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Step-Daughter's Shame Ch. 02

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Consolidation phase.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/23/2024
Created 01/19/2024
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My step-father lover and I lay under a soft goose down duvet in my parents' bed nestled in each other's arms for at least an hour. It felt like we were a couple and I think the life long familiarity between us as father and daughter helped settle initial nerves.

Mom came and went, knocking at the door politely each time, collecting her things while dropping some of mine off, smiling as though inspired by a new lease of life. In between her visits dad and I shared our initial thoughts and feelings about the last few hours while kissing plenty.

I slid my hand down Jack's midriff, gripping his cock, the size of which which had impressed me greatly. My arousal was off the charts and I wanted dad to fuck me soon, thereby consolidating our fledgling relationship quickly to move on. I understood and agreed with mom's tawdry logic that my step-father pounding the fuck out of my pussy would achieve closure for her and probably him too while opening up new opportunities for everyone.

"You have a hard-on again, dad."

"I know. The reality of you being in my bed is driving me nuts. I don't think we should leave here for the first week, because I can't get enough of you."

"I'll never deny you my pussy Jack. We can discuss my cycle and period sex if you'd like?"

"Only inasmuch as saying yes please for me, Grace. Because of your age I'll work hard to keep up."

"Okay, that was easy. Can we shower now before fucking please? I really need this fuck session for lots of reasons, dad."

"Of course."

My parents' bedroom had the best en-suite bathroom in our house. I sauntered into their cool nirvana of a bathing sanctuary, enjoying the light gray slate walls and floor of a wet-room area that was contained by thick sheet glass on three sides, separating it from the rest of a cavernous bathroom.

I felt like a stranger stepping lightly across the white marble floor under powerful spotlights, catching my reflection in the full length pristine clean mirrors. That's when it occurred to me that I'd become the defacto lady of the house.

Dad followed me in and I felt a slight shame when my eyes went straight for his cock.

"You'll want to fuck a lot, Grace. At twenty-one once you fuck regularly you'll want cock four or five times a day."

"Will you want that too, dad?"

"Fucking damn right I shall. Every time you bend over either way, I'll be there pestering."

I stepped into his arms, enjoying the warmth and sensuality of our mutual nakedness. My arms shimmered with goosebumps while my heart pounded harder and the pussy dad recently licked wanted more tongue, finger or cock. I'd gone from being an awkward girl not dating very often to a woman in love with an older man and having a nest of her own.

"This feels very awkward, Jack."

"Because of your mom and me having been together for so long?"

"Yeah. This is her domain."

Dad lifted me onto a marble worktop beside his and hers sunken sinks. I opened my legs wide so he could nestle between them, enjoying the way my new boyfriend stared up at me with such loving eyes.

"Mom relinquished all of this to you with a good heart so that she can follow the lifestyle of her choice. You didn't take anything from anyone, but it's probably going to take time until it feels as though you own it."

"I guess having been yours and mom's daughter in this house for so long makes for a big change now we're together."

"We need to shop this weekend. Changing drapes, bedding, toiletries and towels will help. You need your own things around you to build a proper nest."

"Will there be a messy divorce, dad?"

I felt a tremor of fear because when all was said and done my blowjob and emptying of dad's seed last night had separated a couple and launched a divorce process.

"No. Your mom and I will divide everything in half. We have plenty of cash and assets to go around and I won't dilute her share rights in my company. She has a great job of her own too, so we can do this easily and amicably, Grace. I promise you everything will be fine."


"Why are you so worried?"

"Because Chloe will be grandmother to our children and she's still my mom who I love dearly."

I felt better but still slightly unhinged. Getting used to a romantic and sexual bombardment while managing feelings of desire and wanton lust was a little overwhelming.

"Dad, I'll feel better with a belly full of your semen swimming around inside me."

"We'll manage this swapping around however you want sweetheart. It came as a real shock to me, but I'm really happy and getting used to the idea very quickly."

While talking to me, dad surreptitiously slid his fingers into my crotch and between my pussy lips while pressing his tongue into the side of a cheek. I lifted both eyebrows, rolled my eyes comically and nodded, spreading both legs wider apart to provide my lover with adequate access.

"Of course you can dad. Like I said, any time you want some hole, just let me know."

