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Soothing Sisters

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Mother in law helps save family.
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This story is not exactly BTB, not RAAC either. Nobody under 18 in sexual situations and a loving father makes damn sure of that! Just a bit of fun, especially with the mother in law. Try not to take things too seriously. please be kind in your comments.

Soothing Sisters

My wife Heather was after me. We still had superb sex 5 or 6 nights a week. This was after the divorce! I still loved her, and I think she was in love with me... But, I had only been divorced for ten months, and it felt like ten minutes. I was not quite ready for another shot at wedded bliss. She gave me lots of reasons not to be married.

About a year and a half earlier, things had been very different. I had been an emotional train wreck after I had found her with her fucking paramour. I beat the shit outta' the damn bastard, putting him in the county hospital. I became a guest of the state. County lock-up was not much fun for sixty days with me living there. I'm glad they suspended the last thirty days of my ninety day sentence for good behavior. It was good to be out of there.

However, her cheating on me was now a public fact that could not get erased or forgiven easily. It simplified getting the divorce immensely. Heather's dirty adultery was an open fact brought out at my trial, and could not be minimized or undone. The divorce practically sailed through.

The judge admonished me not to take the law into my own hands, and that violence never solves anything. It made me feel great after I beat the shit out of her lover! But I sure don't want another two month vacation courtesy of the court system.

Then three months after the divorce, Heather's sister Cathy showed up on my doorstep with a black eye and a river of tears. I wanted to go over and smack the shit out of her boyfriend, but I was locked in a custody battle, even though my wife and I were divorced! If I got tossed back in county lock-up, I could kiss shared custody goodbye. I was determined to be a good a dad as I could be, no matter what the cost. Gwen was the most important thing in my life, period. She was a wonderful daughter. I was lucky to have her as much as I did.

So despite my instinctive reaction to beat the fuckin' boyfriend's ass, I did not. I held Cathy close instead, and got plenty of ice for her face. I wound up taking her to the emergency room, where everyone thought I hit her! No good deed goes unpunished.

As if my ex had not punished me enough! In the end, I made it crystal clear that I was the good Samaritan here, not the asshole using a woman for a punching bag. The cops showed up and immediately wanted to arrest me. It took Cathy explaining it several times to keep me out of jail. They wanted to arrest her boyfriend, but she just wanted to let it go. I think that she feared his retribution if she did press charges. In the end, they just took her information. He did have an outstanding warrant, so I think they planned on a little visit, and a free stay downtown. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Cathy stayed the weekend, and I nursed her back to health, although she still jumped at loud noises. Perhaps she has a touch of PSTD, and who could blame her for that? She had a very traumatic event. She cried in my arms a lot. She wept at the reminder of what her boyfriend did to her every time she looked in the mirror. So I hugged her and told her she was still beautiful. We didn't have sex because she was still getting over the boyfriend.

Cathy eventually moved in with her hot sexy girlfriend, Samantha, at least temporarily. I told her she was welcome anytime she wanted or needed to be here. Cathy kissed me hard, and tears fell as she left with her friend. Her friend Samantha kissed me on the lips as well, and told me that I was a good man. Sam thrust her tits into my chest! They both hugged me and then they were gone. Damn, they were both sexy as hell!

Cathy was short, voluptuous and blonde. Her ass was wonderful to watch as she walked, and her nipples poked through her clothes. She didn't wear a bra around me, although her large EE-size breasts probably needed an industrial strength one to lift those lovely round mambos. She seemed to enjoy "accidentally" pushing them against me to see my resultant erection from those marvelous mammaries just touching me. I can't stop my instant physical reaction! Those ta-tas have magical powers over men (and quite a few women too!).

Her BFF Samantha was a lithesome brunette in dark rimmed glasses. She looked like a sexy teacher. Sam also had huge hooters that looked extremely large on her delicate slender frame. Sam seemed to be batting only for the other team, which is so sad for men. Were they together? I don't know, but both women seemed to exude sexuality. I missed them right away, but I had other issues to deal with.

I could not think much about sex, worried as I was about my young daughter Gwen. The ex-bitch Heather was having a regular parade of fresh cock through her small apartment, and my eleven year old daughter Gwen was very scared and disgusted. I didn't know what to do, but a kid gave me the answer. It was so simple to do as well.

