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Magic is in the air.
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Zelion glared at the pages in the book in front of him, the words blurring together. He had been studying for three hours straight and he needed a large cup of coffee to keep him focused. He sighed and sat up straight.

"Still at it, huh?" Hex walked up to him, sitting at the oak table that stretched across the entire library.

"Yeah," he grumbled. "But I could use a break. Want to hop over?" he asked, and shut the book.

"Sure," she smiled. He and Hex had been best friends since they were children. Despite their differences. While Zelion was a struggling Warlock, Hex was a skilled Wizard. Most of the time, the two different classes never mixed. But that never stopped them. They had been friends for almost eighteen years now, despite the red and black robes Zelion wore, and the blue and gold ones Hex wore. "So, what were you reading up on?" she asked, as they headed to the portal between their two dimensions.

"Conjuration. That's my first test," he grumbled. Halloween was only a month away, and like every Halloween, the graduating class would perform in front of the council three tests to pass their exams. If they didn't pass all three, they would be wiped of their memory and their powers forever. The only difference was that this year, Zelion and Hex were the graduating class.

"That should be easy, I mean, I wouldn't really know," she laughed. "But I've heard other Warlocks say conjuration is the easiest of the tests." She smiled.

"That's not helping, Hex. I couldn't conjure a bunny to save my life, much less a Demon or a few extra limbs," he grumbled, watching as a Warlock he passed by sprouted four wings, two leathery and bat like, and the ones below it feathered.

"That's not true, you summoned Chaos," she pointed to the horse that stood nearby, his eyes, feet, and tail engulfed in green flames.

"I sneezed while trying to pop popcorn with destruction magic," he glared at her.

"Oh yeah... look, don't worry about it, Zel. You'll be fine," she smiled.

"Right," he said, bleakly. "What about you, what's your first test?" he asked. She beamed.

"Polymorphing," she replied, a happy jump in her voice.

"Oh, your favorite," he rolled his eyes. "You're not practicing on me again. Last time you turned me into a goat I kept eating paper."

"Spoilsport," she pouted. "I was going to try a crow, actually. They're always impressed by birds, since you have to hollow out the bones," she smiled.

"See, you're going over and above. I'll be lucky if I can conjure up a noose that I can hang myself with after I fail," he pouted. He hated tests, he hated failing. But he loved magic. It had always hurt, that he was born a Warlock, his birthday midnight on Halloween like every other warlock, wizard and witch, but was never any good at magic. He read the books, and understood the techniques, he just couldn't do it.

They stepped through the portal and Zelion felt the familiar tingling as they crossed over into the human realm. They were allowed to cross back and forth between worlds as they pleased, coffee was usually the reason for leaving their own magical realm. But, Halloween was another.

Of course, Halloween was the shared birthday of all creatures of magical decent. Everyone who was born anywhere from midnight to three a.m. on Halloween day was born with their own set of magical abilities. As they aged, these abilities developed into one of the three classes they were sorted into. Wizard, Warlock, or Witch.

Wizards were pure magic, like Hex. They practiced in the arcane arts, making impossible things happen at a flick of their wrist or a twist of their tongue. Witches focused on brews, potions, and some minor incantations. Most of their abilities came from physical things. Something you could drink, eat, or even something like a wand or staff to amplify their poor magical powers. What little power they could build up, was hardly ever good for anything other than dark magic. Witches were few and far between, but there were a handful of them in the school. Warlocks, like Zelion, were somewhere in between the two. They were much better at pure magic, and spells, like Wizards. But most of their focus was on dark magic like witches. Not very handy with a cauldron, broom, or wand, they prefered spell books.

Hex sighed as they sat down. "Nothing to wake you up from those musty old books like a latte." She smiled and sniffed her steaming cup of coffee.

"Yeah, it is nice..." Zelion let the dull chatter of the cafe float to his ears. "Well, anyways back to work. See ya," he stood and headed back to the portal that was hidden by a chained off alleyway.

"Wait-wait-wait, what?" Hex stood up. "We just got here!"

"Hex, I have to practice. I'm going to go practice," he mumbled, grabbing his text books from the freakishly small tables they expect you to sit at, and took off.