Mom accidentally walked in on us, so dad stopped plowing my slit with two increasingly wet fingers leaving them barely touching my trembling, creamy labia, electrifying and tantalizing me by their proximity.

"Don't mind me you guys, have fun because the more you play now, the sooner we can all move forward. Just please invite me to the inaugural shag, okay?"

"Mom, why is that so important to you?"

Chloe leaned closer, peering down into my crotch, looking like a desperate whore who wanted to join in. Mom smiled, her nostrils flared wide, and she nodded her approval before lifting toiletries to remove them from our bathroom.

"I think seeing you guys consummating properly will help my closure on our marriage while opening up a new mother/daughter relationship."

"Why do you want to bring a fuck toy along, then?"

"I think your fuck session with Jack will be a massive turn-on for me as well. Do you mind me enjoying that moment in my own way?"

"Not at all, mom."

Mom had gathered everything she wanted, leaving me a few bits and pieces. She leaned up and kissed me on the cheek.

"Sorry to have disturbed you guys. Have fun. You enjoy Jack's fingers because he plays a pussy like a concert pianist does a Grand piano. I'll see you both later."

Dad glanced up at me, chuckling while sliding his fingers along my tight slit until he could massage the enormous clitoris at its top end. It felt like my pussy was gushing and for sure a few naughty, wayward dribbles zig-zagged down my thighs onto the sink worktop.

"Chloe won't disturb us again. Your mom is a very good person."

"Yeah. You wouldn't believe the discussions we've had planning this whole thing. I knew your cock size, how you enjoy a nice slow blowjob on weekend mornings, and about your cunnilingus expertise."

"You must be in an exclusive club of women who get a sexual profile on their boyfriends from a mother."

"I think you'd be surprised, dad."

I wrapped both arms around my boyfriend's neck kissing the top of his head, while guiding his mouth onto a solid red nipple.

"Dad, just so you know. I love having my tits and nipples sucked and bitten really hard when I'm cumming. The same goes for my clitoris but obviously more gently."

"I love eating pussy, Grace."

"Mom said you've always wanted to fuck her in the ass."

"Yeah but Chloe wasn't into anal. I was surprised she mentioned double penetration earlier, but then, all of that's in the past now. Why do you mention it?"

I leaned in and nibbled Jack's earlobes, licking gently, blowing warm air inside before whispering.

"You'll be able to take my anal v-card anytime you like and then fuck my ass freely whenever you want."

"Fucking seriously, Grace?"

"Oh yeah. I'm up for anything monogamous excluding my earlier stipulation about mom. I think it's only fair that you and she fuck occasionally so long as she goes through me for consent."


I shifted my ass closer to the marble worktop edge so my oversized labia dangled slightly over. Jack took the bait and kneeled down immediately, pressing my legs wider apart while moving in with a hungry expression etched on his gorgeous face.

He sucked my drenched pussy lips into his mouth, almost rinsing them like a washing machine might. He sucked, soaked and stripped all hormonal varnish coating my pussy lips.

"I knew you wanted to do that, Jack."

"They're so big, Grace. It's really nice to suck each one and then both together. I could play down here for hours."

"Knock yourself out dad."

My self esteem was lifted, not only in that the man I'd wanted since turning eighteen was finally mine, but also because he enjoyed giving a girl great head and that's worth nurturing. Dad was patient and diligent in delivering excellent cunnilingus, licking every inch of my skin, rooting around between tight folds for hidden treasure, occasionally wafting his flattened tongue gently over my puckered hole before licking it hard, pressing down on, but not piercing the elastic spangled hole and its virgin pink seal.

At three and a half centimeters long, my clitoris was at the maximum end of the scale. I'd discussed labiaplasty with mom as a teenager, but she convinced me I had a rare and enjoyable gift that many guys would love, something my step-dad was proving to be true right now as he worked my cunt like a starving lion on a gazelle.

When Jack sucked my engorged clitoris, I felt the vacuum he created lift my slimy pearl out of its protective skin hood. My body was electrified and it felt like waves of energy and pleasure emanated from the nerve cluster dad was sucking. My muscles tensed and I felt cramps coming in my calf muscles.

His technique was a first for me because only one other boy had ever tackled my pussy with his tongue and he wasn't anywhere nearly as accomplished as my dad.

"That's fucking incredible dad. I'm gonna enjoy this whenever you do."

"That will be every day. And I mean... every day."

