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Still Searching...


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I wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear into the couch forever. There was no way they were going to let that happen.

"I bet you are wishing you never looked through that hole, aren't you?" Angie asked teasingly as she grabbed the leash and pulled me to my feet.

"Yes," I mumbled. I had never in my life felt so small and helpless.

"Good, that's the point," she responded as she slid her free hand up and down the shaft of the large purple phallus between her legs. She caught me staring at it as she stroked it and laughed mockingly when I realized I had been caught.

"Let's go little brother," she giggled putting the emphasis on 'little' as she led me through the kitchen and into the dining room. As we entered the room through one doorway Kim, Christy and Cindy entered through the other wearing simple t-shirts and panties. Angie positioned me at the edge of the table and instructed me to put my hands "palms down" on the table. Then she stepped up next to me and took my flaccid member in her fingers and rested it on the cold wooden table as well.

"Now let's see that sucker grow," she insisted.

I was puzzled as to how she expected that to happen. Suddenly the other three pulled off their shirts and slid off their panties revealing their nakedness to me. Instantly my penis felt a tingling of excitement.

"Keep your eyes on them," Angie ordered as she positioned me so that I was bent over a little further with my legs spread a little and I was bent over at the waist.

That was a task I was happy to complete. While all three were rather unique in shape in size, I found them very pleasing to look at. They, in turn, stared back at me. The look on their faces seemed much more mischievous than I knew mine to be..


Suddenly I felt the familiar sensation of the wooden paddle on my backside once again. I looked back over my shoulder to see my sister winding up to deliver another.

"Keep your eyes on them," she reminded me through gritted teeth.


Another blow landed as I turned to face the others. As I turned they began playing with themselves in rather erotic ways. I could only assume this was to speed my erection's growth along.


She landed a good one, but now I was transfixed on the scene before me. Kim was biting her lip with her eyes closed and her middle finger sliding slowly up and down her slit.


Cindy was pulling on her beautiful pink nipples with both hands as she moaned her enjoyment.


Christy was cupping one tit in her left hand as she fingered herself with the other, but what held my attention most was how she stared at my growing cock resting on the table as she licked her full lips longingly.


"Ouch!" I yelp. She most have really thrown herself into that last one as I lost concentration and turned back towards her once again. She simply smiled back devilishly and twirled her finger for me to turn back around.

After that she landed four more blows to my nether region in rapid succession. By the time she was done I was sure heat was literally emanating from it.

When she finished the women moved to the four corners of the table and I was told to lie face down. Once in place they each took a measure of rope they had left on the floor and tied them to my wrists and ankles and then to the legs of the table. Once they were satisfied that I was secure they each grabbed the corner of the table and began to pull. Initially I thought they were trying to pick it up to move it, but then I realized they were pulling it apart like you would if you were going to add a leaf to the table to make it bigger.

Suddenly the table came loose and separated in the middle. My erection instantly found its way into the newly established crack. For a second I felt relief as it was no longer trying to bore its may through the table. A second later my relief was replaced by panic as they slowly began to push the table back together.

"No, no, please, no!" I pleaded, but they continued to push it the table most of the way back. I was thankful that they had stopped short of crushing my genitals, but my cock and balls were now trapped until they all decided to release me.

Angie stood at my head and announced my fate. "I had so much fun watching and recording the others fuck you, that I really don't feel the need to do it myself."

For a moment I was relieved as she removed her strap-on device.

"However, it would be a shame to not allow you the pleasure of this magnificent device," as she said this separated the rod from the straps to reveal that it was actually a vibrator. As she turned the dial at the bottom it began to hum mockingly.

After allowing me a short opportunity to take in its massive length and girth she disappeared behind me and pushed it well into my hole before turning it on. It hurt badly going in, but I found the buzzing quite intoxicating. The real torture came in trying to hold still. Every move I made pinched my boys very uncomfortably.

Once again Angie stood before me once again, "Before we begin the final session of your punishment," she started, "You are going to eat my pussy one last time."

This confirmed my suspicion from earlier, but I had started to hold out hope that Cindy had shown up earlier than I though.

"You did such a good job earlier," she teased, "that I can hardly wait to get your head between my legs once more."

As she finished she climbed up on the table and laid her legs on each side of my head. As she scooted towards me Cindy grabbed the hair on the back of my head raising my chin from the table. Angie immediately slid up into place so that my mouth came to rest on her already damp pussy.

