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Straight Roommate, No Inhibitions Ch. 02

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Nathan & Leon continue to experiment.
3.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/08/2020
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It had been an entire month since my encounter with Leon.

Neither of us brought it up since then. It was almost like it had never happened. We went from barely to awkwardly shuffling past each other while crossing paths. He even stopped being shirtless around me. It was only then that I realized how spoilt I had been with the sight of his glimmering bronze body every day. Nowadays, he only wore baggy t-shirts, even to sleep.

I felt incredibly frustrated - not just due to the lack of sexual activity, but at the fact that we never talked about what happened between. It was almost like it was all a dream. A sweet...sticky...sloppy one. I was an awkward person by nature, so I was hoping that he would be first to bring it up. But when he didn't, I decided not to be the one to make him feel uncomfortable.

As the term went on and we soon progressed to our midterms, I began to see less and less of my roommate. Most of the time, I would catch a glimpse of him grabbing a bunch of books from the room and dashing out, most likely to the library. He would be gone for hours on end and would only make it back to the dorm late at night.

I was still haunted by memories of our brief encounter. One night, I got so aroused thinking about it that I actually started rubbing myself under the covers. It was past midnight and Leon was fast asleep, so I couldn't help myself. Weeks of not seeing his gorgeous muscly body had taken its toll, especially when he was only ten feet away. I could smell that wonderful husky woody aroma whenever he was in the room, and it drove me absolutely insane.

"Oh... god..." I moaned softly, squirming underneath my sheets. My briefs were wet with pre-cum as I caressed myself. I kept trying to imagine the feel of his enormous shaft engulfing my mouth.


I froze instantly. The noise came from Leon's bed. Did he hear me? Was he moving? I had no idea. For a few minutes, I remained motionless. He probably just adjusted his sleeping position. So I resumed with my activity, this time thinking about the taste of his heavenly sweet juices on my tongue.


Ok, he was definitely moving around. Did he know what I was doing? I was starting to feel a little guilty, so I decided to stop and soon fell asleep.


Another month went by. At this point, I was starting to get mad at myself. I was at USC, damn it! There were plenty of guys out there to fulfill my needs. Hot-blooded all American jocks filled the campus. I had caught sight of many of them playing catch on the lawn, their gorgeous glistening bodies on full display.

So I decided to revisit my old friend Grindr, whom I had not been in touch with since I moved in. Pretty soon, I was chatting it up a charming sophomore named Frank. He had piercing green eyes, a luscious brown beard, and a tight muscular body (according to his picture anyway.) He wasn't quite as handsome as Leon, but I didn't care, I was ready to explode at that point.

It was a 6pm on a Tuesday and I was the only one in the dorm, as usual. Leon would usually be back around eleven at night, so I decided to shoot Frank a quick message.

"Hey... I got the room to myself. Wanna come over?"

"Fuck yeah. Be there in ten."

I quickly got ready, applying some deodorant and changing into my only pair of sexy Andrew Christian underwear.

Frank arrived on the dot. I greeted him at the main entrance of Mark's Hall and walked him upstairs to my room. He was definitely better looking in person than his photos. He was wearing a blue tank top with boat shorts, showing off his big hulky arms and round butt.

The moment we entered the room, he pounced on me like a ferocious bear. His big arms wrapped around my body and then went straight for my ass, squeezing it like he was trying to juice an orange. We were still standing next to the door and didn't even bother moving to the bed. His warm moist lips enveloped mine and I could feel the prickly sensation of his beard against my face. Gosh, he was really horny. Maybe he was as frustrated as I was.

"Suck my dick," he commanded and grabbed a handful of the hair on the back of my head.

This guy liked it rough. But hey, I can play that game. Obediently, I knelt down and removed his pants, revealing a solid pink dick about six inches long. He had a wonderfully musky scent, like the smell of firewood burning in a cabin. I went for it instantly, swallowing his entire manhood in one mouthful.

A couple of years ago, I discovered a wonderful gourmet coffee shop right by my house that made the most amazing lattes, and I became addicted instantly. Since it was close to where I lived, I drank it every day and never looked back. But ever since I came to USC, the only place I could get decent coffee was Starbucks. I still enjoyed their venti lattes and it gave me all the caffeine I needed, but nothing ever came close to the coffee shop by my house.