Walking around in the mall was one of her classmates. He was so proud that his dad bought him one of the newfangled I-phones. He was showing off the fantastic pictures and video. And of course he had to shove it in Gwens face and mine. The camera in the I-phone was pretty damn good, as was the video. The quality and video acuity was remarkable, even in very low light.

A lightbulb went off in my head! Off to purchase an I-phone for my daughter! The phone was a bit pricey, but it was absolutely perfect for the task I had in mind. The camera is designed to work with low light levels and has a great video function as well. It was perfect for my daughter.

Gwen was overjoyed at the early Christmas present. I told her that I wanted her to take lots of photos and videos if the opportunity ever presented itself. Was her mom ever drunk? If any of her mom's 'boy toys' even went near her, hit my speed dial number and 911 as well, if she was scared that I wouldn't make it there in time.

Gwen loved it. It gave her and me a sense of security, and I made damn sure I was close by for the next few weeks. I'm very glad we planned it out. It saved my daughter from a potential rapist. I got full custody as well, but that's just a small consolation. The main thing is that my precious daughter was ok.

It didn't take even a week to get all the relevant information and evidence. My ex, Heather, and her 'boy toy' fucked up a storm in the master bedroom, not caring about my poor little daughter at all. Gwen stayed in her bedroom. My daughter Gwen was very upset about their behavior. She felt it was just disgusting and degrading, not to mention downright rude!

Then later on, my ex wife Heather was asleep, or maybe she was drunk (and/or drugged). Boy-toy tried to open my daughter's door. She had locked the door, so he had to use force on the door. Gwen had empty coke cans stacked in front of the door. They fell over and Gwen woke up instantly. Heather (her mom) did not wake up! She just remained asleep until the cops woke her. This was well after all the action took place. Maybe she was drugged? I don't know.

Gwen called me, then 911. SHIT! Gwen just called me and the cops! Sweet Jesus! Move! Move! MOVE!! I drove over at 100 mph to get there fast! I raced to the front door. The cops got there at the same time and my front door key still worked. I ran into my daughter's bedroom. I was in a murderous rage. I was livid beyond belief. The cops were right behind me, guns drawn.


I woke up in the hospital. I was very messed up and disoriented. I think I was tasered. My hands were broken from the fight. There were a few ice packs on my knuckles. I was woozy.

My first words were: "Is my daughter Gwen alright?" She was fine, and nothing had happened to her, thank God!She was taken to my sweet mother-in-law's house. "Thank God!" I was relieved. I did not care if I had to go to jail as long as my daughter was ok.

There was a police officer, and a plainclothes detective interviewing me. I told them everything from the time my daughter was getting upset about my ex wife's antics, 'till the phone call. I still paid the mortgage on the house, and my driver's license was still listed at the house, and my keys still worked... so not much was said about my entry into the house. On top of the frantic phone calls to me and the cops themselves, that pretty much got me off the hook as far as entry into the home. No breaking and entering charges would be filed.

They were concerned about the boytoy, as I had knocked out a few of his teeth and broke his nose. I did not ask about his testicles. I guess they were still there. Damn! Next time I will do better.

I simply said, "Hey, he was trying to get my daughter Gwen. I simply defended her the best way I knew how. I did what any father would do." It was the absolute God's truth.

I told the truth about it and I said, "I would gladly die for my daughter." I saw both men absolutely agreed with me. The truth will set you free.

"Why did you taze me?" I asked the cops. I thought it was a little bit much.

"You were going to kill the son of a bitch. I stopped you from murdering the bastard and going to jail. It was the quickest way to stop you." The cop explained to me. Oh, he might be right about that. I probably would have ripped the head off the S.O.B.

"Well, I thank you for that. Truth is, I saw red. I probably would have killed him had you not stopped me. I appreciate what you did. You kept me out of prison for sure. Thank you." I shook his hand.

Both cops smiled. Neither of them wanted to arrest me. I think they both wanted to buy me a drink! Both men shook my hand. I felt relieved. My daughter was fine, thank God.

The cops let me go. The case against me would have been unwinnable. He was in police custody. My ex-wife was in jail on multiple charges of child endangerment. I then thanked God profusely. The one cop said he would have done exactly the same thing as me, but he might have killed the prick! I admired his honesty. There are good folks still in the world. I have met them, and shook their hands.

