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'Stop' - A Magical Misadventure Ch. 01

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Aggressive female magical apprentice gets frozen in place.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/02/2022
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'Stop' - A Magical Misadventure

This is not what magic was meant to be.

Magic was meant to be fun, dangerous, and maybe a little sexy... This was just fucking housework.

Lorelei knew that apprentices were meant to do most of the cleaning for their masters, but for God's sake she was a senior apprentice now, this was supposed to be beneath her. Clean-up duty was meant to be for junior apprentices. She hadn't slaved her tits off for the last four years to be stuck in here. In the Hall of Useless Artefacts as she called it.

Just outside the window, she could see all of her classmates in the courtyard practising their spells. Arcane sparks flew from side to side, apprentices levitated each other as the masters oversaw the practice, offering advice where necessary. Their cries of joy only made her angrier.

She should be outside with them, not stuck in here. This was apparently an appropriate punishment for her 'crime'. Since when was it a crime to practice magic on campus? Sure she had cast a spell on one of her classmates without permission, but it was her fault for getting in the way of the spell. Lorelei couldn't help but giggle to herself as she thought back on it. Mildred's face was priceless as she looked in horror at her breasts as they started pouring milk through her robes. It got even better when Lorelei got everyone to start pointing and laughing at her, calling her 'Milk-dred'. Not her best insult, but it stuck around for weeks. Lorelei last saw her waiting outside the therapist's office, her tits still full to bursting.

That was how she landed here, on cleanup duty for a month. It was such bullshit, the masters clearly had it in for her, it was just a bit of fun after all. She'd spent the last few days sorting useless and broken magical objects into boxes, listening to everyone else enjoying themselves outside.

She was startled out of her reverie by a voice on the other side of the room. 'Lorelei? Where am I supposed to put all these orbs? I can't find a box for them.'

Lorelei sighed. That was Thomas, a thin, young man maybe in his early twenties, his messy blond hair often hanging over his spectacles. Lorelei hated him. He was still in his first year as an apprentice and Lorelei had no idea how he got here in the first place. This was supposed to be a place of excellence, not mediocrity, and yet Thomas seemed to have snuck in somehow. He must have been someone's relative because there is no way he got here on merit.

'There's a box over here for them' She said, exasperation clear in her voice. 'What an idiot' she thought as he walked past her carrying a double handful of orbs. She watched him reach for the box she had pointed out. His scrawny arms were outstretched as he stood on his tiptoes. 'The fool is going to tip the box over, and I'm going to have to clean it up' she thought. She spoke a few sharp syllables and with a wave of her hand the box lifted with a whoosh of air and slowly floated to the ground.

'Thanks,' said Thomas, 'I owe you one'.

Lorelei rolled her eyes and walked around the corner behind a stack of boxes, ignoring him. 'Great, now I'm going to have to do twice this work given how inept Thomas seems to be.' She walked around a little further until she spotted a mirror.

She paused in front of the mirror, admiring her reflection. She was looking good today. Her thick brunette hair flowed freely just past her shoulders. Her green eyes twinkled in the low candlelight and her red lips glistened. She was fairly petite and slender, but this only emphasised her perky breasts. She bent over and smiled as she looked down deep into her own cleavage. She'd always considered her breasts one of her better features. She stood back up and hiked her robes a bit above her knees to show off more of her legs. She gave a quick pirouette, admiring her toned ass as she went, and smiled at her reflection. 'Perfect' she thought.

'Hey, Lorelei?' asked Tom, almost startling her, ' how do we tell if one of these jewels still has any magic left in it?'.

Lorelei sighed. She knew in her heart that this afternoon would be nothing but stupid questions from Thomas. Then she smiled to herself, 'at least I can have a little fun while I'm here'.

'I'll come show you' she replied from behind a mountain of boxes.

Before stepping out she undid three more buttons from her top, exposing a deep V through her cleavage. Hiking her skirt up a little further to her mid-thigh, she then pressed her breasts together slightly with her arms and looked down at her handiwork.

She smiled to herself, with cleavage that good she was almost turning herself on. 'There's no way he'll resist', she thought.

Lorelei stepped out from behind the boxes and pretended not to notice that Thomas' jaw almost dropped. 'Excellent'.

