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Strap-on Secrets

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Comforting best friend leads to unexpected secrets.
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Micah looked down at his phone and was surprised to see his good friend Jessica calling.

It was 11:30 at night and he was just getting ready for bed as he caught up on some Sportscenter, as he lounged on his bed in his room, which was located in the back of a house that he rented from. The home was a beautiful two-story craftsman in an old neighborhood near the private university where he went to school. It was a good setup for a 23-year-old kid finishing up school after some meandering semesters of life's early indecisions.

He'd first met Jessica Douglas after being hired on as a bank teller at a local credit union near to his place. She was also a business student at the same university and they'd become good friends thanks to their shared jobs and majors. They had numerous classes together and often met on campus for lunch or study sessions.

Jessica was an absolute cutie-pie with a body that put in some work. She wore these pencil skirts every day to the bank which caused Micah's heart to have constantly irregular palpitations and forced his belt to sometimes do some major boner-concealment within his dress slacks.

She was the cute girl next door that still didn't fully know how sexy she had become in the years since leaving high school—a flower in a room without mirrors. But everyone around her knew it. She had dark brunette hair that she wore in attractive layers and always down, and she wore these cinnamon Watson Eyeglasses that left her looking like the most popular librarian working the night shift at a college library. Her hair would often fall over part of her face and she was always brushing it back behind her ears. Micah noticed every single maneuver. He was totally smitten with the girl.

Unfortunately, Jessica, like so many girls before her in the history of the world, had a thing for the worst breed of guys. Since he'd first met her, she had been with an absolute shit-stain of a boyfriend whom Micah received constant play-by-plays of when it came to their vast and various relationship problems.

Her boyfriend was lazy, uninspired, unaware of the things that seemed most important to her, and at times could be completely dismissive. He drove a raised truck with a Monster energy drink claw sticker on the back window and loved video games and weekend drunken golfing with his buddies far more than he ever appeared to love her. He attended the same school they did (when he actually went to class that is) and his parents seemed to have firmly lodged a silver spoon up both ends from a very early age.

They looked good together in pictures and it felt like the right guy to be with to Jessica—she had grown up in the same well-to-do neighborhood with his family, but Micah always knew it stunk to the high heavens.

He did what he could to be the solid friend with a shoulder to cry on or an ear to bitch to when she needed, but he knew that was as far as he could take it. If he revealed how into her he was, he might jeopardize what was an absolutely stellar friendship and he didn't want that to happen, so he played the ultimate waiting game in his friend's gradually imploding relationship.

He knew that their fights had gotten worse as of late, and when he saw her calling that late on a weeknight he knew it probably had something to do with the micropenis'd dickwad (something he'd concluded based on his own astute observations of the dude's typical social media interactions).

When he answered the phone he could immediately hear Jessica crying. Apparently, as he would come to learn through sniffles and nose-blows, a big fight had erupted earlier that night and some terrible things had been said. The relationship was on the precipice of disaster and the dickwad had stormed out to go to a strip club with his buddies or something. He was drunk (and probably driving now). It all fit the script that Micah had become accustomed to.

The dick was being a dick again. What else was knew?

This was a little bit unusual but she asked, but she asked if she could come over. She didn't want to be at their apartment in that moment. Micah of course said yes. She was on her way as soon as she could gather herself together.

She parked in his back driveway some twenty minutes later. She didn't live that far away.

When Micah saw her he felt the pangs of his heart immediately doing their thing. Her makeup was all over the place with her hair all pulled up in a disheveled clump. It was clear she'd been stuffing her face into the corner of a couch—the pain of a relationship fight could ache like the pain of a migraine. She looked dazed, but still as pretty as ever. She was wearing a zip-up sweatshirt and a pair of old pair Victoria's Secret Pink branded sweat pants that were charcoal with a black waistband and white drawstring. Her feet were in slip on sandals—a small purse under her arm held a big bottle of water sticking out of it.

Micah took her into his strong arms at the back door of the house as she immediately broke down into a silent sob. The part of the home that he rented was cordoned off to a room and side bathroom with its own outside entrance which provided a nice modicum of it feeling like he had his own place. If nothing else, he could have late night visitors come and go without ever having to bug the lovely, older couple that he rented from.