That was how I felt sucking Frank's dick. It was by no means a bad experience, but something about it felt... inferior. It was like going to the state fair after vising Six Flags. But I was so horny by that point that I was gobbling it down like it was the last dick on earth.

"Oh yeah suck it you sweet little twink ... keep going..." he groaned.

Suddenly, I stopped and pulled his dick out of my mouth. Was that the sound of keys I heard? It was coming from outside the room.

"Hey why'd you stop? Keep go..."

He was interrupted by the sound of the room door opening. Leon was back early. He was carrying a backpack with one hand and was wearing a pair of bulky headphones while humming to the tune of "Uptown Funk." In a matter of seconds, he caught a full glimpse of me on my knees with Frank's dick in my hand.


Leon's entire face turned red and he dashed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

I stood there kneeling in shock with Frank's dick still in my hand.

"Was that your roommate?" he asked.

"Umm... yeah. I wasn't expecting him back at this time," I mumbled. "He usually comes back later."

"Oh you wanna keep going?"

I looked up into his hopeful eyes. Eh, why waste a perfectly good cup of coffee? So we continued. Frank wanted to go all the way, but I politely declined. I told him I was afraid my roommate would walk in on us again so I finished him off quickly. He was more than happy to cum all over my face and not have to reciprocate. After the deed was done, I checked my phone and saw a text from Leon.

"Dude, I'm so sorry! I was going to go to the library but forgot a book for my biology class and went back to get it. Hope you're not mad."

Oh phew. Typical Leon. I was so afraid that he would be mad at me, but it turned out to be the other way around.

"No no, I'm not mad at all. It's my fault, I should have given you a heads up. Sorry!"

He swiftly replied.

"Well... yeah. Next time let me know beforehand. Thanks."

Thanks period? Ok maybe he was mad after all and was just trying to be nice. I started reprimanding myself for being so careless. The last thing I wanted to do was make him hate me. He was still thoughtful and considerate, always keeping his side of the room clean and tidy. I was lucky to have a roommate like him. Since I had already apologized, I decided the best thing to do was to not respond and let that be the end of our discussion.

I went to bed that night still frustrated and horny.


Over the next few days, I saw even less of Leon. By the time I woke up for class, he would be gone. He came back to the room even later at night, most of the time when I was already asleep. Despite my assurances, I think he was still wary about walking in on me.

Friday night soon came. I met up with a few female friends from the Queer & Ally Student Assembly for dinner and illicit drinking at one of their rooms. Several shots of vodka later, I stumbled back to Marks Hall slightly inebriated. The room was empty as usual. I took a quick shower, collapsed on my bed, and crawled under the covers, my head still spinning.

Moments later, I heard the door open. It was Leon, but he was not alone. I peered from underneath my covers to see him grasping the hand of a skinny blonde haired girl. One of them switched on the lights, flooding the room with a blinding light. She was making a commotion, giggling and snorting as Leon pulled her to his bed.

"Oh my god, is this your dorm?" she cackled.

"Yeah, you like it?" Leon grinned.

I could smell the stench of tequila wafting to my side of the room. They were both clearly drunk and slurring. I swiftly turned my body to face the wall, not wanting to make any awkward eye contact.

"You have so much space! It's so unfair, how come the boys rooms are so much larger..."

She stopped abruptly.

"Oh my god..." I heard her whisper. "Your roommate is asleep. You said you had the room to yourself..."

"Just pretend he's not here," Leon murmured. "Come on babe, you're so fucking hot..."

My forehead was steaming and I started to feel my anger rise. Was this payback? I kept my back turned towards them. I was not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that this bothered me.

"Mmmm... yeah daddy... show me that dick..."

His date was trying to sound seductive, but her voice was so shrill and nasal that it came off as obnoxious instead. Was he actually turned on by this? I felt my stomach hurl. A few minutes later, I heard her gasp.

"Fuck, that's a big dick."

I clenched my fist, feeling my nails digging into my palms. Hearing someone else talk about my roommate that way was causing white-hot rage to build in my stomach. I knew he didn't belong to me, but at that moment I was so mad that I could have punched a hole in the wall.

I could hear light suction noises coming from the other bed. Immediately, I covered my ears in desperation, trying to block out the sounds. This continued for about ten minutes until I heard someone speak.

"What's wrong?" it was the blonde.

