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Swinger Vacation Ch. 01


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Lacy is also having a good look at Sofia.

"I love your bikini, Hunny."

Sofi takes the compliment with grace.

"Ah, thank you, it's new. Jack is worried it's too revealing!"

Lacy is quick to reassure Sofia.

"No, Hunny. You can never be too revealing with a body like yours. If you've got it, show it off! The guys are going to love you. Is it a WW?"

Sofia looks surprised at Lacy's guess.

"Yes, it is. Well spotted. I've never had one before, but I rather like it."

Lacy is pulling on the side string of her thong.

"They're great. Mine is, too."

As Lacy stands up to show the tiny WW label on her bikini bottoms, I can clearly see her pussy lips through the thin material. Now I know why Pete continues to look at Sofia's pussy. I can hardly be annoyed when I'm doing the exact same thing to his wife.

It's clear that Lacy has a shaved pussy. It looks fantastic! I've always wanted to eat a girl with a shaved pussy. Lacy also has really big tits. She's very slim, like Sofia, but her tits look absolutely massive! They look as though they've been enhanced, and it's hard not to stare at them. They're magnificent!

Lacy notices me looking and is making a suggestion to Sofia.

"Hunny, your tits are beautiful, but maybe you should get yours done like mine because your husband can't keep his eyes off of them!"

Sofia is laughing.

"He's always had a thing for tits, haven't you, Da...ndy?"

Oh my god, she nearly called me daddy!

Lacy is quick to notice.

"Dandy? I thought his name is Jack?"

Sofia has a quick reply.

"Yeah, it is! When we first met, he was like a dog in heat. He wouldn't leave me alone! I used to call him Randy Dandy, and the 'Dandy' part just stuck."

I'm impressed with her quick thinking!

Lacy is smiling.

"Well, he's obviously still a Randy Dandy. He can't keep his eyes off of you or me!"

"Yes, he is! He's still a Randy Dandy. Wants it all the time, don't you Jack?"

Sofia is turning to look at me, knowing she's put me on the spot.

I'm kissing her cheek.

"I want you every minute of every day. It's impossible not to."

I know Sofia wasn't expecting me to say that. She's trying to embarrass me and is having fun, but her little trick hasn't worked. I know she's going to try to do something else.

She's turning back to face Lacy.

"Lacy, I can't blame him for staring at your tits. I can't keep my eyes off them either. They're beautiful and so big. They must feel fantastic?"

Lacy is looking down at her tits like a proud parent.

"I got them done two years ago. It was the best thing I've ever done. Pete can't get enough of them!"

Pete winks.

"I'm not the only one!"

Sofia chimes in.

"They're every man's dream. Every girls dream, too! I'd love to have tits like yours."

Lacy is turning so she's facing directly at Sofia.

"Well, why don't you have a feel, Hunny? Almost everyone else in the resort has, including most of the staff."

Sofia isn't needing to be told twice. She's reaching out and putting her hand on Lacy's left tit to have a gentle feel.

"No, Hunny, not like that. Have a good feel!"

Lacy is grabbing both of Sofia's hands, placing them on her tits, and squeezing Sofia's hands, which in turn is squeezing Lacy's tits.

"Have a proper feel. Imagine you're in bed and feeling of your own tits."

Sofia is starting to feel and fondle them. It's incredibly erotic. Almost everyone at the bar is watching. Sofia seems to be enjoying herself and so is Lacy.

"If you want, you can do that all day long, Hunny!"

"Don't tempt me. I'd love to. They're magnificent. I want them."

Lacy is becoming inquisitive.

"As I said, any time, gorgeous girl. Any time you want. Now, how about Randy over there? Why don't you let him have a feel? You don't mind do you, Hunny?"

"No, not at all! I'd love for him to have a feel. If he does, maybe he'll pay for me to have mine done?"

Sofia is laughing a little.

Sofia is upping the ante, and she's enjoying this.

"Jack, come and have a feel. You'll love them."

She must be thinking I'll back out, but I'm not going to let her win this one.

"Lacy, I'm so sorry for staring, but you have a beautiful body, and your breasts are magnificent. I'd love to feel them if Pete's ok with it?"

Pete is looking at me.

"No need to be polite, Jack. Come and have a go on my wife's tits. I paid enough for them. I'd like to get my money's worth."