"Okay, here we go," he murmured, glancing around the summoning room. This specific room in the school was meant for summoning and conjuration. Several large squares were marked on the floor, each it's own 'space' for a summoner. There were several other rooms for the same thing, so Zelion found one that was empty and took it. Halfway through his set up, someone else had wandered in and began setting up their own summoning ritual in the far corner. He supposed that was okay. He held up the piece of paper up again. In old fashioned black ink was a symbol, just underneath it was the name of the Demon he would be conjuring. 'Debell'

"From War," he whispered the meaning of the name. He set the paper down on the floor near his knees as he knelt by the flat open space in front of him. He reached into the pouch at his side, a mixture of bone dust, charcoal, powdered sugar, and crush chlorine tablets. He carefully drew out the symbol with the dust mixture. He brushed off his hands on his cloak as he looked at the name one more time. He nibbled his lip nervously. He placed nine black candles around the symbol, lighting them, careful not to get any spark on the flammable powder nearby. He opened his book, and began to chant the spell in latin, before finally switching to english for the last part.

"I call to thee, Debell. Rise from your place in Hell and make yourself seen here in my realm, under my command," he spoke the words sternly. As he finished his spell, he lit a match on the symbol he had created, setting it ablaze. He licked his lips as it caught fire and burned, creating smoke in it's wake. The ground vibrated as the summoned Demon growled. Smoke swirled from white, to black, gray, and red. The red and orange glow of a portal in the floor sparked with lightning as a large clawed hand reached into his realm. It gripped the stone floor of the summoning room and pulled itself up.

"I did it..." Zelion felt his heart rate increase. "I did it!" The student on the other side of the room rolled his eyes before picking up his stuff and leaving. The demon roared and growled as it lifted its large body out of the portal. A second pair of hands appeared, behind the Demons shoulders. The large pair of horns curved around his head, his yellow eyes glowing as he looked at Zelion, who quickly stopped dancing with excitement and tried to seem dignified and powerful, he hoped it worked. He had to make the demon respect him.

"Who dares summon me?" the Demon's booming voice echoed in the concrete room. His hooved feet appeared next, pushing him upright until he stood at nearly eight feet tall. His black teeth showed when he spoke, a stunning contrast to the red lava cracked lines in his black stone skin.

"I do, Warlock Student Zelion Sathrago." Zelion stood up straight and tall, only reaching the Demons chest.

"Do not bother me, Human." The Demon laughed, before it turned around and stuck one hoofed foot back into the portal.

"Do not ignore me, Demon!" Zelion realized he was losing his chance. He summoned up the shadows around him, forming them into a whip in his hand. He cracked it on the Demon's back. It turned and screeched at him, shaking the concrete walls. Zelion cracked the whip, down by his side.

"I said do not ignore me." Debell growled low in his throat as Zelion gulped back the lump in his. He was anything but an expert summoner, but that's what he had to make Debell think. The Demon turned it's head down and put its back to Zelion. A strange sound began to fill the room and Zelion frowned. "Are... are you crying?" he questioned, as the Demon wiped a clawed hand across his face.

"No," it's low voice grumbled.

"This is amazing. I have to be the first warlock in history to summon a demon from hell, that cries!" Zelion sighed and turned around to face away from the Demon.

"Well you didn't have to hit me!" the deep voice sobbed harder. Zelion sighed.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry alright. But I thought you were going to leave," Zelion said.

"I was! I knew you would make fun of me!" Suddenly Debell changed forms. Instead of the big hulking four-armed monster, now stood a slim back with the same red cracks as his demon form. Sobs still poured from the demon, though now they were higher pitched and more human like. Zelion sighed.

"Look, I'm really sorry... okay?" Zelion rubbed the demons back tentatively. This was a poor excuse for a demon, but he still summoned it, it counts.

"No you're not," the Demon sobbed.

"No really, I am. My name's Zelion. You're Debell right?" Zelion asked, trying to be nice to the Demon, who only nodded his head silently. "Come on, sit up," Zelion urged. Debell did as he was told, and Zelion was met with the tear filled yellow eyes of a demon. "There, see, I'm not so bad. You're the big scary demon, right?" he asked, as if talking to a child.

"No," he whined. "I have the looks but I can't fake it." He sniffed, and wiped at his nose again.

"You were great, you had me fooled!" Zelion sat down on the floor with the smaller man... demon... thing.

"Really?" he sniffed sadly.

"Yeah, really," Zelion smiled. He couldn't believe he had to do this for a demon. "Come on, I'll put you back," he said.

