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Speech and Debate Pt. 15

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The boys go to Ian's lake house for a post-graduation party.
7.5k words

Part 16 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/24/2015
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Hello Everyone! I know it has been several months since my last posting and I sincerely apologize for the wait. I have heard from several of you over that time and I wanted to explain why I've been away for so long.

I had some rather hard times suddenly descend on me all at once near the middle of August and I feel secure enough now to explain some of that to you. My relationship of 5 years came to a very abrupt end and without my mutual knowledge or discussion. My now ex-partner left our shared home two days before we were scheduled to re-sign our lease, meaning I then had to find a new roommate in 48 hours. In NYC, this is an unmitigated disaster. I was able to find someone, but had to liquidate my entire savings in order to cover the new security deposit. While dealing with my ex moving out of our apartment while I was at work and taking half of our shared stuff, I got the news that my Piano/Wine bar, would be closing for good at the end of the week. So I had to lay off all of my staff, and found myself newly single, savings depleted, and now unemployed, all in the space of a week. It took me several long and arduous weeks to work my way out of that hole. I then lost a very close friend to Suicide and a family member was diagnoses with terminal cancer. Life kept dealing me severe blows in rapid succession.

I just didn't have the will or the energy to write at the time. I was too sad and mourning the loss of my relationship to write about a happier love life than my own.

But, being me, I persevered. Got a new job, new boyfriend, and new outlook.

AND NOW! Here is the first part (of 3) of the last chapter of the David and Daniel series (HighSchool Portion) I plan on releasing a series of shorter stories about the summer between college and high school, and a series similar to this one on college and beyond, but I am going to work on another novel between the end of this series and those two projects.

I am not done with these characters yet and I am eternally grateful for the support you have shown me on this journey. This final chapter is divided into this one (a semi introduction) the middle portion (where the majority of the sexy stuff shall happen) and the final final (SURPRISES IN STORE..STAY TUNED!) They are all written, I am just working on the details.

So enjoy this first portion!

I hope that helps! Go to my author page here for more info

DISCLAIMER: The following fictional story deals with sex among males. If you are offended by such material, are too young, or reside in an area where it is not allowed, depart. Though not observed in this story, care enough about yourself and humankind to practice safe sex.

The author retains all rights. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the author's consent.


Nerd Brigade...ADVANCE!

By: D A Mackey

It would be many more years yet before the stereotypical body image issues that seem to plague most gay men, or at least American gay men, would begin their invasion of the nooks and crannies of my mind; thus, I did not hold back in the slightest at the buffet the Raddison laid out. Several trips to the dessert table (which, to my delight, was several yards long) as well as an omelet eating contest with Daniel's father, which I lost by at least two full ham and cheese monstrosities, and visiting the meat carving station until I was nearly on a first name basis with the chef in the tall white paper hat, all left me feeling fat and happy. The joys of a metabolism that seemed never ending meant my small nerd frame felt about ready to burst at the seams.

I debated unbuttoning the top button on my dress pants. I quickly decided against it. It was just too cliche even for me.

But I was not the one who nearly put the hotel out of business. If you've never seen a High School aged jock male consume food when said food is essentially limitless, I highly advise it.

For the entertainment value alone.

The look of pure unmitigated horror on the faces of the poor chefs at the various stations when Ian would saunter towards them... their eyes widened as if they were thinking the massive boy might just consume them if they failed to provide him with the victuals he requested. The Japanese gentlemen at the sushi counter trembled visibly. If it hadn't been for the angelic and comparatively diminutive lanky boy who followed the barrel- chested beast around, I think some of the chefs might have fled the room like dark-age villagers from a Viking horde: just threw down their carving knives and serving spoons and run screaming into the night.

Caloric consumption aside, the meal itself was pleasant and uneventful. And just a little bit long.

Parents chatted with parents and left us "kids" to ourselves for the most part. Daniel and I kept a watchful eye on our respective mothers, trying to catch any hint of whatever devious scheme for "blended family" outings they were most assuredly planning. Mother's can't help it.

