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Susan & Edward-Go to Punta Cana Ch. 04


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With drinks in hand, Edward turned around and walking back, admired how sexy his wife looked sitting there in the middle of the Lobby lounge in that dress.

"You look sooo sexxxy sitting here!" Edward said excitedly as he handed Susan her drink, but remained focused on his wife's tanned legs and sexy strappy heels.

"Ahh, thank you sweetie!"

As her husband handed her the drink, Susan noticed his hand shaking. "Why would he be nervous," she thought? She was the one showing way more skin than ever in this thin body-hugging dress. It was his idea, his urging, in the first place for her to dress to tease and openly flaunt her body.

"So you like my new dress?"

"Absolutely! You look stunning in it."

"Do you like my new heels?" Susan knew Edward loved her in heels. She bounced her heeled foot tantalizingly in front of her husband. She was certainly getting better at this.

Edward watched as Susan uncrossed her legs and stretched out one leg twisting her foot to show off her heels.

"Do you like the way these heels look on my feet?"

He did love the way her feet and legs looked in those heels! As his eyes moved up her leg, he noticed her knees were parted and he caught a glimpse of Susan's panties. He could almost see her pussy slit through the thin fabric; they were so very sheer.

"Wow! I love those shoes!! And I love how you are teasing me right now!!!"

Susan felt completely in charge; and Edward felt amazingly proud of her and was getting more and more turned on as the night progressed.

After a second drink, Susan teased, "Is this too much? Remember, I asked you if you would be upset if I go out wearing this short, thin dress. So it should not be any surprise that, despite my best efforts, I may occasionally be showing a lot more. Like this..."

With those words, Susan nonchalantly turned her head to look behind her, which at the same time naturally caused her legs to spread wider.

Edward mumbled his appreciation in a low tone heard only by him. As Susan turned back to Edward, she lifted her leg to place her foot on the short cocktail table to fix the strap on her shoe. Yet, she did it in a way that could still be construed as 'accidental' and not 'intentional' exposure. Susan was quickly becoming an expert in teasing.

She caught him looking between her legs. She felt herself getting wet, and she knew her diaphanous panties would no doubt become even more see-through.

"Enjoy the view?"

"You know I'm loving this! You are acting so fuckin' sexy Susan!" Edward wanted to make it clear he was enjoying the tease. "It's a shame other guys won't have the pleasure to enjoy this as much as I am." He also wanted to give her the 'green light' to take it further, if she was so inclined.

Although she would not admit it to her husband, Susan was actually pleased that her husband liked to show her off. She remembered the time, last year, when Edward persuaded her to go topless on the crowded public beach of this same resort. She was reluctant, but ultimately gave in to please him. It felt awkward initially. But gradually, Susan soon realized how liberated and empowered she felt. And she had to admit; the appreciative looks of other men made her feel appreciated, desired,

Perhaps feeling the effects of her second cocktail, she decided to elevate her teasing. "I'm having trouble with this strap. It just doesn't feel right," Susan lamented, feigning a problem. As she leaned forward, her legs fell further apart. In this position, her outer lips opened wide. She gasped as she felt her tiny panties being sucked into her pussy.

Edward gasped as well. He could see her outer lips swollen and moist as they swallowed the thin sheer fabric. It was almost as if she wasn't wearing panties at all. Her perfectly trimmed 'landing strip' was clearly visible above her pussy lips.

"Oh my! You are making my cock chub up!" Edward leaned in and whispered as he repositioned his pants to allow his ever-growing cock to move down his pants leg. He glanced around. "Do you think anyone else is catching this; seeing what I am seeing?"

Susan looked up and noticed three men and a bartender looking towards her. She noticed a couple of double takes. Are they watching her? Did they see anything? She instinctively slammed her legs closed, embarrassed by her self-made wardrobe malfunction.

"Well...your wish may be coming true! Seems I may have unintentionally flashed several men at the bar!"

Knowing other men devoted attention to his wife was something of an ego boost and, without question, a huge turn on. Edward wanted to turn to see the guys that were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. He wanted to give them a nod that he knew, and that it was okay to enjoy the view.

