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Sybil of the Sands Ch. 05-06

Story Info
Palace life; another prophecy.
10.2k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/20/2019
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Chapter 5

I learned I was to be a guest at dinner again that night. Not the guest of honor, thank the gods, but a guest at Xentos' table, to show off to his subjects. Kirin pressed a cool cloth to my face, which was puffy and red from crying. I would have been happy to attend the dinner looking as miserable as I felt, but Xentos had ordered her to make me presentable, and out of fear for what might happen to Kirin if she failed, I complied. She restyled my hair and presented me with yet another fresh gown of white cloth, cut almost down to navel in the front, and backless. A slit on each side showed my legs to mid-thigh. The semi-sheer fabric left very little to the imagination, the pink of my nipples faintly showing through. My flesh belonged to Xentos, the dress seemed to say. It was his to display.

Kirin reassured me again that Xentos would not have his way with me that night, but that he did want his guests to admire me, hence the dress. I gritted my teeth at the shame of going nearly naked in public, but it was pointless to argue over it with Kirin, who took her orders from the king. I looked like Jaslyn, I realized. Like I belonged to this life. I tugged the tendrils of hair Kirin had left down over my breasts, attempting to hide them, but it was in vain.

"Who is coming to this dinner?" I asked Kirin, more out of boredom than actual curiosity. Being pampered with dresses and hair and fine accessories was more trouble than it was worth.

"All the king's advisors," she said, thinking. "The captain. Ambassadors from the other tribes of the Silehah." She tucked the strands of hair I'd pulled forward back over my shoulders again. I sighed.

"Why ambassadors? Is that common?"

"No, Vessel. The king does not usually invite them to his table, but I believe he wishes them to see - recent developments." She averted her dark eyes from mine.

"Recent developments?" I snorted. "You mean me. The king wants to show off his new slave to his subjects, to rub it in their faces."

"I believe that may have something to do with it, yes," Kirin said carefully.

"Do the other tribes have satiety prophets?" I asked as Kirin rubbed oil into my arms, giving them a soft glow.

"Some do, O Seer, but I do not know of any with more than one." She tucked my hair aside and rubbed the oil into my back, massaging as she went. Her hands were strong, yet gentle, and despite my dread over the impending dinner I found myself relaxing. I sighed, and leaned into it.

"Thank you for being so kind to me, Kirin," I said. In the short time I'd known her, I'd become very fond of her. She had very dexterous hands, seeming not to tire.

"I am honored to serve the sacred vessel," she replied. "However I can help you, I will."

I wondered how much she meant by that. Would she help me escape, if I asked her to? It was too early in my plan to risk saying anything now. I'd have to continue to play the dutiful concubine, entranced by shiny, pretty things and eager for the king's touch.

After a few minutes, Kirin said it was time to go, and I was led again down the corridors of the palace to the dining hall. This time I was sure I recognized the hallways nearest my rooms - a start. Kirin bowed before taking her leave of me, abandoning me to the horrors of dinner with the king.

Many guests were already in the dining hall, milling about with goblets of wine. None were seated yet. I didn't see the king. A servant offered me a goblet of wine and I greedily accepted, eager to dull the nerves in my stomach. Jaslyn was there already, revealing even more flesh than I, if such a thing was possible while still wearing some semblance of clothing. Yet another white dress, like mine. This must be the uniform of a passion seer. Her jutting hipbones seemed a stark contrast to my softer curves, and her dark hair was swept up and piled atop her head, the better to reveal her bare skin. She sneered slightly upon seeing me, gulping wine and laughing at something her companion said. In a flash of smiles and flirtatious glances, she appeared at my side.

"So," she hissed, so only I could hear, "You don't seem so reluctant to play the part now, do you, little egret?" She placed a hand on the bare expanse of chest revealed by my dress. "Is this your attempt to entice the king?" I reigned in the revulsion I felt at the notion of trying to seduce the king. I needed to get on Jaslyn's good side - she was the only one who could help me understand who I really was.

"No, of course not," I said, trying to widen my eyes in innocence. "This was chosen for me, I'd much rather be garbed in something sensible and..." -I searched for the lest enticing garment I could think of-"Wool."

She laughed cruelly. "A country bumpkin indeed."

I nodded, smiling apologetically. "Yes, I'm afraid so. I didn't even know I had the cur- gift, until I was captu - taken here by Laurent."