What can I do? I can't back down now. Sofia has set this up to try to make me feel uncomfortable, but she isn't going to get the better of me. I'm getting up and starting to feel Lacy's tits. Sofia is right, they feel fantastic! Almost like real tits.

I don't want to out stay my welcome—I'm not sure what the time limit is for fondling a strangers tits—so after about twenty seconds, I thank her and sit down again.

As soon as I do, I'm realizing it was a massive mistake. I guess the sight of two women groping each other's tits, and then having a go myself, is too much for "little Jack." I have the biggest erection I've had in a long time. The problem is, these shorts are so small and short, my cock has nowhere to go except up and out. This is making a very obvious tent that's impossible to hide.

Lacy notices and obviously feels the need to mention it.

"My god, Hunny! After riding that monster every day, it's no wonder you have such a fit body. That must be a work out all by itself."

Sofia turns and is looking down at the tent in my shorts that Lacy was referring to and seems shocked when she sees my cock trying to escape.


I've always had a pretty big cock. It's a shower, not a grower, which gives a guy a great deal of confidence in the showers at the gym. My nickname at school was "tripod." It's about eight inches (flaccid), which looks impressive, but it only gets fatter and hard when I get a hard on—the length doesn't actually change that much. It's nearly impossible to hide though...like now for instance!


Sofia's look of shock is turning into a big, cheeky smile.

"Now you know why I always have a smile on my face. I just can't get enough of that thing!"

Sofia is right, she's great at winging it. She's so quick and intelligent, she knows how to play every situation. But even I'm shocked as she makes her next move.

She's getting off of her own stool, moving over to mine, and just before she sits between my legs with her back to me, she's patting my cock through my shorts!

"Let's hide this monster, or we'll have a riot on our hands because all of the women will want to try it out."

Lacy is winking at Sofia.

"Well, I'm first in line whenever he's ready!"

"And what will I get in return?"

"Pete, of course! I know Pete would love to have some fun with you. Wouldn't you, Hun?"

Lacy is looking around at Pete, who's enthusiastically nodding.

"He has a beautiful big cock, too."

Sofia is giggling.

"Well, I am partial to older men, as you can tell."

I'm slightly shocked. 'Is Sofia trying to set up a husband swap? Is she happy to fuck Pete, just so I can have some sex during our vacation? Would Pete be ok with me fucking Lacy?'

Sofia and I need to chat about this. I mean, I'd absolutely love to fuck the hell out of Lacy—she's as hot as hell. I can imagine all of the things I'd love to do with her, but this situation seems so strange and alien to me.

I'll play it down.

"Obviously, you guys aren't serious?"

Lacy is coming straight back at me.

"I'm dead serious, Jack! We're in the lifestyle, so we don't have any problem with each other fucking other people. That's why we come to these places. Pete likes to watch me with other men, so he'll be happy with that. But if the beautiful Sofia wants to have some fun with Pete, we can swap for the night?"

I'm shocked. I don't know what to say. I've heard about these places, but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd go to one, especially with my own daughter.

Sofia is quick to react again.

"Lacy, thank you so much for your offer. It's one we'll definitely consider, but we're not in the lifestyle...yet! We've talked about it, and we've fantasized about it together when making love, but we've never done anything about it. That doesn't mean we won't, but we'll need to talk more seriously about it first. I hope you understand? It'd be a massive step for us."

Lacy is smiling.

"You take your time, Hunny. We're here for another week, so the offer is there until the day we leave."

"Thank you, Lacy and Pete. There are a lot of fantasies I want to explore, and sex with another couple in the same room is definitely one of them."

"Hunny, this is where you can fulfil every fantasy you've ever had. The guys, and most of the girls, are going to love you and that gorgeous body. I, for one, would be happy to explore it on my own if that's one of your fantasies? The boys can watch, too. That might be a better way to start?"

"I really like that idea, Lacy. It's definitely something I want to try again, and you're so sexy. I think Jack likes the idea, too, if his cock is anything to go by."

She's wiggling her ass against my hard cock to emphasize what she means.

'What's she playing at? Did she know this is a swingers resort when she booked it? Was this her plan all along?' We need to chat, but in private...away from other people. My head feels like it's about to explode, and so does my cock. It's starting to hurt because it's been hard for so long. I was hoping it was going to go down, but the talk of sex and wife swapping, along with Sofia's ass rubbing against it, means it's staying hard and waiting for action.