But he chose caution instead, and let Susan control her show.

She finished 'fixing' her strap, and put her feet back on the ground. She fidgeted.

"You okay?" asked Edward.

"It's just that...well...this thong got really uncomfortable all of a sudden. It seems like the material is wadded between my lips and pulled tight like it is, the string feels like it is splitting me in two, starting at my vagina to my ass."

Edward leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "Then why don't you to take them off?"

Susan looked at her husband grinning at her -- challenging her. She couldn't! There was no way she could do such a thing in such a short, thin dress! Or could she? It would be so naughty, so wanton!

She stood up and started walking to the ladies room. Confused thoughts pulsed through her mind. On one shoulder was a devilish wanton character dressed in a black corset, fishnet stockings, and high heels. And on the other shoulder, was an angelic character dressed in a white robe, each trying to exert its influence over her thinking and actions.

She looked back. Her husband had a look of surprise and anticipation. The 'devil' urged her to dump her typical puritanical thinking and live her life to the fullest. Meanwhile, the 'angel' reminded her of her values and upbringing.

"He doesn't think I will," she thought, now challenging herself. What would she do? The feelings of arousal grew, and Susan knew this was a dangerous game she was about to play. She turned the corner and in the hallway, just out of sight of the bar, she reached under her dress, and pulled her panties down.

She saw her vision in one of the hallway mirrors. She barely recognized the woman looking back at her. The woman in the mirror, dressed with the suggestion of sex in a figure-fitting dress, holding a tiny pair of damp thong panties, was the opposite of everything she had been.

Yet why was she breathing heavily and why were her cheeks flushed? She could not answer those questions, but what she could not deny...her body was on fire. She turned and realized she did not fully consider the shortness of her dress. If she bent over at the waist, even a little, you would no doubt see her ass cheeks clearly from behind. Could she do this? She hesitated.

But then she started feeling aroused, thinking about her husband looking at her. Thinking about other men looking at her. She turned the corner walked to her husband, her heart beating wildly in her chest.

The lobby was even more crowded than earlier. In her recent past, she would have preferred to fade into the background, unnoticed. But not now. She strode towards her husband, walking upright, her chest out, with confidence. With each step, she was another step further from her recent conservative boundaries.

As she walked, she felt a small thrill run through her as the men in the crowd parted before her allowing her to pass easily. The thought of being totally bare underneath her dress made her smile mischievously. And there was something empowering about walking into a room full of people and being the only one who knew she was completely bare underneath. She felt naughty.

With a surprised and enthralled look, Edward watched as his wife walked to him. She looked incredible! She looked sexy! And the distinctive click-clack of a sexy woman walking in heels, caused more than one head to turn as she passed. He was grateful to watch her from a distance, and to watch the reactions of several men.

Before sitting down, she placed something in his hands. Edward opened his hand and looked at a tiny thong, damp from his wife's essence.

Susan's smirked at her brazen move as she sat down. By the look on her husband's face, he definitely was not prepared for this. She smiled proudly at her husband, who was fumbling with her thong, holding it like a precious gift, and examining it closely.

She looked beyond his shoulders towards others at the Lobby Bar. The same guys and the bartender had watched her walk across the lobby -- and she still had their attention. Blushing at the men's salacious scrutiny, Susan wondered if she had made a mistake removing her panties. But as they continued looking at her, she soon found that having the outright attention from the men at the bar was an unusual, yet exhilarating, feeling.

She looked down; the hem on her black dress had ridden up once again exposing much of her thighs. Daringly, she kept her legs parted facing Edward, and the men at the bar. This time it did not seem so accidental. And with their gazes centered on her knee, which was fidgeting just slightly, she knew she had their attention. She felt her body heating up, their persistent stares making her nervous but her body tingly as the 'devil' on her shoulder coerced her towards more mischievous behavior.

Edward watched as, amazingly, Susan smiled at her voyeurs giving them the assurance that she knew they were looking. Then looking right at them, she crossed her legs, then uncrossed and opened wide, before crossing them again. The move would have made Sharon Stone proud.