He held her 5'4 frame in his arms as he stroked the back of her soft hair. She sobbed into his chest and made his t-shirt wet with her tears.

He led her into the house and closed and locked the door, grabbing a nearby box of tissues that he kept on a hallway shelf along the way.

"You okay?" Micah said gently as he stroked her back softly with his hands.

"Yeah...do you have any alcohol in this house?" She asked, half-smiling through her soggy face. It was a delirious sort of cuteness in the face of a storm.

Micah escaped momentarily to the fridge and came back with a six-pack of IPA's.

"This is all I have currently...oh and the last half bottle of my Woodford Reserve is in my room." He said.

"That'll work. Let's drink." She said it in a somber but stoically determined sort of way. Jessica was ready to get fucked up.

"Do you work tomorrow?" Micah asked.

"No. Do you?" She said in return.

"Yeah, but not 'til 5." He assured her.

They sat down on his bed together and she began in on the whole story. She cried a little bit, and they made their way through their first few beers rather quickly as she explained the whole debacle to her incredibly reliable friend.

Then after she was done cathartically finishing her rant about the douchprickle, they decided a shot certainly couldn't hurt.

"Ahhh, burns so good!" Jessica joked, as the whiskey traveled down her throat. Micah refilled their shot glasses and they downed them one more time as they both made the appropriate faces all throughout.

Micah flipped on an episode of the Office from his Netflix account and they cracked up laughing together as they sat against the pillowed leaned up against the headboard of Micah's bed and snuggled together under one of his throw blankets.

Jessica put her head on Micah's shoulder and he loved the way her raspberry lotion seemed to waft over him slowly. She was so sexy and feminine even in her moments of raw unpreparedness.

After they'd laughed their way through an episode they cracked open another beer and Micah flipped off the TV so they could talk some more. They'd both scooted down so they were fully laying on the bed now. Jessica lay against Micah's chest as they stared up at the ceiling and talked about all sorts of various topics, only lifting their heads when they needed to take a swig of their hoppy tonic.

At some point the topic drifted back over to Jessica's taintwad of a boyfriend, which Micah really had been hoping to avoid, but the topic specifically related to sex, so he didn't immediately steer Jessica away from this. He was too curious to learn about her sex life with this loser she had stuck with for so long.

"And he never wants to have sex!" Jessica started in angrily again as she lay her hand against Micah's chest and started to complain about this slightly more intimate element of what was wrong with her current boyfriend.

"Seriously? What guy doesn't want to have sex? That makes ZERO sense to me." Micah said, as he knew he should. "You're sexy as fuck, what the hell is wrong with him??" Micah said it so casually.

Jessica looked up at her friend and beamed at his compliment. She was a little tipsy, and it felt good to have a good-looking guy objectify her a little bit. Her boyfriend certainly hadn't shown any sexual interest in quite some time.

"I dunno...It's weird. Our sex is good when we actually HAVE it but he has this super low sex drive which sucks because I am like, the opposite. I'm ALWAYS fucking horny!" Jessica whined, and Micah wondered if the booze was helping with these brave confessions of her most private self.

"Really? So like, how often do you guys have sex?" Micah asked, ever intrigued. Jessica thought about it for a second.

"Probably like...once or twice a week...but that is not even CLOSE to being enough for me. It drives me absolutely crazy." Jessica said as she sucked her lips down over the bottle of the IPA and swigged it cutely. She got up and sat cross-legged next to Micah while they talked. She was becoming very animated now.

"I think I intimidate him a little bit in bed cuz I think guys just aren't used to girls who are so horny or sexually sure of themselves and what they want." She said, analyzing her sex life.

"Yeah, I totally get that," Micah said as he got up to sit opposite her in a similar manner. "But he should be stoked by that...I'd love to date a girl that was always craving my cock or had a super high sex drive!" Micah smiled at her and she smiled back at him shaking her head as she felt her skin tingle with the mention of Micah's cock.