"Really? Thank you." The pale skinned boy blushed, the red cracks in his skin glowing.

"No problem. I'll just," Zelion stood. "Open the portal, and you jump on through. Easy as Unus, Duos, Trois," Zelion said, knowing it was a lie. He was lucky to open the portal once, but two times in one day? He didn't think so.

"You know Latin," he smiled.

"Kind of a requirement for spells." Zelion held up the book and flipped it open to the page with the summoning spell. He repeated the process, drawing the symbol, lighting the candles, and the powder. Even after trying three times, the portal wouldn't open. He sighed and fell on the ground. "Okay, I admit it, you're not the only one sitting outside the stereotype," he said. "A warlock who can't use his powers." He tossed the book onto the ground and fell onto his back.

"So... what do I do?" Debell mumbled.

"I guess we're roomies."


"Thank god you're here." Zelion opened his door a crack, before opening it all the way to let Hex in.

"Yeah yeah, why did you call me at four a.m.?" she asked.

"Because three a.m. is the witching hour, and it takes me an hour to get home." Zelion locked the door and headed for his bedroom.

"What? Did you practice your summons tonight? How did it go?" she asked.

"See for yourself." He opened the door, and Hex was greeted by the sight of a pale naked man, with red lava-like cracks all over his body. His eyes were surrounded by completely red skin, and they glowed a bright yellow.

"Hi," he wiggled his fingers in a poor excuse for a wave.

"Hi... Um, Zel, can I talk to you?" She pulled him aside. "What the fuck is that?" she asked.

"His name's Debell. He's the demon I summoned," he mumbled.

"Maybe you missed how Demon Summoning works. You summon the demon, they do your bidding, you send them back to Hell. Not: You summon the demon, and he moves into your fucking house!" Hex hissed.

"I tried, I couldn't open the portal again. I had to bring him home!" Zelion whined.

"How did you get him through town without anyone seeing him?" she asked.

"A pair of sunglasses and a jacket..." he mumbled and shrugged.

"You're insane, if a human had seen him..."

"Then I would have been in deep shit, but they didn't. So I'm not," he shrugged.

"What are you going to do with him?" she asked.

"I don't know!" Zelion shrugged again.

"Jesus, Zel," Hex sighed. "What kind of demon is he?" she asked. Though she was a Wizard and in no way would ever be caught dead doing demonic magic, she had taken a demonology course for fun.

"Well... he's a war demon but..." he bit his lip.

"But what?" she pushed. Zelion simply pointed through the doorway, where Debell was playing with a moth on his finger. "Is he playing with a bug?"

"He cries too. I hit him with a shade-whip when he tried to leave and he burst into tears. It took me like twenty minutes to get him to stop. He was sniffling the whole way home," Zelion crossed his arms and nibbled his lip.

"You got a gay demon, only you!" she laughed. "Even when you do manage to cough up a decent spell it ends up wrong!" She burst into laughter.

"That's not funny! How am I supposed to get him back? My test is in a couple of days!" he sighed.

"Did you think of asking him? I'm sure he's been summoned more than once, and might know a thing or two that could help you pass," She shrugged. Zelion bit his lip harder.

"Debell..." he mumbled, the demon looked up and the moth flew away, leaving him with a big pout on his face. "Do you know anything about summoning or conjuration?" he asked.

"A little..." he said, his voice delicate and high pitched.

"Do you think you could give me some lessons?"


Hex sighed and bit into her third hot dog. "Guys, we've been here for four hours. I'm exhausted."

"You're exhausted? All you've done is sit there and eat hot dogs!" Zelion said, sweating from the taxing job of trying a spell over and over. Debell was nearby, helping him make another dust symbol.

"Hey, this is taxing stuff," she mumbled, as a glob of mustard dripped down her chin.

"Classy," Zelion rolled his eyes. "Lets try again, Debell."

"You can call me D... if you want to," Debell blushed and gave a small smile. Zelion groaned.

"'From war' my ass," he murmured. "A hug war maybe," he added, making Debell bite his lip as his eyes filled with tears. "Please don't cry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," Zelion soothed.

"I know," Debell wiped at his tears. "Really I should be used to it by now... demons aren't exactly accepting when it comes to differences. They think we should all be mean and brutal." He nibbled his lip, a nervous habit he seemed to have.