I drove to my Mother-in-laws' house right after my hospital release. Mabel, my dear, kind mother-in-law, was crying with her granddaughter and I just held them both as they filled my chest with tears of relief and love. I wept too, in gratitude to my maker for watching out for my daughter when I was unable to do so.

My father-in-law had passed away, and my parents were gone, so we were the only close ones in the family. That and my ex in jail. After she heard the whole story, Mabel wanted to do bodily harm to her daughter, because Heather would allow this to happen. Mabel was pissed off bigtime. I'm sure she still loved the idiot, but she was angry at her daughter's behavior. She assured me that Heather was raised better than that. I did not debate her. I had enough on my plate. I just hugged the kindhearted woman with my thanks. She kissed me on the lips in a most lovng and kind fashion. She is the best mother in law there is. She's also very sexy with those ginormous bosoms of hers. More than once she has touched me 'accidentally' and made me harder than diamonds.

My lawyer would have a field day with the new information, and my wife wound up in jail for her depraved indifference and her failure to protect a minor. If that isn't a bad parent then I don't know what is. It made me furious.

I got full custody. At that point, it felt completely right to me. But I knew that I couldn't do it alone. I needed help for sure. I looked to Mabel for that help. Thank God for Mabel.

My mother in law Mabel has a vital role in my girls life, and she is happy to be a part of this little family. I don't know what I would do without her. I begged her to come live with us. Mabel did buy a cute house down the street. I think she values her personal privacy. Mabel still has the occasional gentleman caller you see, at least I think she does. We do not speak about that.

My ex wife's boytoy didn't realize Gwen's phone was still active during his attack on Gwen, with all the sound going to the 911 operator, and the video recording as well. He more or less confessed as to what he was going to do. He is a predator and will be behind bars for quite some time... and I told him that I will be waiting for him to be released. I smiled when I told him that! I think he might leave town quickly; if he is smart he will. If I catch him, he will be eternally unhappy. I will fix all his problems PERMANENTLY.

I was very happy with the outcome. I was not happy with the bullshit my poor daughter had to go through! She was receiving counseling, and lots of hugs and kisses from me. Gwen was dealing with it as best she could. She is very brave.

I had to sleep in a chair next to Gwen's bed for a week, as she had a few nightmares but that slowly stopped. After that, only infrequently I would wake to find Gwen in my bed holding me for dear life. She would not sleep until I held her and promised to watch over her. Thank goodness it was infrequent. She is slowly healing, but she is making progress.

Then I got more bad news. I had to go out of town for a week on business. I called Cathy.

"I need you!" I just came out and said it. "Please! I really need you."

"For you or for Gwen?"

"Both of us, for different reasons. You know what I mean." The time for subtleties was over.

"Let me get packed. Hey, um Sam wants to come over too."

Samantha? What? That was a big surprise.

"Samantha, you are always welcome!" I had assumed she was listening to me on the extension. She was!

"Thank you, Ray. You know I want to help. I... I have real feelings for you too, Ray." Sam offered. Wait! She has "real" feelings for ME?! Huh? When did that happen?

"Well, get down here, both of you. I absolutely need both of you! Please be careful, but hurry!" I'd figure it all out later.

My favorite mother-in-law Mabel asked to take Gwen for the weekend, as there was a Teachers-in-service day on Monday. Kids were off, teachers had to go to school for various meetings and administrative tasks. I would have been bringing Gwen there to Mabel anyway on Monday, so they got extra weekend time together. I got a little bit of time by myself. I hugged Mabel and I thanked her. Gwen held on for a long while, but let me go, with a promise from me to be there quickly if she needed me. They were only two blocks away, if it came to that. I could be there in two minutes flat. I timed it, and in an emergency, I had a spare door key, or I would just break it down.

"Always Gwen, always!" I kissed her and Mabel. They left. Mabel gave me a look over her shoulder and I kissed the wonderful woman. She has proven herself completely indispensable to me. What would I do without her? She's quite indispensable to me.

My sexy ex-sister-in-law Cathy was at my door, immediately after my dear mother-in-law Mabel left with my daughter. Samantha was right behind her carrying enough luggage for a year. Women!

