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"I appreciate how honest you are about all of this. You are a very persuasive man, Mr. Chen. I can't think of a better way to spend the rest of my day off than in your bed with you. Just remember, I do need to dance tomorrow--and I've seen what hangs between your legs."

"Oh, I think you're going to dance this afternoon--with an audience of just one." Henry walked over to the big comfortable chair in his bedroom, dropped his robe to the floor and beckoned Jason into his arms. "Let's start with a lap dance. I bet you're pretty good at it! I've had the best in Bangkok so I'm a good critic. Incidentally, don't mind my size. My good friends have nicknamed me the Gentle Giant. I know how to prepare my partners and I won't hurt you any more than you want to be hurt."

Jason loosed the tie of his robe and it dropped from his shoulders to the floor. Jason was erect--and his taut muscular body was duplicated in his cock--it was large, thick and stood upright rigidly. Henry's eyes widened as he smiled, "You are absolutely beautiful. Your erection does you proud."

Jason walked over and lowered himself into Henry's lap. They went chest to chest as Jason worked Henry's cock into his crevice and worked his own into Henry's abs. Then Jason spun around and leaning back into Henry, settled Henry's dick into his crevice and began a complex series of leg exercises that caused his ass muscles to massage and squeeze Henry's cock to total hardness and readiness.

He turned again and wrapping his legs around Henry's shoulders, dropped his back toward the floor, presenting his ass for inspection and lubrication. Henry was happy to oblige. That ass had been sculpted by a master. Only the thinnest layer of fat covered the well-developed muscles. There were deep indentations outlining the hard muscles, providing excellent hand-holds. He grabbed a tube, anointed his long big fingers and began to penetrate. After three and the pinky were sawing in and out, he lubed himself. Jason dropped his legs and wrapped his arms around Henry's neck, giving him leverage to begin the descent on the impressive vertical phallus which Henry had miraculously wrapped in a colorful ribbed magnum. The shaft was huge--maybe 9 inches and thick so the going was slow. Before long, Jason felt his smooth shaved ass resting on Henry's hot sacs. Then it was time to bounce and writhe. He was totally filled and the pressure on his prostate was a constant--requiring only minimal movement for intense stimulation. Henry smiled his pleasure. He was holding a full-sized carousel stud with an erect dick on his rigid pole. The up/down motion was sublime. Dancers and gymnasts do make the best partners.

Henry wanted to take over the exercise. So he stood, easily holding Jason in place around his waist with his strength and enormous hands. He stepped to the bed and carefully placed Jason at the edge, pushing his legs up into a scissor with his powerful arms. Jason's calves rested on his powerful shoulders. From this position, he began a slow stroking. Both guys were near. Henry bent over, took Jason's lips in his own, stretched his own legs straight, and strained for maximum depth. Then he released, tensing his legs and his abs over and over again as he shot successive volleys into the magnum. Jason, feeling the pulses, was himself thrown over the edge, and he erupted and covered their chests with his own creamy little dancers.

Both guys spoke together, using the same words, "That was very nice for a first try." Henry added, "That was the most athletic lap dance I've ever experienced. You could charge big time for that. That is if I ever let you try in Bangkok." Then they laughed as Henry rose, dropped on his back onto the bed and pulled Jason on top, resting his hands possessively on Jason's tight, muscled ass. Jason rested his head on the massive pecs and before long he was teasing them with tongue and lips.

"Tell me about your life here in Houston."

"Sure. I've got a townhouse just off Montrose that I rent with three other dancers. It's only a couple of miles from here. We each have a bedroom and bath and share the cooking and entertaining areas. It's pretty new and very nice--although we don't have much furniture. Having roommates is okay--particularly since with rehearsals, gym time, and performances, I'm away most of the time. We have approximately the same schedule; so we often we travel together--using ubers since none of us has a car; but there isn't much privacy--in the sense that we all know when someone has a guest or is away--and the walls are thin and not soundproofed. HB pays okay, but very few get rich from dancing. I'm still paying on student loans and, for dancers, med co-pays can be pretty substantial. I have enough, but I'm not rich, and I'm not saving much."