"Well, you definitely don't fit that description," Zelion chuckled.

"Well I think it's refreshing," Hex smiled. "All the demons you warlocks try to summon always try to act all big and bad when they're just whipped by their silly little summoners in their red robes," Hex giggled. Zelion and Debell just stared at her. "Sorry," she mumbled, through a mouthful of hot dog.

"Anywho!" Zelion turned back to his book. He began chanting, and lit the powder at the right time, and prayed for the best. But it simply blew up in his face, and left him coughing and waving his hand to clear the smoke. "Fuck this," he threw the book down.

"This doesn't seem to be going very well," Hex sighed.

"I noticed," Zelion growled. "I'm going to fail." He sat on his ass, wrapping his arms around his knees and resting his head on them.

"No you won't. Come on, Zel. You can do this. You may not be the most skilled Warlock out there, but you're a good guy and when you put your mind to something you can do it." Hex smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks, Hex," Zel mumbled. "But I doubt being a good guy will help me pass my exams."


"He's so pale..." Debell nibbled his lip nervously.

"I know... he's practically sweating through his gloves," Hex whispered back, staring at the black leather gloves Zel wore. His red and black cloak was sweat stained and his face was as pale as the moon.

"He threw up twice this morning. Why is he so nervous? It's just a test right?" Debell asked, he wore a dark cloak, one that Zel had let him borrow while he was out watching the rest of the Warlocks test in front of the council and any other magical person who wanted to attend. The cloak smelled like him, Debell couldn't help but inhale the scent stuck on the collar every couple of minutes. Who knew that a person could smell so good?

"He didn't tell you? This is a big deal. If he doesn't pass..." Hex swallowed hard.

"What?" Debell asked, sensing something bad coming.

"If he doesn't pass... his powers are taken," Hex said. "He can't ever do magic again, they turn him into a human," she said sadly. "It's the worst thing that could happen to someone with magic powers." She whispered the part, gripping her blue leather gloves tightly.

"Forever?" Debells jaw dropped.



'Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.' The words repeated themselves in his head over and over as he approached the summoning spot in the middle of the large open space. The multi colored swirls of light and stars that made up the sky of their magic world churned above him. He always loved the sky in this realm, his favorite thing was to watch the black sparkling clouds float by. He shook his daydreams away from his head as he stepped up to the square. He swallowed and looked up at the six council members before him. Two of each class.

"Hello..." his voice cracked and he mentally scolded himself. "My name's Zelion..." he coughed. "Zelion Sathrago. Uh... I'm a warlock... which I'm sure you could tell by the robes... fuck," he muttered the last part about his robes.

"What will you be summoning today, Zelion?" the head of the council asked, a Wizard who looked as if he was around to watch the egyptians build the pyramids.

"A demon... Fourth Level of Hell," he mumbled. Which was true, that was where Debell was from.

"Proceed," he waved his hand. Zel reached for his bag of summoning powder and frowned. The place it normally was was empty. He swallowed. How the hell could he forget his summoning powder!?!?

"Oh!" A high voice from the crowd perked up and he heard the familiar sound of Hex's heels. She giggled nervously, "sorry about this... here hun." She handed him the heavy sack of powder. He didn't remember it being this heavy. "Good luck," she whispered, and winked. What was she winking for? They both knew he was going to fail.

"Thanks..." he mumbled. He quickly reached into the pouch and smiled at the council awkwardly. He pulled his fist out, clutching much of the powder and began to draw the symbol for the demon he would summon now. 'Because that's all I need, another demon.' He looked up at Debell, covered in his extra robe. He began to sprinkled the dust into the shape, and frowned. 'Why is this blue? It should be gray...' he whispered to himself. It wasn't bright blue, but there was a small shimmer in the fine gray powder. "...Hex..." he mumbled.

"Excuse me?" the council member upfront said.

"Nothing, sorry." He finished the symbol quickly and began to chant quietly to himself, before lighting the powder. It burst into flame, and the blue flakes turned red, spouting off gray and red smoke. The wind blew it around the arena quickly, covering the ground. Suddenly, in the middle of the column of smoke, a red portal opened up. As Zelion looked at it, stunned, a large black hoof stepped into the center of it. He looked up at the hulking mass that was Debell. He smiled, revealing thick black tusks that resembled a boar's. He grunted, a thicker black smoke pouring from his nostrils.

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