"Urgh... I don't know. Give me a sec..." Leon grunted. Curious, I took my hands off my ears and tried to listen. It sounded like they were having difficulty with something.

"It's ok baby... it's probably just the tequila..." she soothed.

"No. That never affects me," Leon asserted. "Just give me a minute, I'll get him back."

Ha! I smirked. He was having a performance issues. I tried to catch a glimpse without turning my head, but I couldn't see much.

"But daddy I'm horny... I wanna do it now..." she whined.

"I said give me a minute!"

They continued in this manner for the next half an hour or so. I still couldn't see what was going on, but nothing they did seemed to work. I could hear her offering him a tit fondle, but none of that could get him going.

"You know what? Whatever," she said finally. "I can't deal with this right now. I'm going back to the party. Bye."

With that, she stormed out of the room. I couldn't help but chortle quietly to myself as soon as the door closed.

"You think that's funny?"

I flipped over to see Leon sitting on his bed, glowering at me. He had his shirt on but the rest of his body was under the covers.

"Kinda," I retorted. "Serves you right for trying to do it with some random person while I'm in the room."

"Why not? You did that to me."

"No, I didn't!" I snapped, sitting up on the bed. "I brought someone back because I thought you weren't there. You tried to do it with full knowledge that I was here!"

"You had no right bringing him back!" he yelled.

I was taken aback. I had never heard him so much as raise his voice before. Where was this coming from? But his outburst only made me feel angrier. Fueled by vodka, I shouted back.

"I have every right to! You're never here and this is my room too!"

"So you're just going to fuck every guy on campus while I'm out?"

"Why do you care?"

With that, Leon was quiet. He didn't respond. Instead, he slipped under his covers in a huff and turned away from me.

I didn't know what came over me. I had never yelled at anyone that way before. I was feeling a strange cocktail of emotion. Anger... betrayal... sadness...triumph... But I decided the best thing to do would be to sleep it off. I reached over and flicked the switch, plunging the room into darkness.

Our exchange was causing my head to spin even more. The remainder of the alcohol started to kick in and my eyelids started to feel heavy...


I was awoken by the sensation of hot air flowing across my nose and mouth. It felt like someone was breathing into my face. I creaked my eyes open. In the darkness, all I could see was a shadowy figure of a person on all fours above me. I then realized that this person had me fully pinned down. I couldn't move at all.

"You're right," he whispered. "I do care."

It was Leon. I could smell the pungent odor of tequila in his breath, but it was mixed with the natural musky scent that his body exuded. I stayed completely still, not saying a word.

"After that night, I was really confused," he confessed. "I kept trying to convince myself that it meant nothing. But it got worse after seeing you with that guy." My eyes had started adjusting to the darkness and I could now see Leon staring intently at me. His large puppy dog eyes were full of turmoil and his face was so close to mine that I could feel his every breath.

"I thought hooking up with some girl would help, but it made realize something else."

"What did you realize?" I breathed.

"I want you."

In one quick motion, Leon inched his head forward and wrapped his lips around mine in a delicate but firm kiss. My limbs quivered and turned to jelly as I felt the weight of his body slowly press onto mine. I returned his kiss, pressing my lips against his mouth and tasting every single ounce of his flesh. It had the flavor of smoke with a hint of lime. I darted out my tongue to meet his, trembling as they met in one electrifying touch.

He ripped both our clothes off in a matter of seconds. Soon, I felt the tactile warmth of his body plastered on top of mine as our torsos touched for the first time. I let out a soft moan as I felt the nipples from his rock solid pecs brush against mine. His lips moved to my neck, sucking gently as I ran my fingers through his silky hair, crying out in pleasure.

"I want you... all of you..." He growled.

"Yes, please... please..." I begged.

He reached over to my nightstand and retrieved a bottle of lube from my first drawer.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle," he said softly.

He squirted a generous amount of lube in his hands, reached between my legs, and started by placing his fingers gently on my taint. He then reached further and further down...

Gently, he pushed his index finger deep in me, darting and pulsing it around every inch of my prostate until I started gasping in ecstasy. I moaned as waves of pleasure shot through my spine like a high voltage current.

"That's it... right there..."

Leon certainly knew his way around. For a first timer, I was surprised at how he seemed to know what he was doing. Maybe it was all those biology classes. I gazed up at his gorgeous face to see him beaming at me like a proud student who had just received an A.

