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Tag Ch. 01 - The Game Begins

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Ryan gets an unexpected invitation to game night.
6k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 12/07/2022
Created 06/08/2022
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Prologue: Objectives

The moment she showed up at his house to play the Game he was afraid of his lust for her.

It wasn't uncommon for new women to show up at his door to play Tag, and it always added some flavor to the nights. Not that the nights ever needed more flavor than they carried baseline. It was designed for his pleasure, and if there had never been a single change to the format, the participants, or the outcome of those nights Ryan would never have had room to complain.

But when this particular woman showed up, so far into the game into which he'd been ensnared, he knew his night would be focused on her and her alone. He knew what his goals would be, and knew that he would exclude all other objectives to achieve them.

And that would be where his real problems would begin.

Chapter One: The Game Begins

Leslie was out of town again, as his wife frequently was for work. Ryan was sitting at home watching a movie, the lights only on in the living room where he needed them, wearing just a pair of sweatpants as he relaxed alone, when the doorbell rang. He was confused with a note of consternation, not expecting anyone to break up the night he'd assumed he would have entirely to have to himself.

When he opened the door, he was immediately taken aback by the sight. At first all he knew was that there was a crowd of women standing on his front porch, fronted by a woman with curly brown hair wearing a trench coat. They were all wearing matching tan trench coats, he realized, and as he watched the woman in the front slowly slid the bottom of hers aside to reveal a bare leg. While he was still looking at that bare, toned leg she started slipping the top of her coat aside slightly to reveal the bulge of one of her breasts as she said, "Can we come in?"

Ryan was sure his mouth was genuinely hanging open but couldn't do much to fix that until the woman pushed past him, followed by the small gang of other women who swiftly made their way into his house. They moved through it directly into the living room without pause, leaving him to collect his jaw and shut the front door after a quick glance to see if anyone in the neighborhood was out that night to see his... intruders?

He followed them into the living room, where they'd spread themselves out comfortably across the furniture. He took them all in, the usual questions running through his thoughts: Is this a joke? Is this a dream? Is this a trap? But it was all too soon to know, too soon to make any moves, so all he could do was observe.

They seemed hand-chosen to provide all the variety he could want. They never said their names, and he was always too nervous to ask and break the spell, so within a few rounds of the game he had taken to thinking of them with the names of the pornstars they most closely resembled.

There was Alina, a short, perky Asian woman.

Diamond, a taller, busty black woman.

Nadya, a tall blonde with perfect, perfectly fake tits.

Divya, a thin Indian woman with bulging natural breasts.

Justine, a frail, freckled redhead with a perfect little ass.

Then there was Tori, the brunette who had started it all, letting herself into his house and handing him the card that would set his fate in motion from that moment on.

He probably would not have made the connection to a Tarot card even later, when he had time to dwell on its effect on his life, if not for the mystic design on the back of the rules that looked like something from a deck meant to tell his fortune. It was the less grandiose side that told more with regards to his circumstances, however. It was handwritten in small script that was appropriate to its Tarotic reverse, but listed bullet points beneath the simple heading: "The Rules."

1: The game lasts an hour.

2: When you tag a woman, you can do whatever you want to her for 30 seconds.

3: After 30 seconds another woman can tag you; you must lie on the floor and count to 30. Then you're It again.

4: You're not It if you stop having sex after 30 seconds but before getting tagged; then you can hide and the other players will search for you.

5: You win if you get off before the hour ends.

6: If you haven't gotten off after an hour, you win if you are not It when the alarm sounds.

7: If you win by not being It after an hour, then you have as long as you want to do whatever you want to all of the other players.

8: You lose if you have not gotten off and you're It at the end of the hour.

9: If you lose, the women are allowed to use you for whatever sex acts they please.

10: If you lose, we release footage from the Game.

Before he'd reached the end he could feel the rub of his sweatpants as he started to get hard at the very suggestions the card he held made, felt the blood draining from one end to the other as he looked up and saw all six women slowly untie their coats and let them drop to the living room floor, every different and demanding body catching a firm grip on his eyes while Tori asked, "So are we playing or not?