"Let's go, little brother," she ordered scoffing me as she draped her legs over my shoulders and leaned back to enjoy the moment.

As much as I wanted nothing to do with this, I knew I was going no where until I did. In my mind I tried to imagine it was one of the others I was licking and sucking, but they constantly reminded me what I was doing by the comments they made as well as the occasional stoppage to pull my face out of her now sopping vagina.

Nevertheless I found a way to give her the satisfaction she desired by alternating between jutting my tongue as deeply as possible and licking and sucking on her clit. After a while I started to enjoy myself and really got into it about the time she squeezed her legs tightly around my head and got lost in her third orgasm. Meanwhile one of the other girls took the opportunity to shove the vibrator further up my ass and adjust the knob so that the buzzing increased two fold. At this point I was exhausted both physically and mentally and just hoped it would end soon.

Finally, Angie must have reached an acceptable level of satisfaction and slithered clumsily off the table. She took a couple minutes to gather herself before motioning for the others to begin the final stage.

"Are you ready to beg?" Kim inquired with a fiendish smile.

I was too confused to answer... she sensed this and simply laughed in response before disappearing beneath the table. Suddenly I felt her fingertips fondling my still semi-erect cock. As she began to tease my member the other women removed the toy from my ass and left the room. During the next several minutes she pulled and played with my unit until it was fully erect. Then she tickled the underside of my shaft with her finger tips while delicately scraping my balls with her nails. The sensation was deliciously torturous.

"Are you ready to beg?" she asked again.

I now knew exactly what she meant. "Please, Mistress Kim," I moaned.

She laughed and continued to tease. She had no intention of allowing me to come, but she definitely meant to keep me on the edge for as long as possible.

"Please, Mistress Kim," I begged again. Her fingers were working magic on my balls and penis. I need just a little more contact to push me over the edge.

Still she teased.

"Please, may I cum?" I begged.

"No!" she laughed and then gave my genitals one good, hard tug before climbing out from under the table and disappearing out of the room.

The bondage I was in kept my arms and legs taught while leaving my privates completely at their disposal. I don't think they could have developed a better device for this kind of torture if they had wanted to. I thought about this and the other events of the evening as the sun began to peek through the curtains as I lay there helplessly. It had been at least a half an hour since Kim had left me.

"Men and their dicks," Christy chimed as she entered the room. "I just don't get it. You guys let them think for you, but they always seem to get you in trouble. I hope you have learned your lesson here today."

"Yes, Mistress Christy," I responded.

She immediately disappeared beneath the table without another word. Her approach was a bit different than Kim's. Christy was all about, pulling, tugging, yanking and squeezing both my cock and my balls. Even though it was considerably different it was just as affective. In no time I was fully erect and squirming at the edge of climax.

"Are you ready to beg?" she asked.

"Please, Mistress Christy, Please let me cum," I pleaded.

I do not know how she did it, but she kept pulling and tugging without allowing me the release I desperately desired.

"Please, Mistress Christy, Please let me cum," I begged once more.

She continued on still as if she did not even hear me. I could feel my balls tighten and the cum boiling inside them as I inched closer and closer, but it just was not enough.

"Please, Mistress Christy, Please let me cum," I implored her one last time.

She squeezed my balls tightly and then left me bound there like Kim had nearly an hour before.

Another agonizing thirty minutes or so passed as they left me bound to the table. Again my mind filled with the events of the evening and I recalled the image on the television screen. Suddenly I was haunted by the idea they may have recorded everything. They could hold this over me forever and pull out their 'blackmail card' whenever they wanted to punish or toy with me again.

Just then Cindy walked in. She said nothing at all. She simply slid under the table and began slapping me. She would slap my cock a few times and then my balls. Every time she would switch to the other she would slap progressively harder. It was certainly painful, but managed to bring about the same affect as the previous two. I soon found myself begging for relief between every stinging blow, but Cindy never slowed and never responded. After several minutes I began trying to hump against the table uncontrollably. I needed so badly to come. My balls ached for release to the point my eyes began to burn. Cindy suddenly stopped her barrage and crawled away like the others before her.

One again I lay there contemplating. Once again I was stricken with fear.

Finally Angie appeared. She had brought the other three with them. All four of them had showered and were completely dressed. "We are going to get breakfast. We'll finish with you when we return," Angie announced and without another word they turned and walked out the door.