"That's pretty much as I expected. What would you think if I invited you to stay here with me for awhile. I'd like your company--and you are definitely eye candy. I'm not asking for exclusivity--or even that you sleep in this bed. I'm also not talking about a long term commitment, but I would like to have a live-in companion--with benefits. You would be perfect. Let's call it a two week hook. If you agree, we'll drive over to your place now and get some of your things. I'll be here in Houston for the next two weeks before a long business trip. That should be enough time to see how and if we click together. Or you could leave at any time."

"That's certainly sudden. Now I see why you're the CEO--decisive and quick. Let's try another round before we leave this nice warm bed. You need to convince me, Henry. Do your magic best!"

"My thoughts exactly." With those words, Henry easily lifted Jason and placed him on his stomach. He knelt behind him and pulled up on Jason's hips and slipped several bolsters under to position the delicious ass at the right height. Henry bent in and started to explore with his long hard tongue. Jason spread his thighs in welcome and Henry pushed farther. Then it was lube again, another magnum--red again (it must be Henry's favorite color), and Henry was again knocking at the doors of paradise. He began a long, slow penetration and a slow arousal. Then he reached around Jason's chest, pulled him back into his lap, and began to stroke the shaft and cup the balls. Jason was not small. In fact, Henry guessed that, aroused, he might be about the same size as Henry. Jason was definitely a grower. Henry's large hand could barely reach around the shaft and it covered only about half the length. And Henry loved the uncut hood which he played with like a child with a new toy--a big live pet. Now he could imagine what filled that dance cup when Jason leapt across the stage nearly nude. From now on, Jason would be dancing especially for him.

He started stroking again, waking from his daydream. Suddenly, Henry felt Jason's anal contractions and realized that Jason was drawing in his abs. Dancers had such deliberate muscular control. He raised one arm to the tendons in Jason's long dancer's neck and began to exert a bit of pressure to suppress Jason's breath. Jason gasped and exploded. His passion in bed certainly matched the passionate persona he projected on stage. His ass muscles massaged and squeezed Henry's cock and momentarily prevented ejaculation. Then he released, and Henry filled the bulb of another big condom. Both guys collapsed onto the bed while Henry relished the slow withdrawal of his cock from his boy's ass. Both guys relaxed and dozed for a few. Then Henry reached over and kissed Jason deeply, sucking on his lips and invading with his tongue. "Welcome to my home, lover. This is going to be a nice adventure."

Later they drove to the townhouse and Jason packed a duffel and a suitcase. He left notes for his absent roommates that he was going to be living away for the next two weeks. But, he'd see them at rehearsals, exercise and performances.

"We're going out to celebrate tonight. I know the restaurant that caters to the Chinese Consulate. You're going to have some gourmet Beijing-style food. Dress is casual. You'll find that for me that means no tie. But, you will probably want more than the silk robe."


And so began a new routine for both guys. They worked hard all day, typically 7 to 7. Three nights per week, Jason danced at the Wortham Center for the Performing Arts--which the ballet shared with Houston Grand Opera and some touring performances. On performance days, Jason began at 1, so Henry quickly adjusted his schedule to spend those mornings in bed with Jason. And four nights a week, they dined together and spent hours talking about backgrounds, expectations, fears and desires, loves and hates. And four nights a week, they had terrific, very physical sex. Jason, as expected, proved very acrobatic and inventive. He could stretch and position his body for maximum pleasure. He was quick to recover and tireless. And, of course, his incredible beauty was endlessly arousing. Henry proved big, strong, and virile--often cumming three times per night. His tenderness certainly belied his tough guy looks. They hadn't eloped, but this sure felt like a long, hot honeymoon. And they discovered that they genuinely liked each other--even outside of the hot king bed. Henry liked having someone intelligent to talk to--often regaling Jason with stories about business triumphs that he couldn't share with anyone else, and Jason loved the fact that Henry was cultured and cognizant of trends in modern art, music and dance.

Henry was very generous. His chauffeur became Jason's as well. Henry introduced him to a tailor at NM--and of course paid for significant additions to Jason's wardrobe. Jason began to wear the stylish metro-sexual clothes of a major artistic figure, although he remained decidedly and conservatively masculine. Harry offered his barber, but Jason reminded him that the long blond hair stayed until after the Surfstruck run. "But he's Brazilian. He does all hair!" Lee became Jason's almost daily massage therapist--and a skilled dietician, watching Jason's diet like his life depended upon it.