I'm only a man, and Sofia is my daughter, but my cock has no idea who she is. All it knows is it's being stimulated by a beautiful girl's ass. It has a mind of its own and it's trying to get into whatever is in front of it, which happens to be my daughter's beautiful, perfectly formed, bubble butt.

This whole situation is so fucked up. I just want to go back to our room and chat with Sofia, but she insists on more cocktails. So, we stay and listen to stories from Lacy and Pete about their adventures, and Sofia is telling them about some of ours as well—none of which I have a clue about since they're stories of her adventures with other guys. She seems to be relishing the situation.

I think she's a little drunk. What with the Champagne on the plane, the welcome drinks at the reception, and three cocktails, she's definitely in a mischievous mood. She knows I'm excited by it, too, as my cock is staying hard, and she's rubbing her ass against it to make sure. Her ass rubs seem to coincide with anything really horny, as if she's trying to say (with her ass) she knows I find it horny.

Although I've relaxed into the situation and going along with it, it still feels weird to be getting drunk with my practically naked daughter, whose back is against my chest, her ass is backed up against my hard cock, and chatting about sex with a horny couple who wants to fuck us both. It's not the sort of situation you expect to find yourself in on a daily basis. Or how about...ever!

I'm realizing we need to, at least, behave like a couple in front of these people, so I'll put the fact of Sofia being my daughter out of my head and focus on how I'd behave with a girlfriend. I have my right arm around Sofia's waist and she has her hand on mine. I have my left hand on the top of her leg and I'm caressing up and down her thigh. She seems very cool with the whole situation. I guess she's just trying to show how affectionate we are as a couple, but it feels so wrong, yet it feels amazing, too. I'm wondering, 'Does she feel the same way?'

After we've drained our fourth cocktail, Sofia turns around so she's facing me (between my legs), puts her arms around my neck as a lover would do, and gives me a peck on the lips.

She's winking at me.

"We need to get you and the monster back to our room."

I realize she's playing up to our audience and playing the game, but I wasn't expecting the kiss. I'm in a mischievous mood myself, now, so I think I'll test her to see how far she'll take her ruse by kissing her back on the lips. At the same time, I'm grabbing a handful of ass cheek in each hand.

I'm being playful as I slap Sofia's ass.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, my sexy little wife. You're also going to have to take care of this."

I'm grabbing her hand and placing it on my cock.

I'm expecting Sofia to pull her hand away from my cock straight away, but instead, she's squeezing it!

"Where do you want it? In my mouth, my pussy, or my ass?"

She's won again. She really knows how to play this game. She's an expert. I can't compete.

I stutter a little as I try to get my words out.

"Wh...where ever you...you want it, Baby?"

Lacy is laughing.

"Jack, you'd better get her back to your room and fuck that girl before she makes you shoot your load into your shorts."

After we say our goodbyes, we leave our new friends at the bar to make our way back through the winding pool and to our room. As we get around to the area of the pool that runs between the rooms, Sofia stops.

"That was fun, Daddy. I had no idea you have such a good sense of fun and adventure, or such a massive cock!"

She's laughing.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Baby. That wasn't what I was expecting to happen!"

"Well, you seemed to enjoy it. You have to admit, Daddy, it was rather good fun."

Sofia has a naughty grin on her face.

All of a sudden, we hear a moan then Sofia is pointing to the first floor balcony in front of us.

"Look up there!"

I can see a woman (on her knees) next to the glass balustrade, and there's a guy sitting on a chair next to her. I realize she's sucking his cock. They're both naked and happy to let anyone watch, which we're doing. They're not the only ones on the balcony. There's another man who appears to be using his phone to film the couple having sex. The sight of this is causing my cock to spring back to life again.

I'm annoyed.

"Sofia, what the hell is this place you've brought us to?"

"I have to admit, I didn't know it's a swingers resort, but who cares? It might be fun for both of us to let our hair down. We're both adults and both single. Why shouldn't we?"

Sofia is serious!

I understand what she's saying, and the thought is exciting, but it isn't right.

"I know, but I'm your father. You have to admit, this is a little weird?"

It's Sofia's turn to be serious.

"No, not at all. You're such a handsome man, Daddy. You have a beautiful body, and clearly a very big cock. You're such a good catch. I want you to have fun, and I want to have fun, too. So why not do it together. I trust you more than anyone else in the world, so you're the perfect partner to do this with. Please?"