For a moment I hoped they were kidding, but when the front door slammed I was confident I was out of luck. I dropped my head down on the drool and sweat soaked table and tried to relax again. I must have been thoroughly exhausted and fell asleep.

The next thing I remember I was still lying naked on the table, but I had been untied and was being shaken awake by my sister. "This is all about to end for you. Are you ready?"

"Yes," I answered as I tried to focus.

She took me by the wrist and led me back to the family room where the other three women sat waiting. Angie stood me up in front of all of them and then took a seat on the couch next to the rest of theme.

"Are you sorry for what you did?" Kim asked

"Yes, Mistress," I answered.

"Liar!" Cindy shot back. "You are just sorry you got caught."

I stood silent for a moment not knowing what to do or say. "Yes, Mistress," I finally admitted.

"Good, now we can move forward," Angie responded. "Now get yourself hard one last time."

While I stroked, the women told me the conditions of ensuring this would never happen again. They made me promise to fix the hole in my room by the end of next week. Then they made me promise to not find a new way to spy on them. After that they promised to give me the only copy of the tape they made as soon as I held up my end of the deal for a full year. If I did not hold up my end, they promised today's events would pale in comparison to what I would be made to endure.

To seal the deal I was made to masturbate in front of them. As I neared orgasm I had to get permission to come. The first three times I asked I was denied, but not allowed to stop. In fact, I was told to stroke harder and faster. Finally on my fourth request I was granted permission.

I immediately shot my load and globs of cum shot onto the couch landing right between Christy and Cindy. I came so hard and it felt so good that I did not care where it landed at that moment, but later I was thankful that I had missed them. I would hate to think what they would have done to me otherwise.

After I came, I do not remember a whole lot more about that day. I know they finally left me alone and when I collapsed I slept for what seemed like days.

Before my parents got home I got a friend of mine to help me fix the hole in the wall. A year passed and my sister was true to her word. I held up my end of the bargain, so she held up hers. I got the "only copy".

I have to admit over the course of that year I was tempted many times to default on the deal. A small part of me was curious to see what those ladies were up to in the next room, especially after what I had seen that crazy night. A much larger part fantasized about what they might have in store for me. Nevertheless I never strayed, as fear held me tighter than fantasy.

If truth were told, I believe those three tried very hard to push me over the edge those twelve months. There were many a night I spent in the dark of my room simply listening to the giggles and whispers from next door. If I were a betting man, I would bet they were trying to lure me into another trap. To this day I wonder what would have happened had I taken the bait.

Another year passed and Angie moved out West. Kim and I dated for a short while, but ultimately she ended up being too sweet and I could never recreate the fire in her from that night. Since then I have dated several others in hope that I will find that one that will fill the void, one who will command me the way they did that night, one who will make me her slave to both pleasure and pain.

Since then none have come close...still, I search on.

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SwordWielderSwordWielderabout 4 years ago
Went too far

Was he wrong? Yes. He was a peeping tom, but the payback was way too much. Was the spank OK? Yes. Using him to pleasure themselves - questionable - technically it was rape, but he went along with it. The women raping his ass? Hell No. That was RAPE or sexual assault. He is going to be messed up for years about his sexuality, and what to want and expect in a relationship. He should have told his parents (even taken a lie detector test to prove his side). Although getting all 4 women in trouble with the law (unless it was done immediately afterward, even then it would be hard to charge them with sexual assault) the parents can certainly discipline their daughter. Since they would have thrown their son out and disowned him (and thrown him in jail) if he had raped his sister, the same should happen to her. Give her 3 days max to move out. I'm being nice here: Everything else of hers goes in storage and is paid for 3 months - after that its her problem. Let her see what life is like with no family. She's 20 or 21, has not finished college and was working to pay for school - but her parents were paying for everything else. Maybe she'll end up using drugs, maybe be a stripper or a prostitute, maybe she'll die young - oh well, it is what she deserves.

auhunter04auhunter04almost 7 years ago

as soon as I was physically able I would have moved out

telling my folks that I cannot live with the bitch or around her friends

saying for them to ask the four of them together.. Maybe have a cop in the next room with a tape recorder.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Totally implausible story

I just couldn't understand him, his actions or reactions. A waste of time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
:It stuck:

OK, I admit, I have only read the first page of this stpry, but when I read of the frustration and throwing the baseball at the wall and saw the worsds: "It Stuck." I knew I would like it. I can't wait to read the rest!


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