Her eyes flashed, a glimmer of curiosity appearing. "You had no idea? What did you think happened when you lay with the village idiots? That it was their gift that made you see such things?"

"I - I'd never lain with a man before."

Her bark of laughter cut across the crowd. Men turned to us, an expectant smile on their lips. "She's just so painfully naïve," Jaslyn laughed, making a joke of me. "Please, go back to your conversations." She batted her eyelashes and smiled charmingly, and the men each seemed to think that she was directing it them. They returned to the conversations, though. Jaslyn leaned in close, and I could feel her nipple against my arm through the thin fabric of her dress. Jaslyn and I were the only women there, aside from the servants. Men gathered in clusters al around the king's great table. "Xentos thinks he's found a treasure. But you're just a fool," she whispered in my ear. "He'll soon see that. You are no threat." She smiled to herself and pulled back.

"It's true," I agreed, "I am no threat at all to you, Jaslyn. But I wondered, if perhaps you might help me?" She raised an eyebrow in disbelief, and I quickly carried on, "It's just that I know so little, and you, you are truly the expert. I could learn so much from you, if you would teach me." She nearly preened in vanity.

"Well, it's true, I am quite the expert. I could teach you one or two things, I suppose. For your own good. I wouldn't want you to give our kind a bad name."

"I would be so grateful," I said, trying not to grit my teeth.

"Fine, tomorrow afternoon your lessons begin. I'll find you." She flounced away without a glance back, ensnaring a man immediately with a coy smile and toss of her head. He sprang to her side immediately, his eyes directed at her sparse cleavage.

"That was well done," murmured a voice in my ear. Laurent. I knew his voice as soon as he spoke, his breath warm against my neck. His hand lightly touched against my bare back, and a jolt of - something - shot through me, a resulting twinge of pain rising from between my legs. I jerked away from him as if I'd been burned.

"Apologies," he said, holding his hands up. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"Well, you did," I replied, and told myself that was the only reason I'd reacted so.

"I meant it, though, you handled Jaslyn well. You might have to puff her up a bit still before you get more useful information out of her, but you've made progress." I nodded agreement, pleased with myself. I would probably have to appeal to her vanity again, more than once, but the foundation was laid.

"The king will be along shortly," said Laurent, and for a moment my blood ran cold, before I forced myself to regain composure.

"Oh?" I asked, as if it was matter of complete indifference to me. "Good, I'm ready to start eating." A lie, of course - my stomach twisted into knots at the thought of Xentos.

"I'd imagine so - have you had anything to eat since the almonds you threw up?" Laurent looked concerned, and no doubt he was -concerned about damage to the king's property.

"No," I admitted, and realized that perhaps I shouldn't have been so free with the wine. On my empty stomach, it was already making me feel warm and heavy, less inhibited. I'd nearly forgotten I was standing in a room full of men, practically naked. I felt self-conscious all of a sudden, and brought my arms in close, crossed over my chest. The movement only drew Laurent's eyes to the skin so prominently displayed, and I flushed.

"Feeling shy?" he asked wryly. I was saved from formulating a response by the arrival of the king. Everyone bowed, so I followed suit. Xentos was wearing a black robe that left half his hairless chest bared, and his skin gleamed in the diminishing sunlight. I wondered idly if he'd used the same oil Kirin had rubbed into my own skin.

"My most honored guests," said the king, glancing around the room, "Welcome. Please, be seated." With a smile, Xentos took his seat at the head of the long table, and Laurent escorted me to my chair next to him, Jaslyn directly across from me. Laurent took the seat next to me. The ambassadors and advisors all claimed their seats, arranging themselves according to a hierarchy I could not determine. I felt comforted that the captain was next to me, but repulsed by Xentos on my other side. I forced myself to look at him, but could not bring myself to smile. Not yet.

Xentos was oblivious to my inner turmoil. "How is my egret this evening?" he asked, all solicitous smiles. "Have you recovered from your tender stomach?" He laughed as though it was a hilarious joke, and many of his guests joined in, including Jaslyn. "You are no doubt tender in many places," he leaned in and whispered, and I struggled to maintain a neutral expression. How could he joke about forcing himself on me? I cast my eyes down at my empty plate and hoped he'd interpret it as demureness and not open hatred.