'Show me what you've got' she said, smiling coquettishly.

He handed over a small green jewel on the chain of a necklace. 'I know we were told to be careful of anything magical, but how do I know if it's still got some left in it? Isn't this where they keep all of the broken objects?'

'Hmm, let me have a look.' Lorelei whispered, stepping closer.

As she pretended to study the jewel she noticed out of the corner of her eye that Thomas was taking every opportunity he could to stare at her cleavage. 'Right where I want him' she thought.

She made a big show of studying the object. Holding it close to her face, shaking it from side to side, looking at it through the light of the window. 'Here', she said eventually, 'if you look closely into the centre of it, there should be a small twinkle if it's still got some juice left in it, but I can't see anything in there.' She edged closer to him so that he could look at the same point on the jewel that she was.

This was, of course, bullshit. She knew that none of the objects in this room had any magic left in them, but she used this as an opportunity to press herself up against him. She could feel his whole body stiffen as her breasts pressed against his arm. His face started turning red and she had to stifle a laugh.

Lorelei often had this effect on men. She had gotten used to flirting her way through life. Exposing a bit of cleavage here, a bit of thigh there, a whispered thought at the right moment could have any man in the palm of her hand. She'd never really done much beyond flirting before, but that didn't stop her from enjoying it. This was going to be fun. For her of course, not so much for him.

'Oops!' She exclaimed as she let the jewel slip out of her hand and land on the rug beneath them. 'Let me get that'.

She bent over firmly pressing her buttocks into the unsuspecting crotch of Thomas. She almost swore she heard a moan as she pressed back harder. She smiled as she felt his now rock-hard cock pressing against her. He was a fairly big boy as far as she could tell. His throbbing cock pressed hungrily against her ass as it kept growing in size, every little movement making it twitch.

'Nearly got it' she said as she wriggled her ass against him. Now he was definitely moaning. Quietly, but definitely. She gave his cock a final brush before dropping to her knees and grabbing the jewel. She held it triumphantly in the air and, from her kneeling position, turned toward Thomas. 'Now the real fun begins' she thought.

She started at his crotch and with mock horror pulled a face of disgust. 'What the fuck is that!' She said.

Thomas looked down. His face immediately dropped. His now fully erect penis was clearly visible through his robes and, what was worse, there was a small precum stain right over the tip.

'What... I... but...' Stammered Thomas, struggling to hide his erection.

'You little fucking pervert, have you been staring at me?' She asked venomously.

'No... I... but you...' He could hardly get a word out.

Lorelei stood up and loomed over the cowering figure of Thomas.

'If I tell the headmaster you're such a pervert, there's no way you're not getting kicked out of here' she smiled as his face dropped. 'But I can think of a way for you to make it up to me'

Thomas gulped. 'and... and what's that?' he said

'I think I'm going to sit right here and I think that you're going to do all the work yourself from now on'. Thomas looked defeated. He knew he had no options but to obey her and he begrudgingly got to work. 'And Thomas,' he looked back as she leant over, exposing her cleavage, 'I don't want to catch you staring at me again or you'll be out of here.'

He worked the next hour or so in silence, attempting to avoid making any sort of eye contact. 'What a fun way to spend an afternoon' Lorelei thought, smiling to herself as she lounged on a bed she had fashioned from a group of crates. She looked over at him to make sure that he still knew his place.

Lorelei gasped as she saw that Thomas had just slipped the green jewelled necklace over his neck and was currently admiring it in the mirror.

'Now what the fuck are you doing?' cried Lorelei, this time genuinely shocked. 'You can't just put on something that might be magical, do you want to be cursed? That's how you get cursed.'

'But you said it didn't have any magic left in it?' replied Thomas, still not making eye contact.

'Even still... you've got to be more careful. Aren't you in enough trouble already? Now come over here, take off that stupid thing and give it to me.'

Thomas wordlessly walked over towards Lorelei as if in a trace. 'Wow, I've really done a number on this kid' she thought as he approached her, glassy-eyed and dragging his feet. 'I think this is probably my best work yet, he looks broken'.

Thomas stopped stiffly in front of her, took off the necklace and held it out like an offering. Lorelei stared at him as he cast his eyes downwards again. 'Well clearly this one doesn't work or something would have happened to him' she thought as a new way to torture her plaything sprung into her mind.