Then it became time for Henry to depart for his extended Asian business trip. "You can stay here if you want. Lee and Phil will both be on duty when I'm gone. I guess you realize that Lee has adopted you and Phil adores you."

"I think I'm going to return to the townhouse during your absence. Sometimes I feel that I'm getting too accustomed to this life. It's a magic, unreal world for a poor dancer like me. And, I'm beginning to feel a little kept. Frankly, I'm overwhelmed. I need to come back down to earth for a few weeks."

"I'm sorry you feel that way. Let me assure you, Jason, that I have more money than I could ever spend in three lifetimes. You have made me happier these last two weeks than at any other time in my life. When I return, I'd like to see whether you might like to take the next step in your career. And maybe your next step in your life--with me. Think about it. I will. Meanwhile, we'll try to Skype often--although I'll typically be 12 or 13 hours off from your time."

"This is moving very fast. I'm happy at Houston Ballet. I'm still learning and I love the folks I'm dancing with and learning from. I love performing. It makes me feel really alive. Always striving for more, to be better. I'm not going to give that up. And, I don't want ever to feel that you bought me my chance or my position--assuming I get even farther. That would destroy my ego. Destroying an artist's ego is like breaking his arms or his legs. We couldn't survive the pain and pressure. But, I would be lying if I didn't admit that I'm growing to really like you. No, to love you. I love having you in my life. Let's see if we can find a way to make this work for both of us. A cooling off period is definitely warranted. Then, we can reconsider the future."

"I think one more of those special lap dances might help me to remember how good you are when I'm thousands of miles away. I've been tested and I'm clean. If you can say the same, I'd like to try this without those interfering pieces of latex."

"Let's do it, tiger. I am clean and I'm yours." Jason reached up and swung his arms around Henry's neck, pulling their lips together. "Do you have any favorite music?"


Jason returned to the townhouse the next day--after a long practice. His house mates all teased him about his vacation with a sugar daddy. "He's not my daddy--he's only three years older than me. But, in every sense, I feel secure and happy when I'm in his bed. It started as a hook after the Surfstruck party--between strangers. He's a terrific guy. He's got a great big dick and a fabulous bod. And I may be in love. At least I'm in lust. But, he's going to be away on business for awhile. So you'll be stuck with me again for the next few weeks." He was silent about Henry's affluence.

The next three weeks went by quickly. There were daily calls, often including simultaneous masturbation, but they didn't compare to the personal interactions that he had come to enjoy. Meanwhile, Jason had been cast as one of three principal dancers in a classic revival--a typical Balanchine romantic vehicle where the female leads starred and the males were definitely in secondary roles--there to lift, hold, support the primas, and project masculinity in contrast to the ultra-feminine moves choreographed for the women. Jason had only one pas de deux with a petite Chinese super-star--and the two of them drew five standing ovations and curtain calls at the premier. The critics loved it and even compared "Mr. Greene" to Edward Villella--the definitive muscular interpreter of Balanchine's choreography--for a man.

The day after the Houston premier of this new ballet, Jason received a message from Henry. He had seen the reviews. He couldn't wait to see the next performance. He was on his way back to Houston. Would Jason join him for dinner and dessert that night? Jason immediately accepted by return text--reminding Henry that he ate little, but that he was prepared to be the dessert. Henry responded with three smiley faces, the third with its tongue hanging low--and one word: "Yes!"

When the rehearsals ended for the day, Jason left from the studio. The familiar limo was waiting. Fortunately, Jason was alone. So he got in. "Is Mr. Chen expecting me now or do we have time to circle by my townhouse so I can change?"

"He arrived about two hours ago. He's at the condo. He told me to tell you that dinner was going to be served in the condo tonight at 8. He didn't know how late you would be in rehearsals. We have nearly an hour before you are expected." So they drove to the townhouse and Jason showered, changed and packed a few things for the next day--assuming he wouldn't be returning that night. He arrived at the condo just before 8. Henry greeted him personally at the door and swept him into a tight embrace.

