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St Joseph's School For Girls Ch. 2

Story Info
Jenny humiliation continues.
4.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/19/2002
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Jon woke early that morning, before his alarm clock had gone off. He quickly showered, dressed and made himself breakfast. He sat for a while as he drank his coffee, looking out his window over the foggy mores of Wiltshire. His thoughts turned to Jennifer Cahill. She was the girl that he and Francis had turned from a moody arrogant bitch into a submissive slut. Jon also was curious about what Dr Francis James' orders to Jenny had been last night, what did she say to her. Whatever it was he was sure that it would be worth the wait.

He grabbed his briefcase and made his way out of the door locking it behind him. He then walked down the dusty old corridor and down the dusty old stairs and into his dusty old office. He closed the door behind him, put his briefcase down and picked up his notes for his first lesson. He walked over to his classroom and sat patiently in his chair waiting for his class to arrive. About two minutes late they did, all talking and laughing as they entered the room. Jennifer Cahill was the last to enter the room; she was dressed normally now. Jenny wore her white school shirt and tie, a short pleated school skirt, her hair in pig tails and on her feet she wore pop socks and her new six-inch stilettos. She strode into the classroom and took her seat.

The class went all right for about half an hour, Jenny looked like she was paying attention and Jon was starting to enjoy the interaction between him and the class. Jon looked over at Jenny; she stuck her tongue out at him. Jon was a little taken back but as no one else noticed he ignored it and carried on his teaching. She started to take more and more participation in the class, at one point she replied that she didn't think that the French should be in the EU because they were all 'slimy bastards'. This of course caused outrage especially among the French students and it disintegrated from a heated debate into an all out slanging match. Jon tried to calm the class down, but he was not having any effect. He raised his voice more slamming his fist on the table. The class went quiet except for Jenny who jumped look up at Jon, stuck her tongue out, then said, "what the fuck did you do that for? You cunt!"

The class went quiet; no one would dare speak to a teacher in such a way.

Jon was a little confused, had the potion worn off? Was she back to her old arrogant self?

What made him more confused was that not only was she wearing her stilettos from yesterday but also that she kept playfully sticking her tongue out at him.

Jenny sat there indignant.

Jon looked sternly at Jenny, the whole class waiting to see what he would do next.

"Jenny, excuse me?" he said.

"You heard," she replied with a cheeky grin on her face.

One of the girls in the class leant over to Jenny and softly, "stop it or you're gonna get the cane."

Jenny smiled and looked at Jon, "is that it Sir, are you going to give me the cane?" Jenny stuck her tongue out at him again.

"Well I don't know if that's necessary," said Jon as he backed up.

"Come on you wimp," Jenny said as she stood up, she looked directly at Jon smiling, "I need a good spanking because I've been a very bad girl, after all I did call you a cunt."

Jon had finally realised what was going on, it was part of Francis' plan for Jenny to publicly humiliate herself. Jon wasn't about to ruin the fun. "Jenny come her now" he commanded.

Jenny sprang out from behind her desk and hopped playfully towards Jon.

"How do you want me Sir," asked Jenny standing in front of Jon, "how about bent over your desk?" Jenny stepped forward and bent over Jon's big oak desk, Her little skirt rode up and showed off her firm thighs. Her butt wasn't quite visible but it was nearly there, Jenny spread her legs apart, her skirt rose up to show that she was not wearing any panties, she then waited patiently. The class were mesmerised as was Jon, there was a pretty girl wearing school uniform and six-inch stilettos bent over the teachers desk waiting to be spanked showing the class her shaved pussy. Jon regained his composure and picked up his cane from the corner of the room. In truth he had never used it, but it was good to keep as a deterrent. Jon moved closer to Jenny and placed his hand on her lower back causing her skirt to rise a little more. He spanked her with the cane once, but not being very experienced he caught the material of her skirt, it sounded out a dull thunk.

Jenny tutted, she then reached back and pulled her skirt completely up to aid in Jon's spanking. Her bare pussy and butt were on show to the whole class. The class was completely quiet watching what was happening. Jon looked to the class the girls all looked a little red-faced, they were all breathing quite deeply and Fiona who sat at the back definitely had her hand in her panties. Jon moved back to Jenny and spanked her once again with his cane, this was a better swing and it left a red stripe across Jenny's white butt. Jenny cried out, the cry changing to a moan half way through. Again Jon swung his cane; he left just enough time for the sting to kick in before swinging again. Jenny cried out loader and loader, after a while Jon was starting to get concerned that someone might hear them, the walls and doors were solid oak but Jenny was screaming very load. He looked at the class, all of the girls looking at him, "I need something to gag her with, do you have anything?"