"What do you think they will drag us to first: a museum, or a picnic?" Daniel leaned over to whisper in my ear after his fourth or fifth trip to the pasta station. I had honestly lost count.

"My money is on rollerskating or hiking," I replied with a grimace.

The only hike I had ever enjoyed had been on the Senior Camping trip. And that was only because of rather extenuating and highly sexual circumstances. With parental involvement, the idea of trekking through the woods was something akin to water boarding in my mind: slow and steady descent into complete break with reality and a loving relationship with pure madness.

Though we both knew they were hatching something, (they just had to be, it was in their natures,) neither maternal unit made her schemes known by the time we had all eaten ourselves to maximum American gluttony standard and stereotype.

In the parking lot, Justin and Ian climbed into Ian's truck and headed towards the lake house while we all said our goodbyes to the various parents and siblings. Ian wanted to get there a little early and set up before we arrived. It was about an hours drive from downtown, but knowing the way Ian tended to drive, they could do it in forty minutes. Maybe less.

I'm sure Ian wanted a little alone time with Justin before we all got there. I tried in vain to remember if Ian's truck had what I lovingly like to call "Oh, Shit!" handles: the rails on the door frame and dashboard you can grab onto in the event of an emergency. I hoped so. Ian's driving definitely counted as an Emergency. Justin was in for a stomach churning trip otherwise. It would be a shame to waste all that brunch food only to have Justin deposit it back on the side of the highway because Ian wanted to get home a little faster.

Daniel and I took our time loading into his Jeep. We even went through an automatic car wash just to waste some spare minutes. About 30 minutes after Ian and Justin had squealed out of the parking lot, we were on our way.

The sun was just beginning to dip below the tree line and paint the summer blue sky with pale trails of lavender and the blush of pink and orange. I leaned back in the passenger seat, kicked off my dress shoes and socks and put my bare feet on the dashboard. I reached across the center console with my fingers extended. Daniel laced his fingers through my own and brought our grip to his lips for a quick kiss across the back of my hand.

I smiled and sighed, closed my eyes for a second, set the picture in my mind and settled in for the drive.

It only took about 15 minutes to emerge from the tangle of streets that made up the downtown area and escape into the two-lane roads that lead to the outskirts of town and the surrounding state parks, lakes, and rivers.

In that time, Daniel had wiggled out of his button down shirt and tossed it into the backseat of the Jeep. His tight white undershirt clung to his torso like a second skin and did very little to hide any of the bulges and crevices that made up his impressive upper body.

He rolled down the window and hung his left arm casually out into the summer afternoon air. A pair of black and gold aviator style sunglasses capped his ensemble.

He leaned back with an air of grace and ease that I doubted I would ever be able to accomplish. Even doing something so mundane as driving his car down a winding road, Daniel looked in control and entirely at his ease. He breathed deeply and evenly, his chest rising and falling with a gentle rhythm that made my eyes go a little wide every time he inhaled. His buzzed chest hair dusted the top of his deep tank top and his nipples made little white mountains on his pecs.

I squeezed his hand, still entwined with my own and resting easily on the console.

"You are just so damned beautiful," I said in nearly a whisper.

"Hmm?" he asked, briefly turning his attention from the road to me.

I smiled at him.

"I said, you are so damned beautiful," I repeated it a little louder for his benefit.

His smile at my compliment only proved my statement more true.

"Thanks a million, Angel Boy, but have you looked in the mirror recently?"

My raised eyebrow and confused stare must have concerned him a little because he answered his own question.

"I mean, I just wish you could see yourself right now, is all," he said with a little exasperated sigh as he returned the squeeze on my hand. "You look very..."

He paused.

I waited.

"I don't know how to describe it. You look different than when we first met, that's all. Still super hot and I just wanna rip the clothes off you and jump your bones right here and now..."

"Please don't," I joked. "I'd rather not become a cliche story about tragic teenage death on the day of graduation when you crash us headfirst into a tree because you can't get control over your dick."

"I'll be good. I promise," he continued with a little chuckle. "But that's not what I mean. You look, more relaxed. More at east. A little more like yourself. You've changed a bit, that's all."