"Please fuck me," I urged. "I need you in me..."

He squirted another helping of lube into his hand and lathered up his dick, which was now at full form, swollen and pulsating with heat.

"I'll gonna go slow ok?"

Little by little, he entered me. I'll admit I was a little anxious at first - sucking a dick that size was one thing, but taking it up there was another. But Leon was every bit a gentleman and adjusted to my comfort level, retracting when needed and pushing deeper when he could. There was some pain at first, but very soon, I was taking it like a champ, feeling every bit of his massive cock inside me as he thrust repeatedly...

"God, you feel so fucking amazing," he gushed.

"Yeah, fuck me harder, harder..."

He went deeper with each thrust, going further and further in until I felt his hairy balls graze my skin. I stroke my dick as he continued, thinking I was going to pass out from pure ecstasy. We managed to find a rhythm as our bodies moved in sync. I felt his hot breath on my neck as he thrust deeper and deeper.

"FUCK!" Leon cried out.

He cradled me tightly as he filled my insides with cum. Feeling the sensation of his dick squirting jets of cum in me, I came at the same time, shooting a thick creamy load onto my chest. I didn't realize how sweaty we were until I looked up at Leon, who was absolutely drenched in perspiration. But he had a wide smile on his face.

"Fucking hell..." he gasped. "That was amazing."

He collapsed onto the bed in exhaustion as I laughed and gave him a peck on the cheek. We didn't bother cleaning up. Instead, we soon fell asleep, lying in each other's arms until the morning...

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Andy_gay_boyAndy_gay_boyabout 2 years ago

Great story I loved it

dnsontndnsontnover 2 years ago

Two college boys with a lot of alcohol added. I think the scene went down in a very believable manner. Hot and believable, that is.

PockettRockettPockettRockettover 2 years ago

Someone wrote previously, and I agree, that the Nathan/Leon hookup that happened was hot but immature. Leon wanted it, Nathan obliged because wanted it and then the wheels fell off the bus. So, how do we make up? Leon crawls on top of him and basically expects sex - and Nathan caves. All that anger and resentment vanished when he knew he’d get laid by Leon.

I’m not slamming the whole story cuz it was hot, I’m just would have liked a little more build up of reconciliation then on to fucking. Nice read though!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This chapter was off-putting due to their total lack of communication following the first blowjob. I get that is might be awkward and even confusing (especially for Leon) but it is just wildly immature to act like it didn’t happen and let it drive a complete wedge between these two. Nate should have said something when things weren’t discussed the next day, but most of the blame lies with Leon. He initiated it with all the nudity, his blatant masturbation and offer to Nate to “help him out.” Then he ghosted Nate for weeks, got illogically pissed when he walked in on Nate and Frank, and then disrespectfully brought a girl to the room when Nate was there and tried to fuck her. Then he exploded when he couldn’t get hard and Nate didn’t take the shit Leon was giving him. Lastly Leon woke Nate up, had him pinned down and proceeded to sex without asking for consent. This whole chapter was awkward and a series of immature mishaps. Hope this story improves from here.

RubywineRubywineover 3 years ago
please add more!

They were so good! please add more

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

It ended so abruptly I thought this was going to be a multi part series I’d say it def had the potential. I def want to know more and see what happens the next morning. Please keep going !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Glad for Leon and Nathan

I'm glad Nathan and Leon finally reconnected. Leon turns out to be a very good gentleman at making love (for the first time) to another man. I wonder if sexy Leon could have a bit of sexy chest hair for Nathan to caress, taste, trace his fingers through? Keep them loving and exploring. There is a real pleasure when love comes through so strongly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Really great story with hot sex at the end. But please keep it going. So much potential and you write very well. cp

RobJasperRobJasperover 4 years ago
NIce happy ending1

Nice happy ending, if this is the end? Otherwise looking forward to more hot sex and great descriptions!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Need morei

Please write more in this series with a longer sexual encounter between these 2. Loved it so far but want more with greater detail in actions 😛 Great story

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Discovering his sexuality

A really good read and great to see Leon's gentle, caring approach.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This is amazing..

...and I want more. Your writing is great. I can feel everything! I hope you'll continue. Nice job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
please keep going it's awesome

Really great, but don't be stingy on details describing Leon's dick! The more the merrier 😉

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