Ryan hoped, briefly, that he would be strong enough to resist the temptation laid out before him. He had always been a faithful husband, after all, and nothing about what stood before him changed his love for his wife, absent or not. He knew the right answer and intended, in the moments before the last coat hit the floor, to give that answer to Tori.

But the entire varied feast of flesh that had walked into his clutches stared back, and with the question writ so large on their faces there was only one answer he was able to give.

"I'll play."

"Excellent," Justine said from off to his right, standing near the door to the kitchen, and with a quick flick of her wrist the last light in the house went out and his first Game started.


Ryan wasn't exactly stumbling around in the dark; after all, it was his house and he knew its layout. Still, as flustered as he was by the sudden onslaught of thoughts and hormones and conflicting feelings, he lost precious seconds performing the simple act of removing his pants, then tripped over not one but two of the discarded trench coats, before bumping into the couch and finally pausing to catch his breath.

He could hear their feet everywhere. He could hear the sounds of certain familiar doors opening and closing, the occasional giggle, and here and there small scraping sounds as though furniture was moving. The house was alive with sexual opportunities, and all he had to do was catch them.

This can't be cheating because this can't be real, Ryan thought to himself as he stepped into the dining room. He crouched down and looked under the dining room table, then cut through the kitchen with a glance behind the counter, hand jerking to keep himself hard while he checked the front hall and started up the stairs.

The second floor hall branched off in multiple directions. It was a large house he and his wife shared, with a bathroom, the master bedroom, a spare room, an office, and a large linen closet taking up the second floor layout. He paused at the top of the stairs for a moment, wondering how much precious time had already passed.

Maybe I'm dying. Maybe this is what my brain cooked up as I ran out of oxygen.

The hallway was silent. The house was silent, and he could only barely make out the sights as he stepped across to the linen closet and opened the door with his free hand.

And there was Justine, pale frame glowing in the dark closet, against the back wall leaning against the shelves full of pillows, blankets, and towels. When he opened the door both of them startled, and he stood there dumbly, still not trusting this strange surprise even as he felt his cock grow firmer in its resolve to tag the petite redhead standing in front of him, red curls swaying across her breasts, waiting for him to act.

It was several seconds before he slowly stepped forward, both hands raised, inching closer to his first conquest in the Game, fear mingling with lust as he thought of all the places he might tag her.

He was halfway to her when he heard feet scamper behind him, rushing out of the linen closet. Someone had been curled up tightly in the corner out of his sight and had just made her escape. Shocked, Ryan spun back towards Justine, but she was already dodging behind him, disappearing into the hall while Ryan was still coming to the realization that this was not just a pretense: He would have to catch these women to win this game.

There was at least one pair of feet hurrying up the stairs to the third floor. Ryan snapped into action, darting out of the closet and hurrying towards the stairs. He grabbed the banister and spun around the corner, taking the steps two and three at a time as he watched a flow of red hair twist towards the rec room above.

He burst through the door and saw Justine again, standing on the far side of the pool table, hands placed on its edge and waiting for him, a grin visible on her face in the light from the windows.

"Come and get me!" she said, briefly sticking her tongue out at him. He lunged forward to do just that, reaching across the pool table as she jumped back away from him. Ryan started to slide left and she started to slide right; he slid right and she slid left; his erection faltered briefly as he tried to figure out how to catch her, when he decided to just vault over the pool table and all at once he grabbed her by the shoulder with one hand and by the hip with the other.

Justine didn't try to run anymore. Instead she reached towards her wrist, to a smartwatch she was wearing. When she pressed it he saw that there was already a timer on it, now down at fifty-four minutes. When she tapped it again the number thirty showed up large; a third tap and the countdown from thirty seconds began.

Ryan watched with a sudden twist to his gut, remembering the rule: thirty seconds to do whatever he wanted to her. And she was just standing there, waiting, letting his clock run out while he failed to take advantage of having tagged her in what he was beginning to realize in a moment of clarity was destined to be the greatest game he had ever played.

