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Swinger Vacation Ch. 02 Day 02


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She spends most of breakfast on her phone while chatting with friends and catching up on her social media platforms. I refuse to use either of them on a personal level, but my business is covered by all of them, so I know what Sofia posts. I only hope she doesn’t post anything too incriminating because it might be awkward on our return.

I think I should address the matter.

“Sofia, darling, don’t you think it best that we keep social media posts to a minimum? After all, we don’t want anyone to know where we’re staying, or they’ll know what type of resort this is.”

I get hit with a stare that says, ‘Don’t even try to control what I put on social media.’

“I’ll post whatever I want to, Daddy! Obviously, I’m not stupid enough to mention where we are, but I am going to show off that I’m in the Caribbean and having fun. I want Anthony to know what he’s missing!”

“I didn’t think you cared about Anthony anymore, Baby? I mean, you said you left him because you were unfaithful to him.”

She snaps back.

“Well I was, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still miss him. Besides, I’d be getting a lot more cock if he were here!”

I can’t help myself.

“I think you’ve had plenty, considering we’ve only been here a day!”

She isn’t happy!

“Oh, that’s just charming, isn’t it? Why don’t you throw that back into my face? I was drunk and horny. It wasn’t my fault!”

It’s starting to get a bit heated, and I don’t want anyone hearing her call me daddy. I think we got away with it this time, so I try to appease her.

“Would you like to go to the beach or the pool today, Baby?

As we leave the breakfast restaurant, I get a call from one of my associates. He has a few things he needs to discuss with me, so I slow my pace while we chat and drop behind Sofia. It’s quite funny because Sofia is walking off in a strut, the same as she did when she was a kid. She had a way of strutting off, so everyone could see she wasn’t happy, and now (at twenty-five years old) she’s still doing it!

It’s only because she’s ahead of me that I can see what she’s wearing. I obviously saw what she’s wearing, but haven’t really taken notice.

Sofia is wearing a mesh, white dress with yet another skimpy, white bikini underneath of it. Neither the dress nor the bikini hides anything so, to be honest, she may as well be wearing nothing. She’s strutting along at quite a pace, and she’s wearing wedge heels, too. She looks like a catwalk model as her ass wiggles from side to side.

It’s a thing of beauty to watch. She has a certain air about her. She’s elegant, sexy, and easy on the eyes. She turns everyone’s head as she walks by—neither men nor women can keep their eyes off of her.

I end the call as soon as I can, and try to catch up with Sofia, but she’s nearly reached the beach.

As we stroll to the beach, I’m struck by how beautiful it is. I guess I haven’t taken much notice up until now. The sand is almost pure white, and the sea is a clear blue-turquoise. The beach itself forms an arch between two rocky headlands. I have no idea what’s on the left hand side, but I know that over on the right hand side is the nude beach. I think it’ll be fun to explore the left side at some point, but I want to relax now.

The hotel has provided beach beds for everyone to use. They aren’t your average beach beds, they’re round in shape and designed for two people to lie on at the same time. I like the idea that you never have to move the beds, only adjust the towels in the right direction. Each bed has a massive umbrella for shade, if needed, but most are down at the moment.

As we make our way through the beds to find an empty one, I can see couples sunbathing on each of the beds. Some are lying separately while others are lying as if they’re in bed in their private bedroom, oblivious to others around them. It’s perfect for romantic couples to relax and enjoy each other. Even though this isn’t a fully-nude beach, some people have very little clothes on. Most of the women are topless and in a thong. In fact, I only see two that have a bikini top on, and they’re the same tiny nipple covers Sofia had on the day before.

After we find a bed that’s situated almost in the middle of the beach, a young guy from the hotel comes running over to us.

“I have some towels for you Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs.”

He carefully starts to make up our bed for us, making sure the towels are aligned with the angle of the sun for maximum effect.

“May I get you something to drink? Today’s special cocktail is a Strawberry Colada!”

I look at his name badge.

“I think we’re ok for now, David.”

“Well, I want to try one of those! They sound delicious. Make it two!”

“But, Sofia, it’s only eleven-thirty in the morning. Don’t you think it’s a little early?”

“We’re on vacation, Jack. Lighten up!”

So David walks off to get our morning cocktails while we prepare ourselves to lie down and sunbathe. I already have my shorts on. Black is the colour for today, so I remove my polo shirt and flip-flops and jump onto the bed while being careful not to get any sand on it.