"Such a waste of my sexual prime, I can tell you that." Jessica said, drinking more of the beer. "I mean, fucking look at me! Look at this body! It was made to have sex!" She said, and the friends laughed back and forth with each other as they became more comfortable in their intoxication.

Micah reached over and poured them each one more shot apiece as he handed Jessica her tumbler. "Cheers to that, Jess!" They clinked and downed another one.

Their heads were definitely buzzing now. Jessica yawned and stretched her arms and her sweatshirt rose up her belly a little, which showed off her sexy stomach and soft skin. She felt good in that moment. The alcohol had been a good idea.

"Micah, thanks for being such a good friend...I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Of course babe. Anytime. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that he didn't want to have more sex with you!" Micah stated, keeping the topic on sex which he was having quite a lot of fun talking about with this gorgeous girl in his bed.

"Yeah, well, I think part of it was my confidence, but I think the other problem is that I was just too kinky for him." She said this as she licked the lip of her beer bottle absent-mindedly, almost chewing it. She was horny from the alcohol—pissed still, but also definitely horny.

Micah couldn't believe what she had just said. He wondered if he could press her to expand on that but thought better of it. That might be a little too creepy if he asked his good friend what her kinks were that the shnozznozzle wasn't interested in.

"Hey, do you mind if I crash here? I'm exhausted after this night and I don't want to go back to that apartment and wait for him to get back from the club smelling like cheap vodka and hooker perfume." She asked Micah suddenly.

"It's fine with me babe, but you should probably know know, cheap vodka and hooker perfume is the scent of my fabric softener so you might not enjoy staying here as much as you think." Micah joked.

She reached for a pillow and smacked him in the face with it and he grabbed it and bonked her back as they fell back on the bed together laughing like little kids.

"You don't mind if I fall asleep with you, do you? I don't want to sleep by myself tonight...please don't do the valiant, 'I'll-sleep-on-the-carpet' thing. I don't need a gentleman or anything. I just wouldn't mind having someone close by me right now." She said it so sweetly that you could hardly tell there was some seduction in her voice.

"Of course. I'll gladly sleep with you, babe."

Jessica looked at Micah and felt her pussy tingle a little bit. She didn't know if the double entendre was intended, but she liked his use of it anyway. Why the fuck couldn't she seduce her friend into pounding her pussy tonight? She thought. Didn't she deserve a little misbehavior of her own? The alcohol swam through her blood and warmed her skin under her sweats.

"It's really hot in here, mind if I borrow a thin t-shirt from you to sleep in?" She asked.

Micah realized she was wearing sweats and a

hoodie and that his room did indeed get a little warm at night without the AC blasting.

He hopped up from the bed and grabbed an old Queen t-shirt that was too small for him but would probably make a good nighttime shirt for her. If he was being honest with himself, he had some longer shirts he could've given her, but he secretly hoped she wouldn't mind that the shirt only came down to just below her butt cheeks.

She grabbed it and headed out of his room down the hall to the bathroom. When she came back he noticed that the shirt was all she was wearing. It did an amazing job of JUST covering her legs where he knew her panties would've been. This drove him crazy a little bit. She also wasn't wearing a bra and he could see her perky tits pressing through the fabric of the old shirt that had been through a thousand dryer loads. He really had chosen wisely.

"I used your mouthwash, I hope that's okay." She said, and of course it was.

Micah made a similar trip to the bathroom and washed up, particularly making sure to freshen up certain parts of his body just in case things happened that he couldn't imagine actually might. He peed and brushed his teeth and made sure everything smelled fresh.

He came back into the room wearing only his boxer briefs (the pair he liked because they tended to outline his package quite well) and a sleep-t-shirt of his own.

When he came back into the room he noticed that she was sitting cross-legged on top of the sheets after she'd pulled the comforter all the way down to the end of the bed. She patted the spot next to her and Micah climbed into the bed, which trapped Jessica up against the wall side.

"I'm tired but I'm like, not tired, ya know?" She said, and she was feeling squirrely from her beer and whiskey buzz.

"I'm pretty buzzed right now I think." Micah admitted. It had been hours since he'd had dinner and they had downed the six pack and their three shots over only a couple of hours.