I can't say no to her.

"I kind of see where you're coming from, but it means we may see things I never thought I'd see. Are you ok with that?"

"Of course, Daddy. I think it'll be fun. I think we'll love it. Please tell me you'll embrace it and try to have fun?"

"Ok, Baby. I will, but if I feel uncomfortable, we stop. Is that ok?"

I want her to know there is a line.

Sofia is giving me a soft and gentle peck as she kisses me on the lips again.

"Yes, Daddy. I'll do whatever you want. Now, shall we go back to our room to take care of the monster?"

She's giggling.

I can't help but wonder, 'What's she implying?'

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you went out with a loaded gun. From now on, I think you need to shoot it before you go out or you'll take someone's eye out! Let's go back and get it unloaded!"

I'm at a loss for words! 'What's she trying to say?'

"I understand what you mean, but 'what' do you mean? Do you mean you...um?"

Sofia is laughing at my awkwardness.

"No, Daddy. As much as I'd love to feel a big, hard cock inside of me right now, I think it's best that you go into the shower and take care of it until we find another solution."

There's relief in my voice.

"Oh! Ok. That's what I thought."

But it isn't what my sick head was thinking, and it isn't what I'm thinking now. My thoughts are far more perverted than that. I'm having visions of Sofia but not healthy ones. This isn't good.

It doesn't help that she's standing here in a see-through bikini and her nipples are clearly hard and sticking through the material. My daughter looks incredible. She looks so sexy. She looks so horny. This isn't good.

The guy on the balcony has just shot his load all over the face of the naked woman in front of him, and the other guy is taking close-ups of her cum covered face. I need to cum, too.

"Come on, the show's over. Let's go back to our room."

As we arrive back at our room, I'm realizing this isn't going to be easy. I need to jerk off...badly...but there aren't any private places to do it, except in the toilet area, which isn't my idea of fun.

Sofia must be able to read my mind.

"Why don't you have a nice shower while I sit on the terrace?"

This is a great idea. It means I can shoot my load in the shower while she's sitting outside on the lounger with her back to me.

Sofia is winking at me.

"Take your time, Daddy, and enjoy yourself!"

With that, she's turning to go to the terrace. I don't need to be told twice as I quickly jump into the shower and start to massage my cock. My mind is filled with images from this afternoon—Lacy's tits and ass, her and Sofia touching each other's tits, Sofia's ass, Sofia's tits, Sofia's ass, and Sofia's tits. My head is filled with her body, and that does it! I'm shooting my load while thinking about Sofia. I'm shocked at how much cum there is. It feels amazing to finally cum...it's such a relief!

I've dried off and I'm wrapping my towel around my waist before walking out to the terrace to tell Sofia that I'm finished. I'm relieved that my cock has finally gone back to its normal, flaccid eight inches. However, it doesn't stay that way for long. I'm stopped in my tracks just as I'm about to go through the doors.

Sofia is on the lounger, as I was expecting, but she's completely naked! Not only that, she's playing with herself! She has her legs wide open, she's pumping her fingers from one of her hands in and out of her pussy, and she's rubbing her clit with the fingers of her other hand!

I'm stuck...frozen...while watching her. She looks incredible! I notice a couple in the pool, opposite of her, are also watching her. The woman seems to be watching as her husband plays with her pussy.

'Is this for their benefit? Does Sofia know they're watching her? Does she want them to watch? It looks as if she doesn't care.'

I don't want to disturb her because she seems to be close to cumming, so I'll just stay and watch my incredible, completely naked for all to see, daughter while she plays with herself.

Now she's cumming really hard! She obviously needed it. As soon as she does, I'm starting to move away, but I'm tripping on a bag and my towel is falling from my waist. She hears the noise, turns around, and sees me. As I'm standing up, she's looking straight at me, and my erect cock. It's let me down again.

"I thought you took care of that, Daddy."

"I did!"

She's confused.

"But it's still hard, Daddy?"

I sound so guilty.

"I know, Baby. I did take care of it in the shower, but it became hard again when I saw you playing with yourself."

That's making her smile.

"That's ok, Daddy."

"I'm sorry, Baby, but I didn't realize you were doing what you were doing."

Sofia's reply sounds so sexy.

"I have needs, too, Daddy. Today's been so horny, I needed to cum, too."

"I understand, Baby, but everyone can see you, and the couple who just left were watching you."

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