The girls all looked around, eventually Fiona called out, "here use these"; she threw something to Jon who caught it. Jon opened it out to reveal Fiona's wet panties, Jon looked back at her who sat legs spread with a big grin on her face. Jon took the panties rolled them up and walked round to Jenny's face.

"Open your mouth," he commanded of Jenny.

Jenny opened her mouth wide and Jon slid the rolled up panties in, "now bite down on these," Jenny did as she was told biting down on the soiled panties.

Jon returned to Jenny's butt where he delivered two more spanks in quick succession, Jenny could only moan in pain and pleasure. Jon kept spanking her, he lost count of how many time he had spanked her with the cane. There was a loud knock at the door, Jon and the class jumped. Jon quickly walked over to the door and opened it slightly to see who it was. As he opened it he saw Dr James and opened it enough for her to enter.

She stopped and looked at Jenny who was still bend over the desk with her skirt pulled up showing the class her pussy and white butt which now looked red with cane marks.

Jon stopped and looked at Francis, she wore a white see-through blouse that showed off her huge breasts that were encased in a lace bra, a very short skirt that hardly concealed her butt and most impressively she wore knee high black leather stiletto boots. Francis looked amazing her hair was in a ponytail that sat on top of her head and curled down onto her shoulder.

Francis strode confidently to the front of the class and addressed the girls. "Good morning girls," she said projecting her voice to the back of the class.

"Good morning Dr James" the class replied in unison.

"Now class, Miss Cahill her has been a very naughty little girl, is there anyone else who has been naughty and needs to be punished?" The class was quiet all of them looking at Francis. After a while Fiona who was still sat with her legs apart raised her hand. Fiona was a pretty girl with long brown hair and very slim body. She wore the customary school uniform, white shirt, school tie, pleated skirt, pop socks and shoes. "Come here Fiona" commanded Francis placing her hands on her hips. Fiona sheepishly stood up and walked slowly to towards Francis. Francis stepped to one side and directed Fiona to bend over Jon's desk just as Jenny was doing. Francis walked right up behind Fiona and softly picked up the hem of her skirt and lifted it up revealing her little white butt and her bare pussy. Francis looked surprised, she turned to the class, "girls, has everyone here got a shaved pussy?" No one answered? "Emma?" asked Francis looking at the girl sat directly in front of her.

"Yes Miss" she replied.

"Do you shave your pussy Emma?"

"Yes Miss" she replied bowing her head in embarrassment.

"And you Sarah?" Francis asked to the girl behind Emma.

"Yes Miss"

All the girls answered yes to Francis' question. She turned and looked at Jon, she said aloud, "looks like you have a class of sluts here Mr Daly." Jon just nodded looking at the girls in his class who were even redder now.

Francis looked back at the desk, Jenny and Fiona were both bent over, waiting for their punishment.

Francis walked around to Fiona's face and looked at her, she then fished into her bag and pulled out a small vile of clear liquid. She moved very close to Fiona and whispered to her softly. "Drink this you slut!" Fiona did as she was told and drank the liquid. Francis then moved over to Jon and whispered in his ear. I made some modifications to the free-will inhibitor it now has no side-effects and works immediately, she winked at him then took his cane from his hand and circled the desk back to where Jenny and Fiona's butts were on show. She raised the cane and landed it on Fiona's butt who let out a scream. Francis looked dismayed; she circled back to Fiona's face. She glanced over at Jenny who still had Fiona's panties wedged in her mouth. "Looks like Jenny was a screamer too," she said softly to Fiona. Francis then walked back out the front of the class and looked around. "Girls I have a special gift for you" she announced. The girls just watched. Francis went over to her bag and pulled out several more vile of clear liquid. She then went round and handed them to each of the girls. Emma, Sarah, Petra, Connie and Lisa all were given a vile of liquid. Francis then returned to the front of the class and told the girls to drink. They looked at it and drank, not one of them hesitated downing the liquid. Francis smiled, "very good" she proclaimed.