He stared up with a serious expression, but I'd already caught my step-dad's hidden meaning. My heart lifted because I knew only love and hard passion could drive that desire.

"I'd like that too, dad."

"Just wait until I rub the other end of your clitoris."

I knew what Jack meant, but even I couldn't find my G-Spot so I doubted he could. Dad sucked my clitoris very gently, drawing cool air in around her like ripples on the surface of a calm pond, causing more swelling and gentle trembling. I felt a finger slide inside my pussy, so I clenched my inner walls, eager to demonstrate how tight a hole my step-father would enjoy fucking later.

"It's all about hooking the finger forwards, finding the rough patch of tissue and rubbing that from the outer edges in, baby girl."

"Fuck dad! You found it."

My body exploded in a tumult of sensations because it felt like a string of nerves running from the end of dad's finger to his tongue were being played like a harp. As the music rose inside my womb, fluttering its melody throughout my body it felt like an orchestra was playing its finest symphony deep inside the vault of my pink cathedral.

Dad's tongue lashed across the tip of my clit with almost featherlike touch and sharpshooter accuracy while his finger pressed gently against the forward soft tissue wall of my cunt before he rubbed in a circular motion.

I literally held on to my dad's head for dear life while my body spasmed involuntarily, stretching sinews until muscles cramped. My insides heaved with pleasure when my reproductive organs became inflamed on a massive blood rush fueled by oxytocin. I felt tickled, trembled almost violently and shuddered wildly through one fantastic wave of pleasure to another while billions of synapses in my head conspired to intoxicate me, intensifying my love for the man servicing my pussy.

I pulled his ears hard until realizing they must hurt, before clasping Jack's head into my crotch as I ground out one massive climax after another on his face.

I hauled dad up to his feet when my cunt could take no more, enjoying our lingering kiss, tasting and savoring the spoils of my pussy explosion. I tasted sweet and creamy, considering whether I might become used to it more often as I sought more nectar from inside his mouth with a desperate tongue.

Jack carried me into the shower, keeping me out of the initial cold water deluge from a rainfall shower head above. When the water turned warm, my step-dad set me down gently and for the first time in my life I could examine him in full and glorious naked form.

"Dad, you're totally ripped."

"You are too honey. We should start running and working out together a couple times a week."

"Id love that."

He bathed me using a natural sponge and bar of lemon verbena soap. I felt cleaned and massaged, enjoying when dad paid particular attention to my anus and pussy lips, no doubt preparing me to be fucked.

I soaped and stroked his enormous cock but not so much as to stimulate him more than necessary.

"Can we dry off and fuck please dad?"

"Yes. It's time right?"

"I think so. Please cum inside me. I'd really like to know your seed is in there for days to come."

"Okay baby girl. Do you want to invite your mom?"

"Yes, please."

I left my daddy moving furniture around while I nipped back to my old room, wrapped in a towel. At my old bedroom door, I hesitated, reminding myself to be respectful of mom's privacy.

"Come in."

"Hi mom. We're about ready."

"Daddy's going to fuck you now?"


"Okay... umm, I found your clit tickler in the top drawer. Since you have a nice cock to fuck for the next month and I-."

"Keep it mom, my gift to you."

"Thank's sweetie. I wanted to discuss something very quickly, if that's okay?"

"Of course."

Mom patted the bed next to where she sat so I joined her, smiling pleasantly while she inspected the clit tickler she intended fucking while I enjoyed her estranged husband.

"Grace, I won't ask to fuck Jack while you guys are bedding in, but after that I thought perhaps once a month and on our wedding anniversary."

"Okay. I can see how that might work."

"Oh, and you'd be there to watch, witness, and there would be no kissing."

"Okay mom, we'll thrash out the details with Jack in the room, for now shall we go so I can get fucked by my new boyfriend?"

"Awesome baby."

We skipped joyously down the hall, two women who got what they wanted. By the time I dove on the bed, snuggling Jack, mom was in his leather wing-back chair with both flaps of her bathrobe wide open. With a leg on each arm of the chair, mom slipped in my dildo, clit tickler, filling one hole while covering her slimy pearl with a lip shaped suction head.

When I straddled my step-dad's cock, nestling his gear knob just inside my creamy flappy paddles, it felt like I'd finally struck gold. I leaned in for a kiss, but Jack wanted to whisper something first.