Sofia, on the other hand, manages to turn the situation into some kind of sexy strip tease. She seems to revel in the attention she gets, and she gets a lot of it. First, she removes the tiny summer dress she has on by pulling each strap down over her shoulders then pulls the dress down to her waist. She has no bikini top on, so her beautiful, firm breasts are exposed. She wiggles the dress down past her hips, bends at the waist with straight legs when she gets it down that far, and pushes it down to her feet. Anyone behind her will have a perfect view of her ass.

I shouldn’t be surprised at the minuscule thong she has on, and I can’t help but stare. Today, she’s wearing bright red except there isn’t a lot of material to see. It barely covers her shaven pussy, and the strings that go over her hips and join into one, tiny, string between her ass-cheeks are so thin you can hardly see them. From a distance, she probably looks naked from behind.

Even taking her high wedge shoes off is done for maximum effect as she bends over, ass in the air, and takes each shoe off one at a time. There’s going to be some hard cocks on the beach, and it isn’t even midday.

“You really worked that, didn’t you, Baby? I can assure you, you have the attention of every man on the beach!”

Sofia replies in a smug manner.

“I know, Daddy. It pays to advertise!”

“Advertise what, exactly?”

“Advertise me, Daddy! If you want us to get through these two weeks without fucking each other (she’s raising her eyes to heaven), we need to find some partners for both of us. I’m just selling what I have.”

I’m a little annoyed.

“Sofia, we don’t need to sell ourselves. There isn’t a man in this place who wouldn’t want to fuck you, even if you were wearing a trash can liner.”

Sofia is quick to jump down my throat.

“So, you think those tiny shorts aren’t getting any attention, Daddy? They’re tight enough to be able to see the vein in your cock! So don’t lecture me about advertising. Every woman, and all of the guys, know exactly what you’re packing in your little shorts!”

I don’t know what to say to that, so I quietly watch as Sofia applies lotion to her legs...even this is soft porn! Especially when she starts to apply the lotion to her ass and tits. There’s no use fighting it, so I’ll just lie back and enjoy the show.

She frowns.

“When you’ve finished watching me, I need some lotion on my back.”

I’ll be sarcastic.

“I’m sorry. I thought you ‘wanted’ me to watch you. If I was really your husband, I’d be watching you every second.”

“Well, if you were my husband, you’d be doing it all for me!”

“Trust me, if I were your husband, we’d still be in our room fucking right now! Now, come over here, Baby, and I’ll do your back for you.”

Sofia smiles, laughs, and then jumps onto the bed, facing away from me, so I can apply the lotion to her back. That’d made her happy—I do love to see her smile because she’s so beautiful when she smiles. As a matter of fact, she’s beautiful when she doesn’t. She never stops being beautiful, but I’m starting to realize she isn’t only beautiful—she’s turned into an incredibly sexy, young woman. She’s turned into her mother, only she’s sexier.

We’ve been on the beach for a couple of hours, and I’m really starting to feel relaxed. The sun is shining and the sea is gently lapping against the beach. Sofia is in a happy mood now, partly because she’s almost naked and has every man on the beach checking her out, but also because of the buzz we’re both feeling from the three cocktails we’ve already consumed.

We’re lying on our backs until Sofia gets up and sits astride my lap. Her arms are on either side of my head, and her tits are almost touching my chest.

“So, Daddy, we need to start picking out potential lovers. Have you seen any women you like?”

I’m feeling uncomfortable.

“Um, well, there are lots of attractive women here, but I haven’t really thought about it.”

Sofia lowers herself so her tits are touching my chest then whispers into my ear.

“Daddy, I’m feeling horny. I really need to find someone to fuck.”

I hope she doesn’t notice that her statement has made my cock harden.

“But you came this morning. Twice, I think?”

“So, you ‘were’ watching me!”

I defend myself.

“Well, it was impossible not to see you when you’re doing it in the middle of the room!”

She has a satisfied grin.

“Yes, but how do you know I came twice unless you were watching me the whole time?”

“Baby, I’m only a man. I know I’m your father, but I can’t help that the sight of you fucking yourself is very stimulating. So I’m not ashamed to say that I watched you!”

“Did you cum while watching me?”

Sofia is looking at me for an answer.

I’m a little annoyed.

“Yes, I did. I came really hard! Ok?”

“So then, you know we have to find some other people to fuck, or we’re not going to stop masturbating while thinking about each other?”