Cathy was looking like the cat that ate the canary. She had sworn that she would gladly replace her sister(my ex) as my woman anytime and anywhere. She was about to make good on that early promise. We barely closed the door and she was all over me! She kissed me and hugged me like crazy.

Cathy ripped off her and my clothes like a woman who was possessed. Sam had also quickly disrobed and was naked with her. I was very determined that both of these gorgeous girls were going to be quite satisfied. They were going to be mine. Both of them!

We were all of us naked in bed, kissing and hugging like mad. Shortly thereafter, Cathy was having high pitched orgasms on my face. Sam had jumped up on my cock and she grunted in time to the thrusting of our pelvises. Sam suddenly did not seem to be a lesbian at all! She really seemed to enjoy my cock, especially inside of her happy, tight hole!

Sam threw back her head and cried my name as she reached her peak, "Ray! Oh! Yesyesyes! I'm..." and Sam climaxed. Her cunt locked on my cock and I could not help myself, I blasted her womb with a huge cum load. Sam smiled and wept, still coming on my dick as I spurted again and again. I filled her lovely fantastic cunt with my sperm.

Both women, temporarily sated were in my arms. Cathy spoke seriously, "I want to be your woman Ray. I have wanted you since the very beginning, since the day I met you. I remember you were interested in me, but then my sister got her hooks in you. I hate her huge tits! She just uses them to bait guys in." She seemed so jealous over the exact same thing she had! Cathy's big tits were almost identical to her sister's except a bit nicer.

"Cathy, your delicious tits are the same damn size as your sister's, and a lot firmer. Yours too Sam. She got nothing on either of you girls. You are both knock-outs! Are YOU really interested in me?" I wondered about her, um... orientation? I need not have been concerned.

"YES I AM!" Cathy spoke with admiration. She grabbed my dick. She moaned as she clutched me. She stroked me with her nimble fingers. Cathy seemed to relish playing with my dick!

"ME TOO!" Sam was quick to chime in. She got her hand around the base of my cock. Sam could not quite get her fingers all the way round me. Her eyes were locked on my love muscle.

Next thing I knew, Cathy was on top of me, fucking like crazy and I was licking her sweet BFF to orgasm after orgasm. Samantha really did enjoy my mouth on her fun parts! Both women were tweaking each other's nipples as we fucked and sucked.

This went on for several hours, until everyone was fully satisfied and asleep in my arms. Cathy had declared her love for me over and over. Samantha only said it twice, but I knew she was serious. She looked deep into my eyes and I knew she was serious about wanting me and loving me as well.

So after all the wonderful loving, I still had to go on the damned business trip. My mother in law wound up begging to take care of my daughter all week, and I took the two beautiful women with me as I visited the affected job-sites. The girls were not especially interested in my boring job, but they were interested in me! What a wonderful week we had together. I introduced them as my potential personal assistants. They giggled at that. All the guys were jealous as hell.

Cathy was not just interested, but absolutely determined to be my next woman. She did not care if we were married or not. Cathy had wanted me for many years and now, with her sister being a guest of the state, look how she was on my doorstep immediately. She didn't seem to care about Samantha having feelings for me. I did love both girls, but not with the ferocity of their love for me.

I had not figured that Cathy would more or less abandon her sisters' side, but she was upfront and transparent about her feelings for me since day one. She had disdain for the way her sister had treated me.

What shocked me was Samantha felt EXACTLY the same way! I had no idea that Sam cared about me at all! Thing is, I think both of these beautiful girls also have a sexual relationship... with EACH OTHER. That complicates things a bit.

In a way though, I think it makes things a little bit easier too. In this weird little triad, I was the add-on, they already had each other in their hearts. So one less thing to worry about. It was a bit strange being with two loving women.

I did not have to worry about Cathy or Sam cheating on me, but when my ex Heather was released (her sister) there would be hell to pay. I have no doubt that it would come to blows between the two siblings and also her lifelong friend Sam. Heather was not going to take this well.

Thing is, I did not wish ill will towards my ex, I just don't trust her with my daughter! Heather's actions had jeopardized my child's life! It took a court trial to prove this to the dumb bitch. I went to the prison for visitation once a month and she did not want to see Gwen at first, but there we were, Gwen, Cathy, Sam and me. We were shown to a day room, kind of like a lounge and we waited for Heather. She finally showed up in a nice dress and she hugged Gwen, then me.


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