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Sydney's Adventures Ch. 3


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"Wait here for a moment," she whispered. I wasn't sure what she was doing, but our room was engulfed in the delicate fragrance of roses. I heard her close the door behind us, and then a weird striking sound, which I couldn't quite place. I could hear her move slowly around the room, but I couldn't tell what she was doing. Finally she slipped behind me and gently pulled off the blindfold. Opening my eyes, I didn't know what to look at first. The flickering light from hundreds of slender, red taper candles provided a warm glow to the room, illuminating dozens of vases full of red roses, which were everywhere—on bookshelves, windowsills and night tables. Red satin sheets replaced the normal cotton ones on our bed, which was covered in rose petals, as was the floor. A heart shaped box of chocolate rested in the middle of the bed and a bottle of champagne on ice was in a stand next to it.

"Oh my god, Cindy, it's…magical," I said with hushed awe. "I love it…and you."

"I love you too," Cindy replied, straddling me on the chair and sitting down in my lap. I hooked my fingers in her hair and brought her face down to mine. Looking into each other's eyes our lips touched gently. She sucked my lower lip into her mouth and began nibbling on it. Drawing back from me just a bit, she pulled her dress up and over her head revealing her beautiful body, naked except for her stockings and heels. I could feel her bare breasts press into mine as we kissed long and hard. "Let's get that dress off you lover" Cindy said, standing up. She slid her hand into the slit in my dress, across my legs and I raised my hips allowing her to gently pull the velvet material up and over my head. She sat back down in my lap, but before she could kiss me again I plunged my head forward into the valley between her enormous, soft breasts. I showered them with kisses gradually moving toward one of her nipples. I sucked it into my mouth and nibbled on it softly, feeling it harden between my lips and teeth. She arched her back in pleasure and pulled my head harder into her heaving chest. Wrapping one arm around her to keep her in place, I slid the other one between our legs, searching for her bare pussy. Guided by the tremendous heat, I found it, sopping wet and dripping with her juices. I slid my well-manicured middle finger down her slit, all the while continuing my assault on her tender nipples.

"Wait, wait," she protested weakly "the chocolates!"

"Mmmm…you know how I love chocolate."

"Here, let me get them," she said pushing away from me. I could see her pussy, swollen and drooling with lust, as she backed away from me and turned to get the chocolates. "The only rule," she said, box in hand, "is that you can't use your fingers to eat them. Now, which one would you like?" She opened the box displaying an assortment of beautifully decorated truffles.

"How about that one?" I said, pointing to a dark chocolate one with pink highlights.

"Sure," she said, picking it up "but I want half." She sat back down in my lap, our warm breasts pressing against each other, and put the box on a nearby table. Holding the desired truffle gently between her teeth, she pulled her hair back and lowered her mouth to mine. I bit through the chocolate shell, and released a stream of cherry syrup, which dribbled down our chins and onto our breasts. We both realized I had picked a chocolate coated cherry and we began wrestling with our teeth for the sweet flesh of the cherry. Our breasts, sticky with syrup, rubbed against each other as we fought for the cherry until, in a display of mock savagery, we ripped the poor thing apart, each devouring our half greedily.

"I think that's the best chocolate that I've ever tasted!" I said and we giggled together. "Now, which one would you like?" Cindy gestured to a plain one, which I picked up and regarded in my fingers. "How should I feed this one to you I wonder? Hmmmm…ah, I know!" I put the chocolate between my ample breasts and squeezed them together. Without hesitation Cindy dove into my cleavage, her tongue flicking out, trying to reach the buried morsel. I pressed my breasts together harder, denying her easy access to the chocolate, which I could feel beginning to soften and melt. Cindy redoubled her efforts, leading with her nose and tongue, as she tried to burrow into my tits. I had to squeeze them together even harder to deny her access and I felt the chocolate shell collapse and the gooey insides spread out over my tits.

"Mmmm…Grand Marnier!" came the muffled exclamation as Cindy's tongue found its target.

"Ooohhh…I want some!" I said, releasing my boobs and looking down. Cindy took the opportunity to begin licking greedily at the chocolate globs covering the insides of my breasts. "Hey! Save some for me!" I said grabbing one of my tits and bringing it to my mouth. While I licked as much of the chocolatey orange goo from my left breast, Cindy licked, nibbled and generally devoured my right one, before joining me on the left one. Our tongues met at my nipple and we began competing for the right to suck the last of the chocolate off it. The feeling of our tongues and lips and teeth wrestling over my already sensitive nipple was an experience I won't soon forget. I'd never had an orgasm from breast play alone, but suddenly I felt an electric shock between my nipple and my pussy and, before I knew what was happening, I was arching my back in the throes of a tremendous climax. I guess I lost the battle for the last bit of chocolate, but I definitely won the war!