Edward could not believe this. His typically conservative wife was becoming a real cock tease! He loved every minute of this. And further, he was convinced more than ever that Susan was enjoying teasing.

He looked down. His cock had snaked down his pants leg. A large wet spot was visible from his precum.

The bar and the surrounding area were crowded with people coming to order drinks, some hanging around the bar, and others seated at the nearby tables. It was the gathering spot before and after dinner. Edward knew others could likely see what he was seeing. He enjoyed his wife temporarily freeing herself from the bonds of being the proper wife and good mom of home life and allowing herself to fully become the sexy woman she really was, and while having fun doing it.

Meanwhile, nervousness enveloped Susan. But this was different - it was more of a nervous thrill. She felt that familiar tingling deep down in her sex. Why did she derive so much excitement from the brazen act of teasing other men, beside her husband?

Yet she could not deny, she found that she liked it. She liked the attention. She liked that she could sort of control men. And she liked that they appreciated her. After all, what woman does not want to be appreciated by men, even lusted over?

"This is actually fun!" she thought. Not only did she have her husband under her control, but she had those guys at the bar engaged as well. In this male-dominated culture, she was quickly realizing the power of female exhibitionism. The 'angel' on her shoulder frowned and the 'devil' smirked with satisfaction on 'winning' another round.

Just then, Stan and Janet appeared and came over to say hello. They met Stan and Janet the day before during check-in. Susan's knees slammed closed. The 'angel' nodded appreciatively.

"The show is over," Edward convinced himself. "What crappy timing." He stuffed his wife's panties into his pocket.

"Why don't you join us at our table? Sit, lets have a drink," offered Susan, trying to collect her thoughts and reset her mindset.

Stan chose a chair next to Edward and directly across from Susan. Janet sat next to Susan. They ordered drinks and Edward thought for sure the night that began so promisingly was about to fizzle. They chatted for about 15 minutes and then Janet reminded Stan they needed to leave soon if they were going to make their dinner reservations.

As Stan finished his drink, he leaned forward to set the glass on the low table. Susan could no longer hold back. Susan felt an urge, and her pussy nearly ached from the thought of it. The 'devil' smiled and nodded knowingly.

Edward watched as Susan uncrossed her legs, partially parted them, and then re-crossed them. Stan froze momentarily, staring for a few seconds, clearly weighing something internally. It was almost comical -- as if someone hit the man's 'pause' button.

Then Edward watched as Stan's eyes moved bashfully from staring at Susan's legs and up her dress to her eyes. It appeared he wanted to look, but not be rude and certainly did not want to get "caught" - either by Susan or his wife Janet. Fortunately for Stan, his wife and Susan appeared to be temporarily distracted and carried on about the snorkeling excursion they had earlier.

By this time, Susan's dress had ridden even higher up her thighs. And in Stan's position, Edward knew he had the best view of her legs. He could only imagine the view that he had. How much of his wife's pussy on display in front of him?

As Susan feigned listening to Janet's story about a large barracuda they saw while snorkeling, Edward watched Stan's eyes move back to Susan's legs. He saw Susan uncross her legs again. But she did not re-cross them. Her knees were parted slightly allowing another potential opening for Stan. Edward knew Stan had the prime view up his wife's dress. He simply didn't know how much he could see.

Stan leaned back in his chair. His focus once again moved down to the area between Susan's legs; but this time, he did not try to be as covert.

Meanwhile, Susan was acutely aware that the hem on her dress had ridden up her thigh. She could feel the eyes of the man examining every bit of her exposure. Yet, she did nothing to fix her revealing pose. She was simply not finished with Stan yet.

More than a little nervous, her resistance crumbled and her leg that she was holding tight swung open. Letting random strangers look up her dress with her skimpy see-thru panties was one thing, but now she had nothing on at all! The 'devil' on her shoulder raised both hands in victory.