I’m a little shocked. She’s admitted that she was thinking of me while she was fucking herself. She’s right, though, we have to find some other people to have sex with, or else we’ll end up fucking each other.

“Ok, I get your point, but I don’t know how we can do this?”

“It’s ok, I’ll lead the way. I’ll find us someone to fuck.”

Sofia sounds very confident, and I believed her.

“I know you saw me last night, Daddy, but are you going to be ok seeing me fuck another man in the same room?”

“The same room? What do you mean?”

“Well, a lot of couples like to fuck other people in front of, or beside, their partners while they fuck someone, too. Same room sex is a good start for many couples.”

Sofia seems to know what she’s talking about.

I try to be honest.

“I’ve never done that, so I don’t know how I’d feel? It felt strange last night. I felt kind of jealous.”

“Ah, that’ so sweet. Were you jealous of those guys fucking me?”

“Yes, I guess I was a little, but I don’t know why?”

“So are you going to be ok with being up close and seeing another man fuck me?”

“I don’t suppose I have a choice if we’re going to do this.”

“How would you feel about seeing me with another woman, Daddy? Would that excite you or make you jealous?”

“I definitely wouldn’t be jealous! The idea does excite me as I’ve never seen two women having sex before, except in the porn films.”

Sofia has a smile on her face.

“Well, you might just get to see it in the flesh!”

Lacy and Sofia have been chatting in the sea for a while now. I don’t mind because watching these two beautiful women together is a feast for anyone’s eyes. It’s clear to see the two women have so much in common and have genuine affection for each other. They met at the beach bar on the first day we were here, and I get the feeling this is going to be a long lasting friendship.

It’s no surprise when the two women emerge from the water holding hands as they walk up the beach. The cold water has made their nipples hard and their bikini bottoms see through. It’s like a porn version of a James Bond movie.

I don’t think there are two more beautiful women at the resort than Sofia and Lacy. They have remarkably similar bodies, considering the difference in age, the same long legs, the same firm ass, and the same flat, toned stomach. The only difference is their breasts. Lacy’s beautifully enhanced breasts are a couple of sizes bigger than Sofia’s, but other than that, they look very much alike.

Above the shoulders, they’re very different, though. Sofia has long, black hair pushed back off of her face and olive skin in contrast to Lacy’s long, blonde, freely-flowing hair and golden tan. Both of them have beautiful faces. They look like a couple of swimsuit models from a Sports Illustrated magazine.

Everyone is looking at them. Everyone wants them, and I think they love that. You can tell by the way they strut up the beach with the sort of confidence you only get from being told, a million times during your life, how beautiful and desirable you are. They’re beautiful and desirable, and they know it!

As they approach our sun-bed, Sofia has a look of excitement on her face. I’ve seen that look so many times. Sofia has an idea and she’s going to share it, then she’s going to do it. Whatever it is, I’m either going to be part of it, or I’m going to be paying for it.

“Jack, Lacy and I have been chatting. She says there’s a fantastic spa in the resort that does couple massages. So we’re going to go and see if we can book it for the four of us to get a massage. Don’t you think that’s a wonderful idea?”

Sofia is so full of enthusiasm, how can I say no.

“That sounds great. Is there an extra charge?”

I know I shouldn’t have said that. It makes me sound tight.

Sofia strongly disapproves by being sarcastic.

“Are you serious? Everything in the resort is free. You have free food, free drinks, and free sex. It won’t hurt you to pay for one little massage, will it, Darling?”

I’m thinking about pointing out that I’ve actually paid for the entire vacation, so the only one getting this for free is Sofia, but I think better of it. Besides, I’m feeling a little tense in my shoulders, so a massage will be great.

“Of course not, Baby. It sounds great. Are we all going to be in the same room? I mean, all of us...together?”

“Yes. It’ll be fun. We can chat while we’re having the massage. I really enjoy chatting with Lacy. You can chat with Pete if you like?”

This isn’t my idea of fun. I like a nice, quiet massage with a little soft music to relax and unwind. If I want to chat, I’ll go to the bar, but obviously, I’m not going to tell her. I’m going to have to bite the bullet and get on with it.

I try to sound as enthusiastic as I possibly can.

“Ok, Baby, you guys go and see if you can book an appointment. Text me if you can then Pete and I will make our way up and join you.”