Heart racing, Ryan reached his fingers into Justine's thick red hair, wrapped his hand around the back of her head, and gently drew it down towards his half-ready erection. She went without resistance, slipping to her knees, licking her lips with the same pink little tongue that had been poked out at him teasingly only moments earlier, and then began gently kissing the tip towards which he guided her. He slid his other hand into her hair and leaned back against the pool table, holding her head in place as her kisses grew steadily wetter, her lips parting steadily wider, and his cock growing steadily harder. He looked down after a few seconds and saw that where her head and his hips met everything was lost in the tangle of her hair, and all he knew was that somewhere under there the first results of his betrayal were playing out in sweet, sensual splendor.

He wasn't sure exactly how many seconds this went on for; all Ryan knew was that it lasted long enough for Divya to legally crawl underneath the pool table, tap him on the ankle, and say "Tag! You're it!"

Justine immediately pulled away from him, her first sign of resistance since she'd been tagged, and stood away, tapping her smartwatch against to show the main countdown: Fifty-two minutes left.

"Lay down and count to thirty," she said, pointing at the floor.

Ryan looked down at his cock, fully hard again, the far end glistening with Justine's saliva, the bottom still dry from her lips' slow approach that had ended before they had gotten all the way down. He wanted to protest, but his thoughts flashed back to the card, then flashed forward to the next fifty-two minutes, and he decided to quietly lie down on the floor and start counting.

Across the room, Justine and Divya disappeared back into the hallway.


By the time he counted to thirty the house was silent again. He moved slower now, creeping out into his own third floor hallway and listening for any sounds that might give away one of the women he was searching for. There was nothing; he decided to search the rest of the third floor, which included another, smaller spare bedroom, a study, and another small bathroom.

He thought for the first time about large a house they had. It had been a good deal years earlier when they'd first been married, too large for just the two of them but an exciting prospect anyway. They'd spent so much time and energy that first year renovating the place, getting it ready for the sorts of guests and parties that would only come on occasion, but which made the work worth it when those events did arrive.

Ryan wondered for the first time why these women had chosen him. Was it the size of the house? Had they looked for a house with an attractive young man in it that was large enough to play this game, and he happened to fit the bill? Or, he wondered for the first time, did they imagine that the size of the house indicated wealth? Were some of those uncaught women searching the house for valuables right at that moment in a crime he would have to hesitate to call in to the cops by its very nature?

He and Leslie were fairly well off, but well off enough to warrant six women using their bodies to rob them? Hardly.

Still, if I have to get robbed, I can think of worse ways....

Ryan slowly pushed the door to the third floor spare room open and peeked inside. Nothing immediately obvious, but he walked in anyway, checking behind the door this time, then under the bed, and then finally going to the closet.

His heart pounding as he slid the closet door open, he was ready this time when Nadya burst out and tried to make a run for the door, grabbing her by the elbow and stopping her mid-step. She reached up with a sly grin and double tapped her own smartwatch, bringing that "30" onto the screen and starting his countdown.

Not hesitating this time, Ryan pushed her towards the bed, shoving her into a seated position on it so that she was at just the right height for him grab her shoulders and leaned her round, fake tits towards him. She caught on immediately, squeezing her bulbous breasts together to envelope his cock, still sticky wet from Justine's kisses. As he thrust up she dropped herself down onto him, pressing those soft-but-firm breasts against his hips, tilting her head down to slowly spit between her mounds and onto his cock, her spit mixing with Justine's to send his cock flying between her bulging, handcrafted bags, his tip barely poking out from the top of their volume.

Ryan looked down and saw that his thirty seconds were up, and the main countdown was back again: forty-nine minutes, and he as he looked around the room he saw that no one had snuck up on him quite yet. He had those tits to himself for a little while longer.