'There's a good boy' she said, taking the necklace from his hands. 'Now I'll need to keep this in a place where you won't be able to get it'. She smiled devilishly as she put the necklace around her own neck. The jewel hung down snugly in between her breasts.

'There. Now it's safe' she said, pressing her breasts towards him. 'You couldn't get it here if you tried'.

Thomas stood there, a defeated look in his eyes. Lorelei almost felt bad for him now. Almost. She wasn't done with him yet.

'And this right here is why you'll never stop being an apprentice' she said.

Something flashed in Thomas' eyes. 'Oh, I think I've touched a nerve here' thought Lorelei.

'Yep, you'll just be stuck here picking up after your betters. Have you even learned your first spell yet? Really falling behind the curve there, most apprentices your age have at least something to show by now.'

She could see his fists begin to ball up.

'Tell you what,' she said, 'I'll leave you alone if you can tell me if this has any magic in it'. She bent over to pick up an old wand from the ground, pointing her shapely ass right at him.

'Just stop!' Cried Thomas.

Lorelei chuckled to herself. 'Ahh, the perfect combination of horniness and belittling is enough to break any man' she thought as she went to stand up.

Except she couldn't. Panic gripped her heart as she realised that she couldn't move. She was stuck, half bent over and reaching towards the ground, her mouth open in surprise.

'What the fuck have you done' she tried to say, but she couldn't move her mouth. All that came out was an unintelligible sound.

She heard Thomas' footsteps behind her.

'Lor... Lorelei? What's happened?' He said, his anger for now abated.

'I guess you're not so good at telling if something is magical, huh.' He said, staring at the jewel dangling between her breasts as Lorelei had a sudden realisation.

'That stupid necklace!'. She thought back to when Thomas had put it on and the almost zombie-like way he followed her commands. This was a hell of a find. Command stones were extremely rare and powerful artefacts, Lorelei couldn't think of how one had come to end up in a storage warehouse like this. If she could just get this to the headmaster, he'd have to take her off cleanup duty forever.

Her reverie was cut short as Thomas spoke up from behind her. 'I guess it has the same effect on you as it had on me? And I'm guessing that there's no way you're going to let me get away with this if I take it off you now?'

"Yes, I'm going to kill you after this' Lorelei tried to say. But all that came out was a soft moan.

There was silence for a few moments. Lorelei wondered if he had passed out or something, and then he said 'I don't know why you're so mean to everyone, but I don't think I can let you get away with it.'

'Get away with it? What the hell was he talking about?' But Lorelei had noticed a change in his tone, 'Oh great, now he can stand up to me. When I'm completely defenceless'.

'Now that I've got you here like this, how about I treat you in the same way you treat others? If the headmaster finds you here in a compromising position, stealing ancient artefacts, he'll kick you out on your peachy little ass' he said. 'But I think I know a way for you to make it up to me.'

Lorelei was surprised. 'Blackmail? I didn't know he had that in him'.

She heard his footsteps come behind her. She was shocked as with a quick motion he pulled her robes up onto her back, exposing her panties. The cold air hit her buttocks and drifted between her legs. She would have shivered if she could. 'What the hell is he doing now?'.

'Little hearts on your panties?' he said 'And is this a thong? I can practically see everything from here.'

Lorelei suddenly remembered that she was feeling hot this morning so she put on her thong. "Why today?' she bemoaned. She remembered that it had been a lonely time recently. All the study meant that she had barely had an opportunity to masturbate in the last few weeks. She felt her pussy quiver. Then she felt his fingertips brushing against her lower back, slowly making their way down to the top of her panties.

His touch was like electricity. She had never been so out of control. She had no idea what he would do. She was totally at his mercy now. 'No, stop' she wanted to say, but her body betrayed her and she let out a long moan.

'If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were enjoying this, and look here,' he said, touching her inner thigh, 'You're basically dripping wet'

Lorelei now realised that her panties were soaking wet. 'How did I get this horny all of a sudden? Especially around Thomas of all people'. Lorelei was not entirely sexually naïve, but her body seemed to be acting like this was the first time she'd been touched. Every time his fingers brushed her ass, she was torn between wanting to punch him in the face or bite her lip.