Looking down between my saliva-covered breasts I could see Cindy cleaning off the last of the chocolate. Deciding that I couldn't wait for her to finish, I grabbed a truffle at random from the box and raised it to my mouth.

"Hey!" She must have noticed me. "You can't just eat that! It's against the rules!" She tried to grab the chocolate but instead hit my hand and smeared the chocolate all over my chin and left cheek. "Oops!" she said, chagrinned. "Sorry."

"You bitch!" I shrieked playfully and grabbed a handful of truffles. "I'll get you for that!" She jumped off my lap and backed away from me. I grabbed a second handful and advanced on her, trapping her in a corner of the room.

"Sydney!" she protested as I took a step forward. "No, please!" Another step. She tried to make a break for it, but I was way too fast for her. I got her hip and upper thigh with my inside hand as she went past smearing chocolate goo from there, across her bare pussy and belly to her near tit. With my outside hand I reached around and smeared chocolate over her hip and butt, and then she was past me, running for the box of chocolates. Reaching it, she picked up two handfuls and turned to face me. She realized her superior armament and advanced on me, backing me into the bed. Knowing I had no place to go she jumped at me, melted chocolate dripping from her hands. All I could do was fall backwards, but she still got me. One hand landed firmly on my bald pussy, coating it with chocolate, before sliding upwards, smearing the truffles liberally across my tummy and breasts. Surprised by my backwards fall onto the bed, Cindy tried to brace herself with her other hand. It landed on my tummy but was far too gooey and slippery to stay there and slid up, across one of my breasts, and off. Without anything to support her, Cindy tumbled onto me as we collapsed onto the bed, sending up a cloud of rose petals. Suddenly our mock battle was forgotten and our warm, sticky bodies pressed against each other. We could taste the chocolate in each other's mouths as we kissed passionately, our battle forgotten. Cindy straddled one of my thighs and began rubbing her pussy back and forth across my leg, leaving a sticky gel of cum and chocolate. I began humping my pussy up and down her leg and we rolled further onto the bed. The combined smell of roses and chocolate was overwhelming our senses and we were both rapidly approaching a shared climax. Closing our legs tightly we both arched our backs and rubbed our sticky pelvises together, our engorged clits slipping and sliding against each other, lubricated in a sea of chocolate and cum. Then I felt a gush of warm liquid as cum jetted from Cindy's pussy, directly onto my clit, pushing me over the edge. I couldn't hold back my orgasm and longer and I erupted spraying cum all over Cindy's pussy, belly and thighs. Exhausted, she collapsed on top of me, nuzzling her head into my neck as we held each other. Our sweaty, chocolatey, cum-covered bodies were plastered with rose petals as we rested in each other's arms.

"Mmmmm…honey…you're a mess," Cindy said when she'd regained the strength to lift her head and look down at me.

"You're not in real good shape either," I said, looking between our bodies to our breasts, which were covered in chocolate goo and quickly becoming glued together.

"I guess we should clean up huh?" she asked reluctantly.

"I'll clean you, if you'll clean me," I said, nibbling at a bit of chocolate stuck at the end of her cute, pert nose.

"You've got yourself a deal!"

She rolled off of me and lay on the bed by my side. I propped myself up on an elbow looking around for something to clean up with, when my eyes settled on the bottle of champagne. With a wicked grin I rolled over, straddling Cindy's stomach and pinning her arms to her side and reached for the ice-cold bottle. Seeing what I was after, Cindy tried to escape, but my thighs were too tight around her waist. I slowly pulled the foil off the cork as she thrashed from side to side beneath me. I shook the bottle a few times and then loosened the cork with my thumbs. Giving the bottle one more shake, I popped the cork off, which rocketed across the room. Champagne erupted from the bottle like a geyser, splashing all over Cindy's face and breasts as well as mine where it dripped off my breasts and ran over my tummy. Realizing there was only one way to escape, she tried to slide through my legs, and the slippery vixen almost made it. Just as her shoulders slipped through though, I clamped my legs together, trapping her head right below my bald pussy. She attacked it with her tongue, trying to distract me and I have to say the tactic worked. I began pouring the champagne on myself, letting it trickle down between my breasts, across my tummy and into my slit where Cindy lapped it up greedily. The feeling of ice-cold champagne bubbling over my clit combined with the warmth of Cindy's tongue quickly brought me to the edge of orgasm. Forgetting everything, I relaxed my grip on the champagne bottle. Cindy noticed and grabbed the bottle out my hand, but I couldn't care less as I could feel my pussy beginning to spasm. She continued licking my clit as my orgasm built and I never noticed her shaking the bottle behind my back. I did notice, though, when she reached around and unleashed a blast of champagne right on my clit. Recoiling from pleasure and sensory overload I arched my back, my orgasm ripping through my body, and fell over. Cindy squirmed out from underneath me and pressed her advantage, standing over me on the bed and shooting champagne onto my defenseless, cumming body. I was completely soaked by the time I came down and Cindy had almost run out of champagne.