"Has the mess in the square been cleaned up?" Laurent asked. I was grateful for a change of subject.

"Really, Laurent," Jaslyn piped up before the king could answer, "You expect your king to concern himself with cleaning up messes? Like a common servant?" She laughed, and touched Xentos' arm, though he hardly seemed to notice.

"The situation has been dealt with," Xentos said, dismissing the subject. He stood to address the whole table. "My honored guests, and dearest advisors, thank you for gracing us with your presence tonight. It is my privilege to present to you my newest acquisition, and additional satiety prophet to adorn the fine halls of Niacinth. Anissa, stand," he ordered, and I meekly obeyed, keenly aware of my near nakedness and all the eyes on me. "You know, of course, the lovely Jaslyn, my first passion seer," he indicated Jaslyn, who stood with a smile and flirtatious turn of shoulder. "Now I will have two. What force could take me by surprise, when I have two seers to protect me with their visions? Certainly our neighbors, Quartel, have seen the wisdom in this, and have agreed to sign a peace treaty with Niacinth." Next to Jaslyn, some men stood - ambassadors from Quartel, I presumed - and bowed to the king.

"While there have been treaties of peace among our tribes before," the king continued, "None have stood the test of time. Eventually one party grows overly ambitious, and attacks are made. I feel confident, however, that the precautions I now have in place will make it quite impossible for any surprise attack on Niacinth, or on my life, and I look forward to a long, peaceful relationship with Quartel. I only hope our other neighbors will consider the same opportunity." There were murmurs among the other guests, though whether it was dissent or agreement I could not say.

"Now, let us have a fine meal to celebrate our new treaty, and hopes of others to come!" the king clapped his hands together and the servants began to dish up the food. I picked out a few items half-heartedly. My body was telling me it needed food, yet I had no desire to eat. I could feel Laurent's gaze on me.

"Eat," ordered the captain. I felt like sticking my tongue out at him, like a child, but I began to eat anyway. The food was surprisingly good, and I realized just how hungry I was. I accepted another serving of the meat and wine as Xentos carried on hammering out the details of the treaty with the Quartel tribe. I was uninterested in what they were saying - trade agreements, mostly - I was just glad the king was not directing his attention at me. "You need to keep your strength up," chided Laurent, as I slowed in eating.

"I've had two helpings," I objected. My stomach felt over-expanded already after the scant meals of the last two days.

"Small helpings," he said, with a skeptical look at my plate. I rolled my eyes.

"Should I lick it clean? Would that satisfy you?"

He barked out a laugh, then looked surprised. "It would certainly enliven the dinner conversation." The king was still talking to the Quartel ambassadors, while Jaslyn leaned in and tried to look fascinated - and failed miserably. The other guests were holding hushed conversations, no doubt picking apart the king's speech on peace treaties.

"Shouldn't you be joining in on the important conversations?" I asked Laurent. He shrugged, peeling a strange fruit with his knife. A shock of his amber colored hair fell in his eyes and he brushed it away absent-mindedly.

"I'm not really involved in the negotiations. The king decides what will happen, and I take my queue from him, keep him safe from harm whatever he decides."

"How admirably loyal," I replied sarcastically.

Laurent only smiled. "Here," he offered me a slice of the fruit. I eyed it suspiciously. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen, multi-colored with a spiky rind. The inside fruit was vividly pink, and speckled with tiny seeds. He raised the slice to my lips, his fingers demanding entrance. Too startled to object, I accepted the fruit, my lips grazing against his fingers. It felt strangely sensual, and I looked away quickly, focusing on the juicy flavor of the fruit. "Good?" he asked, and I nodded, still not looking at him. "More?" he offered another slice, but I shook my head. My body reacted too strangely to his touches. It must be the wine, I rationalized. I would not be feeling anything other than resentment for my captor if it wasn't for the wine.

The servants cleared away the dishes, except for the wine goblets, which they refilled. I knew I shouldn't accept a refill, as my head was already getting fuzzy, but I did anyway, buying myself a touch more comfort in the presence of my captor and attacker. How long, I wondered, would we have to sit here while the king made his arrangements, till he dismissed us? I couldn't wait to get back to my room and lie down.