All of her, he reminded himself. Ryan slid himself out from between Nadya's breasts, placing his hand on the back of her neck to guide her down just slightly further to put her mouth on it. He didn't leave room for gentle kisses like Justine had offered: he wanted more now and he took it, pushing his way greedily towards the back of Nadya's mouth. She grabbed hold of the base of his cock and slowed him, but still pushed down past where Justine had gone, taking almost all of him in before pulling back to start over, then getting into the rhythm, her head still bobbing as she slid off the bed and onto her knees to take him in from a better angle.

It was her loud, sloppy sucking that must have caught Tori's attention. She burst in through the door and called "Ah-ha!" before hurrying across the room to tag him. "Count!" she said, turning and hurrying out of the room, followed shortly by Nadya's relatively narrower behind.

As he laid down to count this time, Ryan was no longer thinking about Whys and Whethers: his lust was raging now, and all he could think about was who and what he was going to get inside of next.


He found Diamond back in the living room, hiding on her hands and knees between the coffee table and the couch. Positioned as she was, she didn't try to run when Ryan found her, leaving him able to tag her on her head as he dropped to his knees on the carpet in front of her and slid forward to refresh the moisture on his dick. Diamond's tongue snaked out and slid halfway down his cock before her lips ever touched it, her breath cooling his wet skin before taking him into her warm mouth. She twisted and dipped her head around him for only a few seconds before he looked up and saw her full, plump ass bouncing as she flung herself against him. Her watch still had fifteen seconds on it, and with no one else visible he leapt to his feet and circled the coffee table to kneel on her other side.

Only as he got to the floor behind Diamond's upraised ass and firmly muscled thighs did he think about the fact that he didn't have a condom on or know where to grab one in the house. He and Leslie hadn't used them in years and if there were any hidden in the house he would not have trusted them to be in good condition anyway.

Diamond, looking over her shoulder and, seeing him hesitating, said, "Don't you worry, we're all clean and controlled. Put it right on in and go hard as you want, long as you want."

Ryan glanced down at her bare, black lips glistening mere inches from his dripping cock, then quickly decided he'd already gone too far to turn back and his seconds were ticking away. Slapping one hand to her ass he dragged her back and rubbed himself against her smooth skin until he found the warmth he was looking for and slowly dug his way in. When her curves were pressed against his stomach he paused and held himself fully enveloped in her, sighing with the feel of her squeezing flesh wrapped around him.

Before he had a chance to make another move Diamond began wiggling her ass against him, shifting him around inside her while his grip on her ass tightened. He held her close so that none of him escaped her attentions, while she planted her hands against the floor to hold herself against him, hard enough that he had to brace himself against the couch so that her reverse humping wouldn't knock him to the floor.

Not that he needed to worry for too long: When Justine snuck up and smacked him on the ass he fell backwards anyway, holding on tightly to Diamond to try to keep his balance and succeeding only in dragging her down on top of him when hit the floor. She stayed moaning on his lap for a couple of blessed extra seconds, rotating her hips a few last times before getting to her feet and running off.

He didn't know how long there was left to the game at that moment, but he did know that the thirty seconds he had to waste counting seemed to last forever.


He saw Tori's watch before he saw Tori, getting a glimpse at the big numbers glowing "37:19" in the windows of the back door, reflected from where she stood pressed against the basement door. Ryan made as though to check under the dining room table, then leapt up and grabbed Tori's breasts, using them to pin her against the basement door. They were medium-sized, not nearly as big as Nadya's, a bit larger than Alina's or Justine's, just enough for a handful each as he leaned down to take turns tasting each of her nipples.

Just below his field of vision he watched her tap her watch.

Then just below his vision he felt her grab him between the legs, one hand on his shaft while the other reached lower to start massaging his hard, swollen balls where they hung tensed and ready to go off. Her hands were lubed by three other mouths and one other pussy, and though she started off slow she picked up the pace fast, until before the thirty seconds were even up she was jerking at full speed with her right hand while still just fondling with her left, the perfect complement to each other while he continued to play with her just-right breasts, tasting and sucking and licking at every part of her chest so that he didn't even notice at first that the hand on his shoulder was a fifth one to the party, and had to have it pointed out to him that Divya had just tagged him.


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