Using her own dirty tactics against her, I sat up and buried my face in her pussy. She gasped with pleasure and I wrested the bottle from her insensate hand. Grabbing her butt, I pulled her pussy harder into my mouth. Cindy responded by groaning and fondling her tits, gently nibbling on one of her chocolatey nipples. I lowered her gently to the bed and resumed my attack on her pussy. I let the last of the champagne dribble into her and was almost overwhelmed by the heady mixture of her salty pussy mixed with the fruity, bubbly champagne. Nothing had ever tasted better to me, and I burrowed my tongue as far up her pussy as I could get it while I massaged her clit with my thumbs. The flow of her juices grew steadily until the floodgates burst open, accompanied by high-pitched squeals of pleasure. Cindy held my head tightly as her hips spasmed, rubbing her pussy all over my face and coating it with her cum. When she finally could take no more, I pulled away and looked down on her. I could still see her pussy clenching and unclenching when I discovered the empty champagne bottle. Knowing that I had no choice, I picked it up and eased it into her. I could see her pussy muscles contracting around the neck of the bottle, trying to get more of it up inside her, and I obliged, shoving the bottle up her until it became too wide for her to handle. This set off another series of orgasms in her and I began pumping the bottle in and out, watching in fascination as her cum leaked out the sides of her pussy, thoroughly coating the bottle and my hand. She was thrashing on the bed, screaming and loving the feeling of this glass invader. I left the bottle in her and lay down on my side taking her face in my hands and lowering my mouth to hers.

"I think that was the best date I've ever had!" I mumbled when we came up for air.

"And certainly the messiest!" she replied and we laughed, looking around at the mess we had made.

"I think we might actually enjoy the clean-up though," I said, licking some chocolate from her breast. We tried valiantly to give each other thorough tongue baths but we inevitably got distracted while fondling each other's generous tits or moist pussies. After several more orgasms we collapsed into a sticky tangle of arms, legs, breasts and rose petals.

We woke up the next morning and hurriedly cleaned up the room and jumped in the shower. By the time our roommates returned everything was back to normal.

"So, did you guys have a good time with the boys?" I asked.

"Yeah, they were all right I guess," Jenny responded without enthusiasm. "How about you two?"

"Yeah, we had an okay time too, I guess."

"Yeah, it was all right," Cindy said. "You guys want to grab some lunch?"

As we headed out the door behind Jenny and Arianna we winked at each other and nearly cracked up. Okay indeed!

Author's Note: Let me know how you liked this third installment and if you think I should write more about my life. If you haven't read about some of my past adventures, please do! Also, if you liked this story a lot, then vote below, if you didn't like it move on, there's nothing to see here! Also, feel free to email me with any suggestions, criticisms, propositions or story ideas!

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

My God!!!!!!!!!!!!! where do I start?

The characters, even though I have not read any of the other chapters or any of your other stories for that matter, are well developed enough to the point where I have no problem actually imagining them. Then the story itself....well, it is excellent, I love the build up and how they tease each other shamelessly even in the restaurunt. I also love the fact that the waiter from the restaurant was NOT involved, the idea of the two girls alone is perfection, no offense, but I think a guy would have spoiled it. The use of food adds dynamic and fun creativity to the story keeping it from being monotonous wihtout being cheesy. Overall, it is perfection! Please, please keep writing!!! Thank you =D

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Love it!!

I trully enjoyed your stories. They made my pussy so wet!!

Thank you,

I would love to read more...please continue!!

I will say though that what I actually enjoyed was the lesbian sex!

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