We didn't have long to wait till the king finished his discussion. He rose from his seat to address the table again. "Honored guests, the time has come to seal the peace treaty between Quartel and Niacinth. Eltahl, the tribe leader of Quartel, is here to sign on behalf of Quartel, and I of course will sign for Niacinth." He beckoned his servants, who presented a paper to the king and Eltahl. With a flourish, the king signed, and Eltahl was eagerly waiting, penning his own signature as soon as the king was done. Eltahl looked small standing next to Xentos, whose broad shoulders seemed to take up enough room for two men. The servants retrieved the paper and cleared it away. "As we have agreed," said the king, "Our treaty will allow our allies very occasional use of my own satiety prophets, for kingdoms without their own." My wine froze halfway to my lips. Did that mean what I thought it did?

"In celebration, let us begin such practice tonight, so that our other neighbors might behold how the King of Niacinth rewards his friends!" He spread his arms magnanimously.

Oh gods, I thought my heart would stop. To be used by the king was bad enough, but did he really mean to loan us out as favors? I couldn't do it, I would not be used by this strange man, not even for the sake of my escape plan. I looked frantically around for an exit, intending to bolt. Laurent's hand encircled my wrist, holding it against my chair and effectively keeping me in place. "He doesn't mean you, Anissa," he hissed. "Not this time." My breath slowed as I realized the captain was right. The king was ushering Jaslyn out of her seat.

"I don't suppose you'd let me have a crack at the new one," asked Eltahl, leering at me across the table. Laurent's hold kept me pinned to the chair.

"No, my friend" responded the king, smiling. "She is still new to this, and we are not certain of her capabilities. But Jaslyn is a tried and true seer, and eager to please her king."

"Of course I am, my king," said Jaslyn, baring her breasts as she stripped off the scrap of fabric masquerading as a dress. She stood proud, unashamed of her nakedness. I realized I would be forced to watch her copulation with Eltahl. I didn't want to watch, but I was fervently glad it was her and not me. Eltahl stepped forward, grinning and pawing at Jaslyn's small breasts. His crimson robes did little to hide his evident excitement. I drained my wine goblet again.

"A prophecy for Quartel!" declared the king, and Jaslyn pushed aside the wine goblets on the table before sitting back, her buttocks perched on the edge, directly in front of me. Eltahl was freeing himself from his garment, and I was glad that I couldn't see around Jaslyn. Staring at her naked back was not nearly as uncomfortable as watching Eltahl. The king focused his gaze on the couple, and I was relieved not be under the scrutiny of those dark eyes.

"How does he know if will be for Quartel?" I asked Laurent, the wine making me bold.

"He doesn't. Not for sure. The vision will most likely affect the man bringing her to pleasure, or someone near her in the same room, but not always. For all we know, she might predict the next rainfall, or what new trend will sweep the markets this year." He was looking at me, and not at the spectacle of Jaslyn and Eltahl. I wondered if he was focusing on me out of courtesy, or if he saw this so often that he no longer cared to pay attention.

The wine had dulled my senses, but I was still coherent enough to consider the new information Laurent had provided. That would explain why my first prediction had been about my own mother, and not the soldier stripping me of my dignity. She had been nearby. Laurent had been in the same room, so close I could have reached out and touched him, when I made the prophecy of his murder. It would explain why they king wanted two satiety prophets; not only was it a status symbol, but using us both would increase the chances of receiving a relevant prophecy. Another thought occurred to me.

"If it's so unreliable," I blurted to Laurent, "Why aren't we constantly being pleasured to increase the odds-" I shut my mouth before I could continue. If such a thing hadn't occurred to the king, I didn't want to be the one to suggest it. Laurent looked amused.

"It doesn't work that way, fortunately for you," he replied. "It's different for every seer, but about once per day seems to be the normal rate of prophecies. Anything after that is just, well, pleasure." Was it my imagination, or were the tips of his ears turning red?

I mulled over the new information as Eltahl finally sunk into Jaslyn, who was mewling and panting against him, her hands raking nails across his chest. I knew she must be deep in the grasp of the lust that overcame all passion seers.

"Remember," cautioned the king, "It's about her pleasure, not yours."

"As if it's hard to get her to come!" jeered a guest, and I flushed as I remembered thrusting myself against Xentos on this very table, seeking the pleasure. Jaslyn appeared as lost in it as I had been. It felt far too intimate, watching her writhe with desire. Her hands clasped the edge of the table, and she used the leverage to meet Eltahl's hips with her own.

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