a long time since mommy has seen her boy. Mommy wants to see how big her boy is now."

When she grasped the waist of his boxers he raised his hips just enough to allow her to pull the garment down. She continued to pull it over his knees then off his feet. He was now stark naked and she was staring ahead at the thick vein covered shaft between his legs just below eye level to her. The large helmet shaped glans was leaking copious amounts of clear pre-cum. Her first thoughts were regarding how much larger his manhood was than his father's. Scott was now sitting with his knees spread giving her a nice view of his scrotum. She was taken aback by how large it was as well as the size of the balls in his sac. She had always had a fascination for a man's balls and had always enjoyed fondling this part of a man in the palm of her hand.

The thickness of his shaft amazed her. She wrapped her hand around the shaft to measure the girth. It didn't surprise her she was barely able to get her hand half the distance around the meaty shaft. Holding the warm hard flesh she gripped it as she looked up into her son's eyes and said, "Is it okay if I help you take care of this?"

Unable to find the words, Scott simply nodded his head as he continued to watch her. Cheryl's eyes were darting back and forth between his eyes and the very masculine cock she was holding. She kept stroking it as she continued to marvel at how thick it was. She said, "Honey, you are huge. I had no idea you were this large."

"Mom, your hand feels incredible. Please don't stop."

"Don't you worry, I'm going to make you feel really good."

After first glancing back at the TV the video was still playing on, Scott said, "Mom, about the video..."

"Don't worry about that. We can talk about that later."


"Yes Honey. What is it?"

"Is it okay if I see all of you?"

"You mean you want to see me naked?"

"Yes, please. Mom you have a great body and I'd like to see it."

Her son asking to see her naked gave Cheryl a huge confidence boost. He might be her son, but more importantly at this moment, he was a man and it had been a long time since a man had verbally expressed an interest in her body. Giving him a big smile she released his hard cock and stood. Stepping back a couple steps, as seductive as she was able to do so she untied the sash holding the robe closed. Sliding it off one shoulder then the other she held her arms behind her allowing the robe to slide down her arms. Catching it with her hands she tossed it onto Scott's bed. Next she untied the bow knots holding the front of the top closed. Turning her back to him she pulled the front open and slid it off. Bunching up the satin and lace fabric she held it to her breasts as she turned back to face her son.

She saw he was now stroking his cock with his own hand. She gave him a grin and said, "You have a wonderful cock," just before she began lowering the garment revealing her breasts to his gaze. After first pinching one of her nipples causing it to stand up erect, she said, "I remember how you really enjoyed these when you were a baby. Something tells me you still like them, but now for a different reason."

Almost panting he said, "Mom you're fucking gorgeous."

There was a day she would have scolded him for using profanity, but now hearing the lust for her in his voice it was like music to her ears. Thrusting her chest forward and placing her thumbs in the waist of her panties she asked, "Do you still want to see all of me?"

He was now stroking himself faster as he nodded his head and said, "Please."

She said, "Okay, but don't you dare make yourself cum. That's my job."

When he slowed his stroking she smiled and said, "Much better."

Once again turning her back toward him she remembered undressing many times in a teasing manner like this for the men Jason had shared her with. She had enjoyed teasing the men by doing a strip tease for them. Doing the same, but this time for her son's viewing pleasure, brought back all those wonderful memories.

From the back she knew her G-String was visible only by the narrow waistband. The back strap was buried between her ass cheeks. She began lowering the garment and could feel the back strap being pulled from between her cheeks. When it was down past her pussy she kept bending forward knowing her son was now able to clearly see her little pucker hole and her plump pussy lips. She kept herself in shape and was quite limber as she slid the garment all the way down to the floor. Bent over like that she grabbed her ankles and glanced back at her son before asking, "Is this what you had in mind?"

"Oh fuck Mom! I'm not sure how much longer I can keep from blowing a load all over everything."

With a very serious voice she said, "Stop stroking your cock right now!"

He did what she said, as she quickly stood and turned just in time to see he wasn't touching himself as his cock began jerking and a fountain of thick white cum shot from it like a geyser. He was not touching himself, but he had waited too long before stopping. Quickly dropping to her knees she took his still throbbing and semen covered cock into her hand and slowly stroked him using the semen coating his cock as a lubricant allowing her to continue stroking him. When his semen had stopped flowing she held his shaft with one hand and cupped his balls in her other. Looking up into his eyes she asked, "Does my boy feel better now?"