Uncharacteristically, Henry was dressed not in black, but in a vibrantly embroidered yellow silk Chinese robe which fell open as Henry raised his arms in welcome. Jason stood back and stared at Henry. "Wow. That is really something." Then he slipped his arms into the robe and pulled Henry into his chest.

"Were you talking about me, my cock or this robe? I picked this up in Hong Kong. I was assured that it was an exact duplicate of the robe that the Ming Emperor wore when he entertained his favorite concubine. I thought that might be appropriate. I was told that, when he wore this, he never wore anything under it and was always blessed with an enormous, long-lasting erection and perfect sex. It's a better aphrodisiac than those silly shark fins or rhino-horn powder."

"I'm pretty sure you didn't pick that cock up in Hong Kong. If so, I'm going shopping. And, I'm not sure I like the concubine reference. But I do like the robe. You look very good in imperial yellow. The dragon is perfect. And, of course, he is playing with his balls."

"I have one for you. It's laid out on the bed. Slip into it before dinner. We're going to play roles tonight since I've missed your performances for the last three weeks."

Jason walked into the familiar bedroom and found a deep sea-blue robe--also embroidered with a dragon, but where Henry's dragon had been black, fierce and sporting long threatening claws holding fiery orbs, Jason's was white--and appeared to be dancing over the flowing embroidered waves along the hem. And the dragon was juggling the large pearl balls over its head. He stripped and pulled the robe on, carefully looping the three frogs over his chest, realizing that these flowing robes were going to open easily below their chests to permit ready access to their love-making equipment. He wondered if Henry was considering dressing for sex. He definitely dressed for everything else. Or maybe, he would invent a dance just for Henry so that the robe would flow around him.

Jason soon emerged into the great room. Henry's eyes lit with amusement. "That robe is unique in all the world. It was made for you--using the old techniques--but with appropriate themes for my surfing dancer! Oh, we are going to surf and dance tonight."

"You seem quite pleased with yourself. I presume your trip was successful."

"It was indeed. I think I made another few millions. And I did survive another set of strong suggestions from the Chinese government that I spend more time in China. I missed you. But, I have some exciting news for you. Let's have some dinner and then we can talk....and do whatever might come to mind. I hope you're not disappointed. I've been eating sauced, chopped, stir-fried, exotic food for three weeks. I've arranged for a pair of steaks and a Caesar salad."

"Perfect as always."

During dinner, Henry talked some about the businesses he had inherited--apartment and condo construction, mining, high tech manufacturing, an automobile manufacturing joint venture, etc. It seemed his businesses touched on every aspect of commerce and life. Henry was alone in the world--parents dead, no siblings; English relatives had disowned his mother when he married Chinese; his father's family had pretty much been destroyed during the Cultural Revolution. Then he turned to his personal life. He needed to be extremely discreet. Homosexuality was still illegal in China (although many wealthy executives and politicians kept boys on the side) and, although nominally legal there, Singapore was not tolerant. Gayness equaled exclusion from society and politics. And in Singapore, politics is business. He couldn't withstand the ignominy of a gayness accusation. "I feel so much safer in Houston--although if word got back to my associates in Asia that I'm gay--and enjoying being gay--I would lose much of my access and the businesses would suffer. "Enough of this unpleasantness. Now shall we take our dessert to bed?"

The flowing robes billowed behind them as they moved quickly to the owner's suite. Both undid and dropped the robes and stood facing each other. "What have I done to deserve such beauty?"

"No it's me. I'm the fortunate one to have found someone like you. You are a giant--my gentle giant now. And that giant cock owns me. You've spoiled me for anyone else." Jason fell on his knees and shimmied up to Henry, pushing him back into the easy chair. Then he attacked and sucked the dark swollen cock head in while he squeezed the heavy balls with his delicate fingers. "I think I'm going to have Anglo-Chinese custard for dessert." Henry was very aroused. Jason reached under and teased his rim. Henry hissed. and lasted only a few minutes before blasting into Jason's mouth. Jason swallowed again and again as the spasms continued to feed Jason's hunger. Then Henry reached down, pulled Jason up into his lap, drew him in, and kissed deeply--tasting his own cum from Jason's lips. He then began to stroke Jason's rock hard dick. "I'm really close. You've got me at the edge. Let's take this to the bed." Henry lifted him like a feather--or a baby--and cradled him to the bed.

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