"I've always loved you sweetheart, and if I could choose any woman in the world to start a family with, it would be you every time. You make my heart tremble with excitement anytime you are near. I live to be your faithful man."

Tears welled up in my eyes and my body shivered from the grandiose sense of occasion. I was about to fuck my true love. I stared down at him, forgetting the kiss.

"I need your cock inside me now, daddy."

He gripped my waist gently, lifted, moved his cock slightly, then impaled my hole onto his mighty sword. My soaking wet pussy hole and the tunnel beyond vibrated like the ground trembles before a destructive avalanche strikes. I felt a panic, then surging desire as dad's cock stretched my soft tissue walls, claiming me by etching the shape of his cock inside.

"Are you okay?"

"Fuck yeah. I want it all."

He slid me further down a massive, veiny cock, the bulging urethra of which I could feel pressing its pulse into my cunt walls. I stretched my hands towards the ceiling as though grasping for the air my lungs had failed to suck in. My head rotated and wet hair thrashed like the devil's whore being gang banged.

"She's bottomed out on your cock. I'll bet that feels nice."

Mom's voice shocked me, but I recovered quickly, smiling when I heard my vibrating fuck toy on full blast. I brought my feet forwards from a kneeling position and used both legs to power my cunt up dad's cock.

When I peered down and saw vertical lines of white, heavy cream on dad's cock, I knew he felt my tightness. I clenched my cunt hard at the top of our stroke, relaxing, then tightening, massaging his cock head with my tight pussy seal.

"You're fucking milking me. That's an uncanny skill."

"I work those muscles the most, figuring to make your orgasm's fast or slow, as I wish."

I slid back down his immense cock, enjoying the swelling of my pussy and how it felt when I gripped dad's cock with my pussy. His eyes lit up and I furrowed my brow in extreme pleasure while watching him enjoy being deep inside my body.

He added arm strength to my powerful legs that I used to slide my cunt up and down his shaft as though I were a wanking tube he could enjoy anytime, which he could as far as I was concerned.

"Can you finish by cumming inside me doggy style daddy?"

"Of course, but why?"

"You'll take me deeper and I can watch mom at the same time. It will be a proper handover."

"Lovely. Lewd and naughty as fuck but lovely."

I shuffled around watching mom squeeze out one orgasm after another with shock and awe writ large on her face. I was glad she'd have company while me and dad grew accustomed, but I also hoped that might happen sooner than a month so mom could enjoy her sexual adventure.

I stuffed a pillow under my abdomen to help point up higher the greasy slit my dad would fuck. He handed me another for my face and I took that smiling, not ever imagining I'd be a biter and screamer.

When dad gripped my waist and guided his enormous cock inside my cunt, he didn't stop until every millimeter was lodged inside me and he rubbed a bloated glans against my cervix. My eyes felt like they bulged out of my head and I clawed the bedsheets desperately expending sexual tension.

When dad fucked me hard with his balls slapping off my thighs, I remembered the pillow, grabbed it, buried my face in the cotton, biting through to the goose feathers inside before letting rip a blood-curdling scream.

Mom blew me a kiss when I looked up, winking, and I thought of her being serviced in this same way many times before me. I reached out and we held hands, a shared experience from a magnificent man with an incredible cock.

While eyeballing each other, mom squeezed my fingers tightly in a love everlasting, without judgement and unconditional in every way. I felt her climax trembling through fingertips as my own orgasm wreaked havoc and let loose the dogs of war inside a pussy that screamed to be impregnated.

I screamed, mom did too and then dad joined us, thrusting his cock balls deep inside my wanton cunt, squirting the seed that would one day spark life inside me. I was like a melody in love with the universe, a harmonic that played the perfect tune to complement my ascension.

I was reborn, and we had all transformed into our new familial relationships. Mom smiled, detached her fuck toy and kneeled, kissing me as though sending me off to college.

"Enjoy your new boyfriend. I won't ask to fuck him ever sweetheart, because the love you both share cannot be compromised by another."

"I want you too though mom. I'd like to watch my boyfriend fuck you, maybe in the next few days. When you do. I'd ride his mouth and we can fuck him together."

"Fucking hell, Grace, you're worse than me."

"Something igniting inside me just now."

"Daddy's semen did baby."


Mom left our room and I rolled over, laying on my back for Jack to fall into my outstretched arms.


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