With his eyes locked on her body he said, "You have no idea how much better I feel."

Taking his hand she said, "Let's get you cleaned up. I'm tired and we have a lot to talk about, but that can wait until tomorrow."

Leading him into the bathroom she cleaned the semen from his skin then said, "Tonight you sleep with me. I'll keep you warm."

In the master bedroom he got into bed and laid on his side. Cheryl slid in to be directly behind him spooning up against him. With her arm draped over his waist she took hold of his now flaccid cock and said, "Good Night Sweetie."

Chapter 3 -- You Are the Man of the House

When Scott woke up the following morning his mother was already out of bed. He could smell bacon frying. Getting out of bed he went up the hall and into his room where he grabbed his boxers. That is when he noticed in their haste the night before, he'd left the television on. The video had obviously played to the end and stopped. After switching the TV off and ejecting the tape, he headed toward the kitchen. He saw his mother standing at the stove wearing only a thong. Seeing him she smiled and said, "Morning Honey. Did you sleep well?"

"Yea, Mom. Never better." He stood there silently looking at her when she said, "You look like you've never seen a woman before."

He grinned and said, "Never one as sexy as you and never one standing in the kitchen dressed like that cooking breakfast." He got a little more serious and said, "Mom are you sure this is okay? After all, you are my..."

"Yes Sweetie, I'm well aware of the fact I'm your mother. Let me ask you a question. Did what we did last night feel like it was wrong or cause you to regret anything?"

"Hell no, it was all great!"

"Baby, I may be your mother and while you are a very sexy man, you are my son, but we are both adults. If what we did last night bothers you we can pretend it never happened and never mention it again."

Scott said, "And if I liked what happened and don't have any regrets?"

"In that case we need to get some condoms until I can see the doctor and get started back on birth control. I have so many things I want to teach you. I also promised to tell you about those tapes. First, let's eat then we can talk."

Scott said, "Condoms? You mean you want me to..."

"Only if you want to. I just figured you wanted all of me."

"I do Mom! This is great!"


After breakfast Cheryl made a quick run to the drug store to purchase condoms. With it being the weekend, she would have to wait until Monday to call her doctor and make an appointment so she could resume a birth control solution. She had not been dating and had stopped soon after Jason had been killed. Now she had a new and exciting reason for a man to be able to shoot his semen directly into her and not into a condom. She knew, at this point, the last thing she wanted was to be impregnated.

When she arrived back home and saw Scott, she tossed the box of condoms to him saying, "Whenever you are ready."

Scott caught the box. When he saw what it contained there was excitement in his voice as he asked, "How about right now?"

She laughed and said, "Sure, but maybe first I should explain the videos like I promised I'd do."

"Mom, you don't owe me an explanation."

"Maybe not, but I want you to know everything. I want you to know how all of what you will see in the videos began. After I explain, I'll try to answer any questions you might have. It's important to me that you know everything. After that we can do whatever you want."

Cheryl began by telling him how she became a hotwife. When he asked her what a hotwife was she said it was a wife whose husband shares her with other men. She saw the confusion on his face and that is when she told him the story Jason had told her equating the sports car to a wife.

She was watching as he listened intently to everything she was saying. She could see he was nodding his head as he listened. She said, "It took me several months to understand why your father wanted to share me, but the more he did the more I learned to appreciate what both of us were getting from the experience. You should know your father and I were deeply in love with each other right up to the end when that drunk plowed into him."

Scott said, "The man in the video, isn't that the guy who lived next door when I was growing up? I barely remember him, but it looked like him."

"Yes. His name was Paul."

Scott then asked, "I saw several other video cassette tapes in the box where I got the one I have. Are they all of you and Paul?"

"No, there are several men. You father didn't record all the men he shared me with, but he did record most of them."

"Is it okay If I watch all the others? I'd also like to convert them to a media better than video tape if that is okay with you."

Cheryl said, "Your father was going to do that, but never got around to it. I'd like that, but I want to make sure only you and I see them."

"Mom, your secret is safe with me. I know the tapes are old and video tape does go bad. After seeing the one I have it would be a shame if we didn't save them."

Placing her hand on his leg she said, "I know you will keep our secret. I was thinking maybe after you get them copied over we can watch them together and I can tell you the story behind some of them."

"That sounds great. Can we go use one of the condom's now?"