Susan could barely follow the conversation as she glanced over to see Stan's eyes devouring her; his mouth gaped. Whereas on the beach and at the pool, he had been subtler, his looks now were blatantly obvious. And by the look on his face, he definitely was enjoying the view. She felt devilish as his gaze remained on his target; her glorious slit between her legs.

Susan felt so confident and self-assured, yet so naughty, having a man so close trying his hardest to watch her. And this was not an innocent flash to a stranger. For the first time ever, Susan was directly and knowingly teasing a guy she knew, albeit only for a couple days. She was bolder than ever!

Edward could only imagine the view that their new friend had. Was his wife's pussy completely on display in front of him?

Edward watched as Stan looked up at Susan. He watched as his wife brought her finger to her pursed lips teasingly while looking directly at Stan. "Shit! Did Susan just acknowledge that she knew he was looking?" Edward's cock started growing again. He wondered why was he so turned on by his wife flashing her pussy to this relative stranger.

As Janet finally finished her story, she looked around and found both men nervously looking at each other while Susan pulled the hem of her dress down. Seemed everyone but Janet knew what was going on.

They finished their drinks and as the two couples said their good-byes, Edward suggested to Stan and Janet that they meet up at the show after dinner. He wanted to keep this going. He had become so aroused by his wife's outright teasing and wanted to see just how far she would take it. And he wondered how she felt about it. He wondered if it was turning her on as well.

Stan appeared willing, however Janet dismissed that offer, indicating they needed to have an early night because they were tired from the sun and snorkeling. The couples promised to try to meet up the next day at the beach or pool.

After watching them walk away, Edward turned to his wife excited, surprised, and grateful for her 'performance.' While they had role-played in the friendly confines of the bedroom, Susan had never followed through in public, certainly never like this.

He leaned in to kiss his wife. Susan's lips parted and met him with open mouth. His kiss lingered and he could feel his wife responding. Their tongues danced an erotic dance as Edward opened his mouth to savor his wife's amorous frame of mind.

"Wow, that was so fucking hot! THAT was incredible!" Edward beamed after a long kiss. "That sexy dress and the way you are wearing it... bringing attention to those gorgeous! Then watching how you tease Stan!! Thank-you Sweetie! I love you so much!"

"Really? Was I teasing Stan?" Susan's response was sly but playful. "We should probably get going to the restaurant. We wouldn't want to miss our reservation."

Edward looked down at his cock, prominent and aching to be freed.

"Well...okay...but...I'm going to need a minute..."

As her eyes wandered down to Edward's erection, Susan blushed as she realized both the extent and cause of his arousal. She smiled, embarrassed but yet so proud of her performance.

"Maybe we should go back to our room so we can take care of this?" she teased as she reached out and lightly stroked Edward's cock.

"We can order room service."

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Transform Wife to Perfect Hot Wife .


All it needs is continuos persistent encouragement in the right direction from the husband who needs to be completed committed.

The story is an excellent initial step to convert an uptight conservative wife to a Hot Wife and really enjoy life to its full content.

Women must understand nearly all woman 99% including their mother and sister have enjoyed and are enjoying.

It is perfectly fine.

Only nobody talks about it openly.

mbtaichimbtaichialmost 3 years ago

I love the build up and pacing of this story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Nicely Done!

I am loving the build-up of each story and how you are describing the story from both Edward and Susan's point of view. Can't wait to see what happens next!

BTW, my wife and I are at the same point in our relationship. We are both in our mid-fifties and are looking for ways to spice things up! This story series is inspiring.

nolaguy58nolaguy58almost 10 years ago
Nothing better than the real thing

I am really enjoying your stories. The pace of the story is fine. I just want more more more!

Shelli and I have also had little showing experiences, but not as bold as yours. You're both my heroes.

Thanks for writing. Please continue.


haleyandjameshaleyandjamesalmost 10 years ago

Dont listen to all the negative comments. Those couples on here that love exhibitionism like us appreciate this story. We too post REAL stories. The detail is the best part. Keep up the great work and ignore the negative comments!

gordo12gordo12almost 10 years ago

You might want to consider speeding up the story it's moving pretty slow.

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