Lacy leaves to tell Pete of our plans, and Sofia puts on her bikini top and heels. I want to tell her it might be more appropriate for her to put on a little more than that to walk through the resort, but I know she won’t get anywhere near as much attention that way. I also know there isn’t one person here who’ll ever object to how she’s dressed...ever!

It’s as if the girls are of the same DNA as Lacy has done exactly the same as Sofia. I’m standing (open mouthed) and staring as the two of them strut off of the beach and up through the resort to the spa.

I guess I don’t know how obvious it is that I’m staring until I hear Pete.

“How fucking hot do those two look? They should be porn stars, don’t you think?”

“Um, yeah.”

For some reason, I slip into macho man mode. I’m not normally like this, but I think Pete is expecting it.

“Fuck, yeah! Don’t know which one I’d want to fuck first?”

I sound like an idiot. One of them is supposed to be my wife, whom I’d have obviously fucked already. The other is his wife, of who I should’ve been more respectful, but I don’t think he knows or cares about that.

“Jack, let’s fuck both of them!”

Pete is also being macho.

“It’d be a crime not to. Are you guys up for that? Jack, I know you said you haven’t tried it, yet. Have you changed your mind?”

I’m not sure what the answer to that is. I know Sofia wants to, and I know I want to. We said we’re going to, but we haven’t discussed the fine details, or who we’re going to do it with?

Are we going to do it at the same time in the same room, or go off with each other’s partners to different rooms? I wish Sofia was here. I need to know what she wants to do.

I’m hoping this answer will cover most bases.

“Well, we’ve talked about it, but we’re not sure how far we want to go, or what we want to do, but we’re definitely open to ideas.”

“You won’t regret it, man. When you’re balls deep inside of Lacy’s ass, you’ll think you’ve died and gone to heaven. I’m guessing Sofia feels the same. I can’t tell you how much I want to fuck her, Jack. She’s a goddess!”

“I know. I’m so blessed to have her.”

“Oh, man! Are you serious? She’s the hottest woman I’ve ever seen. You’re the luckiest man on this planet!”

I reply with great pride.

“I know I am. She’s beautiful.”

“She’s beyond beautiful, pal. She’s stunning! Lacy has a thing for her, too. I bet you’d like to see those two going at each other, wouldn’t you? I know I would!”

Pete is really excited by this idea.

“Well, Pete, what guy wouldn’t want to see two beautiful women having sex with each other?”

This is one of my greatest fantasies, but I’m not expecting my daughter to be one of the two girls having sex. That said, the thought of seeing Lacy and Sofia fucking each other is definitely something that makes me horny. I’m obviously a sick fucker, but you have to see them to know what I’m talking about.

My phone beeps. Sofia has texted me.

[Sofia] They have an opening right now. Grab your things, and Pete, and get your asses up!

There’s no questioning that. We have our orders. I tell Pete and he’s going to get his things. I collect our stuff, then Pete and I start to make our way up to the Spa area.

The girls are waiting in the reception area for us. They were told there’s a two hour slot for us right now, so they start to lead us through the gardens of the spa.

The spa is beautiful. Even in this place, it’s more calm and tranquil than I imagined. There’s lush, green plants everywhere, and a stream with ponds and waterfalls going through it. It’s just how I’d imagine The Garden of Eden to be.

At the sides, there are huts where the treatments take place. We’re taken to one near the bottom, right next to a free-form plunge pool.

“Everybody can have a dip in the pool after your treatments.”

We’re led into a large hut which has a massive bed in the centre that’s the size of two beds put together. It looks more like a yoga studio than a treatment room. Apparently, this is where they do group massages.

There are four, large towels laid out (side by side) where we’re all going to be lying.

“First, you must shower in one of the bathrooms at either end.”

Lacy and Pete go into one, and Sofia and I go into the other. I’m relieved to get Sofia alone for a minute or two because I want to find out what she has planned, but she just strips off naked and gets into the shower.

“Come on, Daddy, get in and wash yourself.”

I’m concerned about how much Lacy and Pete can hear from their bathroom.

“Baby, keep your voice down. We don’t want them to hear you call me that.”

She laughs.

“Ok, Husband, get in here and wash yourself!”

I take off my clothes off and get into the large shower with Sofia.

“Do you want me to wash you, Daddy?”

“No, Baby, I’ll do it myself!”

She pouts with her lip.

“If you were my husband, I’d wash you, so why can’t I wash my fake husband?”

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