"Oh My God! Me too! I'm so happy I'm not the only one!" She said, laughing as she touched Micah on the arm and ran her fingers down it softly.

"So," Micah began suddenly, feeling like if they were both drunk enough that this might be the right time to ask about his nagging curiosity. "You said," he began slowly, "your boyfriend thinks that you're...too kinky?"

"Oh fuck, did I say that out loud earlier?!" Jessica asked as she pressed her face into one of Micah's pillows as her face grew a little red. "I honestly couldn't remember if I had just thought it or actually said it!" She giggled again and hiccupped and they both laughed at that. She held her breath to make sure that would be the only one, even though Micah tried to make her laugh the entire time which caused her to slap his bare thigh where he sat next to her. Finally, though it wasn't easy, it seemed that she'd beaten the hiccups.

"Oh you said it out loud, trust me, I almost said something but thought maybe that might be too personal a question." Micah explained.

"No worries, I actually kind of like being able to talk about it with someone." She said, smiling at him. They were close to each other on the bed with their legs Indian style as they faced each other. Their knees naturally touched as you do when having an intimate conversation with someone.

Micah clicked some of his music on and Jessica began to explain what she meant by "too kinky."

"Basically, I like everything about sex. Kinky sex especially. I like sex toys, role-play, ass play, dirty talk, the works. I like dressing up in sexy lingerie and surprising the boy with outfits and everything." Micah was stunned at her honesty. It was always the ones you least expected, he thought to himself.

As they were talking she leaned back a little bit, which caused her shirt to ride up her torso more. Micah couldn't help but notice her exposed panties. He gasped a little as his eyes drifted over their design as he instantly recognized something very unique about them.

Jessica was wearing a pair of low-rise black panties with a little frill along the legs and some lace...but the belt was solid black and there in the middle of the crotch, was a very recognizable black ring that almost blended in with the rest of the soft cotton.

If most people had seen these panties, they would've just thought they were a cute black thong with an interesting design feature...but Micah had some sexual curiosities of his own that he was particularly taken by, and he knew right away that these particular panties were a brand called 'RodeoH.'

He had sought out videos many a time on Internet porn sites of girls wearing just such panties while they fucked their willing men up the ass.

Because these panties also happened to be sexy, strap-on harnesses that actually looked like the type of underwear a girl would wear.

One of Micah's biggest fantasies in his own sexual treasure box was to be fucked in the ass by a girl who enjoyed wearing a strap-on cock. He wanted to experience being with a girl that was a little dominant in the bedroom.

He couldn't believe that Jessica was wearing them. The implications were breathtaking.

Jessica noticed while they were talking that Micah's eyes had wandered down to her crotch and had stopped on the 0-Ring stitched into the middle of them. It was almost too dark in the room to see it save but for a nearby dresser lamp. Her breath caught a little as she realized something she hadn't even thought of before when she'd headed over to Micah's place earlier that night...she was still wearing her strap-on panties.

She had actually put them on much earlier in the day because she was doing laundry after a busy two weeks and this was the only comfortable pair she had left in her underwear drawer.

She suddenly wondered if he had recognized what they were. Could he possibly? No, she thought, Micah had always seemed like such a straight-and-narrow kind of guy. There was no way...but...maybe?

"So, like, what kind of kinky stuff was your boyfriend not into trying?" Micah asked as he quickly snapped his eyes away, hoping she hadn't seem him staring. Micah had actually felt his dick start to tingle in his boxers a little. This girl he'd fantasized about a million times over and also most definitely jacked off to a number of times, was in his bed—the same bed he'd jacked off in while thinking about her amazing body.

She was in his bed and she was wearing sexy strap-on harness panties no less.

"Mmmm, well, there was lots of stuff, let me think," as she said this Jessica folded her legs under her which sort of jutted her crotch out a little bit to really show off her sexy legs. They were lean and shaved and she clearly moisturized them numerous times a day. Micah liked the way her smooth knees felt pressed into against his own crossed legs. The panties were still plainly visible to Micah who assumed she hadn't realized how exposed she was. "He never liked eating me out, and he especially didn't like it when I would ask him to eat my asshole."

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