But she didn't have any time to think about this any further as Thomas slowly began pulling her panties down to her knees. 'What the hell is he doing now?' Lorelei took a breath in, waiting for what he would do next, when suddenly she felt something warm and wet against her pussy.

'My god, is he licking me out?' she thought. She could feel his tongue lapping hungrily between her pussy lips. Up and down, from the vagina to the clitoris. He alternated between broader strokes of his tongue and gentle flicking movement, as her pussy almost quivered with pleasure. Lorelei's body was on fire now as a moan seemed to escape her lips with every little movement of his tongue. She felt her pussy getting wetter and wetter as his tongue hungrily lapped her up.

She stood there frozen as she felt like she might just explode with the sensation. His tongue entered her vagina and she couldn't help but moan in pleasure. Just as she thought she might be getting close to an orgasm, Thomas stopped.

'Oh, you liked that, did you?' He asked, pulling his head back.

Lorelei was now covered in sweat, her tongue lolling from her mouth. 'No' she tried to say. 'Uh huh' is what came out of her mouth. Thomas gave her ass a hard slap as she heard footsteps again coming around her side.

'Since you so cruelly teased me with these before, how about I get a better look at them.'

Lorelei suddenly realised what Thomas was up to as he reached around her chest and tore the front of her robe open. She heard the sound of tearing cloth and buttons flew across the room as her shirt fell open, exposing her breasts.

Thomas looked taken aback 'They're amazing. They're so perky they can hold their shape, even in this position' said Thomas, as Lorelei stood, exposed and bent over, at the mercy of Thomas.

Her eyes struggled to look out the nearby window. 'Maybe someone will see in and put a stop to this?' she thought. But then she remembered that it was too dark in here to see through the window unless you were right up against it. On top of this, everyone outside would be busy practising for at least another few hours.

Any hope of rescue left Lorelei's mind as Thomas started grasping her ample breasts. She shuddered as he took the weight of both her breasts in his hands and caressed her nipples until they were hard as rock. His fingertips pressed tight around her tits as Lorelei tried to think of the last time someone had touched her like this. A tear welled in her eyes as he pinched her nipple hard.

He let go of her breasts and stepped in front of her so she could see him. He looked completely different. Now with the tables turned he suddenly appeared taller, confident, and dominant. Her mouth hung open with her tongue out, awaiting what was to come next.

'It seems only fair, I went down on you, now it's your turn.'

He dropped his trousers, exposing himself. If they could, Lorelei's eyes would have widened. She knew she felt his cock before when she brushed against him, but she hadn't imagined it would be this big. It was enormous! 'Wait, he's not going to put that in...' but the thought was cut off by his cock sliding into her open mouth.

'Wow, even your mouth is wet, you must have been hungry for this?' He said, pushing himself deeper into her mouth. She felt it rubbing against her tongue and she could taste the sweat on it.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she felt her head was going to explode as he started fucking her mouth.

'The spell must have turned off my gag reflex too' she thought as he pushed his cock all the way in. She felt his balls tapping on the tip of her outstretched tongue and felt her throat bulging as he slid in and out of her mouth. He reached down and grabbed her breasts for extra support as he pushed deeper and deeper into her throat, moaning in time with his thrusts.

Lorelei had never felt anything like this. She had never been throat fucked before, but she could feel her pussy dripping even through the sensation of his throbbing dick in the back of her throat. 'I can't be enjoying this, can I?' she thought.

But before she could think anymore, Thomas's thrusting intensified and he cried out 'I'm gonna...' before grabbing the back of her head by the hair and holding her mouth at the very base of his cock.

She felt his hot liquid in her throat. She would have gagged if she could, but the spell prevented that. Her mouth filled with cum. So much cum that it started spilling out of her mouth around the sides of his cock. 'How much cum does he have in there?'

Thomas pulled his throbbing cock from her mouth. Cum was still spewing out the tip in waves as it splashed over her, covering her pretty face and now messy hair in the sticky liquid.

'Good girl' he said as she stood there, bent over with cum still dripping from her open mouth.

Lorelei took a moment to catch her breath. She was almost a little disappointed that he finished so quickly but glad that he was done. At least now he might let her go. 'Oh the things I'm going to do to you when this is over' she thought sinisterly.


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