Grinning she asked, "Only one?" Then with a big smile she said, "Sweetie, you are the man of the house. From now on you let me know when you have those kinds of needs and I'll make sure they are taken care of. Until I get back on birth control, if you don't like condoms there are other options that don't involve you getting me pregnant."

"You mean like the hand job you did last night? Sorry I finished too fast."

"Hand jobs are one thing, but a girl has two other holes a man can use. You are pretty big for one of them, but I've been able to accommodate a couple men close to your size or maybe even a little larger. We can always try and see how it goes."

"Fuck Mom, that sounds great!" Grabbing her hand he said, "Let's go. I want to spend the rest of the day in bed with you."

Chapter 4 -- I'm Here for You

Monday morning Cheryl called her doctor's nurse and explained she needed to see the doctor as soon as possible. The nurse said one of their patients had just called and cancelled an appointment for later that afternoon. She said she could work Cheryl into that time slot. Cheryl thanked the nurse then hung up.

Lying on the exam table with her legs in the stirrups Cheryl could feel the doctor insert the speculum and spread her vagina open for a close examination. The doctor said, "It appears you've been active recently. Have you been using condoms or some other method of birth control?"

"Condoms, but neither of us like them."

"Most men don't. I'm happy to hear you are finally seeing someone again. Is he someone you just met or have you known him for a while?"

"I've known him his entire life."

The doctor looked up from between Cheryl's legs at her and said, "Oh? Sounds like an elementary school sweetheart."

"Yea, something like that," said Cheryl with a grin.

"Well, whoever it is, it's good for you to once again have a healthy adult relationship. I know losing Jason was quite a blow and you should know I've been a bit concerned about you for a while. The good news is it appears you've found a man who makes you happy and you are doing much better now."

"Yes, I'm doing great, and he if very special, indeed!" exclaimed Cheryl. "It feels so good to once again have a man hold me in his arms."

The doctor smiled and said, "Good for you. I'll have my nurse call out the prescription to your pharmacy. Good luck with your new guy and enjoy yourself. Be sure to let me know if there are any issues I can help with or if you have any problems with the medication."

Cheryl was grinning from ear to ear as she left the doctor's office. She wondered how long it would be before she would need to reveal the identity of her man to her doctor. All she needed to know now was he was making her very happy. She knew the doctor/patient confidentiality would prevent the doctor from revealing her secret. Then again maybe she would never need to tell her doctor and it would remain a secret between her and Scott.


A few weeks had passed and no longer was Cheryl making trips to the drug store for more condoms. What remained of the most recent purchase had been pushed to the back of the drawer and Scott was now free to fill his mother's pussy with his fertile semen. Cheryl was excited the first time her son deposited his semen directly inside her. The sensation of the added lubrication and warmth of the thick semen felt great.

They had been lying there in bed naked for several minutes. Scott had his arm around his mother's shoulders holding her tight up against his side as he lay on his back. Cheryl was perfectly content feeling the strong arm of her son holding her as she slowly stroked his hard shaft with one hand. She could feel his semen leaking out of her and onto her inner thigh. It was the first time she had felt that since the last time Jason had shot his last load of semen into her.

No words had been said as each of them mulled over their own private thoughts. All of a sudden Cheryl giggled causing Scott to ask, "What's so funny? Did I do something wrong?"

"No Honey, you've been the perfect lover. I was just thinking, and something struck me as being funny."

"What was that?" asked Scott.

"You remember how when you were little I always called you my little man and told you how you were a big boy? I was just thinking how now you are my ONLY man and you really are a BIG boy, but in a much different way. Now you are big in all the perfect places."

Hearing this caused Scott to laugh then say, "Mom, I like being your man and your big boy. Let me show you how much I'm enjoying my new role." With that said he rolled over on top of his mother and was positioned between her legs. She still had a grip on his hard cock as she stared up into his eyes.

With a serious look on his face Scott said, "Mom, put my cock inside you. I'm going to make love to you."

Expecting her to do what he said, he was surprised when she didn't. Looking at her with a questioning look on his face and before he said anything else, he heard her say, "Honey, I'd like that, but sometimes a girl doesn't want her man to be loving and gentle with her. Sometimes a girl wants her man to be more dominate. She wants him to take what he wants when he wants it. She wants to be dominated by her man. I'm sure you remember that video we watched where the actors were supposed to be prehistoric cave men and women. Remember how the two women were at the river and one of the cave men came up behind her and grabbed her hips, lifted her then shoved his cock into her from behind?"

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