Francis walked up to Connie. Connie was a French student she had long curly auburn hair, large breasts and a good figure, she was also very tall for a girl, only slightly shorter than Francis was and she wore high heels. Francis leant down to Francis' ear and whispered something into it, she then looked at Jon and winked. Francis walked to the back of the class and perched on the side of a desk to watch. Connie stood up and walked towards Jon, she started to take off her tie and unbutton her shirt. Her breasts were encased in a nice white bra that pushed them up to show off a lot of cleavage. She took the bra off too and walked slowly towards Jon. Once she was right next to Jon she fell to her knees and went for his zipper. She undid his trousers and pulled them down and then pulled his shorts down to release his rigid cock. Connie grabbed it with her hand and started to massage it up and down. Jon put his head back to enjoy the feeling. She then took Jon's cock in her mouth and started to suck it off.

Francis meanwhile had walked to the front of the class to where Jenny and Fiona lay. Jenny had her eyes glued on Jon's cock her appetite for cum had not been fed for a while. Francis told the two girls to stand and undress except for their shoes and socks. They of course did as they were told and before long they were both naked stood in front of Francis, Jenny wearing her stilettos and Fiona in her flat shoes. "Do a sixty-nine on the desk girls" Francis asked, "Jenny you get on top." Fiona lay on the desk and Jenny straddled Fiona's face and let her face fall between Fiona's legs. Jenny started licking straight away her thirst for pussy juice was now being quenched. Francis watched for a while Jenny's tongue darting in and out of Fiona's young pussy. She then turned to the other end where Fiona was licking Jenny's pussy, "lick her butt hole as well Fiona" commanded Francis. Fiona started licking Jenny's butt that made Jenny buck up and down in pleasure.

Jon was having a great time; he was watching two sexy young girls licking each others pussy's while another sucked his cock. Francis felt horny and decided that it was time for her to feel good. She sat on the desk and spread her legs wider, her skirt rose up around her hips, she of course was not wearing panties and now everyone could see. She called Emma, Sarah and Petra to come to her.

Emma was the youngest in the class and also the smallest. She was very thin with small breasts and short blonde hair. Sarah was also blonde with an amazing figure, large breasts thin waist and sexy hips. As the oldest, she thought it gave her the entitlement to dress more like an adult. She always wore makeup, wore her skirt very short, her neckline very low and her shoes very high. Petra was slim and pretty but you couldn't really tell much more than that, she was French and dressed very conservatively usually in long pleated skirts and big baggy tops.

Francis smiled at the three girls in front of her, looking at Petra she told her to remove her jumper and her skirt. She did and much to Francis' surprise underneath her jumper she wore a corset, it pushed her medium sized breasts up and together, she then took her skirt off to show she wore stockings that attached to the bottom of her corset and a very delicate lace thong. She looked amazing and Francis approved, Francis ordered Petra to lick her pussy to which she obeyed, getting down on her knees and pushing her lips and tongue against Francis' warm, wet hole. Francis moaned as Petra got to work. She looked at Emma and Sarah, "you two kiss" she said a little short of breath. They did as they were told passionately grabbing each other and kissing each other deeply. Francis watched the pleasure running over her.

Jon looked over at Francis who had Petra busy between her legs; Connie was pumping his cock up and down quickly with her hand while her tongue flicked over the head of his cock. Jon moaned in pleasure. Francis looked over at Jon who was flushed with colour as Connie sucked his cock deep into her throat once again. Francis bent over and gestured for Sarah to come closer. Sarah broke off her kissing with Emma and listened intently to Francis. Sarah then walked over to Connie and whispered something in her ear. Jon looked on intently. Connie removed Jon's cock from her mouth but held it up straight. Sarah lifted her skirt and stepped over Connie's arm; she had her back to Jon and lowered her pussy down onto his cock. Sarah sank all the way down onto Jon's cock groaning as she went. Connie leant forward and started to lick all along the point where Jon's cock entered Sarah, she licked at the base of Jon's cock and at Sarah's stretched open pussy lips.

Francis started to cum, Petra continued to lick her as she convulsed. Francis was intently watching Jon who was being fucked by Sarah and licked by Connie. Jon lifted his hands and cupped Sarah's curvy breasts, squeezing them hard together as she slowly moved up and down on his hard cock. Jon looked over to his right where Fiona was bringing Jenny to yet another orgasm. Fiona herself had been through several.

"Jenny stop what you are doing," Jon said out loud.

Jenny of course stopped, "and you Fiona, go and sit on the front desk and spread your legs wide open."

