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Sons Of The Father: Coming Out


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It was almost midnight when my door slowly opened up and Sam walked inside. He was only wearing shorts.

My heart skipped a beat as soon as I saw what he had planned for the night.

In his hands, Sam was holding a pack of condoms and a brand new tube of lube.

This was going to be a fun couple of weeks.

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DevonCowboyDevonCowboy6 months ago

So wish I had a brother like Sam who was so thoughtful and mentoring...... Oh! And was the perfect person to start my fucking life!

furluvrcafurluvrcaabout 1 year ago

Daddy needs to get spit-roasted and DPd by his virile sons. Just sayin’

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Something just beyond hot about a gay son being mounted by his daddy…just makes me so fucking hard.. totally loved this story… so many possibilities… can’t wait for more…feel like cumming…


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