I didn't know how to respond to that. I sat with my knees almost up to my chest, my bare feet warm on the dashboard and my hand gripped with the most beautiful man I had ever seen, much less met.

And that man loved me. And I loved him.

I suppose I had changed. I had been on such a whirlwind with Daniel and school, and Amy and graduation, and the Baseball team, and my parents divorce, and college, and finals, and everything that seems to attack a teenager on the cusp of manhood all at once...I hadn't really thought about how far I'd come from my birthday 5 months previous.

At the start, as my social standing began to rise little by little from just my association with Daniel, I had worried and fretted over the loss of that standing. But social standing is fickle and arbitrary. What I hadn't thought about was how much I had changed. As a person. Now, I worried more about losing Daniel. The perks that came with him, be damned.

"I guess,.." I started meekly, gazing out the window at the passing pine trees and verdant greens as the whizzed by at 60 MPH, "I guess I'm just happy now."

"Me too," he replied with another squeeze. I felt the metal of our twin rings press into each other as he squeezed. The pressure of the silver on my skin was a wonderful and much needed reminder.

"What's going to happen after this summer?" I said.

Once the words were out of my mouth, I very nearly looked behind me to see who had spoken them. Surely it hadn't been me!? I was reveling in a sea of happiness and not thinking about anything other than Daniel and how much I loved him...why would I ask something like that?

Daniel was quiet.

Which made me get even quieter.

It will never cease to amaze me how quickly a mood can change. In the blink of an eye or faster.

"I'm sorry...I...I don't..." I stammered and tried to avoid his eyes. "You don't have to answer...I don't even know why..."

"It's alright," he said calmly. His words had a similar calming effect on me.

"I don't know why I even asked that," I nearly panted. I couldn't seem to quiet the pounding of my heart and the rising quickness in my breath.

"It's alright. I just don't like to think about the future that much, I guess," he added. "When you're as happy as I am right now, it's like tempting fate to think too far in advance. There's so much we just can't know yet."

"Yeah, I know. Trust me I know."

We drove in silence for a little while. We may not have spoken, but my mind was racing down all of the horrible or wonderful possibilities that awaited me and Daniel in the coming months. And years. Flash after flash of if's or maybe's or possibly's or eventualy's.

All at once.

To his credit, and to mine, Daniel never let go of my hand.

"We won't be that far apart, you know," he said suddenly, pulling me out of my own head and rescuing me from myself.

"Four hours. I mapped it," I replied, trying to keep the twinge of despair from my voice.

"That's not that far."

"You say that now, but it seems like an eternity," I sighed.

I felt myself slipping slowly into a depression.

"It's only back and forth from school to your house two-point-five times," Daniel calculated with confidence.

(I was a little bit proud of his ability to do so accurately after our few months of tutoring together...whenever we were clothed and flaccid, that is.)

"So that's essentially one week of school for a trip to visit. You, being the nerd that you are, have never missed school. That's 35 weeks of school per year. 35 trips to visit each other. You won't even notice the distance. You didn't notice when you drove back and forth to school all those weeks. And this time you got something to look forward to when you get where you're going."

I had to hand it to him, his logic, while simple, did make me feel better.

"I fell in love with you because you Daniel-Logicked me into it. And you're still delivering. Thanks, baby," I said with a small smile, the best I could muster.

"I do what I can," he replied.

"So we won't have to break up?" I asked, needing, wanting to make sure this was covered.

"Not unless you finally get sick of me and kick my sorry ass to the curb," he offered. "I've always said that you can do better than me if you want to."

"I don't want to break up," I said with a damn sight more confidence than I truly felt.

"Good. Cause we're not. You're stuck with me."

I stared out the window straight ahead, trying my best not think about breaking up. Trying not to think about my life without Daniel or my life with any real distance between us. I tried as hard as I could to focus on the beauty around us, but at the edges of my mind, that darkness crept in. The harder I tried to push it back and think about the good things I had, the things I had right now at that very moment, the feel of Daniel's hand in my own, the more that depression and darkness encroached.