They both did as they were told sitting on the front desk legs wide apart, "now finger your pussy until you cum" Jon demanded. The girls started pushing their fingers deep into their pussy. Jenny was managing to get all four of her fingers up inside her pussy while Fiona was using two. "Now lick your fingers clean" demanded Jon as he looked over Sarah's shoulder who was still bouncing up and down on him. Jenny and Fiona both removed their fingers from their pussies and started to lick them clean in an almost feline way. Once the girls had licked themselves clean they went back to fingering themselves. Francis was about to cum for the second time; she reached to the desk and picked up the cane bringing down on Petra's butt as she licked Francis' pussy. Petra squealed in delight every time the cane landed on her and pushed her face harder against the wet pussy in front of her.

Jon couldn't take any more and was very close to cumming, his balls were tensing and his cock felt huge. He grabbed Sarah's hips and pushed her down as far as she would go onto his cock while he pumped his creamy cum deep inside her young body. Sarah lifted herself off Jon's cock and went and lay on the desk, Connie almost immediately went to her licking cum that was now slowly dribbling from her expanded pussy lips. Connie took to it quickly lapping up every drop of the white goo as it left Sarah's body. Jon's cock was a little deflated, he looked at Jenny who was still busy fingering herself. He told her to stop and come to him. She complied and was soon stood naked in front of him. "Suck me until I am hard again whore," he said looking deeply into Jenny's eyes, she dropped to her knees taking Jon's lip cock in her mouth started to slowly suck it to rigidity.

Jenny had sucked Jon's cock and it was now rigid, Jon told her to straddle him, she swung her legs over his lap and slowly lowered herself down onto his hard cock. She started to bounce up and down her bunches swinging back and forth as she did, she wrapped her legs around Jon's back and thrust harder. Then she stopped and clasped her head, she went all white and looked slowly around the room. Then she looked directly at Jon, "what am I doing she asked?" slowly in a confused state.

"Oh shit" Jon said, "Francis, Francis" he called out. Francis pushed Petra away from her pussy and walked over to Jon and Jenny.

"What is it?" she said looking at Jon.

"I think its wearing off," said Jon in a directed whisper.

"Really?" said Francis with a wry smile.

Francis clapped her hands and told the girls to stop what they were doing and to circle Jenny and Jon who were still linked cock to pussy. They did this. Francis looked at Jenny, "Jenny do you know where you are?" she asked softly.

Jenny who had her eyes closed as was shaking her head from side to side tried to open her eyes, "no" she replied softly.

"Open your eyes Jenny," said Francis softly.

Jenny rubbed her eyes with the back of her hands and shook her head again; this time she managed to open her eyes enough to look around.

"Dr James?" she asked looking at Francis.

"Yes Jenny its me" she replied.

"What's happening" asked Jenny looking directly at Francis.

"Take a look for your self" replied Francis looking down at where Jon's cock entered Jenny's pussy.

"Oh my god" she replied, "Mr Daly?"

Jon just nodded

"Oh my god you're fucking me" Jenny said again as she tried to lift herself up and off Jon's cock.

"Stop her girls," said Francis.

Connie grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back down as Sarah and Emma each grabbed an arm to prevent her from lashing out.

"I'm going to have you all arrested" screamed Jenny as she was pushed down onto Jon's cock.

"Petra give me your panties, but give your pussy and rub with them first," said Francis all the time looking at Jenny who was powerless to move. Petra started to rub her delicate lace panties against her wet pussy, after a minute of so they were soaked in her juices. Petra slipped them off and handed them to Francis. "I don't think that these are going to be big enough replied Francis looking at the tiny panties that Petra had just handed her. "Fiona go and get your panties from the floor over there!" she commanded. Fiona did as she was told and returned with the rolled up panties that had once been used to gag Jenny when she was being spanked. "Francis smiled at Fiona, now push them up Sarah's pussy get them coated in Mr Daly cum that's inside of her. "Yes miss" replied Fiona as she leant over and eased Sarah's legs apart, she then started to slowly feed the panties up into Sarah's pink hole, bit by bit until they were completely inside her. Fiona then started to lick at Sarah's clit until she came this didn't take long as Sarah pussy was full and she hadn't had an orgasm yet. Fiona then carefully removed the wet panties from Sarah's pussy and carefully handed them to Francis. "Thank you Fiona" replied Francis taking the panties careful not to loose any cum that they contained. Francis rolled them up, she grabbed Jenny by the jaw and forced her mouth open enough to stuff the panties in, she then used Petra's little panties to hold the others in place by wrapping them around her head. Francis then set about humiliating the stuck up little bitch.

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