I felt it coming nearer and nearer, my heart beating faster and panic starting to rise in my throat. My breath got shorter and I squeezed Daniel's hand, trying to remind myself of my anchor, trying to stop the spiral I felt coming towards me.

My mind kept buzzing.

I couldn't lose him.

I didn't want to be apart from him. I wanted him there, beside me, with me and only me. I didn't want to go back to a life like I had before him. A life where I watched the world from a distance and silently wished I was a part of it, even though I convinced myself it was safer to stay away. It seemed cruel to go back to that after tasting what it was like to be alive and a part of it all.

Three months from now, there was something coming that could end it all for me, could throw me back to that time no matter how much I wished and wanted and fought against it. I tried to trust in my bond with Daniel. I tired to rely on our love to bolster my strength...but I felt the tears of fear build up and my vision mist with the haze of unknowable future sadness.

Before the tears could fall, the Jeep suddenly pulled to the shoulder and came to screeching halt, dust and gravel flying against the paint job and shrouding the open windows in a reddish brown cloud.

"You stop that right now, David," Daniel said more firmly than I'd heard him speak in a long time.

There was an edge to his voice, an anger, that I hadn't heard since he'd stepped in and protected me from Amy months ago at Prom.

"I'm sorry," I started to say, but my voice was tight in my chest and I croaked, my jaw working uselessly and only screeching noises escaping. I felt a hot tear break free and cascade down my cheek.

Daniel's hand on my face pulled my eyes from the road ahead and towards his.

"Stop it," he demanded, his eyes burning like gold in the afternoon sun. "Stop it and don't think about that again. It's not fair. I won't have the summer, the time we KNOW we have together, I won't have it ruined because you are afraid of what comes after it. You hear me?"

I nodded even though I felt the tears coming faster.

"I love you, dammit. And you love me. And that is no reason to cry or be afraid. Got it?"

I nodded.

His lips crashed into mine.

He kissed me with a fierce passion that sucked the air from my lungs and made my eyes go wide, my whole body tense up and tingle. In that kiss I felt his own fears, his own doubt, hidden behind a wall of bravado and surety. He was afraid too, I was sure of it. But though his fear sent him shaking just like me, he seemed unwilling to let it move him even an inch.

"Nothing you can say or do will ever change that," he said, pulling away from our kiss. "No distance or time will ever change the fact that I love you. You are my first love. It doesn't matter if we stay together forever or if time and space drift us away from each other, we will always always always be connected. I don't know what is coming and neither do you, but until we do, you have to remember that. Please, for me, and for us, please don't make our time together something bittersweet."

I was silent for a while.

He actually put into words a possibility: that we may drift apart. That we might not always be together. Distance and time could pull us away from each other. But he didn't care. He KNEW that was a possibility and he didn't care.

"I will love you forever. You won't ever lose me, even if we live on opposite sides of the globe. No matter what changes physically or emotionally, you can't lose me. Not ever. You and I will be together forever in whatever way we figure out and want to be. You got that?"

I nodded and stared at him. His deep brown eyes were no longer burning with golden fire. They seemed calm and complacent, deep pools with something buried beneath the surface. The deep sadness of reality. Adulthood. My fingers rose and traced the the hard lines of his face, felt he soft black stubble of his beard. My silver ring glinted in the sunlight, thrown into shining relief against his tanned skin.

I nodded again and smiled.

"I know. You will always be mine..."

I tried my hardest to believe it. And in many ways I did.

He kissed me softly.

That, at least, made it much easier to believe. For the moment.

He sniffled and shook his head a bit, like a cat just waking up from a nap.

"I'll make you a deal. We will spend every single day together this summer. We won't miss a single one. Even if you are sick as fuck and puking up your guts, I'm gonna be there. And you will come to summer training for baseball. Every day. I don't want to miss a single second. Okay?"

I smiled and giggled a bit, looking down at my lap. I nodded yes.


He moved the car from park, checked the mirrors and pulled back onto the road.

"Even with your snot nosed, red faced, crying eyes look, you're still beautiful."

That got me to laughing.

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